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Thanks !! But What was the original purpose according to Numbers 8: 21?

If God Says that He has a given the Tithes to the Priests; Why are some Christians Angry when the Priests uses the tithe as their own as commanded by scripture. Why Must they express anger if priests used their God Given entitlement to buy " Private Jets" ? Are Good Things Which Comes from God Reserved for the SINNERS and Parishioners to the Exclution of the Priests??

Thanks ! But I read in the NT about Jesus, who is the Author of Christianity, said " I have not come to CONDEMN the Law , but to enable it's fulfilment" If Jesus Did not Cancel Tithe , why do some Christians vehemently Condemn it??

Also if God , as You said in Malachi 3 Compels it and it's attendant Blessings and Curses; why Condemn the Pastor's/Priests who Preaches it Vehemently, Perhaps to steer them from incurring the Wrath of God??

What Did Numbers 8:21 says about Whose Entitlement is the Tithe??