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in musing-threads •  6 years ago 
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Truly, I believe it all boils down to one word.  


If more couple would openly and honestly communicate with each other I think it would lead to a much lower rate of divorce. 

Many of the tiffs that I have with my wife are simply because we aren't on the same page.  When we take the time to talk about what is going on, realize where the misunderstanding was and iron things out, we are back to normal.

All too often couples shove things down and close down the lines of communication that used to be so free flowing at the beginning of their relationship.   

I believe as well that having open and honest communication before you are married may lead you to realize you shouldn't marry that person to begin with.  If you never get married, you can't get divorced right?

We need to learn that is okay to express our feelings, our disappointments, our concerns and our fears.  If we hold all of those things inside they will just simmer and turn to resentment and then you end up taking all of that out on the person closest to you and drive them away.

Lots of people are going to tell you that money, sex, whatever else is the reason for high divorce rates, but in the end it is actually lack of communication about all of those things that leads to divorce, not the thing itself.


Too many people do not have patience these days.

The patience to work things through, the patience to listen to their spouse or partner, the patience to calmly and rationally discuss the issues.

People are quick to anger today, usually become defensive right away, feel as if they are being attacked and of course will lash back out themselves.

While communication is key as others have said, I believe you must have patience first before you can get to the point of communicating. There is no point trying to communicate when you, your partner or both of you are feeling angry or resentful. The communication will simply devolve to arguing and name calling.

You must have patience and understanding of the others view point. Notice I said understanding not agreeing. It is always OK to disagree with someone as long as it is done politely and respectfully, in a way that does not make them feel belittled or ignored.

Patience is the key.

The saying that "what does not kill you, makes you strong" is true.

No one wants marriage and household relations to run aground in the middle of the road, let alone get to the divorce stage. However, if this happens, women are usually the biggest victims of feelings.


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Reporting from, Wednesday (03/02/2016), here are eight things that you must pay attention to in order to achieve happiness faster and not drag on the sadness after divorce. If you can overcome the following 8 important things, your life will be guaranteed to be better and happier.

1. Finance

The process of divorce and being single again forces you to balance everything, including the budget. Relying on your ex-husband for your financial future is not an achievement. You will be fully responsible for various fees and bills. This is probably the most difficult time, but believe me, over time, you will feel free.

2. Relationships

After a divorce, you will understand and be more confident about the type of partner you want. Divorce teaches how to be a better partner for others. In addition, you will also learn to express feelings more honestly.

3. Independence

Husband-wife relationships actually help each other. With a husband, the wife is usually lazy to do homework that feels heavy, such as repairing the roof of a house. "I'll wait for my husband to come home from the office to fix it." I see?

However, when divorced, like it or not, you have to do everything by yourself. This requires your independence for everything.

4. Career

With a divorce, a career will become a shifting aspect. If at the time of marriage you choose a "safe" job, another thing you have to do after a divorce. Various ways to be able to run your own business or business can be an option to be immediately independent in finance.

5. Relationship between parents and children

When you have been entrenched in an unhealthy relationship with your partner, divorce is the time for you to pay special attention to children. Focus on what they need. Divorce can make you become a better, loving, loving parent and no longer overwhelmed by emotion.

6. Health

Various studies have shown that a marriage can make people live longer. But a high level of stress when you are in an unhealthy marriage relationship can have a bad effect.

7. Friendship

Believe that a divorce can make you see who your real friends are. Some will suddenly date your ex-husband. Maybe this sounds very cruel, but know that he is not a real friend, so you don't have to waste time with him. Start making relationships with the people who support you.

8. Travel

Exploring the world may have been a dream with an ex-husband, but when a divorce occurs, you will be more free to do it. Go and don't be afraid, because you no longer need to wait for someone to wait and adjust the schedule to go together.

When you get married you say the vows. They should mean something. Let us start and see what we all said those of us that are married.

 "I, (Bride/Groom), take you (Groom/Bride), to be my (wife/husband), to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part." 

These are the standard wedding vows. What has changed since the wedding day that causes a divorce?

I think one should talk things through and communicate. Partners that communicate will stay together. It is hard to say why marriages end in divorce. Nothing is easy and they need constant working. If you want something to work you will.

I think it is just too easy today and can be done very cheaply and quickly. People give up and aren't prepared to fight for what they once had and turn their backs on marriage.

Okay, first we need the be hosnest about the issue. Most of the time it women who iniciate the divorce. So now we know who. Now why do they do it ?! There is no negative reaction from it, more of a positive reaction. Why did they break up they ask, they say that the men did something or wasn't enough, so socialy there is no negative. Courts most of the time side with the women, so there isn't also any negative. As a resuot from al this, women don't take merriage serious and see it as a always win game that if it doesn't goes how she wants it, they could just stop it and other people will take the fall while she takes her winnings.

Now how do we stop this reaction, ... well, to make it simple, make the one who iniciate divorce liable, don't make it a game and make sure that getting out is hard enough so that they have to triple think about it before they both say yes.