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I Have faith in Jesus. His Life Demonstrates me that He was from Paradise and He was with God.

So when God Made Earth,He had individual Association with Man, He lived with him yet at that

point, Satan the Adversary of God - a Holy messenger God Made had God Complex and began to oppose God.

What's more, that is the reason Satan Deceived Adam and Eve to Ignore God.

What's more, that is' The means by which Sin entered Earth. What's more, the Association with

God was Broken. From that point on Man never had suggest association with God. Also, Adam's relatives had confidence in God yet not on the

grounds that they saw God but rather their dad was the confirmation of God.

What's more, since we as a whole are Adam's relatives we as a whole have that Transgression in Us from birth and in our DNA has the

characteristics of Adam, sin, ethical quality inquiry concerning God.

Everything is in us since Man used to be with God yet then We Dismissed God and It's upto every

one of us whether to Acknowledge God in our life and Begin our Association with Him.