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My partner also loves his Leathermen.

See, I said men because he has two, haha!

He first had only a black Leatherman Wave. He took it everywhere with him and used it every day, but once a couple years ago he forgot it in his locker at work just as his one month vacation started - the workplace also shut its doors for the whole month.

So he went and bought a Leatherman Surge which also helped him a lot in any occasion. Unfortunately half of one of its plier snapped in half not long ago so he took it to repairs and uses the old one (although that one would need some renewing aswell).

If you have your Leatherman registered somehow or still have the receipt, you should be able to get it repaired at an official Leatherman retailer if needed - the guarantee supposedly lasts a whole lifetime and they give you a replacement Leatherman to use until yours comes back (although my guy didn't get one this time - they were out of replacement Leathermen).

I've also heard of occasions when either the damage has been too big, the Leatherman is too old or the guys are just too lazy that they just give you a newer Leatherman instead of sending your old one to get fixed.