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I don't think they hate reading books, I think they rather are attracted more to other activities like social media, watching videos on youtube and playing games. A few decades ago there weren't that much attractions as nowadays to spend your time with and reading seemed one of the most pleasant ones. I remember before video games and having a computer I was spending almost two hours a day reading, but that time decreased with the evolution of technology. At least in my situation. There are still teenagers who read daily, on kindles or classic books so we're not doomed in this regard. 

The internet today consists of micro-reading. You read tweets, facebook posts, memes, and everything comes in small bites.

If you face a big task such as reading a whole book, you need more attention than the multitasking attention deficit that is being trained by contemporary social media.

Reading discipline can only be trained by reading progressively longer texts and texts that are harder to understand. A university education or creative writing class may help.

I really like your answer to this. It's all about the instant gratification. and this micro-reading, quick tweet lifestyle we live in today, is not conducive for slow paced activities to really ignite those endorphins. Good insight.

Wow,this is really an interesting question.

Yes it is true that our young people and teenagers struggles with reading in this our generation.

The answer to thus question is not farfetched.

There are a lot more things that count as fun that spending time glancing through pages off books most of which don't have pictures.

The times have changed and with modern technology, the habit of reading is fastly decaying.

It's more fun to follow up people's activities on social media, take photos and have friends like them and go out and catch fun than read.

The truth is our values are no longer being upheld. Parents don't take time together imbibe a reading culture in their children. They foster, rather than remove distractions from the education of their kids.

In my country, students don't even want to go to school any longer. They prefer doing scams and sport betting. They'd do anything but read.

There are a few though who still read. You'd be commiting a fallacy to generalize like that. What's better is to say a larger percentage don't like reading.

Parents have to put a restriction to their kids online time and help them gain motivation, help them see the good sides to developing a reading culture.

Every reader is a leader. Better let them know now or they'd hate you in future for not letting them them know

As a teenager myself and someone who claims to hate reading books, it is mostly because of the presence of the "internet".

If you take wifi/mobile data out of the equation, then most teenagers will find another way to pass by time like reading a book.

Us teenagers, are really not lazy by nature. We just need something to occupy our minds and focus our attention to and it just so happens that the "internet" fits perfectly to this.