RE: Musing Posts

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Musing Posts

in musing-threads •  6 years ago 
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First of all define what success means to you, what are your haves and not haves in this definition of success. Now these haves and not haves are your targets to achieve. You've got yourself a goal in life, congratulations!

Now we have to set some parameters and come up with a strategy to achieve these goals. You have to follow this strategy and respect these parameters. Now comes DISCIPLINE in play. You need it in order to follow your strategy. To quote Mortimer J. Adler on discipline: "True freedom is impossible without a mind made free by discipline." That should hint you how important this discipline is in this journey. On a side note, I would recommend a short story "Memento Mori by Jonathan Nolan" it has some very strong words on discipline and how to stay focussed which is the next stop in this journey.

Staying focussed is a very crucial part here. Once you lose your focus, everything goes poof! Staying focussed and disciplined you now have to work hard and smart towards the execution of your plan. Along the way grab any opportunity that comes your way, learn at every step and most importantly maintain a receptive attitude.

And last but not the least keep believing in yourself, it's crucial for staying motivated. At the end of the road, when you've reached your destination and achieved "SUCCESS" it's time you give something back to the society, help those who are struggling just like you once were and make their journey easier.

Hope it helps and have a good day.

A good mentor or mentor can provide a clear map / blueprint of the order of things to learn and what to do in order to be successful. This is based on a lot of experience and learning possessed by mentors or mentors.

A good mentor or mentor can motivate you to take the first step that is usually the most difficult for you to do.

A good mentor or mentor can help you focus more on learning and doing the most important things first and help you ignore things you don't need to know (This is very important when you have access to unlimited information like today) . People with most information generally get confused and never take action!

A good mentor or mentor can give you enthusiasm / motivation to get back up if you are down or discouraged when facing difficulties or challenges.

A good mentor or mentor can give you help with ideas and solutions when you face a dead end because he already has a lot of experience and knowledge in the field.

One of the really important things that I guess a person needs in order to be successful is discipline. Other than that, we need to keep trying out different ways of the things we love to do and try to monetize it. We have to do it from our heart instead of just for the money. Even though at some point of time, what we do may look like a failure, i guess we have to still be persistence and try it out again. One day eventually, even though the success may come

Continuously plan for an impressive future:

The vast majority set their objectives little and are upbeat to get it, while a few people endeavor to get a major objective yet can not accomplish it. That is the reason you set your objectives at the top of the priority list and think greater.

  1. Discover what you get a kick out of the chance to do and do a similar thing:

In the event that you work as per your advantage then you give it 100 percent. In the event that you do your function admirably and you don't receive anything consequently, at that point you comprehend that you are driving the way of progress.

Figure out how to adjust your life:

There are nonstop numerous kinds of fights going ahead in our lives; Family and business, peace and strife, and so forth. We can not be capable in anyone but rather how we handle it guarantees our prosperity.

  1. Try not to fear disappointment:

One popular saying is that disappointment implies that achievement has not been endeavored entire personality. Disappointment gives a chance to restart some work that a similar work should be possible all the more completely.

  1. Decide the Success:

When you choose that whatever it is, we need to buckle down, we need to accomplish our objective, at that point this determination makes us effective. This determination must be looked after persistently.

  1. Be wary:

A few people are this way, at that point they set enormous objectives yet they don't do any activity as per which they can not succeed. To be fruitful, you need to work harder as per the objective.

Things needed to attain success in life will differ from one person to another. For me, the things I need are in this particular order:

  • God
  • Hardwork
  • Money/capital
  • Determination & resilience
  • The love and support of my family and friends