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There are many talented people who remain unsuccessful because talent does not guarantee success in life. The same is true with genius and intelligence. These are simply things that can give us a head start. We still need to work hard to hone our talents, remain motivated to stay on track, and have a plan, among other things. 

The truth is, no one has the formula to success. And talent is still only one part of an unsolved puzzle. 

Lack of Goal and motivation!

Talent is useless if not put into good use and only relies on nothing else to succeed. One could have a talent in singing but never ever sings in public just because he/she deems it unneccesary.

If one likes to succeed with their talent, one must go out and show the world what they can do. They must have a clear goal in place and the motivation to pursue that goal. Going back to the singing part, one could join talent audition contests and the likes to showcase their talent. Plus with the invention of technology and social media, one could just record it and put it up on Youtube.