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in musing-threads •  6 years ago 

Are ancient aliens real?

Many theories (incl. conspiracies) claimed the existence of ancient aliens. They point to the numerous ancient structures, drawings, building techniques, etc. as evidences that mankind interacted and learnt from them.

This has been a topic of fascination for the longest time. What are your thoughts and opinions. Are they real?

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Until someone can provide evidence that proves otherwise, I choose not to believe in the existence of ancient aliens. 

I understand the fascination people have with ancient aliens. The pyramids, the stonehenge, the statues at Easter Island, and even mentions of alien-like beings in ancient text give some credibility to the existence of ancient aliens. However, just as we have no definite proof over the existence or non-existence of aliens today, neither can we prove or disprove the existence of aliens during ancient times. 

Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying they don't exist. Aliens might have existed in ancient times. I'm just saying that there's no proof they do, so I would rather not believe in them. Instead, I would rather believe in the ingenuity and inventiveness of ancient humans. After all, isn't it arrogant of us to assume that ancient humans are incapable of building the pyramids and other great structures using only ancient methods and human strength, just because we as modern people require all sorts of technologies to do them. To insist that they needed the help and intervention of aliens is just belittling the human race. 

To be fair, I find reading books and watching documentaries about ancient aliens fascinating. However, that's all there is for me--a fascinating topic that I like to explore, not because I believe in them, but because they present wonderful theories. They also make intriguing sci-fi and fantasy stories like the Avengers. I mean, we all like reading comic books and watching movies about the Avengers, but no one really believes in them, do they?

So, do ancient aliens exist? Who can tell? But, while I'm not ruling out their existence, I still choose not to believe in them, at least until I see real proof outside the alternative interpretations of history and doubt on the abilities of ancient humans. 

There is no one religious leader who expressed his opinion about UFO / aliens. Although in 1979 the United Nations had seriously discussed the issue of UFO, but it does not have a serious continuation. The world is more preoccupied with wars, political problems, diseases and economic crises, than studying the guests who come to our world.

With the constraints of data sources to study these UFOs / aliens, in studying the existence of UFOs in the past, UFO researchers used references from ancient books, inscriptions, hieroglyphs, including the holy books. One of the famous researchers is Erich von Däniken. The Däniken theory is that our ancestors were once visited by intelligent beings from outer space who are considered deities by humans.

can lead to the theory of "parallel universe". If they are right from the future, then of course they don't exist yet. But if they come from the future and appear at this time, that means it is a "unique" and "amazing" thing. If they are from the future, why do they kidnap humans (alien abduction).

A fact that in Indonesia, which is quite familiar with the phenomenon of genies, it turns out that it has a similarity in character, namely genies like to kidnap (both adults and children), where the victim is often in a place that he does not want to return (because it is good), but some also managed to run away or were successfully released / returned by the help of others with the power of God.