RE: Musing Posts

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Musing Posts

in musing-threads •  7 years ago 
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There was a long time ago when a friend of
Mine told me that in their family that

It is not allowed for someone to take their
Bath after 11.59pm which is midnight,
He said anyone that does that cannot be
Successful in life

I was shocked when i heard that because
It sounded so funny to me,that means

If you mistakenly bath at that time then it means
The person should start getting worried because
He or she will not succeed,funny superstitions

Some superstitions that i have heard is that someone should not go to the swimming pool

when it is 7pm and above,the day i heard such superstitions i was shocked and was just laughing

when i heard that,another superstition i heard was that a baby born without crying is a witch and

some spiritual cleansing has to be done to make sure the babe do not destroy homes or his or her

family,i was shocked and angry that some people could believe such...