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How to move Steem from savings to Power?

I accidently put some of my Steem into the savings section.
I want to transfer from savings to any other category but all it says is to withdraw and the savings are too low that i do not want to withdraw but actually wanted to transfer into power.
Is their anyway?

You need to transfer "Steem from Savings" to "Liquid Steem" first. You can do this by going to Wallet then click "Withdraw" from Steem from savings.

Bear in mind that there is a 3 day waiting period before it becomes liquid steem (or simply steem). After 3 days, you can now freely move your liquid Steem to Steem Power through the process called "Powering Up".

Just head over again to your wallet and click "Power Up".

it takes 3 days for steem to be moved from savings to be available. i dont know if there is a minimum limit there should not be any. i have moved to savings a few times and it was no issue moving it back except the 3 days delay which is for our security.

once you have steem available from savings in 3 days time period you can then power up to convert it into steem power.

Thanks for the info sara, I didn't know this.

How Many Hours of Sleep Do You Need?

How many hours of sleep do you need to function well during the day?

waaw this is a question that might have to be answered for each reader. How much do you need to sleep? yes, you are a person who needs enough sleep, as well as me. But how much of your sleep time is enough to feel tired in your eyes ?, Back to the doctor's site, maybe they will say that enough sleep is for about 8 hours. Yes, even I have to believe that. Why? I also have a few questions about bedtime on the doctor's site. Why do we have to sleep for about 8 hours, what will happen if you or I sleep under 8 hours or even more than 8 hours? But do you know that sleep is very influential on the health of your body. First of all is the influence of mood, maybe you are a person who always experiences problems with mood. Yes, even I myself am one of the lovers of bad mood. Do you know that one of the causes of badmood is due to lack of sleep? Yes, that is very true. You will feel a fatigue due to lack of sleep, and finally you will find a weak point in interacting, and then this will have an impact on your mind to start a job that you will do, even you will reject all interactions from the outside just because of feeling You.

Good sleep is considered a synonym for good health. Sleep is very important in our life because the proper we sleep the proper our day goes.
Sleeping time depends on our daily routine and how much time we are able to give to our work and passionate about our work.
I normally sleep 6 hours a day from 2-8 as i have a very busy schedule and i love to work more rather than my sleep.
Sleeping time is very good in between 6-8 hours of sleep a normal persons should have daily do get his day better.

There are some variables especially "age" dtermines how much sleep you would need.. Sleep is a vital part in our day to day life.

Did you ever felt sleepiness, not focusing, cramp iin your leg during meetings, class, work or anything you were doing? If you did then it was because you are sleep deprived. You are not getting the amount of sleep you need.

There was a research conducted by NSF(National Science Foundation) and with information from that they released the optimum time of sleep a person needs according to their age.

Newborn babys - 14-17 hrs
Infants - 12-15 hrs
Toddlers -11-14 hrs
Preschoolers -10-13 hrs
School age - 9-11 hrs
Teenagers - 8-10 hours
Younger adults - 7-9 hours
Adults - 7-9 hours
Older adults - 7-8 hrs

Sleep is a natural activity of every individual. Almost a third of our lives, we spend to sleep. Formerly, sleep is considered as a body time to rest after being tired of working, schooling, and other activities.

As time goes by, science proves that sleep is no longer just something to fill the time when someone is in an inactive state. In fact, sleep alone involves a lot of activity and it has a lot of influence on health.

Various studies were conducted to see how the effects of sleep on the body found that sleep is related, among others, to the increase and decrease in body weight, to the risk of death in the future.

A study conducted by the University of Wincosin, USA found that the duration (duration) of a person's sleep can affect the Body Mass Index (BMI). The study was conducted on 1024 volunteers aged 30-60 years. In this study, less than 7.7 hours of sleep habits associated with increased BMI, both in children, adolescents, and adults. Why does this happen? Apparently, after examining the levels of hormones in the study sample, found that sleep is associated with changes in hormone levels called leptin and ghrelin.

We all as humans need to sleep in addition to other needs such as food, drink, and oxygen, in order to survive. Sleep is a vital clue to your health condition. Humans spend about 1/3 the time of their lives to sleep.

Most of us already know that getting a good night's sleep is important, but not many are trying to sleep for about 8 hours a night. For many people who have "sleep debt", they have forgotten how it feels "really fresh because enough sleep".

An expert, Dr. Rafael Pelayo, a clinical professor in the sleep medicine division at Stanford School of Medicine, explains the secrets of

I need 7 hours to 8 hours of sleep compliment 1.5 litres of water during the ​day and 1 hour no screen before sleep.

Good sleep is considered a synonym for good health. Sleep is very important in our life because the proper we sleep the proper our day goes.
Sleeping time depends on our daily routine and how much time we are able to give to our work and passionate about our work.
I normally sleep 6 hours a day from 2-8 as i have a very busy schedule and i love to work more rather than my sleep.
Sleeping time is very good in between 6-8 hours of sleep a normal persons should have daily do get his day better.

Yes you can. All you have to do is use a tool like steemconnect's account creation tool: In order to use that though, you need to have at least 0.1 STEEM on hand, and 15 SP of your own ready to be delegated out to the new account that will be created, or 3 STEEM on hand to power up into that account.

Then there's blocktrades( or quicksteem( Quicksteem just uses blocktrade's APIs to do the same thing as them but with a different front end. They charge about 4 STEEM last I checked to create an account and it comes with 3 STEEM powered up on it.

There's also AnonSteem( Its like blocktrades, but costs 5 STEEM or you can pay in BTC/LTC. I haven't used them so I don't know how well they work.

The tool from steemconnect, or blocktrades are the best way to create a STEEM account without having to give up your personal details. When you register through, they too are paying the fees to create an account, but they will only do it in exchange for personal details. If you are willing to pay, you don't have to give those details up.

yes you can!!!!, but you needs to pay some amount and get direct access to steemit account without verification and mobile/email verification. there are two 3rd party sites are available they are provide option for paid steemit account and these sites are official 3rd party sites so there is no needs to worry about scam. one of my fav site is blocktrade they have many payment options like bitcoin, etherium, doge coin and steem.

Yeah that is very possible but your registration
Will not be done on the official steemit website
And the reason why is because you must have
Phone number and email address when you
Want to register directly on but
If you do not have phone number or email then
You can use other services that offers steemit
Account opening have a features which you can use to
Create a steemit account instantly but the
Service comes with a fee which is the account
Creation and it can be as nuch as three steem or more, also have a feature that allow you to open a steemit account for a fee

The benefit of opening the account directlt on
Steemit is that you will not need to pay any fee
And even when they approve the account you
Will get 15 steempower on your steemit account
Whcih will make your account useful,then you need to know that you may have to wait for
Two weeks before steemit will open an account
Which you registered directly with them

well i dont think so as email id is the very normal and important thing which any website ask for.

How would you protect your idea while you are looking for a developer to make it a reality?

In other words. You have a great idea for a project, you are sure that it could do amazing but you lack the skills as a programmer. A key element of making this a reality is finding the right developer to code it. This puts you at a crossroads, you could share details with a developer that could say he/she is not interested, and steal your idea all together. But, if you don't share information. How would they know if they are interested. What is the right approach?

I would vaguely explaining about it to developers at first. Then having them signing a NDA can be a good way to make sure they don't (or at least legally can't) talk about it with others. Having a written contract with them about protecting the idea and not building it themselves or sharing it can go a long way as long as your developer is in the same law jurisdiction as you. Patenting your idea if its possible can help too.

If your idea is in early days and you are still in the research process, there are a few ways to share it with potential developers without exposing yourself to too much risk.

Nondisclosure Agreement (NDA) - a legal document that both parties sign to acknowledge that the project discussed is not to be shared with anyone outside the project without permission.
Use comparable examples - when describing an idea to a programmer or engineer, explain it with something comparable.
Break it up - Discuss only parts of the idea with certain people. Don't expose your secret weapon. For example, discuss the technical parts, but don't tell how you are planning to monetize it.
There is no real, bulletproof way to stop someone from stealing your idea. Instead of focusing on protecting it, you should focus on executing it.

There is no tendency to upvote questions on here yet I guess.

I don't have the full demographic data of users that uses, but from what i see, they are mostly low sp users that tries to find an easy way to get upvotes on the Steem Blockchain (judging by the rampant plagiarism and low quality content we can all see on here).

Scarcity mindset? vote-weight hogging? lack of awareness that one can upvote questions? I am not these people so I wont know..

Personally I answer questions because I am abit of a smartass know-it-all wannabe myself. I did answer over 180+ questions on Quora in the last 3 months, so my incentives may not be the same as others.

But if i see a good question that makes a point (not stupid ones or ones that are obviously copied from Quora or worse, YahooAnswers) I'll upvote them...

Have my upvote kind sir!!

The main reason would be I think the demographic that musing has currently..

See, one thing happens when a new user first comes to this platform. They see quite a few things are easier here. you can ask questions and eaisly get upvotes by writing answers. So because of that a tendency flux occurs that makes the users write answers...

But the users currently writing answers here, most of them do not have enough sp to upvote a post and reward it with much. This inability makes them think if I upvote it wouldn't matter and so they don't upvote. And if they do upvote they only do to answers.

Another portion of users that have a little bit more sp upvotes answers but their daily limit reaches to max easily.. Because they also upvotes post in steemit and the answers here.

And now when it comes to the users who can upvote with enough juice to help the community they do it by uupvoting the answers because it positively meketizes musing and thus helps the community. Atleast they think so I think.. for example you can see that there are more answers here than questions. This can change if musing is delegated more sp to reward both questions and answer writers in general. I think in a few more months musing will reach that mile stone.

They will upvote if they have enough voting power

or steempower which enables their upvotes to be worth something or they could upvote the posts if

they think that the question is very interesting or

amazing,but i feel it is a good gesture if we all start upvoting a question or answer that we find it

interesting or learnt from it,when we do that it will

make the person who wrote the question or the answer to be encouraged to do better next time

and keep giving lovely answers by sharing their knowledge on this platform

For me, it has to do with the fact that most questions require close to zero effort to write. Why would I spend my voting power on upvoting your question when you only spent 20 seconds on writing a single sentence?

However, I might upvote real questions that actually has some use to it.

Giving answer to question is the choice of people where they only have less amount of VP and in this hype platform there are many users who are placing different question to the community so its not easy to up vote all question and give answer which is better post then they will automatically get's up vote and answer to question.

Would you rather eat your own foot or keep both of your own feet but have to eat someone else's foot instead?

I'm just curious. You can cook your own foot if it makes you feel better. If you eat the other person's foot it has to be uncooked. These are the rules. THIS is imaginary. DO NOT EAT FEET. But answer my question.

I'm just gonna go ahead and take this one as a serious question. :)

I will keep both of my own feet and eat someone else's foot instead ONLY IF I had no other choice. My reasoning for this is quite simple, "It hurts!!!" I'd rather eat someone to stay alive rather than me having to chop off my feet to stay alive. Again ONLY IF I HAD NO OTHER CHOICE.

Thanks for answering! I find it funny that we can become so serious about the question even though it's not a real thing. I guess because in our heads we can imaging people who would put others through such a thing. I did not watch the "Saw" movies but the thought of it all was quite disturbing! I'm not sure why my head actually went to this question, but I guess I was just curious about the human nature. Doom yourself or someone else.. it seems people go for the latter. I think i would go jump off a cliff or something and avoid the entire situation.

Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. (Repeat...)

I'd rather keep my own feet thank you very much. If in addition I had to be in the same room as the person whose foot I'm eating this could be very awkward though. This must be the sick game of a future alien race or.... Actually I imagine that humans could be cruel enough to subject each other to such musings. Yuck I feel sick now.

lol.. sorry for the discomfort.. the way my mind wanders into a question is scary sometimes....

Do I get to cook it? or at least burn it a lil?

Heck no way im eating my own foot. 1 Sam's Foot Brisket coming right up!!

Well, you could cook your own foot but not the other persons.. that would just be rude.

@paintingangels Muuuahh mama nia this-ah foot-a is delicious with-a right herbs and spices!! 😂😂😂😂😂

I once saw a girl in a cafe. I’d been seeing her for weeks, around, and she seemed perfect: smart, pretty and likeable. I knew she’d be my exact type. Yet I had a horrible timidness whenever I saw her. I wanted to talk to her at some point, but I didn’t know when.

There’s a horrible group which I know vaguely, and stay courteous towards, despite telling them off bossily when they’re jerks, that acts in an unintentionally sexist way. If I told them that, they’d be shocked and deny it. But they spend lots of time looking on their phones at pictures of girls which they’re delighted to know and comparing. I once walked past and heard them ranking their “friends”’ cleavages, to use their word, out of 10. They don’t have jobs, help around, or do anything. They’re a group of drop-outs without any urge to stop being so.

And I saw one member of the group. Now, he’s truly a nice person, and he’s a guy who stops them when they go too far, or start being jerky. He likes them simply through admiration: he sees them as sharp-tongued and clever, and he wants to be like them. He helps around, and does stuff, but he likes to think of himself as one of the team. He can do much better than them, but I didn’t try to stop him until a few weeks ago.

One day, I saw him looking uncomfortable as she pinched his ass. He was cringing away, and was attempting to seem fine with it, but any fool would know he wasn’t. The group’s response was to laugh at their friend, and their words included ‘Lucky you!’ When I saw this, I managed to get him to come with me in a way that would make it look like it was my decision, and then gave her a scowl.

The next day, I heard them all laughing, and the girl saying ‘That dude is so stressy!’ I’m not stressy. I just don’t think that groping somebody immediately becomes fine just because the perpetrator is female.


The first thing people notice about other people (esp. strangers) are their looks. However with constant close interaction with that "attractive person", people can't help feel but get used to his/her looks making them slightly less attractive.

Plus, the issue of one's attitude which greatly defines a person and trumps his/her physical features. Someone physically "attractive" to many but with a very bad attitude is at no surprise not that "attractive" to many after some time.

Give Myself a reward every month I finish my work-out goal.

Not that I treat myself with savoury every weekend (I have a sweet tooth), I am very strict to my diet. This is how I did, at the beginning of every month, I bought myself a beautiful dress but always a bit smaller than my waist at that moment. If I focus on healthy eating and working-out and be able to fit in the dress eventually, the dress is mine. Otherwise my sister would have it or I have to give it away. The economy motivation always works.

  1. Wash my hair only on days that I work out

I only allow myself to wash my hair after working out. So if I don’t for a couple days… I'll have to bear the humiliation seeing my peers. Or my hair gets too tangled from all the baby powder.


Maybe I am the odd one but I feel like using imagine of a perfect body ratio model will, in some case, cause negative effect. With photos of models as a motivation, you can become obsessed with your appearance, try your best to work out but not for the more beautiful you but to look like them, to fit with one of those beauty standards. For me, I choose to have my own previous imagine as a motivation, feeling happy with the slightly different change in my body everyday.

  1. Be an early-bird.

It's easy, waking up early clearly prevent you being from too lazy and not having a decent amount of time to hit the gym. Even if you do not wake up early, a few push-ups won't take too long I believe.

  1. Make work-out part of my daily routine.

I try to go to the gym everyday on the same time frame so that it can become part of my daily activities, as normal as washing my face or brushing my teeth. And now it did, magically, I am using this app Habitify, it like a habit tracking apps not only for gym but I use it mostly to ping me every time I need to do some push-ups.

Believe me, it's the best feeling in the world ending a week with a list of checked goals, proudly think bout what you have did during the days, seeing yourself in the mirror and realize trousers now need to be one size smaller. And it is free, you can just see it for yourself.

Do an infinite a genie giving you 2 wish, just wish for more wishes.

Do past (like go gack to see the pyramids and hide your finding somewhere you know now one will look for thousands of years).....then come back to just before you left ....and tell yourself what you did and then use the 2 time travel differently.....togo the future, see the wonders, find 10 best things to invest in today, and go back to just before you used the time machine and tell yourself.

Rinse, repeat....LOL. this is time paradox, go figure :P

I would go back in time (1st use) to 2009 and invest all my money into bitcoin. Then return to the present (2nd use) and check my bank account .

How can I develop an app on the Steem platform?

How can i program my own app on the Steem platform? I know I have to use HTML and CSS for the frontend. What about the rest?

(I am an engineering student and am good at programming)

Learn Learn learn, and use python fopr doing it :) is also one of the greatest language/ connections to the steemit backend.

There are multiple options available for you to develop an app on steem platform. First of all, you have to first decide the purpose of your app. After you decide the purpose of your app, you can decide which technology you will be planning to use to develop the app.

If you are a javascript developer or a python developer, there is a highly sophisticated STEEM API available for you to use to build your app. The application that you build will utilize steem blockchain and will be decentralized. I'm not very great at Python but I will be able to give you directions for Javascript.

There is a Steem JS package available in npm which you can use to build applications. There is also a detailed documentation available on how you can use steemjs library. The repo link is available below. You can take a look at the documentation as well.

There are also multiple tutorials available in steemit that can direct you and help you build your first app using Steem blockchain.

This website was prepared in a way, that it could be maintained mostly by the community. This project is open-source, what means that everyone can contribute, by creating a pull request. Even if you are not a programmer, you can still help by adding information about new projects, which should be listed on Steem Projects or you can help by creating Comparision Grids.

What are categories?
Categories are broad groups of Steem projects into something more granular than Grids. A project can only have one category. Changing then requires backend work, and is not done lightly. This is intentional, done in order to make searching easier.

Which source control sites do you support?
Github and Bitbucket are supported.

*this information shared by steem project team .

Food can affect the occurrence of cancer such as instant food which if consumed in excess can cause health problems. This happens because there is accumulation of chemicals such as dyes, preservatives and additives when one is eating instant food in the long run.

The results of interviews that I did with some families of patients who have cancer and in the care where I work say most of these cancer patients often consume instant foods, such as instant noodles before they are convicted of cancer.

Eating fresh foods and organic vegetables is better for maintaining health and preventing cancer risk

yes It surely is !! Cancer is caused by the malfunction or mutation of a single cell. Eating improper food may result a normal cell to get converted to cancerous cell.
The micro particles present in the food might make the cell to alter it's genetic code and so as the cancer starts if alteration is high.
I highly recommend you to watch 'WHAT THE HEALTH' movie , which completely depicts how food plays a crucial role in injecting diseases into our body..
Finally Thanks for the question :)

Dietary factors are recognized as having a significant effect on the risk of cancers, with different dietary elements both increasing and reducing risk. Diet and obesity may be related to up to 30-35% of cancer deaths, while physical inactivity appears to be related to 7% risk of cancer occurrence.

30-35% chance

No i don't think so because there are lots of foody people who loves food very much if this happens everyone might get cancer so this is because of over drinking daily and taking wrong things which may affect our liver and it gets damaged. Drugs are one of the popular reason for having cancer

Researchers study the dietary patterns of women ranging from the level of students, college students, career women, to housewives and are associated with increased inflammation in the body.

The results showed that women who regularly ate certain foods in an inflammatory dietary pattern were more likely to develop breast cancer before menopause, compared with women who ate a wide variety of foods.

The inflammatory diet is a diet low in vegetables and fruits, high in sugar, likes the consumption of soft drinks, carbohydrates, red and processed meats, and margarine, says researcher Karin B. Michels, a professor of epidemiology at the University of California, Los Angeles Fielding School of Public Health.

Eating these foods has been linked to higher levels of risk in the emergence of inflammation in the body, says Michels.

"Our results suggest that the habit of eating certain foods can promote chronic inflammation in the body when consumed during adolescence or young adulthood and may increase the risk of breast cancer in young women before menopause," Michels said in a statement.

I was ‘let go’ from a sales job due to a ‘layoff’ four years ago. Actually, since I couldn’t sell water to a guy in the middle of the sahara desert that was dying of dehydration, that was my former boss’s way of saying, ‘YOU’RE FIRED!’

At the time, I had a client in my side business (freelance software programming) that became my first full-time freelancing client. From there, I’ve found others. Google adwords has worked for me, but I haven’t made enough money to really dump money into that.

I’ve brought on commission-only sales people. I’m getting better at managing them, but not being a great salesperson myself, that has proved difficult.

In all, its a hard row to hoe. But, I keep chasing that carrot because I feel, still, that really good money is just around the corner.

Instead of doing all software development myself, I have brought on contractors to do the work for me. I enjoy the project management portion of my work much more than the actual programming, so this suits me just fine.

Now…to find more clients.

To give you a sense of things, I’ve made about $500k in revenue over 4 years, and about 80% gross margin. So, I’m not starving. However, its not paying enough yet to be worth the stress.

Lessen stupid regulation. I know, that sounds kind of weird, let me explain.

There are a gigantic number regulations on the books that inhibit the start of small businesses.

I own a small hotel in Leavenworth, WA and we wanted to serve a fresh fruit salad on our breakfast buffet. The health department said ver quickly, oh no, no, no, Mr. Mulders, to do that you need a commercial kitchen. Me: what would that entail?

They: You need FIVE sinks (in a kitchen of 90 square feet.

I know, insane. They insisted on this, even when we explained exactly how we vwere going to do it. $45,000 later with a nice new kitchen, we are now serving fruit salad.

These regulations are generally set by local and state wide agencies who have been tasked with regulating industries. It’s these netities that need to be reigned in. Federal regulations are mostly an issue for interstate business and mostly larger businesses with exceptions, of course.

To encourage entrepreneurial spirirt we need to diminish the power these entities have and severly curtail their ability to put in stupid regulations. I understand the government wanting things to be safe, but living is inherently risky and some risk should be assumed.

Here is another doozy we see in WA state all the time. It’s a regulation that you HAVE to print on your menu that indercooked eggs can make you sick. Really? What fool came up with that doozy. Anyway, you catch my drift.

Just to make sure, I am a liberal and believe in government oversight. Just not in matters that pose minimal risk. I eat over easy eggs almost every day and have done so for almost 60 years and have never been sick from eggs. I routinely eat raw cookie dough and NEVER cook my hamburgers all the way (they are god awful when cooked all the way) and I’ve had food poisening once in my life - it was pretty bad, I’ll agree to that.

Way back in the early days of the Internet, I found myself as the chief Webmaster in charge of all things Internet for our small weather instruments company, Automated Weather Source. One of the first things that I did was register our domain name aws .com so we could set up an email server. This was rather easy to do, so I added the duty of Postmaster to everything else, and from time to time I would check the mail server to make sure that it was up and running.

A couple months later, I found a bunch of messages in the Undeliverable folder, which was rather unusual. I opened the first one and saw a welcome message to the sales team for AT&T Wireless Systems, gushing over how they had just set up an email server at aws .com, and it would revolutionize their business since they could share all their proprietary pricing information on a daily basis. This was followed by a list of each sales team member and an aws .com email address.

Right away, I contacted our ISP and DNS registrar to ensure that we still owned the aws .com domain. Once I was sure that we were still OK, I sent a polite message to the overzealous AT&T sales guy informing him of his mistake. A week or two later, he sent a message to his sales team (using the aws .com email addresses he had listed earlier), informing them that they were switching all their aws .com addresses to attws .com.

However, the damage was done. Apparently, some folks never bothered updating their address books, as we continued to get undeliverable mail on our email server with confidential discussions of contracts, proposals, and pricing strategies. For a couple of months I continued to forward them back to the attws .com postmaster, then I gave up and just deleted them. A couple years later, I think that we were still getting attws email. I left the company, and for all I know someone is still sending confidential sales forecasts to the weather forecast guys.

What is one reason blue light is bad for you?

Specifically 400-490nm blue photons

It's not "bad" for you per se..

Blue light, or light frequencies that is on the higher end of the light spectrum suppresses our body's ability to produce Melantonin, the hormone responsible for sleep cycle..

I mean it only makes sense that our evolutionary bodies uses light as a function to determine sleep cycle since for millions of years, our hunter-gatherer ancestors rely on sunlight cycle to survive, day=awake and night=sleep. Since blue light only exist naturally from the sun (there were no LED in the days of our cave dwelling nomadic forefathers),

Since blue light makes one harder to fall asleep, the lack of sleep is bad for you. Blue light itself is not that bad, it's allowing it to fuck up our sleep schedule (i can say that here, blockchain rocks!) that's bad for you.

Please read regarding your scn, blue light and the fact that it is beginning to be seen as one of the worst disrupters of the human biology. While the science is there, it will still take the usual 15-30 years for people to realise how serious it really is.

@iamericmorrison I think the effect is already beginning to manifest itself now with later and later average sleeping time. It's going to be a social thing in the future too where the smart ones will have a system in place for them to not stay awake beyond healthy hours.. While the rest goes on scrolling spree till they literally can't stay up anymore.

Humans aren't meant to stay up at night and its messing with our hormones right now already. Best defense is the be aware of it and live a lifestyle that encourages early sleeping.

Bluxposure may moreover increase the hazard of macular degeneration.
The fact that blue mild penetrates all of the way to the retina (the inner lining of the lower back of the attention) is important, due to the fact laboratory studies have proven that specific an excessive amount of exposure to blue mild can harm slight-touchy cells in the retina.
four The mild from our devices is “brief-wavelength-enriched,” this means that it has a higher awareness of blue mild than natural moderate—and blue slight impacts tiers of the
sleep-inducing hormone melatonin Already Exists five greater than some other wavelength What coloration of light is nice ?
unique The hamsters exposed to pink light at night time had significantly much less proof of depressive-like signs and symptoms and symptoms and modifications within the mind linked to depression, in comparison to Already Exists but, popular darkness at bedtime remains excellent for sleep.

I did not think about this topic because blue light is not bad yeah one affect could be it can damage our internal retina of eye


Can someone please explain steemhunt for me, I have not understood what this is and how it works

SteemHunt is a project that aims to curate new products on the market and incentivze the users curating the product. Its a decentralized app based on steem block chain.Now if you ask How does it work? and How do I get paid?, here is how it works:-

Find a cool new product that is techy much and has practical usefulness and write a post about it. There are some conditions about which product can you write about and which are not. Follow the guideline steemhunt provides about which category you can write . And there is also some criteria about how you should write the hunt. Follow those rules and you are set to go on your first hunt. You can go to (their official website), login using steemconnect and post your first hunt as you would write and upload any other post on steemit.

After you post the hunt steemhunt moderator will manually curate and approve your hunt. If it is approved you will be rewarded with an upvote. Now the amount is determined by the rankings daily. Top ranked hunts are rewarded more than the lowered ranked ones. And another piece of information is there is a SMT based steemhunt token which is steemhunts own release. They are sort of like ERC20 ethereum tokens but as SMTs. They will be airdroped and distributed per hunt/comment/upvote/referral/and delegation.

Steemhunt is a daily ranking of boards where people can find products very interesting. While many hunters were present at the Steemhunt, they can be more acquainted with the variety of products. All users will benefit as exertion. It would also be beneficial for makers and users as more people share opinions with products through ways to comment.
The main goal of @steemhunt in the system is to encourage the upvoting hunters in the hunting of cool products and for sharing your feedback about the product that is being hunted

SteemHunt is a platform on Steem Blockchain that is intended for users who want to introduce their products, besides that users can interact with each other by commenting on certain products. On the Steemhunt platform, users don't need to make detailed product reviews. They only need to give a few screenshots, titles and short descriptions. Users can also quickly get product information that goes into SteemHunt every day through the product ranking menu.

Users can display any product, and all activities will be synchronized with a Steemit account and that will certainly still get rewards in the form of STEEM tokens.

How to use SteemHunt

To be able to use the SteemHunt application, please access the address. After SteemHunt is accessed, a display will appear as shown below

Then please click the login button, login by entering your username and password. For the login process, SteemHunt uses SteemconnectV2. Wait until the login process is complete and at the right corner of the application appears the steem account profile picture.

learn more by visiting this link: language

How do you get more steem power?
You invest money and turn it into SP.
You invest time making upvotes and creating content. Also placing those upvotes at the right time to ensure higher payouts of SP for the curator.
You invest time into developing relationships to gain delegations from users.
You create an incentive for many users to delegate SP to the account. Some form of interest generated from using the system.

That's true, but businesses can often get SP by other means, such as receiving delegations like how @steemhunt does.

That was more or less what I meant by investing in relationships. I haven't had the time to look at @steemhunt too closely how do they reward people who delegate to them?

They have created an SMT (currently and ERC20 token) that are distributed to everyone who delegates to them, as well as sharing curation rewards with them. People think the Steemhunt token might be worth something one day, so a lot of people delegated a rather big amount to them.

How do you feel about setting goals for yourself on Steem?

Specific Goals with due dates. A certain amount of comments per day, a certain amount of posts. A particular Steem Power (influence) - Do you feel comfortable making those commitments to yourself? If you do, What are your goals right now? If you don't - What's making you cautious?

Setting goals is very important, but goals must be set properly so that you actually do them. I think that setting goals is something that everyone should do, because it encourages us to improve.

I've already set goals for myself and made them very public, even providing a status report on how close I am to achieving them every week. My goals which I set to be completed by the end of September were to reach 101 SBI shares, 1800 SP and 57 Rep, among other things. I completed the 101 shares already and am very close to 1800 SP. I definitely will need to improve them to make them more of a challenge next time I reset them.

Definitely do it! It helps you stay motivated or at least driven to be active.

I recently wrote a post about this actually in my 'Dr. Sjennon' series.

All Altcoin are following bitcoin . Yesterday bitcoin little bit pumped because of weekend. And in future if btc will cross 7200 then steem and sdb will sky rocket.steem and steem dollar has bright feature. So in near feature SBD price will be boom.

Slowly and Steadily all the Alt coins will rise and SBD and Steem are following it.

One of the great signs that i am destined to be an entrepreneur is whenever i noticed that i love always be my own boss,i am always passionate about starting a business,i am always finding ways to create innovations that will change the world,also another sign is that i always feel comfortable running a business than working under someone in a company no matter how huge the salary is

Because, As women we are given a limited time productive. Towards the age of 50 years and over, women will experience menopause and no longer fertile. At that age, getting pregnant and giving birth is clearly impossible. Because that's the term ' later expired ' appears. The uterus of the woman there is a limit.

But if you say "expired", we feel as if like infant formula or other items that can be expired. If for example you have food, but it turns out the food that was expired, what are you doing in that food? Surely you will throw it away rather than reckless eating and poisoning. Well, whether we will also be discarded because not useful anymore if it was in the ' expired ' it? So had to rush into marriage before a marriage license expired

Now indeed many couples who prefer to get married young. Cause they do young marriage is based on many things, it could be because they did not want too long courtship or because they are already very keen to get married because it feels right. There are some couples who have been in contact for many years but eventually parted in the middle of the road, so that the time spent so far has been futile. But actually it can not be a reason for you to decide to make a wedding too hasty. The decision of when you are married is your personal right, but you need to understand that the choice of marriage has unintelligible consequences that you must understand. The relationship of marriage is not always beautiful, because the time must always exist in married life. Especially if you do not really know your partner. then you must be prepared to face some of the risks that will occur later. What risks will you have next?

Here are some risks that you can afford later if you decide to rush to get married, among others:

Do not have time to know more

When we have a long relationship with a partner, this will make us to understand the couple and know the good of the couple. So you will not be surprised sata have entered the marriage relationship later. But if you just know and hastily decide to get married, this will make you not so understand the couple and do not know well the bad couple. Although most people have a principle that getting to know each other can be done after marriage. However, many of them do not understand that this can lead to divorce.

You must have heard about that friend of yours getting separated. But you are thinking I was just there when they were getting married. now what ever might have happened one thing for sure, they rushed into that marriage and it worked as a catalyst for their separation.

Now people rush into marriage because of many reasons. Because of unsafe sexual relation they might be pregnant. Or they face peer pressure from their family and friends. They also might want a baby.

Those were the sentimental reasons.. Now rushing into marriage also could be for monetary gains. such as for immigration purposes, or just the half and half divition of assets of the partner

Whatever the reason maybe rushing into a marriage has rare successful oucomes.. Think deeply before you jump into one. Choose the right partner or happiness will never come into your life.

Some people rush into marriage because, Get the comfort of life
Actually getting married is not discussing the end of discussing relationships. However in the liquid sound starting point married discusses a new habitation.
To train communication with a partner.
So for you plan on marrying young, actually it is discussing a great option. You can sail the ocean showing from the start and also you can quickly understand contained a couple.
It can learn to be more mature because learning to understand each other.

"With all the way to merriage, if it gets a good wife you will also be good as well, and vice versa if it gets a bad wife, then you will become a philosopher".
From the words of Socrates is a philosopher of ancient Greece it could summed up when people have to rush to get married

According to my opinion people rusk in the marriage are due to 2 reasons where they have waited for the long time to come their turn and get the covers to the couple and then they want to go home earlier .

The second reason behind this is they are rushing due to some foods as the food is tasty or some fastfood items people are crowded and asking the waiter to serve the food as dishes like panipuri, manchurain, dhokla all this type of dishes people are very much hunger to take the dish and eat.

There are more chances of crowd at the food counter only where no one is trying to go all are taking their dishes and begging in front of the waiter to give the food. Sometimes its very funny to see that who is waiter and who has invited for the marriage function.

Will musing have an mobile app?

I'd really like a mobile app for musing

Moved to the Hive platform.

I have visited steemhunt before and i do see alot of people sharing some lovely apps,the platform is a good platform for those who want to get information about new apps that they can try our

I believe that every social media is an internet marketing platform because it makes it easy for you to market your products and services to the users on social media and it could be done without spending a dime

I think it is not possible to retrieve a deleted snapchat messages but assuming snapchat has features that is similar to whatsapp then it will make it to be possible to retrieve deleted snapchat messages because on whatsapp someone can easily retrieve a deleted whatsapp messages

Suvorexant (Belsomra)is a drug that works well to treat insomnia,the drug helps in blocking the hormones that causes wakefulness,so that is why the drugs is useful for people suffering insomnia,but be aware that this drug will make you to sleep alot so be prepared and please do not use it without the medication from a dcctor

The melon seed can be used to cure premature ejaculation,though no offical confirmation but many people have used it and they confirmed that it worked for them but doctors are yet to officially confirm it

the first thing is Low Calorie. One ounce of watermelon seeds contains approximately 158 has Magnesium. One of several minerals found in watermelon seeds is magnesium.and Iron. A handful of watermelon seeds contains about 0.29 mg of iron. Folate. There are 2 of folate in a single serving of watermelon contains 'Good' Fats.

Best Large Cap stocks to buy are:

Bharat Forge Ltd
Shriram Transport Finance Company Ltd
Best Mid Cap stocks to buy are:

Avanti Feeds Ltd
K E C International
Best Small Cap stocks to buy are:

JK Paper Ltd
GIC Housing Finance

If Superman had an ICO what coin would he call it and what would its use be ?

So it got me thinking our of the blue , if Superman had an ICO what would he call it ? Please be more creative then just SUPERCOIN ?? But what would the actual use for the coin be ?

We've seen so many weird ICO's trying to solve life issues and world peace so they say. However there are so many which just fails at even getting off the ground. So what would Superman call his ICO.

=) Looking forward in hearing your answers !

There is a coin called HERO, if you want to go with ICO it should be HOPE.

superman was first played by the joe shuster who wore red briefs on his pants so the coin name will be brief and purpose will be antivirus software that secure you not only getting any internal virus but also external viruses.

The one I found that has a lot of activity and camaraderie is ADSactly. Now, its not exclusive to Steem. As I understand it they are currently celebrating their 7th birthday which is a bit crazy for me to think of.

They have a view different initiatives and they do like to support musicians. I bring this up, because its relevant for your specific case.

This is their Discord link, but they are not hard to find:

One of our sister communities, right?

correct my friend.

I am a Muslim and as a Muslim, we have faith in life after death. Muslims believe that the present life is a trial in preparation for the next realm of existence.
All the Prophets of God called their people to worship God and to believe in life after death. They laid so much emphasis on the belief in life after death that even a slight doubt in it meant denying God and made all other beliefs meaningless.
Answer to this question his given by the Holy Book Quran:- And he (i.e. man) presents for Us an example (i.e. attempting to establish the finality of death) and forgets his [own] creation. He says, “Who will give life to bones while they are disintegrated?” Say, “He will give them life who produced them the first time; and He is, of all creation, Knowing.” [It is] He who made for you from the green tree, fire, and then from it you ignite. Is not He who created the heavens and the earth Able to create the likes of them? Yes, [it is so]; and He is the Knowing Creator. (Quran, 36:78-81)
On another occasion, the Quran very clearly says that the disbelievers have no sound basis for their denial of life after death. It is based on pure conjecture:
And they say, “There is not but our worldly life; we die and live (i.e. some people die and others live, replacing them) and nothing destroys us except time.” And they have of that no knowledge; they are only assuming. And when Our verses are recited to them as clear evidences, their argument is only that they say, “Bring [back] our forefathers, if you should be truthful.” Say, “God causes you to live, then causes you to die; then He will assemble you for the Day of Resurrection, about which there is no doubt,” but most of the people do not know. (Quran, 45:24-26)

Yes, i do. Iam a muslim. According to my religion, life in the world is only temporary, and the world is transitory. After we die, we will all be raised again in the last day. On this day we will all be accountable for all our deeds as long as we live in the world.
If in the world we do a lot of good, and always do good to others, then we will go to heaven. Conversely, if during our life in the world we commit many crimes, then we will go to hell. This is the belief we hold in our religion.

In the field of religion, every believer lives after death. And in the Islamic religion of death is something that will happen to every living being, life after death is not the same as life in this world and in this world we are commanded by God to worship as much as possible by carrying out God's command and away from all its prohibitions.

does nt matter because i m alive

As for me i do not believe that there is life after death,a dead man is a dead man,no life again,but i believe there is heaven and hell but that is until judgement day

Death is but an entry to new life...

Different people have different priorities in their life and some people are engage themselves in pursuance of their objective so hard that they can't find time or bother to involve in any relationship.
For me there is nothing wrong if a person is single but I;'m in favor of getting committed in the age of 25 to 30 years, because these are the years when there are chance for a person to involve in some bad company.

I do not think so. Paired or not is the desire of every individual. When a person feels the need to have a partner then find a partner. Likewise, if the age of 30 does not want to find a partner, just enjoy it. Do not be affected by the environment and people's words. Pairing is not a plaything. To be in pairs need a suitable person and according to our wishes. do not force yourself to pair if you can not be a suitable person and in love.

Definitely not! There are many people out there who are single and ready to mingle! Don't worry about it and just live your amazing life.

One thing I've learned: Don't go seeking for love. It will ruin your nights out or your days due to too many expectations. Just go enjoy yourself - besides, that also gives out the best vibes.

There is nothing wrong, even to be single for whole life :) I have many friends who are single and will remain single.

Which Steemians provide the most value to the STEEM platform?

This can be approached from many angles, but you also would have to establish some metric for value.

Yes, building platforms, fair, but specifically towards currency adoption or engagement in platform say. Feel free to choose your own.

I think there are 3 types of steemians who bring the most value to the Steem platform.

First of all the builders. The builders are the ones who start new initiatives and contribute to the development of Steem platform. For example, developers of steem platform itself, developers of
projects like, steemhunt, steem monsters, and many others. If you view Steem as an ecosystem of service providers and consumers, these people are the producers of services. In the long run, they are the most important to the Steem platform.

Next, the consumers of services/content contributors. I am referring to quality contents here. Trashy contents actually have negative impact to the platform in my opinion. Service consumers and quality content contributors form the foundation of the platform and are the reason why the builders keep building. Furthermore, quality contents boost Steemit's rank on search engines and make Steem a more valuable platform.

Finally, the investors. Technically, they are the ones who bring direct value to the platform as the change fiat into STEEM, thereby boosting STEEM price and increasing it's market cap (which is the most direct measurement of value). However, I ranked them the least important of the 3 because without the first 2, these investors wouldn't have invested in the first place. In addition, these investors might be speculators who might pump the price to an unrealistic level and watch it fall later. Volatility isn't good for any kind of market. A slow and steady rise is always better. That's why in the long run, the ecosystem of service providers and consumers matter the most. The investments are like byproduct of a successful ecosystem.

At first all the Witnesses provide most value to the Steem Platform and then those Steemians who write original content. is a frontend for the Steemit blockchain. So you have the same blockchain but shown different on frontends like,,, …

The amount you can see on is just the normal payout you can also see on

There is no Musing exclusive tokens here yet. Though I'm sure the developer is working on that direction in tandem with's SMT project.

The money you get from people upvoting your answers and questions are your Steem money.

Posts and comments on gets published on the Steem blockchain and can be upvoted like regular steemit posts and comments. Just wait the 7 days to get your rewards locked-in and claim them from your Steemit or Vessel wallet app.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

no i didnt use it as it is little difficult to understand and find features on steemit

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Well it is possible for someone to become a whale on steemit by just posting contents frequently but it is a very huge task most especially with the way things are on steemit,but do not give up,you can still make alot of money through upvotes on your post,when you consistently get upvotes then you have a better chance of getting steempower and the more steempower you have the higher your chances of becoming a whale in the future

You can check this page it has list of the cryptocurrencies around the world. While bitcoin is the highest in the real world equivalent to dollars, you should check for the trend. As for now, I think Ethereum, Maker and Mixin can compete Bitcoin. I hope this helps.

Techonology-wise there are many other crypto that have more potential than Bitcoin. Take Steem as an example, right now Steem takes only 3 seconds to transfer transactions whereas bitcoin takes minutes (even hours).

I am asking the question because i personally feel that it would be lovely to see another cryptocurrency to be very strong like bitcoin and also become a competitor so that bitcoin would not be the only very popular cryptocurrency,so which of the other cryptocurrency do you think will give bitcoin a stiff competition

Did you make profit on Ethereum based Games?

There are already multiple Ethereum based games like CryptoKitties or EtherShrimpFarm.
One thing that all of the games require is to invest Ethereum.
My friends and me all lost Ethereum on any game that we have tried so far. So what I want to know is if someone of you was able to create some profit at one of that games.

No one can predict correct price but my speculation is if its get etf approved then more institutional investors are enter in this game. That means we can expect at least 25k dollar will be touch bitcoin , its just my speculations i already told you no one can predict correct price. Its based on market demand and supply.
I believe bitcoin price will go up to moon in coming years because lots of positive news are we can see in feature like regulation and institutional investors entry.
Also people and businesses will start adopt blockchan and crypto payment option.
Every coin needs use-case then the price will sky rocket and feature economy is token based economy. People will start accepting token and coin and more people will come price will goes up and up.
I hope the day will come when we see crypto is global currency and we are bank less .

If someone challenges my self-esteem or insults me, then I will try to find out why it happened. I want to know first whether I have a mistake against him that I do not know. If there is my fault with him, then I will try to apologize.

If I have no fault with him, then I meet him to ask him why he is doing things that challenge my self-esteem, I will try to remind him not to do that again.

If after that he is still doing it, then I will report him to law enforcers, eg village leaders, police or justice. If this is not a response from them, I will reply in a way alone, the term eye eyed. The strategy can vary, which is important to make him kapok.

if someone is challenging you and you are simply looking at them is not the proper way of dealing to your self respect according to my opinion i would simply accept this challenge whatever point he is challenging me and i would never go against him but i will learn something new from that challenge and simply solve the problem.
This is the way to deal with any type of challenge because there is nothing in going against him just we have to go in between him not against him and break down his challenge

Infidelity can be interpreted as an act in which a person is not fully present to the person who loves it.

Infidelity with a partner can be seen from an intimate relationship with another woman or man. intimate relationships here are not only sexual relations but also related to the feeling that other men or women are better than their current partner.

Unfaithfulness often brings wounds and profound sorrow, for a person unable to pass through it can fall into the dependence of sedatives and alcohol.

I've found the effect of infidelity couples make a woman addiction sedative for more than 30 years, unnoticed by the people around him.

Infidelity is a very fatal mistake in a relationship. Many households end up having an affair. Feelings of anger, shock, hurt, as if a jumble of knowing your partner betrayed you.

Everyone feels the same when cheated. However, the definition of cheating understood by men and women is not the same. A study shows that men and women have somewhat different perspectives on this subject.

Research conducted at the University of Science and Technology of Norway, surveyed 92 heterosexual couples to find out how they feel in four cheating situations.

From their answers it can be concluded that both men and women have the same opinion that they do not like affairs in their relationships. However, there is one interesting difference between women and men about how they feel an emotional affair.

Women see emotional disillusionment such as infidelity and dance with other men at a party as a gross violation and they assume the couple will not forgive them for it. Instead, men have different views about this.

Men tend to believe that the act is considered an affair when there is sex involvement in it. They understand that emotional infidelity is a problem, the study said. It's just that they do not know how they know it's an emotional affair and a problem that comes from an affair.

In a society where data show that 20-70 percent of people are having an affair or having an affair with their spouse, you do not have to be fixated on a single deficit. Just make sure you and your spouse have the same definition or constraint about infidelity.

this is my opinion Infidelity is a personal relationship outside of marriage, involving at least one married person, and is based on three elements:

  1. Interests

  2. Interdependence

  3. Match each other emotionally and sexually.

Infidelity does not always mean a relationship involving sexual contact. Although there is no sexual contact, but if there is a sense of mutual interest, mutual dependence and emotional and emotional fulfillment that can already be categorized as an affair.

Infidelity is the situation whereby a married man or married woman is cheating on their wife or husband,infidelity is getting common in our society and that is so absurd

Many things causes infidelity and one of the most common things that causes infidelity is lack of communications in marriage,some couples do not communicate better with each other and do not express their feelings to each other

And also lack of friendship in marriages also one of the causes of infidelity

Every married couple would want the household to run smoothly without a hitch. But over time, there must be various problems that hit the household and as if testing the allegiance of husband and wife. One of the most common problems experienced is adultery.

Infidelity can be done by anyone, both husband and wife. They establish relationships with others who are not their partners. However, today the term affair has its own definition that varies depending on the individual who sees it

Infidelity in my own words is just a simple way to describe cheating in a marriage or a serious

relationship,infidelity is something that i will never support because it can be very

heartbreaking,some peopel have commited suicide just because they caught their partners

involved in infidelity,infidelity is like a betrayal of trust for the partners who caught their man or

woman in infidelity and i believe that infidelity should be stopped to make marriage become better and so that we can have less divorce

Infidelity is a relationship with other people who are not his partner. Infidelity can be done by men or women. The form of infidelity can vary.

Connecting with people outside the couple may be in physical and non-physical form. Physical form of kissing, handrails, hugs and intercourse. Non-physical form of falling in love, glance, talk, or relate through medsos

I think narrowing is a dishonest act against a spouse and betrayed loyalty to a spouse. The shape can be various.

Infidelity is the situation whereby a married man or married woman is cheating on their wife or husband,infidelity is getting common in our society and that is so absurd

Many things causes infidelity and one of the most common things that causes infidelity is lack of communications in marriage,some couples do not communicate better with each other and do not express their feelings to each other

And also lack of friendship in marriages also one of the causes of infidelity


Why my Dlive is not catching audience?

my dlive videos haven't been seen by members or users of steemit, why?
How to get audeince on dlive

A lot of answers comes to mind.

First, the quality of your video. People are more drawn to videos that are not laggy and is easy to look at.

Second, what are you livestreaming? Maybe that game is already old-fashioned to some or too boring for some.

Third, do you have a good following to begin with? Not all people will browse on the "New" but mostly on what more people are watching .

it takes times to create a magic in audience when you are new , just continue doing what you are doing,

A girl really wants in a guy:

Sense of humor. I’ve never met a single guy who was very funny.
Strength. Either physical or emotional.
Intelligence. Most girls I know are super attracted to smart guys. And if the guy is really handsome but also dumb, the girls get over them quickly.
Kindness. Yes, some girls are attracted to jerks but Most prefer a guy who could be nice to their family and puppies. XD
Good hygiene. That’s a given. No one wants to smell too much body odor and see hairs growing out of your nose. Please.!!
Loyalty. Most girls are turned off by players. We were all raised on the fairy tales where prince and princess lived happily ever after, not where he texted his side chick.
Courage. I know, guys are human too. You have your moments where you’re intimidated or unsure. But brave men are inherently attractive.
Attraction. A girl wants that the guy to be really into her.

i dont have many relationships but still let me guess. Attention, honesty, love, friendship and trust.

What is Discord?

  • Discord is a "proprietary freeware VoIP" application in short a meesenger app that is dedicated for gaming. You can communique over discord using text, images or audio.

What is the use?

  • well like any other messenger app you can use it for texting. But discord is designed to help gaming community. That means it has little tweeks that are unique to discord only. In discord among the most used features some are, you can prioritize the members in to various catagories. you can create channels with permissions. you can use discord for audio group chat. The discord communities are hosted in servers. There are many to choose from.

Should we join Discord when "using" steemit and are our advantages?

  • There was a time when steemit had its own chat. but it was removed. but steemiit is all about community. you cant build a community when you cant even talk to each other. Some of them then started using facebook, tapatalk, telegram etc and others started using discord. I mean when I first started using it I never new a messenger app could do ao much things.. The main interesting part is you can use various bots. Fredbot- a bot that will let you listen to music as a group. Ginabot- that will notify you if something important happened over steenit. mee6- a bot that helps you by guiding through the server when you newly join. And you can use your own coded bots. like you can write a bot that when commanded will show you the price of cryptocurrencies.. So yes, we should join discord when using steemit. And the advantages are that its usefulness is limitless.

Discord and Steemit are 2 different things and do not have any direct connection between them.

Discord is a communication tool and it is used mainly by gamers at the beginning for in-game and off game communications. The Discord platform still primarily wants to target gamers and that is why you will see many game references while using the app. However its ease of use sparked many others to use it for non-games related communications.

As Steemit do not have a good communication platform built in yet, many Steemians turn to Discord as the primary communication platform among Steemians. Because Discord has an open API and allow bots to be built, useful bots such as GINAbot is created to help verify the identity of Steemians in Discord.

The use of Discord might change after Steemit releases the Hivemind update which should incorporate some form of community and group messaging function

To simply put it:

If Steem Platforms is Facebook, then Discord is it's Messenger counterpart. Right now, most social interactions are happening on Discord.

As to the reason why people choose Discord stems on the fact that people can easily create many channels in only one server. If you are a founder of a huge community on Steem, then you can easily create separate channels for people who speak the same language for faster social interactions.

Discord also support Bot integration to which is helpful if you are a witness who wants to reach out to more people automatically. A perfect example for this would be the @minnowsupport that upvotes posts posted on their discord server.

Discord is a app mainly which is made for gaming peoples. Here you can text, voice call, share image.

It is easy to use like other messenger apps. Firstly you had to open an account. Then if you know someone's discord id name search it and DM(Direct Message) him/her. You also join in a group too by find out a discord group.

Yes it would be helpful for you to join Discord when using steemit. In a group you find out many types of tread here like General,Voice,Post promotion,Steemit ect ect.

You got help any types of questions by using discord.

no its not a solution as the pus popp out automatically you just have to drop a cream for it on pimple. as if you pop the pimple pus , this will leave a scar on face.


yeah it's possible if you break down your all meals in 6 to 8 meals for example if you are doing breakfast with two whole grain bread with 2 eggs omelette just break it into 2 meals and try to eat after every 2 hr. the reason why we should eat after 2 hours is that when your body gets used to it then it will never be so hungry and never ask you for food but you have to take care of that you have to eat after every 2 hr gap. I'm slim and healthy just bcoz i never eat my food at once i broke them in to 6 to 8 small meals :p try this and then see ;)

Yes, It depends on what you eat. Low calorie food and low cholesterol foods always keep you fit. If you eat less carbohydrates in a diet that is good, avoid eating high fat foods such as cheese, egg, Chia Seeds, nuts, butter, chicken and pork but take hi protein foods such as Broccoli, oats, fish, and grains.
Eat timely, when you are in hungry or take three time meal is compulsory, don't eat bulk food at a time.

Of course you do have the freedom to eat heaving without sedimenting fat in your tissues! I don't want to make it a huge paragraph so I made it point-wise

  1. Eat as much as you want but note down the calories you intake as you have to burn the excess thing
    2)Fill your food with a lot of proteins so that you could build muscle rather than fat
  2. Don't consume direct fats or high sugars if your BMI is high and take in a scarce amount if you are lean.
  3. Most importantly plan work out session or go to gym daily if you are not involved in any sort of physical profession.

**Enjoy the food don't kill your feelings :)

I will answer in short and simple ways

  1. eat a heavy breakfast - you have a day to burn calories
  2. three/four hours later - a moderate meal that is rich in nutrients but not in fats
  3. tea time at 4 - light snacks
  4. dinner at 7/8 - a simple meal that is easy to digest

Follow this and you will never be fat and once in a while, you can indulge yourself to treats

Yes, you just need to burn as many (or more) calories as you eat. It's really simple math: calories in - calories used by your body = sum of calories that will either be stored as fat (if positive value), or burned from your fat reserved (if negative value).

You may be able to eat a lot without experiencing obesity by balancing the intake of foods you consume with exercise. the more you consume carbohydrates then you try more hard to burn.

In some individuals with high metabolism, they can eat as much as anything without being fat. whereas in some others whose metabolism is slow, a bit of carbohydrates can cause weight gain.

Consume fiber-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables to keep your digestion smooth and feel full longer, and exercise at least 30 minutes a day, you will definitely stay slim.

yes it possible but in that case you have to drink a lot of water with it and exercise 2 times a day


Calories in, calories out. It is simple as that. No biochemical process beats thermodynamics. How much is "alot" is subjective though.

It is possible when you eat a long just drink water too much so that your stomach will be as free and fat will be not created with the drinking of a lot of water and you can also be fit. But take care of stomach pain and you have to also do exercise daily

It is not impossible. It depends on a lot of factors ranging from how fast your metabolism is, amount of phyiscal exertion you do on a daily basis, type of foods you are talking about.

Bottom line is if you don't want to get fat, then a healthy lifestyle is still the recommended one.

Yes its possible if you started eating low calorie food with low carb and high protein then you can eat how much you want. Always avoids street oily food and low sugar foods. Focus on protein diet. Eat healthy fat food don't eat junk foods. That's it if you take care all above tips then you can eat alot food without getting fat!!!


Good Question!

Nearly all successful Forex traders utilize trading software to increase their chance of profit in the FX market. Trading software improves one’s abilities by providing error-free statistics and unbiased analysis. The limits of AI technology are by far outweighed by the impressive benefits that it brings you.


AI is set to execute at a certain parameter and cannot recognize certain extreme situations like market crashes. It is also prone to different facets of humans interceding in the market with ideas like insider trading.

Others claim that AI cannot recognize patterns as well as humans. Since AI is taught to react a certain way when faced with situation A, it is unable to see certain patterns that a human eye can catch. However, this is debated as AI uses numbers and statistics to detect patterns instead of the human eye.


AI is real time. It does not take time to transfer signals and can provide analysis in real time for traders to execute upon.

AI provides accurate statistical analysis backed by historical data and trends every time. It barres human errors. It is also unbiased which prevents human emotion or misconceptions to mislead them. For example, if a trader has lost money consistently on a currency pair, he might be more inclined to stay away from that currency pair even if the opportunity presents itself. AI is not affected by the past and is always objective toward any market.

Well i believe that yes the financial statements of a

company can be used to judge the performance of a company because through the financial statements

you can be able to detect how much profits or loss that the company had during the year in review and that

information can be used to know how good or a bad a company is performing and it would be an interesting

steps for anyone to take if they want to invest on any business...

Yeah of course the financial statements can be used to know more about a company including how to know the financial performance of the

company and know more about their business report,knowing the financial statements of a

company is useful for someone that wants to invest in a company,the financial statement will

enable you to know how well the company is

doing and it will make you know whether to invest on them or not because when a company is

doing well it will be good for investment and if the

company is doing badly it will not be good for investment at that moment..

Yes of course according to me if there is a company there should be profit and the financial statements will be the major effect because there are lots of worker working under company and to fulfill their salary company should be ready with good financial statements. so yes it is the mainstream of company

Financial statements contains full detailed information about all the finances in a company,the way the finance of a company is managed says alot of things about

their performance and that is why a company that is not performing well will definitely have financial problem now or in the future...that is why a financial statement

will definitely make someone to be aware of the

financial capability of the company and the information can be used to know if a company has good

performance or if they have bad performance...but

because a company has bad performance today do not mean they cannot perform well in the future...

Miami have alot of lovely beach,and i am sure every fun lover would admire beach and would not mind going there,also miami has a very serene and beautiful environment,miami is a classy place to be at..

Because MIAMI is a major city located on the Atlantic coast in Southeastern Florida and the town including the most densely populated areas in the United States with a population of 2,500,625.

The second largest city in the United States 42, with a population of 433,136, it is the main town centre, and the most populous South Florida metropolitan area, most densely populated major city in the Southeast United States.

Besides Miami, Florida also has interesting attractions to visit.
These seven places you must visit;

  1. South Beach
  2. Miami Seaquarium
  3. Monkey Jungle
  4. Parrot Jungle Island
  5. Miami Children's Museum
  6. Miami River Historical Jungle Tours
  7. Coral Castle

I am one of the people, who wanted to pay a visit to Miami, heard the name alone makes the soul wanted to fly there. In the Indonesia city of Miami is so popular.
Because Miami is a city of bright and energetic fun place never seem to end. Often referred to as the "Magic City," Miami has a lot to offer, from electricity to gourmet dining to the sunny beaches and a passionate person. Being the gateway to Latin America, Miami is known for its diverse culture, and as the city that never sleeps. So, without further ADO, let's get this party started with the best Miami has to offer

I am a housewife, but I know miami only through tv, I know that miami is a very beautiful place that is decorated with beach tours that can spoil everyone to bask under the sun


Hypothyroidism, unless severe is not lethal.Its early detection and with proper medication one can lead a very long life.Even those with myxoedema and simple goiter can live for decades.However, 6 monthly or yerly detection of thyroid hormone and TSh level is a must for continuation of a particular dose of thyroid hormone therapy under the supervision of a thyroid expert is required.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I would also love to know too

The answer that I give might be a bit contradicting for some people. But according to me the aging process happens due to few factors.

Sleep: Sleep is the major contributor for aging. If a person is sleeping a lot, there is a high possibility that aging process can be faster. Body growth and recovery happens only during sleep. When a person undergoes lots of wear and tear throughout the day time, it is only during sleep the body will try to heal. If we see the kids, we will be able to see that they grow faster if they get a good sleep.

Breathing: The next important contributor for aging is breathing. An ancient writer called Thirumoolar who is believed to have lived for 3000 years mentions in one of his songs that a perfect breathing system is important for slowing down the aging process. In order to live longer we have to breathe less. The more we breathe we are losing many years in our life. That is the reason why Tortoise lives longer and a dog has shorter lifespan.

By drinking a lot of water , exercise daily and live happily

Here I will include some extra traps for backing off the maturing procedure.

Here are some extra traps to moderates the maturing procedure.

Lift weights: It will fabricate your muscles, will help in keeping away from the oxidative pressure, will fortify your skin. What's more, weight lifting will likewise help in weight reduction and tummy fat misfortune, keeping away from stoutness will give all of you the Vitals that is required for backing off the maturing procedure.

Drink more water: On the off chance that you are dried out for longer time, at that point you will be more inclined to matured skin and have the maturing manifestations on your skin. What you need to do, is extremely basic, drink more water. Water gives a sound shine to your skin, flushes your poisons from your body and is useful for solid joints also

Eat nourishment with cancer prevention agent: Free radicals harm is real offender behind the maturing procedure, it deals with your body cells and cause skin wrinkles and another maturing side effects. Taking nourishment or multivitamins that contains Vitamin A, Beta carotene and Vitamin C, will help you in adapting to the free radicals harm.

Protein: It helps in directing your insulin levels, it manages the sugar levels inside your body. This additionally helps in keeping the pressure hormone levels low and stay away from the body harm by pressure hormone. Moreover, Collagen, which is a protein gives tone, flexibility, and quality to your skin, hair and nails also.

Lift weights: It will build your muscles, will help in avoiding the oxidative stress, will strengthen your skin. In addition, weight lifting will also help in weight loss and belly fat loss, avoiding obesity will give you all the Vitals that is required for slowing down the aging process.

Drink more water: If you are dehydrated for longer time, then you will be more prone to aged skin and have the aging symptoms on your skin. What you have to do, is very simple, drink more water. Water gives a healthy glow to your skin, flushes your toxins from your body and is helpful for healthy joints as well

Eat food with antioxidant: Free radicals damage is major culprit behind the aging process, it manages your body cells and cause skin wrinkles and another aging symptoms. Taking food or multivitamins that contains Vitamin A, Beta carotene and Vitamin C, will help you in coping with the free radicals damage.

Protein: It helps in regulating your insulin levels, it regulates the sugar levels within your body. This also helps in keeping the stress hormone levels low and avoid the body damage by stress hormone. In addition, Collagen, which is a protein gives tone, elasticity, and strength to your skin, hair and nails as well.

Be like a vampire. Sleep, stay out of the sun and consume only what is good for you. jk

But to a certain extent this is true. Sleeping allows the body to rest and regain vitality for the next day, not only will your body be physically restored but mentally as well. Being mentally restored will reduce the stress of everyday life. Stress is a major factor of aging. Eyes droop, memory fades and activity level will be low , inversely related with stress levels.

The UV rays from the sun cause premature wrinkles , sunspots and are very bad for skin elasticity. Wear sunblock or stay out of the sun at peak hours.

Eat whole foods, and healthy stuff. You are what you eat.

Exercise, allows blood flow to many parts of the body that need it, providing those areas with nutrients to stay healthy and working well.

Stretch/yoga, keep yourself limber and have proper posture. Many old people have very poor posture and are bent over because of years of remaining in the same few positions all day. Then there are some, Iv'e noticed that are very upright and robust looking because of daily stretching.

Drink lots of water, the body needs water to function properly. Staying hydrated will allow for your organs to work normally.

Keep up as much of a good routine as you can with these things and you can be sure to be healthier and look younger in old age.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

How To Overcome Hair Loss Naturally

  1. Using Aloe Vera

Content in aloe vera was not only able to make hair become healthier, but also more powerful and able to stimulate hair growth on your scalp.
Before applying this method wet your hair first and wait until half dry. After that wipe the mucus contained in the aloe vera meat. Rub on your hair and scalp, allow 15 to 20 minutes. Do this 2 to 3 times a week.

  1. Pecan

The content of hazelnut oil can make hair become more black, healthy and able to overcome the problem of hair loss. The content of candlenut oil can make hair roots stronger, and able to stimulate hair to grow on the scalp.

How to use it with roasted hazelnuts that have been crushed. Once roasted then mash until smooth and remove the oil. Next wipe the hazelnut oil on your hair. The final step is kramas with shampoo to keep your hair clean.

  1. Avocado fruit

The next way is to utilize the avocado fruit. You can use avocado as a hair mask, because the protein content contained in this one fruit is very effective to strengthen the hair and able to nourish your hair. In addition to strengthen the hair, this fruit is also able to stimulate your hair growth. Simply by smoothing the avocado fruit and then balurkan the hair and your scalp. Let stand 20 minutes then rinse with shampoo to clean.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

Looking for a treatment that works at the same time as no longer the aspect-results of chemicals or medicinal pills you need to strive those 3 natural domestic remedies to these hair fall treatments can start displaying results inner multiple week. comply with those domestic remedies to modify hair loss clearly.
in case you choice actually hair regrowth then try this do-it-your self pointers for prolonged hair healthy hair hair fall manipulate and hair increase domestic remedies to adjust hair
#1 garlic vegetable oil overwhelm a garlic pod upload three tbsp of vegetable oil.
permit it relaxation for thirty mins #2 fixingss pour AN egg white and one tsp of vegetable oil in an extremely bowl.
#three onion Aloe vera gel ANd vegetable oil chop an onion and extract its juice. upload a couple of tbsp of Aloe vera gel and one tbsp of vegetable oil.practice to scalp and depart for thirty mins.
onion for combating hair loss hot oil massage reduce lower backto cut backto cut again hair fall reduce hair falls with fixings the ones 3 herbal hair domestic treatments Unique
may not completely forestall hair fall however will facilitate nourish your hair and allows to grow your hair quicker and longer.
those three diy remedies ar every for hair fall/ hair loss and for hair regrowth faster hair growth without a element consequences.
in case you attempted those home treatments we have a propensity to assure you that you just can prevent having hair fall issues it will cut back hair dandruff
your hair can broaden faster and you'll have vivid healthful more potent longer hair.

To take care or hair loss there are basically 2 reasons where in today's world there is lots of wind flowing in weather and the mud or the sand is flowing with the wind and it can affect the hair and there are very much chances of hair losses.

Hair can be saved for loss with shampoo daily with a good conditioner and leave the hair empty for 2-3 minutes after shampoo and conditioner.

Use 2-3 times oil and do massage of hair regularly after having oil

If you find hair loss after washing your hair or when combing in large quantities will certainly make people who experience it to be anxious. Although in fact, hair loss is a natural thing and it must happen to everyone. But what you need to watch out for is that if hair loss is excessive, it can lead to baldness.

Cause Hair Loss
There are many factors that can cause a person to experience hair loss, which is due to age, medical conditions, heredity, or due to chemical processes that have been done, such as coloring and straightening hair permanently. Before overcoming hair loss, yuk find out first what causes the following hair loss:

Less Nutrition Intake
Poor nutrition intake causes hair strands that grow to become thinner and more fragile, so the hair becomes falling out. Be careful for you who are on a diet, because an extreme diet can cause hair loss. You may lack the zinc and protein needed by hair.
Hormone Changes
Hormonal changes that occur in pregnant women can cause hair loss.
Drug Side Effects
The drugs you consume can also be one cause of your hair fall out. Examples of drugs commonly used to treat depression, heart problems and high blood pressure.
Psychological Influence
Psychological conditions such as stress, depression, or severe physical stress, for example after undergoing major surgery, or after childbirth will cause hair loss. However, hair loss due to psychological conditions will not make people who experience it bald, and can be reduced by itself without medical treatment.

I am thinking of starting to upload content on DLive. Is it worth it?

I mean is it worth my effort to make well edited videos on DLive.
(gaming content)

I make clips of CS:GO


If you are not in a difficult or desperate situation where you need money immediately then just hodl your bitcoins. While no one is really sure about what the future will be, many are pretty optimistic about what the blockchain technology can do. After a year or so when all FUD are gone and people are now learning the potential of the blockchain, BTC as the grandfather of all cryptos will no doubt soar like never before

If you want to invest in bitcoin mining without the hassle of managing your own hardware, there is an alternative. You can use the cloud to earn your coins.

Put very simply, cloud mining means using (generally) shared processing power run from remote data centers. One only needs a home computer for communications, optional local bitcoin wallets and so on.

In general, there are three forms of remote mining avialable at the moment:

  1. Hosted mining

Lease a mining machine that is hosted by the provider

  1. Virtual hosted mining

Create a (general purpose) virtual private server and install your own mining software

  1. Leased hashing power

Lease an amount of hashing power, without having a dedicated physical or virtual computer.

Risk vs Reward

When engaging in any type of cryptocurrency mining there are risks, but profitability is possible if you make the right choices.

You will likely see that some mining services will be profitable for a few months, but, as the difficulty level of bitcoin increases, you would probably start to make a loss in four to six months and beyond. A possible remedy to this situation is to reinvest what you have made into maintaining a competitive hashing rate.

The risk of fruad and mismanagement is all too common in the mining space. Investors should get the right knowledge and information before investing, also ask questions, and ask for proof of concept prior to investing.

I would hold them, but no one can really know if the bear market is done yet. It might not be a bad idea to sell them if you need the money, but that also means that you can miss out big time if it has a bull run again. It's really up to you.


To the exclusion of everything else, the major thing I would urge is to get a Forex Education. There are boundless material on Forex in the trap for newcomers and what's more experienced vendors - you have to look for self search. Contribute some time crutinizing up on how online forex trading self -capacities, the thoughts driving trades and how costs are influenced by financial and political conditions.

Other than you ought to make some understand, if you have to learn forex trading, it's the fundamental way. Regardless it is sensible for this to be on a demo account. This will give you a conventional specific foundation on the mechanics of making forex trades and end up acquainted with using a trading stage.

In the wake of having traded for a long time on a demo account it is basic to similarly use a Real one, however with little hypothesis aggregate - find a facilitate that will recognize cut down estimated trades (0.01 sections for FX) so you can get a certified vibe for the live market. It is a whole particular preoccupation trading on a demo and bona fide arrange, as a result of the psychological effect that trading with honest to goodness money has. Forex Trading a bit will be empower you to put your money on hold, anyway at little peril if you benefit.

Starting there, in the event that you are expanding more than you are losing, you should well ordered addition your trading size and contributed capital, constantly recollecting that it should be an aggregate you can stand to lose and which you feel great with.

ETF investment instruments have many advantages over others. Some of these advantages include: flexible, automatic diversification, transparent, liquid (easy to sell), the cost is relatively cheap, accurate and efficient, measured risk, asset allocation, and layered supervision.

Anything can happen in life so nothing is
One hundred percentage certain in life itself
So because of that i cannot say that it is
Not possible for bitcoin price to go back to zero
But the probability that such things will happen
Is extremely low and it would very very difficult
For bitcoin price to reach that very low price

Bircoin price will definitely still go back to the
Bullish trend and rise to at least fifteen thousand
Dollars and many bitcoin investors will make
Profits,i am not saying this based on assumptions
But i am saying it based on the analysis i have
Done on the bitcoin market and the research
I have made concerning how the bitcoin market behaves often

If bitcoin price reaches zero then it means that
Many cryptocurrencies will close down too
Especially those coins that follows the behaviour of bitcoin on the cryptocurrency market and that would make it a dangerous situation to many investors

I have to be honest on this one, I cannot see the price of bitcoin going to $0. Why? If you noticed the news especially on the adoptions of some cryptocurrencies and the movements being done by the traditional industries, you’d see that they are embracing the blockchain technology and at the same time bitcoin/virtual currencies. The current dip in price in bitcoin for me is normal, though I’m still in my early stages in this world og cryptocurrency (going 7 months), but this dips are good, especially if the reason are about security and its a great opportunity for cryptocurrency projects to improve security and follow some regulatory so that institutional investors can join the cryptocurrency mania meaning cryptocurrency’s are flying to the moon once all pieces needed for the virtual currencies to be accepted by many, are joined together. Bitcoin is going to soar high and so as the altcoins - soon thereafter. Here in my country, the government had granted licenses to operate for cryptocurrency exchanges, years from now, bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies would be used by the masses from transferring of money to any type of transaction for which money is involved.

I don't think it will actually hit $0, because I think there will always be people who are wanting to buy it, especially when it's cheap. Remember that if it falls to even $10, it will only cost $210 million to grab the entire market! And I think people believe in Bitcoin, and will always buy if they get it for a good price.

First of all it is almost impossible that bitcoin will hit zero and why it is impossible to hit bitcoin zero because following must be happened.
All the countries joins together to enforce the ban on bitcoin.
All the countries start to crack the bitcoin holders
Bitcoin develop a bug that its developer unable to solve
If this scenario is developed then what will happened.
the simple answer the bitcoin holders will lose all their investment.
Crypto currencies will lost their complete trust and as a result all the currencies will become to zero.

Bitcoin will not be zero dollars someday
Because the future of bitcoin is so bright and
Bitcoin price will keep growing and many
Investors will make money from their investment
On bitcoin,the more bitcoin price rises the
Higher the probabliity the price of other coins will also rise too

I am even more concerned about the
Price of steem because i believe that
Steem can be the nexy bitcoin and steem
Is a lovely crypto that has very good feautures with a lovelt white paper and lovely platforms built on the steem blockchain

then it goes again 20000 dollars in next day because the buying is so high if the price falls because everyone knows bitcoin has a great future and they always wanted to buy it at the maximum lowest price so if the price goes to 0 dollar then everyone will buy it and also in bulk although its not possible because most of the bitcoin in the few very rich wallet and without their selling the bitcoin cant fall to that much low.

No one can predict feature . But in my opinion its never gonna happen in feature. Because only 21 million bitcoin will be mined and due to high demand and low supply its price will never go to zero. Bitcoin are most popular global currency at this moment and its more secure as well as decentralized. All the reason are enough to increase value of bitcoin. Bitcoin are used in many store as a payment option . The use-case of bitcoin is now too high as compare to any other cryoto currency .

Its depends on bitcoin market. If bitcoin cross 15k dollar then its possible to see steem at 20$ . Steem community is rapidly growing day by day, and one day it will cross 100 million . Steemit is best successfully platform are running since a 2016. The team behind steem is amazing they all have technical understanding and ability to make steem worth 10$ . So in my opinion steem will cross 20$ in upcoming years . Just look at musing its build on steemit blockchain and they have potential to overtake competitors.

no its too quick to answer that right now steem is at 1.8 nearly so its difficult for any coin to jump for 20x but then noone knows whats going in the mind of whales if they feel that noone is giving steem any respect they can take the oppurtunity to create a hype and then sell it at high price .

I don't think so that price will touch anywhere near 20$ in 2018. As currently Steem is moving around 1.3 to 1.5$. Volumes are also in not very encouraging.
If we assume it price at 1.5 today and to reach its target of 20$ it has to multiply by almost 13 times which is very difficult at the movement.
As almost all the Altcoins follow the BTC so BTC should also have to move in the similar proportion. If BTC price goes 50+K then Steem is likely to move to 20$, which is in current scenario not possible.
Another thing that more than half of the year has already passed and we have only left with 5 months.
Unless there are some abnormal positive announcements or news I see it very difficult to 20$. But in crypto we can't say anything for sure.

Hope to reach even higher than this

Is there an API that returns followers_mvest?

I am planning to get the "followers_mvest" for 100+ steem accounts on our steem community. SteemDB already has this computation but I hate to do it manually. Is there an API that returns followers_mvest in steemjs? How do I it?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

For followers APIs, SteemJS only has getFollowers, getFollowing, and getFollowCount.

You can use getFollowers, to get all your followers, and then use that with getAccounts to calculate their mVests.

The docs can be found here:, and the follower apis can be find here:

Thanks! Guess I really have to do it that way then :)

Here are a list of pointers that I always give to newbies:

  • Focus on delivering quality content and comments.
  • Be patient. Do not be upset or disappointed when the post your spent hours on only get a 5 cents upvote. It takes time to build your profile and reputation on this platform. There are over 1,000,000 accounts and it is impossible for your content to stand out instantly.
  • Be active and social! Try to engage your readers. I always make it a point to reply to every comment I receive and selectively upvote good comments. In addition, join your local community like #teamsingapore!
  • Use bots wisely. As you might have noticed, most upvotes on Steemit is done through bots. I am not entirely against it but I advise to use them wisely and do not abuse it.
  • Power up if you can afford it. If you are not in need of the cash immediately, try to convert your rewards into STEEM Power. It helps make your votes more valuable and since people tend to follow others with high reputation or STEEM power, it will help you gain some followers.
  • Be kind to others, especially new joiners. We want to grow Steemit collectively and in order to do so, we have to make it as welcoming as possible. So we should all do our part to help each other out.
  • Have a niche and build on it. Focus on blogging on what you are good at or passionate about. Do not blog about topics that you think is popular even though you may not know much about it. Why? Blogging takes time and effort, if you keep writing on things that you are not interested in, it will just bore you and eventually you will stop writing. This is especially so if you do not get the upvotes you expected.
  • Upvote the content you like and downvote spammy and poor contents. This will help everyone build a more sustainable Steemit platform.

Thank you so much. :)

I will explain to them what is steem dollar and steem power and also how to get the two cripto in play esteem by posting, and commenting on friend's post little by little so they can easily understand it.

I need someone to help me in Javascript?

There are two questions i am solving for many hours.
i am new to javascript and this is my assignment
any one can help me?
The question is
Find a substring from a string without using arrays and builtin functions and prints the amount of 1's in the string like
var a =["12121212121111111111231231"];
maximum no of 1's in the string to find and print them

var a =["12121212121111111111231231"]
var b = a[0]

var count = 0

for (i in b)
    if (b[i]== "1")
       count = count + 1

Thats how I would do it. Get the element in the array, set it as a different variable, then define a variable, count and set it to 0, for how many times the character appears. Iterate through the element, and if the character is equal to the character you are looking for, append count by 1. Once thats done, print count out onto the console.

i do not want to check all the 1's in the string i just to find out the number of 1's coming maximum as a subtstring from the real string

Does Bitcoin hit its bottom for the year and is moving towards new high by the end of the year?

Bitcoin touched 5700 and reversed. was this a bottom for the year and is bitcoin is aging moving towards 20000 or 15000 as it did last year in Dec.

In crypto world nothing is stable. You might see Bitcoin falling $5000 next month. Its better to have Stop-Loss in place in all your trades to protect yourself from loses.

Usually it does but now we can predict the future

Short Answer: No!

Every day a fix amount of Steem is alloted to the global reward pool which goes to authors and curators. If everyone's contents is paid indefinitely, the reward pool would definitely get thinner and thinner. To avoid this scenario, a post/comment is only given 7 days to collect rewards (through upvotes).

No, after 7 days when a post has paid out, that's it. You cannot earn any additional reward. Neither can you delete the post although whereas before, it was no longer editable, changes have been made so you can edit any old post if it needs updating.
Hope this helps :-)

When you upvote an old post, the upvote value goes back to the pool and you cannot earn from old posts.

Is facing the possibility of your own death scary for you ? How would you deal with it ?

Suppose you are about to die in some days or some months because of some disease. How would you take it and face that ?

I'm not gonna lie, if I know the manner of my own death, then I would probably do my very best to avoid it.

No! It's not that I am scared about death, but it is human nature to "flee" instead of to "fight" whenever one senses danger. If the manner of my death is somewhat like being stabbed to death, or being gunned down then I myself can at least try to avoid it.

However, if you are talking about the cause of death like a "terminal illness", then what I would do is just spend my remaining time with my loved ones. If I can still do some basic stuffs such as running without making my condition worse, then I would one by one achieve my bucket list. :)

In my childhood when ever I heard about a death I always wondered what it meant. How does an individual die. What happens when they die. As I was growing up both my knowledge and curiosity about the whole death related process was getting heavier and heavier. I saw people die upclose. I saw pain in death. People filled with pain of loosing loved ones. I also saw peace in death. Death after suffering from a disease that had no cure. And with death finding peace.

This was the time when I discovered that death was an anomaly that had more abstract meanings than it had properties of reality. I learned how every religion had different interpretation of death. I asked myself, not often but asked, what would happen if and when I die?I would become " A soul that comes back again and again to the living plain? " or " a soul that is lost in the cosmic chaos forever?". This unsure outcome of death made me very scared. why wouldn't it be as death is an uncertain event. No one living knows what will happen after. They only have assumptions and guesses. And that's why the answer to the first question would be yes. The idea of me being dead is possibly very very scary for me.

Now to the second question, I guess I cant do anything to deal with it. For a better understanding let me elaborate a bit. Is there anyway any method using which I would know the eexat mmoment when I will die? The answer I think would be no. There is no way of knowing.. Its like giving an exam, you don't know the day when the result will be published. And my philosophy is I don't overthink about things that are uncertain. I know the outcome but I don't know when and things like that is a waste of time to think about.

So how would I deal with the last possible outcome in my life? There is nothing to be done but only delaying the inevitable. I can follow daily routins, stay fit by working out, eat helathy, take treatments and full body chekups and all it can do is just buy me a little bit more time and that is also an unsure statement. The only thing I can do is what I would. I would let time take me where my road ends and try to make the most while I'm at it.

Awesome thoughts, hats off to you.

I have actually a rare blood disorder that could sneak up on me any day and I'd be toast if I missed the signs of it coming out of remission in time. I think about death every day, it is just something I never can get out of my head.

For me, it isn't the life beyond this life that worries me, I am certain that I have some family and friends with which to reunite at that time and I can't wait to see them again.

However, the act of dying itself.. taking the last breaths, maybe struggling for air to breathe or being in a tremendous amount of unfathomable pain. It is a worry for me. My fear is gasping for breath.. drowning, suffocating.. etc. If I knew I could die peacefully in my sleep I would be very very happy.

Death is not scary it never was because it is the only truth that existed from the very beginning. What is scary is the thought of leaving things unfinished and leaving the world with regrets.

But as you know most of us are selfish and greedy, they always want more. More money, More fame, More love and More time to make more of these, that sometimes they forget the absolute truth in this land of living.

Well death is something that we will all experience
someday and that is why i always advice people that we all should live a good life and make the

world a good place for all and live a life of good legacy so that when we die people will say good

things about us and they will not have to lie at our burial ceremony when they want to talk about

us,yeah death can be scary when thinking about it but it is something that every human will face someday somehow...

no dealth is not that sacry then living so if it happens i spent my time with family and travel as much as i can and also try all those things which i never be able to because of some issues.

How to Check if bots have done voting?

I send sbd to minnow bot for a power up on my post and i am not sure if they send me any upvotes or not.
How can i check?

There are several ways to check if an account has voted on your post. The easiest is to go to the bottom of your post and click on the arrow beside the vote number. You'll see a partial list of voters.

Other ways include checking to see a complete record of all transactions (votes, transfers, comments, etc.). Alternatively, you can check for the bot's username and you'd also see a record of the vote.

go to your post and click on down arrow the down arrow is beside of upvote count. and after click on down arrow check the name of bots in upvote list if there is name that means the bot has upvoted on your post. also there is many site provide information who is upvoted and how much power upvote you got.

Ok thank you

Posted using Partiko Android

Scientifically speaking, it is one of the best days in the year to get in an intense meditation session.
Mahashivratri is the time of the year when the Earth's centrifugal force (outward pushing force) is at its peak. As the Earth rotates on this day, it is pushing your physical (and spiritual) body towards the outward direction.
The physical effect is a slightly increased blood flow towards your brain, throughout the day.
The spiritual effect is an increased perception.
Here are your options :-

  1. Use a meditation app like Calm or Headspace. (I'm personally not a fan)
  2. Vocal AUM chanting (or as people wrongly call it - OM chanting) for 20 mins - one of the purest and strongest forms of meditation.
  3. Transcendental Meditation - 20 mins of chanting any short mantra within your mind. Any short prayer that you can chant in one single breath. It doesn't even necessarily have to be a prayer. It can just be a 2 syllable word - "Hope" , "Nature" , "Happy.
    But if you want to chant a Shiv specific mantra, these are your options for the day - "Aum namo shivaay" "Shi-Va"
    While doing TM, make sure you don't move your tongue while thinking of the mantra. You don't have to pronounce it perfectly, you just have to have the 'idea' of the mantra in your mind. Ideally do this on an empty stomach.

Remember, it's not about emptying your mind or thinking about anything in particular. It's about getting your physical body to meditate for 20 minutes.
Good luck!

Lethargy and Sluggishness

A dog who has an infection is likely to be very lethargic, sluggish and to seem uninterested in his regular activities. Typically he will no longer want to play, go for walks or ride in the car. He's more likely to prefer to sleep most of the time and may hide in an out-of-the-way spot so that he's less likely to be disturbed. Suspect an infection in any dog who was active and has become lethargic. Also consider infection in an older dog who seems less energetic than usual.
Running a Fever

If your dog has an infection he will likely have a fever, though his temperature may be normal with a localized infection such as a bite wound or other injury. The normal temperature for a dog, typically taken rectally, is between 101 and 102.5 degrees. A temperature higher than 103 degrees is considered to be a fever and may indicate an infection. Unless there is an obvious cause for the fever, such as a vaccination within the past day or two, take your dog to the vet.
Changes in Eating and Drinking

A loss of appetite may signal that your dog has an infection. A previously hearty eater may refuse his food or just nibble at it. He may even refuse his favorite treats if he's got an infection. Even if he's refusing food, your dog may begin to consume more water than usual, a possible sign of a urinary tract infection. Such an infection may be accompanied by more frequent urination, often foul-smelling, bloody or cloudy urine.
Other Indications

The specific signs of an infection depend a lot on the type and location of the infection. Some things to watch for that indicate your dog has an infection are the presence of pus or an abscess. If it's a skin problem, near the surface of the skin or in his ear you also may notice that he scratches or digs at the spot or that the skin is hot, red or swollen. Some infections will cause your dog to cough, with or without the presence of mucus; he may vomit, have an obvious nasal discharge or show other signs of illness. In all cases he should be seen by a veterinarian as soon as possible to prevent further complications.

See if he likes being around you, even in times of trouble. If your loved ones go through a bad day but become more cheerful when you see, then it is a sign of love. If he or she loves you, then your presence and / or voice will make him feel better, even if only slightly. If he's upset or through a hard day, look at his reaction when you're present at him. See if he's staring at you wide-eyed. It does sound strange, but look at the eyes of the person you love if you see it later. Does he look at you in a plain, tidy, silly and adorable way that can only be described as "wide-eyed"? You'll know if you see that look. You will not get that look all the time, you can find it in the morning, or occasionally from across the dining table. You may be able to see it staring at you with the same expression.

If someone truly love me, he would do anything for me. He always wants to give me an happiness, never want to make me feel sad. Love is giving and accepting. If he loves me much, he will love me just the way iam. Never asks me to be like him or like someone else. And i really find that in my husband attitude.

I think the first thing that feels is his attention to us, the way he looks at us, speaks to us and his curiosity about our condition. This definitely comes when someone likes us, or when we like other people. Love can not be deceived. If we want a little to use feelings, it will be easier to know someone likes us.

They give you the last piece of cake.

Wow where do I start? I don’t know much, but here’s what I do know. Love is powerful. So so powerful. It can transform a rainy day into a field of sunflower. Create a path of light even through the dark. To love and to be loved are the most beautiful feelings in the world. These may not apply to everyone but some things I’ve picked up on are:

They love you on your worst days. There can come a time where you might not even love yourself, but they still will.
They don’t just tell you that they love you but they show you through their actions. No matter how busy their day was or how crazy of a schedule they have, they always make you feel wanted and invited.
You can see them holding your hair back when your sick and running to the store for some hot chicken noodle soup and Advil.
They listen. They care about what you have to say and value your opinion even when it’s not exactly what they want to hear.
They understand you. Even if you’re rambling on about something, they show empathy towards you.
They compromise. They have the ability to work things through by bending at times to adapt to your wants/needs.
They forgive. Love can be hard sometimes, but they will always forgive you and move on, even if you’re wrong.
They want to see you succeed. No, no, they loveeee to see you succeed. Nothing brings them more joy than watching you accomplish your goals.
They 100% support you. They really just want the best for you and your happiness. If you’re happy, they’re happy.
They’re consistent. The person who loves you always makes an effort to show you that you are loved. It’s not a switch that they flip on and off. They’ll consistently love you.
They love you no matter what. This ones mainly for the guys but you can be jobless with no income and they’ll still stand by your side cheering you on as you go on to your next career hunt.
They surprise you unexpectedly. I don’t mean a 20K diamond ring. I mean the kind of “I saw this bracelet at the store and thought of you” or “my friend is selling chocolates and I bought you one!” Just small gestures to show you they care.
They’re love is freeing, not controlling. They allow you to do as you please because they want you to feel comfortable and secure. You’re not in fear of them leaving you or waking up one day and not liking you. They’ve proven they’ll be there for you no matter what.
If the day ever comes that you do decide to part ways, they’ll still thank you for the love and light you brought into their life and genuinely pray and hope that your future is filled with everything they couldn’t give you. Just because things didn’t work out for you two, they harbor no hate.
They make you a priority in their life. Their love is never questionable. At times you may feel a little doubtful of this but they’re right there again to remind you.
They work on themselves in order to be a better partner for you. They see your likes and dislikes and acknowledge them. They work on self-improvement so they can grow with you and continue to be a part of your life.
They’re reliable. Your car breaks down? You need a ride home from the airport? They’re there and if they can’t be, they always find a way to make sure you’re safe.
You can trust them at all times. They follow through and make sure that trust and respect are given. Their word is always kept.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

I think the reason why some people call dubai a fake city is because many people coming there are possibly there to show off their expensive lifestyle even when they do not have inner happiness


The best way to prevent measles is immunization with exposed since childhood. There are two choices of measles vaccination. The first is the special measles vaccine that entered by the Government into the compulsory immunization. This vaccine is given at age 9 months, 2 years and 6 years. The second type of vaccine is a liquid vaccine MMR koprasi for rubella, measles and gondongan, Germany. This vaccine is given at age 12-13 months, and at the age of 3-5 years.
A newborn will have antibodies against measles if her mother ever suffered from measles or measles vaccinations had received before getting pregnant. These antibodies will provide protection for the first few months. Therefore special measles vaccine or MMR should be given when the baby is over half a year

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Measles, a disease caused by an airborne virus that spreads via breathing, coughing, or sneezing. Its symptoms are rash, high fever, cough, runny nose, and red, watery eyes. Some if the have weak immunity system if is sick with measles also can get an ear infection, diarrhea, or a serious lung infection, such as pneumonea which is very rare.

Measles can be prevented with two lateral step

  1. by getting the measles vaccine:

Make sure you are fully vaccinated or otherwise protected against measles.

Infants are the ones most unprotected and should have 1 dose of measles vaccine if traveling internationally.

Infants vaccinated before 12 months of age should be revaccinated on or after the first birthday with 2 doses, separated by at least 28 days.

Children 12 months of age or older should have 2 doses, separated by at least 28 days.

Adolescents and adults who have not had measles or have not been vaccinated should get 2 doses, separated by at least 28 days.

  1. By taking steps to prevent illness:

Wash your hands often. If soap and water aren’t available, clean your hands with hand sanitizer (containing at least 60% alcohol).

Don’t touch your eyes, nose, or mouth. If you need to touch your face, make sure your hands are clean.

Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when coughing or sneezing.

Try to avoid close contact, such as kissing, hugging, or sharing eating utensils or cups, with people who are sick..

Of course you can but you must meet the requirements given youtube. this requirement to produce that from youtube. all new and old channels on YouTube that have not reached 4,000 hours of watch time and 1,000 subscribers over the past year will not be able to serve ads.

A number of YouTubers or YouTube channels that have not met the requirement reported having received an e-mail containing information about the termination of monetization until the specified conditions are reached. we are reviewed by the youtube party. if approved we will be given ads on our video

Sure it can.
There are already many You Tubers creating their main income with YouToube.
There are many different ways to earn.
The most common way is to get YouTube monetize your YouTube Videos.
You Tube will then display Ads before or while your videos.
The ads are paid very bad so you need a lot of views on your videos.

A other way is do ads by yourself. For example for Amazon. You will get paid everytime someone buys a product with a Link that you shared on your YouTube Channel.

According to Me This is a topic that is quite plural discussed internet users today. Some people find it complicated, but many have generated money from social media sharing this video content.

If you often use the internet, would have been familiar with the site This site is an online medium where we can upload our videos to the internet. And we can also watch videos that other people upload to YouTube for free.

YouTube users often spend a lot of time in front of the monitor screen to watch unique and interesting videos uploaded by YouTube users from around the world. This site became one of the most widely used social media around the world and became one of the most popular moneymakers.

Like the business principles we know all along, where there is a crowd there will be a lot of money or profit potential. And it's true, right now there are so many people who make money from videos they upload to YouTube. There are even people who make money up to hundreds of millions of dollars per month just from the videos they upload to YouTube.

Then how to make money from YouTube, and where is the money from? Here's a quick review.
One of the reasons why YouTube is so popular with internet users is because YouTube delivers real-time video content. Unlike image or text content that does not look 'live' in the eyes of internet users. Various video content on the YouTube site is uploaded by its users for different purposes.

There are YouTube users who upload videos for fun, some want to promote businesses and events, some aim to share with others, and more. All internet users would prefer to have REAL and attractive content, which is why internet users are lingering on YouTube.

Yes you can. But you have to make really popular vids and up to a million views for your videos. You also need more than 1,000 subscribers and on one of your YouTube vids, there has to be a button that says make money off this video and you can start from there. You can't just start making money off a new account, new video.

It is easy. If you make videos that thousands of people will watch and can make a living doing it or like doing it then why work for someone else?
Make your own hours, do what you love and pay your bills. Before you can start making money off of your videos, you need to enable monetization on your YouTube account.

Things You’ll Need
Google Account
YouTube Account via Sign with your Google Account
Google Adsense Account
Common Sense
Best Affiliate Programs
Useful and Fresh Videos already uploaded in your YouTube Account

moneytoken, nano coin offers loan service and moneytoken is best in that case

neoxian offers a loan service.

Requirements are:

To qualify for a loan:
You must have a Steem Reputaion of 58.
Your account must be 5 months old.
You need a good #introduce-yourself post that shows your face.
You must have a high quality blog and post regularly.
Neoxian will be asking to see your government photo ID.

If you don't want to do the things above:

If you can offer your Owner key to an account with enough Steem Power to cover the loan, the above requirements can be relaxed. Also, if you can get a high rep, well known person to vouch for you or cosign with you, that is also very helpful.

What can I build from a vacuum cleaner?

My vacuum cleaner is broken (just the case a bit) and I bought a new one. The old one still works. Who can recommend to me what I can make creative out of it.

there are many ways of using a vacuum cleaner there are 2 of them.
Cool Retro Lamp
Who would have thought that an old, bulky cylinder vacuum cleaner can be used to decorate your house? Denmark-based artist KristianLinneberg Sorensen had the idea to reuse vintage vacuum cleaners as lamps.

Sorensen was inspired by the classic design of these cleaners that he decided to transform them into something new and usable.

By using the vacuums’ body and parts, he was able to give the machine a new purpose.

Costume for Halloween
There are tons of ways you can use an old vacuum cleaner to dress up for Halloween.

Be creative about it and you just might get yourself a neat astronaut costume like the one in the picture.

Some people even dress up as vacuum cleaners using its parts. Go ahead and score some candy with your cool space suit!

You got any kids to give that to ? Kappa

If you give kids free hands to do whatever they like with it, they would have so much fun

Growing up my favorite subject was mathematics.

The beauty of math is the fact that its applicable to almost anything in the world. In computer science, you need math. Economics? You need math. Finance? Chemistry? Biology? Physics? Math is always there.

Math is universal, people who spoke different native languages will understand math notation such as x = 5. but i doubt it for other subject, such as biology, chemistry, etc. Different country might have different way of explaining it.

It still is my favorite but history has grown on me as well. The conquests of the plunderers, the adventurers. How a few people in the past were actually close to taking over the entire world fascinates me. And then there were the world wars. Oh, the world wars. The all encompassing wars. How humans were hell bent on destroying their own kind. There are a lot of lessons to be learnt from the pages of history. You know how they say : History repeats itself. Having a prior knowledge of that can't be bad, Fact is often stranger than fiction, which makes history fascinating to study. There are a lot of things in history that would be considered way too unbelievable for Hollywood or Broadway that actually happened.

Like that time Britain went to war with China over the rights to sell illegal drugs. Twice.

The stories in history class, along with seeing how events that seem so far in our past reverberate into the present day is fascinating to me. My only complaint with History is that with how fast the curriculum has to move, that we don’t get enough time to cover things in too much detail. But, I’ve got the internet in case I find something that’s interesting to me, that we only spend half a class period on. Like the entire Vietnam War.

My favorite is science, specifically biology sciences.

Competition in today's work is getting tighter. We as a modern society are required to be more creative from day to day when we want to win and survive in the competition. And there are always people who succeed in creating new market opportunities and stealing consumers in the market with better strategies.

Work is not just about serving the company. Become a rule-bound employee and can not freely explore your potential and strengths, Become an entrepreneur and set up your own business as per the perfect wish.

Setting up an alternative car business today is starting to get a lot of glance, especially by young people who are tired of working elsewhere that (may) saturate. Setting up a car showroom business venture is a good job.

You can become a car dealer why first of all making sure you have your capital ready and you have the car stores where you want to buy your cars from,car dealing business is profitable because the more car you can sell the more money you will make,you also need to seek knowledge about the best cars and affordable cars that you can buy for a better profit

Here are some steps you can take to make a long distance relationship work
1.)Stay in contact through Calls msgs.
2.)Have dedicated timings for both of you but be understanding if the other person has some thing else lined up.
3.)Meet , Visit as often as you can.
4.)Don't involve others as your communication channel.
5.)Be truthful and don't let a feeling of being jealousy or suspicion creep into you.
6.)In a long distance relationship you will have fights over the phone don't shout or yell be patient and calm. Try expressing your anger without shouting.
7.)Don't cheat and use it as excuse

Always remember if love some one truly and you are loved back, distance is not an issue that can tear you apart. However always be willing to put in the extra effort a long distance relationship needs to survive.

Along with the increasingly advanced technological developments, now various occupations have adopted a more modern, more effective, and certainly more optimum work system. For example, now to work at a start-up staff does not have to be in formal dress, work with flexible working hours, yet still be able to make the expected contribution. This work system has begun to shift the conventional working system that requires staff to come as full-time workers.

One system / way of working that is considered effective especially for the staff of non-profit organizations is working remotely (remotely). That is, the staff can still contribute, provide direction or input, even if not in the workplace. This is okay, given that staff working in non-profit organizations usually have other jobs.

It is undeniable that technological advances have contributed greatly to the increasing popularity of remote work that makes all the work much easier than ever.

Some studies say that in this modern era a good work balance is the key to optimal productivity gained. One is the flexibility of work. Workers' generation now shows that more flexible work options are prioritized over full-time jobs. Staff want to work for results, and no longer work hours or where to work. In addition, the office will be a meeting room and no longer as a fixed location to work every day. Therefore, working remotely / remotely is in great demand including for staff in the field of nonprofit organizations.

Then, what are the benefits of working remotely / remotely for staff in a nonprofit organization?

Increase productivity and reduce stress

If the business sector thinks that long-distance work will decrease employee productivity, then remote work will never be accommodated. However, in fact the various start-ups and organizations that move remotely just look more productive, it is seen from the staff who dedicate their time is longer than when having to work in the office. This is because the staff prefer to work independently to achieve maximum productivity.

Not only that, remote work also reduce stress because of the pressure factors that may get from the work environment is less appropriate. This is of course well done so as to eliminate the problems that may arise due to a non-supportive work environment thereby decreasing the creativity of the staff of the organization.

Eliminating a Bad Working Culture

It is not new that many staff or workers have to work overtime with excessive working hours, accompanied by low minimum wage growth, uncooperative working environments and other issues that increase stress for workers.

Working remotely / remote is able to create a more positive work culture so that the staff will be more loyal to the boss if it has flexible work options. Poor working culture can be minimized by giving freedom to create without restricted rules.

Some of these benefits are of course very good when applied to non-profit organizations, but many organizations are still reluctant to convert conventional working systems into remote work systems because they are not sure how to manage them efficiently.

Here are tips for non-profit organizations that want to try to hire staff remotely / remotely

Manage results, not styles. Remote employees usually have their own style of work. Some work for two hours and then take a break to take their children to school or do other things, work four hours longer, rest, then work again two hours (or more), while others stay within the regular office hours. So instead of determining how employees do their work, focus on the quality of work; whether deadlines are met, and whether they can make good decisions, etc. Encourage teamwork. Working away from colleagues may make them feel self-employed, so do something that encourages team members to work together. Thus, the staff will feel more connected to each other and your department can also benefit from the ideas conveyed and good communication among its members.Communicate. In this case, you may not approach the counterparts or drink coffee in the dugout. Therefore, managers must take the initiative to build relationships with their team. Make a call every one or two weeks to help you handle future projects, performance issues, etc. Sometimes short messages or email conversations (which may be related to work or not) can also be the best way to stay connected. Whatever approach is used, communicate clearly according to your personality style. Because to build and manage a team, everyone should really know who they are working for.

6 surefire tips that you can do in order to make a long distance relationship work.

  1. make a plan that is cooked in a loving relationship, make plans to be a necessity in order for both parties to have a guide in the Act and in the matter of anything you must be committed. In a long distance relationship, plans must be made with certainty of purpose that involves mature to be achieved as well as the duration required to achieve it. There must be a mutual agreement and a strong commitment from both sides so that there are no floating goal.

  2. Get to know your partner's schedule, and adjust everything different from close relationships in which couples can do activities together. While long distance relationship requires more adjustment, mainly a matter of time. Your leisure time is often different from the couples, so there needs to be an agreement in order to keep communication runs smoothly. In addition, always showed interest in the activity your spouse and the day was spent. In this way, your spouse will feel always appreciated and tireless misses you.

  3. Always send the photo to your partner's sentences, "a picture is able to reveal a thousand words" is apt to be applied on a long distance relationship. An image that you submit to couples or otherwise can be a representation of your presence when distance blocking togetherness. In addition to treating nostalgia, pictures can be a reminder.

  4. Keep your communications remain smooth communication is the lifeblood of every relationship. In a long distance relationship, especially involving the time zone difference, communication becomes very hard to do because the schedule is different between you and your partner. However the relationship you have to keep it running, so make use of technology becomes the most likely way out is done. Effective and consistent communication is key so that long distance relationship is running smoothly.

  5. make important decisions together couples in making important decisions like a looking for a new job or buying a home, you should discuss with your partner. Couples will feel more appreciated when he's involved in the process of taking important decisions in your life.

  6. Mutual visit to visit couples is certainly not always easy, and may require a lot of cost. However, give him a visit once in a while will certainly be of great help in overcoming the sense of longing. In addition, your relationship can also back up the existence of physical contact

I think for now distance does not become an obstacle in establishing working relationships. Communication technology is getting more sophisticated. But there are some things to note: first to be honest with respect to work relationships, both building intensive communication with colleagues, the three must discipline according to the agreement, the fourth for a work agreement that binds both parties.

To make a long-distance relationship work,
Maintain communication and should trust each other and visit each other.
Even something as simple as watching your favorite movie on a Saturday night and menontonya while chatting via phone/sms/chat is the perfect example.

Live chat about how you can't believe one character on the show goes to the territory of dangerous can be added to the list of activities that you can share and talk about.

Don't forget skype LINE and some technologies that can help you stay connected even when you are visually separated. Despite talk in the phone is very good, really see each other making a connection between the two of you feel stronger

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Before answering the question How to remove blackheads for men you have to know what are black heads. Why and how they occur. There are thousands of pores in your skin. After you go out in the streets dust, dirt etc that are floating in the wind gets stuck in your pores. And when enough gets stuck they create a mesh , a clot because of getting mixed with all the oil secretion from those pores. It creats two types of pimples.

  1. A whitehead.
  2. A blackhead

Black head are the ones that are not easy to pop and this makes it hard to remove. But fear not. Using few substances you can get rid of them.

*Use a salysilic acid cleanser for you face. Chose a face cleanser from the market that has salicylic acid in it. It opens up the pore and lets out the debris.

*Use moisturizers. Use a moisturizer that has SPF, Nutrients and colloids that suits you skin. it will keep a thin barrier upon the pores and will not let any dirt get inside.

*Use retinoids . This will help the skin tighten up and also work as an anti aging factor

  • Use facial masks. Use them weekly.These will pull out the black heads from the root. There are strong ones that takes almost one hour to cure and there are softer ones.. Decide and choose one that is preferable to you

Use the materials described above and you will start to see the results after just the first week. No more blackheads on your face.

Use Lemon Orange

Lemon orange has a very high vitamin C content, this vitamin is very powerful to eradicate fractures or bacteria that cause blackheads and also reduce excess oil production on the skin. How to use it is very easy, that is enough to split the lemon into 2 parts, then rub gently on the surface of facial skin that mengkedo for several minutes. After that, let stand and clean.

Use Baking Soda

Although baking soda is one of the ingredients in baking soda, but it turns out baking soda is also very effective to remove stubborn blackheads. The trick is, dissolve baking soda using water, then stir until mixed evenly and then apply on facial skin that mengkedo while doing massage slowly. Let stand for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with clean water.

Use Oatmeal

Oatmeal is one food that is often used as a substitute for rice for those who are undergoing diet programs and also for patients with diabetes. But apparently, oatmela can also be useful to overcome blackheads. The trick is, prepare oatmela to taste and mix with honey or milk. After that, stir all the ingredients until mixed evenly and apply evenly on the surface of the skin while in a slow massage that aims to remove dead skin cells. Let stand until dry, then rinse thoroughly by using clean water.

Use Papaya

In addition to removing stubborn blackheads, papaya flesh can also smooth and simultaneously brighten the skin. The trick is very easy, you simply smooth the flesh of papaya and make as a face mask.

Prevention of Blackheads

If your facial skin is free from blackheads, then you should do prevention so that blackheads do not come again. The trick is:

Diligently cleans facial skin regularly and regularly 2 times a day using a special soap. Diligent shampoo, do every day if you often do activities outside the home Use facial products such as cleansers or moisturizers that do not contain oil Use products to help the process of exfoliation of dead skin cells

So the reviews we can convey on how to overcome men's facial skin blackheads, hopefully some of the above ways can be useful for you all and make sure you also always do facial skin care even though your skin condition is normal.


Global warming will not destroy earth. If global warming peaks than it will be an issue against human survival. This, the global warming last happened 20000 ago and disrupted the last Ice Age.

When because of global warming temperature rises many events occur at the same time. The first would be ice bergs in the polar caps start melting slowly. Over the ages all but the central icebergs will melt away creating increased sea levels that will submerge almost 30-50% of the land mass we see today.. specially lands alongside the shoreline.

Now this increased sea level would affect the tides.. they will reach more deeply in the main land. causing the change in the botany. Because most trees along tthe shore and in the main land will die because of the increase in salt. the reduced agricultural lands then will fail to supply with enough foods for all the humans over the planet. This wiil cause mass death and starvation..

Yes, exactly. Global Warming has a very bad effect on the earth from the rising temperatures of the Air and Climate Change so that the Arctic and Southern Arc could melt.
How the end of the world or can be said Resurrection mugkin it could happen on our Earth. Starting from the overflowing oceans, Tsunami, Meteors fall. But we discuss here about the overflowing oceans due to its melting ice at the poles and the Antarctic.

yes ofcourse the earth will getting heated and heated like sun one day and its impossible for anyone to survive and then it destroy into small parts with a blast in space.

The earth won't be destroyed, but maybe us humans can't live on this planet anymore if the global warming gets too serious

Likely by global warming earth cannot destroy but human would be because due to global warming ozone layer is destroying and this is bad for human and all living on earth and this is because ozone layer is filter the sun rays and filter the radiation which is harmful for us.

What are your biggest fears?

I am afraid of being alone.
In many different ways.

I mean if I am alone in the forest, That would be one nightmare.

Other would be thinking for the future. To end up lonely without a family.

My biggest fear is that i ll die without making a strong impact in the world as i wanted to do something that excites everyone.