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One experiment that has had a huge positive impact on society, but also has the potential to result in unethical consequences is genetic engineering. 

Scientists have been studying our DNA to detect mutations, identify our risk for certain diseases, and detect our inherited traits for medical, genealogical, and even forensic purposes. It's main goal, however, is to identify "key" genes in the human DNA, which control the expression of specific traits and diseases, so that they could be edited, corrected, and manipulated. 

Through the years, these experiments has lead to several advancements that has benefited society.

In medicine, it has helped geneticists develop new cures and therapies to cure specific diseases. It has also helped prospective parents better prepare for the birth of their babies with newborn screening. It has even helped individuals identify their risk for certain diseases, so they can prepare accordingly. In the future, the hope is that through genetic engineering, scientists can eventually eradicate disease and extend the human lifespan. 

In other fields, it has also helped improve food security through the development of genetically engineered crops and farm animals. And biologists today believe that with genetic engineering, the possibility of resurrecting formerly extinct animals like the mammoth or dodo is not far behind. 

Despite these positive impacts, our genetic engineering experiments are still fraught with issues and dilemmas that can render it unethical.

One of the biggest ethical issues surrounding genetic engineering is the slippery slope it presents toward "designer babies", and eventually, eugenics where selective breeding is used to engineer a superior race. The argument is that while genetic engineering can help prevent diseases linked to faulty DNA, it also predisposes the population to the idea of "designer babies", where parents can pick and choose the traits they want for their offspring. 

Given how expensive these procedures could be, this could lead to a society where rich people's children will be biologically superior over their middle class counterparts. And if taken a few steps further, the events of the 1997 sci-fi film Gattaca about a "not too distant future" where nearly everyone has been genetically-engineered, may not be too far fetched. 

And finally, one of the breakthroughs scientists are hoping to achieve is the ability to edit human germline cells, such that any enhancements done on a person can be carried over to his or her offspring, as well. 

This could be considered unethical because while the person gave his consent to have his DNA changed, his offspring did not. So, this begs the question of how far should we go in our attempts to improve our DNA. 

It is clear that genetic engineering is one experiment that has had a huge impact on society. From securing our food source to potentially eradicating diseases and creating a healthier population with a longer lifespan. However, given its potentially unethical consequences, genetic engineering is also a field where we should thread lightly.

Hope this helps.


  1. Genetic engineering.
  2. Editing the human genome brings us one step closer to eugenics.
  3. Genome editing.
  4. These Are the Extinct Animals We Can, and Should, Resurrect.

What are your favorite resources for continued learning?

For example are there particular books you have enjoyed, speakers you watch, podcasts you listen to, courses you’ve taken?

I always believe in continuing to learn and develop, and I’d love to get some new resources.

Personally I like to watch Youtube videos to learn new and interesting skills. Kaggle offers all kinds of computer science courses. Khan offers classes on all kinds of subjects Alison also offers a broad spectrum of classes.

I found this while digging around for resources also.

It depends on what information I want to obtain, but being said to be a computer programmer I always use StackOverflow and Youtube

StackOverFlow really do give informations that I was seeking in the field of programming. Given that it was a community for programmers, most of the questions that I was always seeking end up in the platform. But there were times where my questions was too unique that I can't find an answer to the platform, this is the time when I will try to find informations in 

Youtube Like StackOverflow, youtube was very resourceful also. Let's add the fact that it was in video format that have some step by step process that will help viewers to understand thoroughly.

But despite of these sites I always use the Google Search Engine

This gives all the possible information that  person can obtain.

1. Remind myself of my target or target.

Usually before specifying time for a particular endeavor, we tend to make short-term and long-term goals. If my goals begin to be invisible, I can become less motivated than when I always check how close I am to my goals during the process of reaching the goal. Keeping an eye on targets and checking my progress or progress will make me motivated every day.

2. Make checkpoints every week to monitor my progress.

Everyone needs to see where their progress is in achieving their goals if they want to continue to be motivated. If I see that my position fits the plan even more every time I check my progress, I will feel more motivated and happy because I'm getting closer to the target. If I see that I am experiencing obstacles, maybe that is the encouragement that I need to always not get off track towards the goal.

3. Make sure I give a gift for myself every time I reach my weekly goal.

The prize can be as simple as a bowl of ice cream after a hard workout for a week. What a great gift like going to a spa after hard work. Any gift that will keep me trying to reach the goal is what I have to give myself. Give myself a break or time to rest. Sometimes even the most determined people can be overwhelmed, I might force myself too much,

4. Don't push yourself too hard. Everybody sometimes has a setback.

If I fail to reach this week's goal, don't become too emotional. Let me make it a lesson. Not only the way I achieve the goals that must be considered, but how successful the results are and achieve the main goals.

Google used to be my favourite resources for learning because through google i will have access to many

more resource websites that will help me to add to my

knowledge,another platform that i am impressed with is this platform which is,this platform is now a

resource of learning for me because i do see alot of contents that educates me about some certain topics

which i never had good knowledge about,some people ask questions that you can learn from and also many

people give answers that adds to my knowledge and act as a tool of learning for me...

Honestly I don't think I would. The thing with love is that the heart we can't choose who we love. You may have created this image of the perfect person for you in your head, but that doesn't actually mean that's the best person for you. If you can't seem to connect with him/her then that's probably a sign that they aren't right for you.

Marrying someone that you can't love effortlessly will never end well because when you do meet that person that you can love effortlessly, you'll be more than likely to cheat on the person and inevitably end your marriage.

Instead of putting yourselves through that kind of pain, how bout you two just remain as friends.

If he is "everything you ever wanted but your heart is not connecting", then one or the other is false (unless you wanted a no-heart connection :). In this case, maybe you are just looking at a few things based on appearance and are then taking that to mean all your needs will be met. But hang on a sec, your heart is not connecting, so where can you go with this? Would you go ahead and marry the person in the hope that maybe later on your heart will connect? Can that fire be lit later when there is not even a spark now? If your heart is not in it now, but your mind tells you that they are the 'person of your dreams', there is a contradiction - do you see it? What is the life of a person who is in a 'loveless' marriage which they have been led into it by the mind (it's useful, I'll be secure, he's got money, I'll be looked after, he says the right stuff etc etc), only to be disappointed later when the heart aches for what it desires but cannot get?

But the real question is 'do you love yourself?'. If you cannot give something to yourself, how can you give it to another?

Marriage is a form of institution that should not be entered into without adequate preparation,i cannot

marry someone that i do not love and despite all my efforts to love her it is still not working out,,if i marry such person it means i am only marrying her out of pity and

such marriages will not last...i believe that when i want to marry i should get married to a woman who will be my best friend whom my heart is deeply connected to,when you love someone it will make it easier for both parties

to be able to work together to manage the challenges in marriages,how will i be able to connect together with someone that i do not love??definitely the communication will be broken and it would be difficult

for both of us to be together to overcome the challenges that might occur in the marriage

if i do not love someone despite making all efforts but it was abortive then i will gladly let the person see reasons

why we cannot marry then i will end the relationship because “a broken relationship is better than a broken marriage”

Marriage is hard enough on its own let alone when you venture into it with no connection. Before you decide to marry someone, it is important you look beyond the attributes of the person and seek the chemistry.

Are you religiously compatible? Do you think and see things from the same angle? Are you sexually compatible? How emotionally connected are you both? All these are very important factors when it comes to marriage. It is not just about love but when you say connection I know it is more than just love.

Simply put, this person is good but he irritates you so you won't let him cuddle you or kiss you and express PDA with you and you feel it is all about connecting? Stop it dear. This man isn't for you. You will end up in an unhappy marriage. Help us reduce the divorce rate by getting it right before venturing into it.

Only marry someone you have strong chemistry with in all levels.

No difference. You'll just react accordingly when the garbage hits the fan😼

Costs can run high without achieving goals that are achieved quickly. In addition, there was anxiety among team members due to over administration. Risk management is often a secondary problem. When startup is successful, initially they reduce risk management in the hope that the startup team leader can handle the problem and problems when they occur.

Risk remains a secondary problem during startup failure or until there are missed opportunities or targets. In the long run, potential risks can occur and without a clear mitigation strategy, startups will eventually pay the price, calculated in terms of lost resources, a burst schedule, or a flooded capex. In certain scenarios, companies may need to register under the regulatory authority, which can request regular or scheduled audits or implying certain conditions in the future that require the application and follow a certain risk management framework.

When startup does not follow the framework as required by the regulatory authority, this may mean startup problems. These issues are related to local government agencies because they run companies without meeting regulatory requirements.

Entrepreneurs risk losing

There is a problem with risk management. When an entrepreneur is at risk of losing money, it makes someone look pessimistic and disturbing,while not taking a proactive attitude to risk, making it a progressive team player.

Purpose Risk management is to prepare as much business as possible for all factors, known and unknown, which can hinder their success in any way.

Steem's Hivemind is being built in Python and SQL. Will it be immediately accessible with any coding language?

Will Hivemind initially only be accessible using Python? Or is access to the data through the SQL database? Will it have libraries for other languages like JS?

According to what I've read and what I've been told, Hivemind will have an API that will of course be accessible through any language that is able to use that API. I don't suppose they'd block a whole innovative API, which has been promoted for months as a "revolution", for just one scripting language.

The human being. I think our planet would be much healthier and all other animals much better off without us.

(Presuming there is a god or several of them and that something was created...)

Mosquitoes! Of course! Everybody hates mozzies. Their bite cause itchiness and discomfort to its victims. They fly around disturbing your sleep with constant buzzing.

But the most dangerous point of mosquitoes are the diseases that they are responsible in spreading. Here are the diseases they help spread, some of them are extremely dangerous and critical;

The only purpose of mosquitoes is that their larvae contribute (very slightly) to the ecosystem. Mosquitoes need water to breed and their larvae grows on the surface of water for days. These larvae are food for other animals such as bird. However, besides mosquitoes larvae, birds can also feed on other insects. Mosquitoes larvae is not too important in this aspect.

Therefore, God should have never created mosquitoes. They do more harm than good. And mankind don't need these mozzies.

Creating something like an octopus would never cross my mind :)

I love them but they're a bit weird compared to teh rest of the animals.

If i were GOD i will never create dangerous animals like lion,snake and many other dangerous animals,,i feel

dangerous animals can kill humans and i would not want people to be killed so i will not want to create

dangerous animals,but GOD will have a reason why be created those dangerous animals but if i were GOD i will

never create dangerous animals

the kind of animals i would love to create are animals like dogs,birds,horses,goats..etc...

The rat 😾

Honestly I wouldn't say life is fair but more like it tries to balance things out.

As per your example: People who are born into rich families are often not very united as a family because they focus mostly on work, their businesses and trying to maintain their wealth as oppose to poor-to-average families who have a lot of chance to connect with each other due to them living in an average-sized house.

People who are beautiful/handsome might look like they have it easy, but the most common problem they face is finding a true and real partner. It is no hidden fact that people are attracted to beauty and that is why for this people they really need to test first if it's not only the physical appearance or lust the other party wants and feels about them.

Not really sure if this is a good example of people who have great luck but for simplicity's sake, people who have won the lottery. True they are somewhat blessed at one point in their life but if they don't know how to manage the money nor know who to trust, then their winnings could be gone in less than 5 years. 

So in a way, nature tries to balance things out. 

Life seems unfair, especially if we are born with difficult conditions, lack of economy, bad looks, unless we win in many ways, then we all surely feel life is unfair. There are those who live easily and get things easily, environments that are more peaceful and supportive, more families are, greater opportunity to achieve education / work / ideals and others.

But that does not mean we have to live this unjust life, the more we demand the world to be fair, the more sad we will be because justice has never existed from the beginning. The World of Play with different rules, rules that make sense but are a little confusing and less comfortable to hear, by why many people never understand.

1. We Believe that life is a choice. Indeed life is a choice but we cannot choose to be born where, when we were born, who our family is, our physical appearance, our physical appearance, and things that are destined for us.

Almost everyone around the first 15-20 years of his life is not their choice, but the accumulation of parental / family, school, environmental and social direction. Life is a choice our optional name is limited to a certain age we are free to determine our own destiny.

2. Life is a Competition

We often hear that we are not competing with others, the biggest enemy is ourselves, we must defeat ourselves, and so on until we finally realize that we must be better than others to win.

We all live in competition, even though we are not aware of it. An achievement / success must still be measured / compared with others, it may sound uncomfortable and strange, but think if your goal of success is wealthy for example having 100 billion in money (just an example) but everyone around you can earn 10 trillion in income, still you are proud of that achievement? Can it be called success.

3. We are Assessed from What We Do, Not What We Think

Society Assess someone from what they can do for others. We are all judged by what we do, but we judge ourselves based on our thoughts. We judge ourselves that "I am a good person", "," I am better ... ", but the world does not judge us like that, and our judgment about ourselves is not important.

4. The concept of justice is our own mind

we all have the right and wrong thoughts and hope the world is in line with our minds.

Sometimes we feel other people are stupid, unfair, unintelligent, and evil because they don't think with us.

We demand that they have to think with us. Why? Because we are entities of truth that need not be questioned again. questioned again.

Sometimes it is true that there are people / figures who are wrong because they are not as thoughtful as us, it does not mean they are completely wrong / evil, but some people just try to live life as best as possible with the situation / position that is different from our situation.

Why Is Life Unfair?

Justice is just one of the ideals of human thought, let us think a little and turn the question back into:

What if life is fair for everyone ...?

Isn't life a bushel if life is "Fair / Fair" according to our idealism, all good people must be successful, everyone who is in high school must be successful, those who work hard must be successful.

I do not believe that life favours some people and decided to be unfair to some certain people,i strongly

believe that every one on earth have faced or will face challenges in life and the ability to overcome the

challenges is what makes one to become successful in life,the irony of it is that those you think that life favoured

them also have their own stories to tell and it when you hear their own story that you will realize that life itself

has dealt with most people but the ability to stay focused and determination is what will determine your

fate in regards to whether life will favour you or otherwise....

always remember that “life is a teacher,the more we live the more we learn”...enjoy your day....

There was this word in life called "LUCK"

It is true that being born in a rich family was considered lucky and being born in a poor family wasn't considered.

But come to think of it, life doesn't always depend on the LUCK. We still need to make our effort to became what we want.

For me, we are all equal. We all have the chance to became rich, despite on how hard we can obtain this goal - still we are allowed to became rich.

It isn't impossible for a poor kid became rich someday, investing of his efforts and hardwork are the things that only differs.

I do have this kind of thinking in life

"There were the chance rule in life, we have these

  1. There were 30% chance that I will become rich
  2. There were 70% chance that I became rich
  3. there were 10% chance that I will become rich"

Those were just 3 examples of the chance rule, if I would elaborate more we would end up having 100 items in the list (assuming that there were no decimal percentage)

Too many choices that would make your mind explode, so I came up on my rule

"One way or another rule / 50:50 Rule"

I do believe that we only have 2 choices in life, either choose life or death, either choose left or right, win or lose, up or down, either becoming rich or becoming poor

This concludes that 2 choices only exist, 50:50 chance, let's don't waste our time solving some mathematical equations to compute the percentage of success to our every actions. Thus let us use that time to come up on an idea that will help us succeed.

That's just the way life is, you can't blame it on anyone or anything, because many times we don't realize what we do to earn what we do, sometimes it's deserved and other times it's not but it just happens, I'll tell you my story, life hit me very hard when I had my first child, it turned out to be autistic, and this just happened, for no apparent reason, it's something that happens, and it cost me a lot to understand that, because I always wondered why, I understood that it only happens, and all this is art of life, the issue here is the attitude with which you face life, always willing to fight, as a soldier in war, and I assure you that you'll be better off, it's a matter of attitude.

Yes, I accept that life is unfair...

But why can't it ever be unfair in my favour?!😾

I've been on Australian Ninja Warrior, and it was literally the most fun thing I've ever done.  The training is absolutely huge, and honestly, takes about a year, but it really is incredible.  The crowd is hugely supportive and the obstacles are really fun.  I got up to the semi-finals.... and then went out on a silly balance obstacle.  I've been working on balance ever since.  I'd love to be able to get back onto the show.

I wrote a post on that 2 months ago here on steemit.

Ecology is simply how we relate with ourselves in relation to the environment.

People should know that for every actions they take, there is an impact on the environment and the impact is either positive or negative. All our daily activities have an impact on the environment.

The environment provides us with food, water, a place to erect our buildings, economic growth and so on. Therefore, we should respect it.

Imagine you are in a place with no food, water, a place to rest, good air. How do you think you can survive. Humans have no regard to the environment/ecosystem due to their pursuit of economic advancement, personal advancement which should not be so.

A comprehensive Environmental impact assessment is a good tool to solve this issue and make people more conscious of why they do that may harm the environment.

This is the link to the post I made

One good way to motivate others to be ecologically conscious is to introduce them to ecologically sustainable products and solutions that they can use without altering their behavior. 

For example, instead of explaining the reasons why they should stop using plastic straws and utensils, why not gift them with a metal straw that they can carry anywhere, so they can use it instead of plastic straws. Or, instead of trying to convince them to save electricity, why not show them more energy-efficient alternatives to their current devices and appliance, and show the potential cost-savings involved. 

By reducing the friction involved on their part or not making it seem like a big deal, perhaps you can nudge their way into ecological consciousness.

people know that by destroying ecology it certainly has a threat to human life. But until now even humans are not aware of the dangers that must be borne, instead humans continue to destroy it in pursuit of economic value. By looking at ecological problems and their impact on humans, in this paper I want to explore concepts and the phenomenon of ecological damage and the attitude that needs to be built in the face of a dilemma between the threat of the soul and mutual welfare.

Relationships Dependence between humans and the environment is a fundamental entity that cannot be underestimated. Human existence is always faced with environmental problems, between disasters and welfare. In every city in the name of development to answer the population explosion, food needs, shelter and clothing as well as a place to live ecological damage is always increasing.

We need to understand that no matter how small an act of damaging nature by a person and the same actions taken by tens of millions of city dwellers in a country can have a global impact. As a result, the island nation must suffer the loss of a part of the island because it is submerged in the sea.

Okay. I think switching Samuel L Jackson in The hitman bodyguard with Kevin Hart in Think like a man too will give the most odd film.

Samuel L Jackson though having little humour is more of an action actor and will find it difficult to fit in Think like a man too. It's so odd that it's going to get so much negative reviews.

Now imagine Kevin Hart dodging bullets, summersaulting, firing at Dukhovich men. Kevin Hart portraying Darius is so absurd. It's the biggest unfit or should I call it misfit that I could ever think of.

Treasures! Just ask Hollywood and we can see so many movies using caves as a safe haven to hide the bad guys loot of treasures. Pirates of the Caribbean, Indiana Jones, just to name a few.

It make sense though. Caves are really a good place to hide your treasures. Dark, wet and full of bats and other nasty animals, nobody in the right mind would venture into a cave, especially in ancient times. Most caves are found at hideous and desolate wilderness, away from any civilisation and you can be guaranteed to have no visitors.

Naturally formed caves are also free to use. With treasures hidden in them, they are protected from harsh weather like sun and wind. The only problem may be moist and rust, but hey, your treasures must be gold right? Those are resistant to rust.

Don't be surprised to find that there are actually unexplored caves in our world with hidden treasures in them. You just need to find them!

In the recent case of the Thai football team that got trapped in a cavenin Chiang Mai, the best thing they could have found were the rescuers! 

However, wouldnt it be exciting to find some hidden treasure left behind by a pirate from years ago, or a message in a bottle sent from half way around the world!

What youre most likely to find however, are bats and a load of super bacteria.

It could be worse though. You kight find Elon Musk and his mini submarine!

I think human paintings or writings on the cave wall. This will be the best thing. It is believed that ancient humans inscribe paintings on walls to pass down information to offsprings.

There was no internet, notepad, libraries then, so the best way they could store this information is writing on walls. Not just any wall that could be demolished anytime.

The cave is the perfect place. Finding a cave painting or writing will mean a lot as it can change the world. It will let us have more knowledge about the past generations



Well, in cave you can easily find a lot of minerals. Or if you are reclusive, you can find calm and silence. Depending on the circumstances, you may find there also either darkness or various types of reflected light.

Why are most accounts on steem powering down?

It seems to me when i look in a few wallets of big steem accounts they are powering down steem power. If they really believe in the future why would they do that? Doesn't seem like a good sign to me.

I can't say for sure whatever the reasons may be for those big players to power down some of their Steem. It could range from a tactical move, a business move, or they are just trying to liquidate their SP so they can transfer it to their alts.

It is understandable that if you only look at a few accounts (especially the big players), it might seem they are losing interest and hope for the future of Steem. However if you look at the Overall Power Up and Power Down difference for ALL Steem Accounts in the platform, it seems lately that a lot of people are powering up not powering down.

The image below was taken from penguinpablo's latest weekly report for Week 35 (Aug 28 -Sep 4) of year 2018 (DATE).

So No! It seems like a lot of people still have high hopes for STEEM especially after they announce Hard Fork 20 and the possible release of SMT next year.

My guess is they want to withdraw some amounts near the end of this year because there's a chance steem + sbd price will rise very high at the end of this year, just like last year.

Because power down need 13 weeks to finish, so they started power down now.

I don't think that most of them are doing that, but there might be quite a few powering down. Regarding the reason on why would someone power down it's hard to tell. 

Some of them might leave Steemit for good, for any particular reason, some of them might invest their Steem in other cryptocurrencies while some of them probably are keeping their Steem liquid for a possible future bull run in which they can sell those coins at a good price and take some profits on their investment. 

It might also be the case of some people powering down to sell high if prices are going to go up in the next months to come just to buy more coins cheaper after the bubble of prices bursts. It's hard to find an exact reason for every power down you can see on different wallets. 

There are could be many strategies in work for every user. 

I do not agree that most accounts are powering

down,but i would agree if someone says that some whales are powering down their steempowers,but i

believe that some people are powering down because of the current bearish trend of the steem on the

cryptocurrency market and i think that if more people keep powering down then it is not good for the steem

economy and it could make the steem price to keep going down and that is why steem investors needs to

understand that steem has great future and they should reduce the powering down...

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

EveryoneEveryone has reasons for powering down. Most are looking to get a good value for their STEEM when the price rises while some may need for other issues.

Looking at @penguinpablo steem weekly stats

The average difference in power down was a negative value of 218,472 STEEM. As I said before. There are reasons for powering down and you can start a conversation with the user on why starting a power down.

Just as we have power down we also have users powering up. This shows that people still believe on the platform.

An average of 1,508,612 STEEM was powered up in the past week. This shows that there is nothing to be alarmed off. The users have their needs, hence the  for a powerdown.

The answer to that question is not straight forward but the way I see without been overly technical. There reasons depend on the individuals behinds those accounts but these are what I suspect.

* *Waiting For The Rise* : I know of some accounts that are powering down but to leave it in their steem account or other kind of savings. I guess they are waiting and hoping to maximize any rise in price.

* *To maintain the lifestyle* : Though this may not apply everyone but it is worth considering especially from minnows and dolphins perspective. Few months ago, crypto investors seem to be living large and dependent of the recurrent income from steem blockchain. But with the price below one tenth of what it was then and rewards not accumulating like before. There may be some needs requiring powering down.

But all these are temporary as a lot of steem from the powering down may end up getting powered up once still some rise which will likely to be soon with hardfork 20 and SMT in the horizon.

There are quite a few people with a lot of SP that are constantly powering down. They aren't powering down to leave the platform though.

Since we currently get paid in half Steem and half SP they are simply liquidating some of their assets.

As far as I can tell most people with bigger accounts are attempting to maintain their current level of SP while siphoning some Steem off in other directions,  possibly towards EOS or Bitcoin.

I wouldn't worry too much about it.  It's part of the process.

Yes, some are powering down - but how much? For most it's only a certain amount and they still are a whale.

I personally don't like convincing others to do things that they don't want to do. 

I would only do that to a kid, assuming that he or she is just being stubborn or unwilling to try new things. In this case, I would either try to bribe the kid with a treat or do the thing that they don't want to do with them, so they won't have to be afraid. 

As for adults, I would let them be. They're adults. They should know better. If they don't want to try something, it's probably for a reason. I would like to believe that they are smart enough to know what they like and be aware of the reasons why they refuse to try something. Insisting could just annoy them. And being manipulative and coercive will just anger them. So, to keep the peace, I'll leave them be.

If I want to convince someone to do something, I would do the following:-

First of all I will explain the benefits of doing that 

Then will explain the drawbacks to not doing that

I can also offer some incentives to doing that work.

List all the Pros and Benefits he will likely get for doing that something. People at times don't do things out of fear that the risks might far outweigh the benefits he will likely get. 

A very good common example for this would be: Someone who doesn't want to leave his family for an opportunity to work at a good company but is outside the country. 

While it is very understandable why someone won't do that, they must also consider the benefits that he and his family will likely get. Working at a good company ensures his families future and is likely to give them a good chance of living a good life. 

I can convince someone to do what they never wanted to do by using something called reverse psychology,the

reverse psychology which i will use for such person is that i will command them to do a certain thing which is

an opposite of what i actually really wanted them to do,many humans will naturally want to resist my

commandments and would not want to do exactly what i asked them to do but instead they might do the

opposite just to prove a point but unknowingly to the person the opposite thing they are trying to do was

exactly what i really wanted them to do....i have used this trick severally and it works 80% of the time...:

By asking them to do the opposite 😹

In other to convince someone to do what they didn't want to do you must make sure what you are convincing them for is something that really worth it. Making sure that enough reasons are given and explaining and elaborating why they need to change their mind is very key. Some people are very adamant and they might have concluded already.This will make it very difficult to sneak into their heart and doing the changing things.

We must also put into consideration that we are trying to make someone change his mind so we mustn't be harsh about how we present it. Showing more liniency will add to the success of the game.

Also if there is any instances that can be given to buttress the points,it will be of advantage.

I was convinced by a friend to keep trying contributing on projects on Steem block chain after series of failure and I yielded due to how he approached the matter. I gave my excuse but what rendered me powerless was one statement. He said okay don't use your precious time,only contribute at your leisure. I was moved and that's what got me answering this question.

Moved to the Hive platform.

Moved to the Hive platform.

Giving out gifts for me depend on the person I am giving. It depends on the age of the person.

For the little children. I try to buy games, toys for them as gifts. I believe they need this in their growing up phase.

For the teenagers, what could be more better than getting them a nice smartphone with some jeans and polo with sneakers. They will appreciate it more than anything else. They will be eager to show it to their friends.

Older people I love to get them T-shirts as gifts with some drugs that strengthen and relieve pain.

I feel any gift we give represents and is somewhat a reflection of the giver therefore I always give gifts of love which causes me to put some thought into what I want to give and why. The gifts I give are letters, cards, Just a notes,, jewelry that I make, fragrances, incense, soaps, candles, and gift baskets that i create for the body, home or the celebration at hand. 

Yes, I really like giving gifts or receiving gifts from someone. For ordinary friends or close friends, and co-workers, who must be prepared to buy and give gifts, of course, will be different, not because many different things are given.

When choosing a prize, of course we ask people to receive the gift first.

Gifts that can make him happy

they are happy, and will be very happy if they can accept something they really want. There is almost no chance to ask what items he wants.

I love to give gifts according to the kind of person i am giving in regards to what him or she likes,i have some

friends that love reading books and if i give them a

lovely book as a gift they do appreciate it even more than a gold jewellry and there are also some of my

friends that love gadgets so i will give someone a gift based on what they love,but i personally love to give

people gifts like mobile phones,necklace(if the person is female),wrist watch,shoes and bags....

Well, so there is something different, why not give something different and can only be owned by themselves. Here are some unique and cool gift choices that you can give to people closest to you. And it can be very special because it is custom made, of course this is very unique because only they will have it. Sometimes the most beautiful gift is not seen from the price. But rather than the effort given by the giver to the person concerned.

Necklaces with engraved names can be perfect gifts for your loved ones. This special gift will feel more special because the name can be written so that the gift feels more exclusive. Name necklace made of brass with a crystal pendulum wrapped in wire. 22-28cm long chain. The size of the name bar is 1cmx4cm. Length of pendulum 2cm. Writing, font and size as desired.

Fatty Liver Symptoms

Someone is declared to have fatty liver when the weight of the liver is 5-10 percent more than the normal weight of the liver. Generally fatty liver does not cause symptoms. However, some sufferers can feel uncomfortable in the stomach or fatigue. The liver organ also looks enlarged, although this can only be seen when the doctor performs a physical examination.

Clearer symptoms appear when the liver begins to experience inflammation. This condition is indicated by:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • The body feels tired and weak
  • Confused

When inflammation develops into cirrhosis, the symptoms that sufferers can experience are:

  • Yellowish skin and eyes
  • Ascites
  • It tends to bleed more easily
  • Feeling confused
  • The palm is red
  • Gynecomastia
  • Blood vessels dilate under the surface of the skin

Meanwhile, fatty liver that occurs during pregnancy is a dangerous complication of pregnancy. Symptoms usually occur in the third trimester, in the form of persistent nausea and vomiting, pain in the upper abdomen, yellow skin, and a sluggish body.

Some symptoms of fatty liver are not too pronounced. Even the symptoms are usually considered trivial or common so there is no further action such as checking the doctor or do liver X-rays. Because of that, too many fatty liver sufferers are late to find out. some symptoms of fatty liver or fatty liver that you must be aware of.

1. Significant weight loss

The first feature or symptoms of fatty liver is significant weight loss in a relatively fast time. Weight loss is caused by decreased appetite and indigestion or stomach. Indigestion also causes you to vomit often and indirectly reduce your weight drastically.

2. There is a disturbance in remembering

Forgotten Indeed, it is one of the diseases caused by age. But if you often forget but your age is still young then you must be aware of other diseases in your body. Memory disorders usually occur because of the disturbance in the head as a result of too hard a collision. But other than that, the famous news often forgets is also one of the characteristics of fatty liver in the liver.

3. Pain in the right ribs

The organ of the human heart lies between the chest and abdomen and on the right side. If you often feel uncomfortable or feel sick in that part then it is one indication of fatty liver. But the pain in that part is not necessarily due to fatty liver, because it's a good idea to check with your doctor to be clearer and get the right way of healing.

4. Dry Mouth

Fatty liver will also affect your oral health condition. Because of that dry mouth becomes one of the characteristics or symptoms of fatty liver that is easily known. Mouth Is the path of entry of food which usually has a certain level of humidity. That's because of the production of saliva in the mouth. Saliva is also the one that produces enzymes to destroy the food we eat. Therefore, if the mouth is dry, you will find it difficult to digest food while in the mouth.

5. Swollen foot

Swollen feet usually occur in fatty liver patients who are already quite severe. That's because fat inhibits the detoxification process and body metabolism resulting in blockages in several other body tissues. In addition to feet, some others can also experience symptoms of swelling like in the abdomen.

6. Jaundice

Jaundice is characterized by yellowing of the skin, the whites of the eyes, and the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth. It is caused by the buildup of bilirubin in the blood and several other networks. The buildup usually occurs due to interference with the liver or bile. One of the liver disorders that we mean is one of fatty liver.

Some symptoms of fatty liver are not too pronounced. Even the symptoms are usually considered trivial or common so there is no further action such as checking the doctor or do liver X-rays. Because of that, too many fatty liver sufferers are late to find out. some symptoms of fatty liver or fatty liver that you must be aware of.

1. Significant weight loss

The first feature or symptoms of fatty liver is significant weight loss in a relatively fast time. Weight loss is caused by decreased appetite and indigestion or stomach. Indigestion also causes you to vomit often and indirectly reduce your weight drastically.

2. There is a disturbance in remembering

Forgotten Indeed, it is one of the diseases caused by age. But if you often forget but your age is still young then you must be aware of other diseases in your body. Memory disorders usually occur because of the disturbance in the head as a result of too hard a collision. But other than that, the famous news often forgets is also one of the characteristics of fatty liver in the liver.

3. Pain in the right ribs

The organ of the human heart lies between the chest and abdomen and on the right side. If you often feel uncomfortable or feel sick in that part then it is one indication of fatty liver. But the pain in that part is not necessarily due to fatty liver, because it's a good idea to check with your doctor to be clearer and get the right way of healing.

4. Dry Mouth

Fatty liver will also affect your oral health condition. Because of that dry mouth becomes one of the characteristics or symptoms of fatty liver that is easily known. Mouth Is the path of entry of food which usually has a certain level of humidity. That's because of the production of saliva in the mouth. Saliva is also the one that produces enzymes to destroy the food we eat. Therefore, if the mouth is dry, you will find it difficult to digest food while in the mouth.

5. Swollen foot

Swollen feet usually occur in fatty liver patients who are already quite severe. That's because fat inhibits the detoxification process and body metabolism resulting in blockages in several other body tissues. In addition to feet, some others can also experience symptoms of swelling like in the abdomen.

6. Jaundice

Jaundice is characterized by yellowing of the skin, the whites of the eyes, and the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth. It is caused by the buildup of bilirubin in the blood and several other networks. The buildup usually occurs due to interference with the liver or bile. One of the liver disorders that we mean is one of fatty liver.

Some symptoms of fatty liver are not too pronounced. Even the symptoms are usually considered trivial or common so there is no further action such as checking the doctor or do liver X-rays. Because of that, too many fatty liver sufferers are late to find out. some symptoms of fatty liver or fatty liver that you must be aware of.

1. Significant weight loss

The first feature or symptoms of fatty liver is significant weight loss in a relatively fast time. Weight loss is caused by decreased appetite and indigestion or stomach. Indigestion also causes you to vomit often and indirectly reduce your weight drastically.

2. There is a disturbance in remembering

Forgotten Indeed, it is one of the diseases caused by age. But if you often forget but your age is still young then you must be aware of other diseases in your body. Memory disorders usually occur because of the disturbance in the head as a result of too hard a collision. But other than that, the famous news often forgets is also one of the characteristics of fatty liver in the liver.

3. Pain in the right ribs

The organ of the human heart lies between the chest and abdomen and on the right side. If you often feel uncomfortable or feel sick in that part then it is one indication of fatty liver. But the pain in that part is not necessarily due to fatty liver, because it's a good idea to check with your doctor to be clearer and get the right way of healing.

4. Dry Mouth

Fatty liver will also affect your oral health condition. Because of that dry mouth becomes one of the characteristics or symptoms of fatty liver that is easily known. Mouth Is the path of entry of food which usually has a certain level of humidity. That's because of the production of saliva in the mouth. Saliva is also the one that produces enzymes to destroy the food we eat. Therefore, if the mouth is dry, you will find it difficult to digest food while in the mouth.

5. Swollen foot

Swollen feet usually occur in fatty liver patients who are already quite severe. That's because fat inhibits the detoxification process and body metabolism resulting in blockages in several other body tissues. In addition to feet, some others can also experience symptoms of swelling like in the abdomen.

6. Jaundice

Jaundice is characterized by yellowing of the skin, the whites of the eyes, and the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth. It is caused by the buildup of bilirubin in the blood and several other networks. The buildup usually occurs due to interference with the liver or bile. One of the liver disorders that we mean is one of fatty liver.

Liver is one of the common and very importance organs of animals, which produces necessary biochemicals for digestion, also produces some hormones and takes part in decomposition of RBC.

The fatty liver refers the condition of a liver when it gains extra fats, which is a serious disease while it builds up too much fats, which is called Hepatic Steatosis in medical science.

Inflammation progresses to the very bad condition in a fatty liver, it results into abdominal discomforts and small pain. Sometimes a fatty liver becomes slightly enlarged. Other symptoms are weakness, confusion and weight loss atc. atc..

Drinking alcohol is the major cause of fatty liver, it also occurs when a body builds up too much fats of if a body don't metabolise fat enough for any reason. More than 1 to 2 drinks a day can be harmful for liver & and too much drinking can damage a liver permanently.

We can prevent the dangerous disease with required daily exercise and healthy diets, most importantly, we've to limit the alcohol drinking.

How do you guys deal with dry eyes?

I can't possibly be the only one that gets dry eyes after being sitting in front of a computer or after using my phone for a while right? so how do you deal with it?


Dry eyes can occur when tear production and drainage are not balanced.

To help alleviate the symptoms of dry eyes syndrome (DES), try doing it:

1. Place a humidifier or moisturizer in the house. With more moisture in the air, tears will evaporate more slowly and keep your eyes more comfortable.

2. Excessive movement of air can dry your eyes. Avoid this by reducing the speed of the ceiling fan.

3. Massage Eyelids use baby shampoo and rinse with a warm compress. Baby shampoo is thicker and lubricated. This is very helpful if you have inflammation of the eyelids or have a problem with the glands on the eyelids.

A warm compress will warm the oil in the gland, so the tears flow more easily. Massaging action helps pull oil from the gland. This cleansing action will reduce the number of bacteria that break down the oil in your eye area.

4. Artificial tears and lubricating eye drops can help provide more moisture and moisture on the surface of your eyes. Artificial tears, usually used about four times a day,

5. Eye ointment lubricants are much thicker than eye drops and gels. Therefore, ointment lasts longer than eye drops and gels. However, because of its thickness, ointment can obscure your vision if used during the day. Therefore, use it to lubricate your eyes before you go to sleep.

6. If you feel your eyes dry, especially when reading or watching TV, taking breaks to rest your eyes and using drops can help.

Dry eyes means there is not enough tears to moisturize the eyes.

From your question, I can deduce that you basically get dry eyes from staring at bright things.

For your own case I will suggest decreasing your gadgets screen brightness. You should also enable night mode when using your gadgets in the night.

In general users are urged to avoid dry dusty environment that may increase the dryness. Artificial tears can also be used to mitigate the effect of dryness. Usage of humidifier is also encouraged indoors.

this is what I often do to overcome it

Using coconut oil

In addition to using warm water, we can also use coconut oil to overcome dry eye problems. Simply by applying it to the eyelids and leave it for 15 minutes, the eyes will feel much better and more comfortable so that we can get back to normal activities.

Use rose water

Pour rose water on the container and dip the cotton in the rose water. We can use this cotton to compress the eyes for at least 15 minutes. By doing it two to three times a day, our eyes will become more relaxed and free from dry and tired eye problems.

Keep blinking

When working in front of a computer, we often forget to wink so the eyes become dry and tired easily. Try to keep blinking regularly so that the tears still make the eyes moist so that we will not be prone to dry eye problems.

The following are simple tips that are effective for increasing productivity while working from home,

1. Discover your rhythm

Adjust to the type and nature of your work, which may not need to be based on regular work hours. Finding work rhythms is very important, so you can stay productive. However, if your type of work requires regular working hours, you can better manage unproductive working hours. For example, you can schedule manual work at these hours. Or then make a large cup of coffee to deal with the heap of reports to read.

2. Bathe, shave & dress

Working from home can make you choose to stay unshaved, and work on your pajamas all day. But if you want it to be a productive day, do it right. Run your morning ritual in the same way as if you go to the office. You will feel refreshed and energetic after taking a bath, with clean clothes and fresh trousers.

3. Start the day properly

Following from point 2, you must have a healthy breakfast to start the day properly. After breakfast, give time to relax and gather, before starting work. Do Yoga, or spend an hour planning your day. Whatever it is, this is the time to enter into a productive mindset.

4. Have a decent work space

Don't make the mistake of thinking you can do your job lying on the sofa because it's very comfortable. It's so comfortable, so you will start to sleep and fall asleep. If you want to stay productive, prepare a work space that is suitable for work. In this way, your brain knows that it's time to work when you sit in your chair.

5. Invest a good chair

Having a decent seat to work is very important. Moreover, you spend hours on it, Get the right office chair to maintain your body posture while providing an adequate waistrest. Your back will thank you for that.


This might sound very unusual but one of the best way to overcome an unproductive day is simply just to REST and call it a day. 

There are many reasons why people feel unproductive, but mostly the reason is just simply because they are tired physically or mentally. In a way, it's how the body tells you that you are overexerting and overthinking things and you need to chill. 

Over fatigue, lack of sleep and stress can make you lose focus on work.. All of which can be solved by simply just RESTING. Go sleep, relax and have fun once in a while and by tomorrow, chances are you will be productive again.

When having unproductive moments, I look for quick wins!

Quick wins are small things I can do, and finish (very important!), in a very short period of time, like 2 or 5 minutes or so. 

Doing those quick wins, will get your mind switch to a positive mindset of accomplishment, and the pleasure that comes with that. And it will make you want to accomplish more.

Et voila, before you know it, your unproductive moment has turned into a productive one ;-)

I think when as unproductive come to my side I just enjoy the moment

There were only few times when the unproductive day comes to me so I just take my time, have a good sleep, eat foods that I want and call it a day.

This also will help me for the upcoming day where I surely will became more productive than my usual day.

I can say that after an unproductive day, I usually make the following day 2 times more productive.

I think it's my mindset that wants to cope up with the unproductive day

I would suggest based on what I do since I have been working at home for the last 10 years is to lean into that feeling or rhythm of just not sensing any creativity flowing or having any passion or get up and go to tackle your scheduled itinerary. Flow with this feeling while you take the opportunity to do other stuff but reserve some mental space for contemplation on what you could do or what you would like to do or how you would like to do it.. One example for those having a mental block from creating is to browse the web to get some inspiration or read a chapter from a book you love,or observe life around you to get inspiration. Look at blogs you love on Steemit to get inspiration and as you are browsing often times that light bulb will come on. Also on rare occasions such as burnout the answer may be to not push forward but to accept the fact that it is a given in life that we will have unproductive days and for those days of what we so often call down time, if you can, do what you love and visit places and spaces that will rei-inspire you back to the point where you are led to regain your momentum.

Now I know. Bookmark this question and all the answers and study them. If I had 10,000 SP I would dedicate 50% of it to all of the persons that answered your question.

Why do people use tags that are irrelevant to the questions they ask?

Some persons ask question on education and use steem as a tag. Others ask questions about relationship and travel as tag.

This problem is already prevalent in steemit. People like to use irrelevant tags, especially the trending tags, in the hope to reach more users. This behaviour is always frowned upon by the steem community. Unfortunately, right now there is nothing we can do about it. Musing can perhaps come out with some rules that forbid these misuse, like not upvoting them, for example.

In steemit, some communities like the #kr will actually warn and even flag anyone who uses the tag and post in non-korean language. But in musing, it doesn't work because musing questions are comments in a steemit post, and there is no flagging in the interface.

I am sure the owners are aware of this problem and a solution should be planned. Let's wait for it.

I have observed the same thing too and i think it is an issue that owners should look into,most

people that use the wrong tags intentionally because

they want to use so many tags because they believe that the more tags they use then the more upvotes they

could get and there are some people that unintentionally do it because they do not even know the right tags to use for their question,,think there should be

a feature that can make people to be able to flag

contents that makes use of the wrong tags which misinform alot of users on this platform,i believe that the

flagging feature will curb the problem of wrong tags been used on a question even when the question is not in any way related to the tag.....

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Some people intentionally use the wrong tags as a way to deceive people into checking their contents 

even if the tags are unrelated to the content,i think that it is a habit or action tgat should be frowned at 

on this platform because it is mis-leading,imagine you trying to check questions under the tag “cryptocurrency” and you start seeing questions like “

when will you get married”,please how is that question related to cryptocurrency??why is such person using the tag “cryptocurrency” to describe 

the question that has nothing to do with cryptocurrency...i think there should be a penalty for those that are fond of abusing use of tags just 

because they want more visibility for their contents,i believe a person can still get visibility on their contents without using the wrong tags intentionally...

This will be answered Biblically according to my believe as a Christian.

God created man with no suffering in the beginning. That was when he kept Adam and Eve in the garden. So there was a world of no suffering in the genesis of creation.

Gen 2 :7-8 Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.

8 Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed.

During this time, there was no suffering, Adam as the first man lived a stress free life till Eve was taken from his Ribs. The serpent entered and made them to sin and God sent them out of the garden. Ever since then man has been struggling till date.

Why I took us into the beginning was to let us know the genesis of our problems which is the devil that deceived Adam and Eve. Did you know that Cain killed Abel? Those were Adam and Eves children. Evil has been occurring right after the garden was lost as a result of their sin against God.

This fact shows that God is not the creator of evil and suffering though he knows about it. Nothing will happen without him being aware.

Let's look at the case of Job in the bible. Job was a rich man and a believer but the devil never believed he was. Read Gen 1 : 9-12 below, Satan talking to God.

9 Satan replied, “Would Job worship you if he got nothing out of it?

10 You have always protected him and his family and everything he owns. You bless everything he does, and you have given him enough cattle to fill the whole country.

11 But now suppose you take away everything he has, he will curse you to your face!”

12 “All right,” the Lord said to Satan, “everything he has is in your power, but you must not hurt Job himself.” So Satan left.

If you read further you will discover that Job became poor. I mean very poor and sick. He lost all his children and properties and he was left with nothing.

Now the question is where was God when all these happened to him? Surely he was sitting in his throne watching the film.

When Jobs friend saw how he was suffering they said "why will your God allow you to suffer like this".

They didn't know the reason behind his suffering but God knows

That is how we see things from our own perspective but God sees it differently. When we see our friends going through a hard time or we see bad things happen to innocent people we begin to question our mind. The largest part is not revealed to us. only God knows why.

Abel offered the best burnt offering to God but

Cain succeeded in killing him why?

John the Baptist was a disciple of Jesus preaching the gospel and doing miracles but he was beheaded at last. Why did God allow it?

Stephen was stoned to death but God could have saved him,why didn't he?

The ways of the lord is not the way of man.

Jesus Christ said it himself in John 16:33 he said, "You will have suffering in this world." He didn't say you might,he said it is going to happen.

God has a way he uses our situations to accomplish his purpose for our lives.


Surely its as a result of our sins that evil befall us but why God allow it is understood only by him. I believe the day is coming when suffering will cease and God will judge evil. The day is coming when people will be held accountable for the evil they've committed.

God knows best.

I hope this helps.

That is the most interesting question isn't it.

I think some people believe that everything happens for a reason, or is part of someone's plan, and so that's how they cope with tragedy. Although I often wonder if that thought process is potentially more harmful.... I think if it helps people see the silver lining out of every terrible situation then it's probably good.  If it means they question their faith, that's probably a good idea too.  I do believe everything should be questioned.  If there is a good answer, then it doesn't hurt to ask the questions... and if there is no good answer then it stops you from blindly believe something that might cause you harm.

I personally think it would be easier for people to cope with, if they realized that sometimes bad things happen... just like sometimes good things happen... and sometimes a really bad thing (like a car crash) nearly happens but you get out of it luckily.  Things just happen.  The best rational then is to try and be as prepared as possible... and accept the things that you have no control over.  If a bad thing happens and it teaches you a valuable lesson, then it wasn't for nothing.

excellent your answer i share your point of view we simply take god out of the equation.

Which god? 

What programming languages should I learn to develop apps on the Steem Blockchain?

I'm thinking React and Javascript... but there is so much to both, it seems pretty daunting to learn from scratch. Would python be better? Or Ruby on Rails to link in with React and Javascript?

I know React is a javascript platform/library, but there seems to be different code (ASX).

Because of its design, a blockchain is deterministic. This means that if you want to take the entire history of the blocks and replace it locally, you must end up with the same state as all the other nodes. This prohibits calls to external APIs, where the answers may change over time, or according to the caller.

Block chains are walled gardens. You can execute a contract from the outside world, but a contract by itself cannot require information from a source outside the block chain. If a smart contract needs external information, someone should put it on the blockchain first. There are efforts to facilitate this work through a concept called Oracles. But Oracles needs a system of reputation and governance. So much for fully automated contracts and disintermediation.

In the real world, very few applications work in isolation. All the applications we've built in the last 3 years rely on external APIs - for identity management, payments, live data sources, image processing, storage, etc. The limited capabilities of smart contracts make them useless in real-world situations.

To start a career the most used languages are in Solidity which has been as javascript and the development of new blockchains in C++, Rust and Golang for the management and creation of intelligent contracts.

The miners are incentivized to mine coins because this way they get keep the coins. It is also important to keep that mining fees is paid whenever a transaction is made on the blockchain. 

Whenever a user sends or receive coins they pay a small transaction fees. The thing is that when miners solve a block they verify these transactions and thus get to keep that fee. So the logic is that more fees that you pay for the transaction the miners would be further incentived to include that block in the transaction. 

So a higher fees usually also has a better chance of getting your transaction cleared sooner.

The basic math is something like this:

Total block Reward = 12.5 BTC + (fee from all the transactions included in the block) 

Note: As the block rewards halfen every four years, the block rewards would get smaller and smaller. In the future the miners main incentive to mine would come from the mining fees.

Bitcoin works like a peer to peer network, where everyone in the world is connected by an internet network. Bitcoin is obtained as a reward / reward / reward in the process of solving mathematical problems created and solved by computers on the blockchain network. The process of solving these problems is called mining.

The value of the bitcoin that is on the blockchain is of limited value, but it cannot be used up because the reward can be in the form of a fraction, such as 0.0001 BTC or smaller.

As time goes by, of course the value of Bitcoin obtained will get smaller because of the many problems that have been solved on a blockchain, and the level of difficulty of the problems will increase, so that more sophisticated hardware hardware is needed to solve the problems there is.

Bitcoin is like a normal currency, but it is stored on hardware such as hard disks, and other storage media, it is encrypted and it is very difficult to crack code to break down its security.

If likened to money has stored in the wallet, then bitcoin can also be placed on online wallets that are scattered on the internet, for example coinbase.

Who actually pays for mining done?


What pays for mining is money that is invested in the bitcoin network itself. At first people started buying bitcoins that were of no value with the original currency, over time and more and more people who believed in crypto currencies the value went up, this was the basic concept.

For comparison, if you have played online games like Ragnarok Online, there are market activities using Zeny currency, which are used to buy items in the game world, but there are times when the Zeny currency is traded in the real world as well as by fellow gamers, this actually the same as the concept of bitcoin itself. There is a value agreed upon by the buyer and seller to convert it into the original currency.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Miners are very important because they provide an awesome service in terms of so many factors which includes bitcoin network security which makes bitcoin safe from attacks....

miners do need a reward/incentive which they will use to pay for the cost of hardware and electricity which they use for the mining....there is a hardware called ASIC which is a mining hardeare that makes bitcoin become secured through what is called “proof of work”,

miners are usually paid with transactions feees and also bitcoin’s block reward,recently i noticed that bitcoin block rewards are usually large and it is one of the major factor that provides earnings to miners,

previously block rewards are usually around fifty bitcoins per block but currently it is 12.5 bitcoins per block.......

Transaction fees

another fact many people need to understand is that the moment most bitcoins have already been mined,

it means that the block reward would no longer be the major source of earnings for the miners,that is where mining fees will now become more effective,mining fees are the feees which will be paid by users who transact on the network and the mining fee will be the major factor that produces good income for the miner....

mining fees are a kind of fees that a user will pay each time he or she makes a transaction on the network

we also need to note that the fees is an incentive to miners in other for them to include transactions on a block and a transaction is confirmed the moment it is included in a block....

and that is why transactions with higher fees tend to get faster confirmation because of course miners would want to maximize their income so there is higher priority on transactions with higher fees paid....

One of the factors of an earthquake that can trigger a tsunami is the strength of the earthquake, earthquakes that have a power below 7 Magnitude will usually not trigger a tsunami. However, sometimes an earthquake of about 6 magnitude can also cause a local tsunami.

Earthquakes Can cause a tsunami if seismic activity causes the soil along the direction of the fault fault line to move up and down.

When the subsoil on the seabed also moves vertically, whether it's up or down, water will move and produce energy which then comes out in the form of large waves or tsunamis. As for earthquakes that only make the ground surface move horizontally, most likely will not cause a tsunami.

High From the tsunami waves that occur due to the earthquake are affected by the vertical movement of the seabed.

When there is movement in the ocean, tsunami waves can move up to 804 to 965 kilometers per hour, as fast as a jet, "But it will slow down when it reaches the surface." One of the things that will not affect the tsunami is the weather. Because, the weather does not provide enough energy to move the sea level.

To estimate whether an earthquake can cause a tsunami and how large, researchers use a viewing sensor for sea pressure and use a tide gauge.

what they unleash are large waves approaching the populated areas of the planet these tsunamis are caused by tornadoes that are generated in the ocean moving them for many kilometers and being devastating in their path

Here are some choices:

1. Let me in

The film Let me In is a remake of the Let the Right One In film which was released in 2008. This film tells the story of Owen who is often executed by his friends. Besides that, Owen was also a child who could not get along well with his friends. Until the end Owen met Abby, a child who was no less strange. Owen's friendship and Abby opened a new veil. Owen found unexpected stories that made him unaware of who Abby really was.

2. Evil Dead

In 1981, a horror film titled The Evil Dead managed to stomp the film fans. Actor Bruce Campbell, who plays Ashley ‘Ash’ J. Williams, is a unique figure because it was able to get rid of the supernatural beings who met him.

However, in 2013, this horror film was remake with the same title. become iconic with his saw hand

and his skills killed the ghosts in front of him. But in 2013, the story of Evil Dead was told back to the big screen.

Still have the same plot, but in this second film there is no longer a major figure like Ashley ‘Ash’ J. Williams. This film tells a group of teenagers who are on vacation to a cabin in the middle of the forest. When staying, a group of teenagers met various kinds of ghosts.

3. The Ring

The film was later remade in 2002 under the title The Ring. No less than the Japanese version, the Hollywood version of the film is still terrible, even though it has been changed in Hollywood horror style.

4. We Are What We Are

First released in 2010, a film titled We Are What We Are tells the story of a person named Alfredo (Francisco Barreiro) who is a family leader who is closed about his family. Until finally when the local government opened a secret veil about the closed Alfredo family.

In 2013, the film was made in Hollywood. This time the character was no longer named Alfredo, but Frank Parker. Meanwhile, the storyline is still the same.

5. The Crazies

First released in 1973, The Crazies was one of those horrible horror films. This film tells the local sheriff named David Dutten who experienced problems when the population in the city of Iowa contaminated with a virus.

This virus turns many people into growers. David must try to find solutions to problems in the midst of a conflict that suddenly ambushes him. The touch of this horror film in 1973 was also quite terrible.

i believe the best way to buy books, is to buy by needs.

what problem does the book intend to solve for you or what knowledge are you seeking to acquire at that specific time in your life. if you buy by needs, you will sure have the motivation to read and digest the book's content because every word is a piece of the solution you are looking for.

However for those that are buying because they just love reading, their favorite genre should be used as the buying criteria.

Personally I go for genre, then weather I've heard good things about it, then maybe read the blurb on the back. And if I still cant decide then which has better art work hahah. There are a number of criteria that you look for when buying a book, the main one though is if the story interests you!

Ok, so I have a very specific criteria to choose Books to read. I usually don't read much except when I am travelling long Distances. 

I First check the Name of the Book and it's author. The Title is a key factor for me, then I go in and have a brief look inside the Book and look for specific characters. The more the uncommon names I find the more I am interested in it. Lastly there is the price tag. Hehe Price is also important my Friend.


Most likely, my life is full of stress. I don't like my job and boss. Or maybe I have a problem in my personal life and I'm worried about my future.

This makes me wake up too early and can't sleep anymore. I have to do something to improve my sleep. If I have a problem at work, change it. If my problem is related to personal problems, talk to the closest person or psychiatrist.

I worry about timeliness and fear of being late, even just by imagining the entire schedule that I have to do. Almost every day I am sleepy and drink coffee all the time. Try asking myself, when did I last wake up and live my life with enthusiasm.

I am a very disciplined person. Even if I work late, I will start early in the morning to have the opportunity to do things that I like like exercising, reading, or meeting friends.

Highly organized people usually wake up at this time. No matter how much time I need to start a business, I wake up early to do things that need to be prepared for my busy day.

I belong to a group of principals: I work from 9 am to 6 pm Life I am quite boring and monotonous because I do it just so I can still have income. It's very possible that I don't pay too much attention to my social and personal life.

I have 40 hours of work a week but I am classified as unorganized. Before you really wake up to work, you have to sleep several times. I often complain because I'm tired of my work and often dream of vacationing.

The main purpose of money is to have some kind of measurable unit that a society will accept as having value, and which will be used to conduct transactions and exchanges (e.g. paying for goods and services).  Today, most societies use physical and electronic fiat cash and currency as money, meaning that the money itself in a vacuum has no practical use or utility for humans, but it is used because either a government has backed it, or people have agreed on the value of said money.  In the past, metals such as gold and silver were more commonly used as money.

The main reason money is needed is that it provides the convenience of not having to conduct all transactions or exchanges via barter, where different people will place different valuations on different items in accordance to how they perceive their utility of those items.  The larger the society, the more quickly barter can become a problem.  Barter is considered to be inefficient in an economy, and so money is the answer to help make that economy more efficient by providing a unit of value that everything else can be measured against.

What makes money a contentious issue though, is the fact that in many countries/societies there is a large concentration of money and wealth in the hands of a small proportion of the people.  This phenomenon takes on many names, including income inequality and the wealth gap.  In addition to the social unrest that can be caused when a massive wealth gap exists in a country (which makes the rounds on the news a lot in these days and times), such inequality is believed to also hinder the economic growth of said country.

So as you can see, money is essentially an "evil necessity"; it can be a contentious issue that causes a lot of debate and unrest, but at the same time, society needs money in order for the economy to run efficiently.

Money is a means of exchange which someone can use to acquire the basic things of life,money is a necessity

that all humans need for them to take care of their

needs,money is a very good and useful tools for

creating wealth and wealth enables to enjoy the good

things of life in terms of materialistic factors,money is a double edge sword,as good as money is it is also one of the major cause of problem in the world,infact many

crimes are committed because of money or anything that money can buy,,there are many people that have

killed themselves because they do not have money,there are friends that have killed each other

because of money,desperation to acquire wealth has made many people to become criminals...e.g armed

robbers,burglars,,kidnappers is good no doubt but it also has some negative factors attached to

it and “money” will always be a resource that people will keep working for and living their lives around is a necessity that we cannot do without...

Money is necessary and it is a useful thing that someone needs to be able to take care of their needs,money is very important in the life of humans because you need to money to achieve many things in life,and that is why everyone wishes to have a very good source of income that will give them money so that they become wealthy and be able to meet their needs anytime anyday...

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Because with the money we can easily buy something, money as a medium of exchange, as a calculation indicator.

Do not be surprised if in that family, a little couple can get complicated because of money. Based on a survey from found the fact that the cause of many quarrels in families in couples aged 35-54 years is a matter of money.

Another fact that was discovered was that financial problems far exceeded the quarrel due to the hype of division of tasks at home, quarrels due to other family members, children, sex, and ex-lovers.

Financial fuss in the family usually boils down to the lack of money, extravagance and the inadequacy of family financial arrangements. The wife who was a little complaining and satirical because of the tight monthly money, the husband made even more annoyance because of the complaint. Not to mention, the husband found an addictive person.

The quarrel that originated from the issue of money, the origin is none other than the management of unwise family finances. Family budgets are not made in such a way that they are not realistic. In fact, designing a realistic family budget is important. Even though it must be realistic, don't forget that the real name is not too little so it seems economical and ends up being tortured because you can't enjoy life.

Another argument arises because one partner underestimates debt. The debt must be repaid. The habit of debt that is not paid on time has the potential to create new problems.

The habits of families who do not have the habit of saving and investing tend to have problems with finance. A fight can explode when things happen unexpectedly, but do not have emergency funds.

Well, to be smarter in managing finances, it's better to use modern fintech as his personal assistant. Modern platforms like IPOTPAY are more equipped with smart calendar features, complete with schedule payments, able to arrange payment schedules, purchases, and fund transfers periodically.

Combustion can be minimized, when either husband and wife have good management and financial management skills. Whatever the root of the fight, be sure everything can be overcome.

How can you solve smart phone addiction problem?

Smart phone addiction and its resolution

Smartphone addiction is a problem to many. While many users may be addicted due to smartphones being their source of income probably with some online business or so. Many are just addicted maybe to the chats, games and so on.

In solving the issue of smartphone addiction, it is imperative that the user should accept that he/she is addicted to smartphone. Many can't do without their phone a day. It is like you have taken a huge part of them away.

There are certain applications that can be installed that will give the total amount of time and data spent on each application. This will naturally make the user feel somehow that lots of hours that would have been productive is being spent on smartphones.

Most of these smartphone addictions are basically addiction to social media apps. **Delete** them. Deleting the social media applications means you spend little time with your phone l. It also has an advantage because you can now appreciate offline friendship more rather than virtual friendship that takes valuable time.

What is the world without the internet. What is a smartphone without the internet. No internet no addiction. Disconnect your internet from the smartphone and you curb smartphone addiction

It will be great if there is someone who will constantly remind you that you are too engaged on your smartphone all the time. Ideally the person should be with you most of the time (e.g. your spouse, close friends or family).

Next, make some rules for yourself to follow. For example, no using phones during meals and after 10pm. Have some self imposed punishments whenever you violate those rules.

Finally, it will be nice to also have a distraction. For example, reading books or working out. During these times, chuck your phone aside and focus on the other activities.

Ultimately, getting rid of an "addiction" always requires self discipline. And it will be impossible without self discipline and the conviction to break the addiction.

P.s. this answer is posted from a smartphone. Lol..

1. Remove Less Important Applications

Sometimes the use of social media applications will only add a sense of dependence and addiction to smartphones without the slightest benefit. Removing a social media application is a good thing, besides you will not be addicted to a smartphone, you can also make your cellphone capacity more spacious.

2. Limits on the Use of Smartphones with Applications

If you find it difficult to escape from your cellphone, try to download an application that will help you control smartphone usage. Locking applications like AppDetox and Rescue Time can help you to stop using your cellphone. Then, you can set the time for using the cellphone. So, if you violate your own rules, the application will give you notifications continuously to give rest time on the cellphone.

3. Turn off Notifications

This one is clearly effective. With you turning off notifications or turning your smartphone into Airplane Mode, it will make you reduce consumption of cellphones. Although for people who are quite dependent, turning off notifications will not help much. At the very least, you will not check your cellphone every time there is a clink of a notification ringing.

4. Leave Mobile

Start trying to leave your mobile in a different place with you. For example, try not to carry your cellphone into the bedroom while going to sleep. To be more extreme, maybe one day you will start trying to leave your cellphone at home without any anxiety.

5. Change the Minimalist Cellphone

If Communication is indeed a very important thing and makes it difficult for you to leave your cellphone, you can buy a minimalist cellphone in terms of features. With this cellphone, your choice to do activities with cellphones is very limited and will certainly help you feel lazy holding a cellphone.

Smart phone addiction is a major problem nowadays because a children nowadays are using smart phone for gaming purpose at a small age. Youngsters are using smart phone for their work purpose and more internet activity and also elders are using smart phone for listening devotional song and videos.

There are various ways we can solve the problem of mobile phone addiction.

1) we can reduce the use of a smart phone by playing outdoor games.

2) we should put limit on a usage of smart phone.

3) we can decrease the use of mobile phone by stopping the games.

4) we should power the mobile battery once after then we can be free from the usage of smart phone.

Several years ago while i was very young,i went for a job interview and during the course of interview i told the

interviewer exactly in these words “what if i am willing to

work for you for free”??the interviewer had an expression on his face which showed he was shocked to hear

that,the question which i asked him sounded weird to him and it led to a conversation that lased for a long

time because he started to see me as an interesting and weird job seeker,,after a long conversation he gave

me the job and even offered me a high salary than what i was expecting,,according to my observation based on

what he said i think the major reason he gave me the job and was even paid high salary was because he felt i

was so determined to succeed and gain experience from the job,and as a young man i sounded like

someone who cares more about the passion he has for a job and not the salary....

I just graduated recently and I was oppotuned to be called for an interview by a petroleum industry in my country. After asking series of questions ,I extracted my question from theirs.

"Now that we’ve talked about my qualifications and the job, do you have any concerns about my being successful in this position"

This question caught them unaware. I was surprised at their countenance and the response I got from the first interviewer wasn't okay. I pointed out the flimsy response and the manager came in with a question from my question.

"For you have any plan to make this company achieve more in the department you are applying for?

Thank God i already prepared myself well before attending the interview. I answerd yes. From my research, I discovered that workers in this department I m applying for close at the exact time stipulated By the company,and since there is a rule that says overtime is welcome, I will use this opportunity to address the lapses present at the moment. I will find a way to encourage the workers to spend more time and i believe this will highly increase the productivity.

The manager responded and I reminded them of my question.

He now said there us reward for every outstanding ideas. Promotions is also reserved for best workers and series of motivations too.

I just have to summerise the conversation but it took us a long time as they wanted to find my fault and use my question to make fall.

Still waiting for their call as promised. Its a week now from interview.

What factors influence human behavior?

Behavior is a way of acting that shows a person's behavior and is the result of a combination of anatomical, physiological and psychological development.

The most common factors that influence one's behaviour are:

  • The Environment he was raised in 

A good example for this would be one who was spoiled by his/her parents while growing up. Giving in to ALL his/her wants. A child raised this way will likely end up being too "self-centered" as he is used to all the attention. Compare that to one who comes from a poor family and has to struggle in an early age just to survive. That child will likely end up as a "hardworking" adult as it is now imprinted in his thoughts that one needs to work very hard in order to survive in this cruel world.

  • The Personality of the people raising him/her 

One factor that needs to be considered is the personality of the people raising the child (mostly the parents). An abusive parent or a suicidal one will likely have a huge impact on the behaviour of the child in the future. He/She is most likely be traumatized and might even copy the behaviour of the people raising him/her. Violence breeds Violence.

  • The Imposed Values he was raised in

What you teach a child at an early age will be his/her basis for what is right or good. If you impose on a child that "stealing", "cheating" or "lying" is wrong. Then at an early age, he will try his very best not to do those things. The lesson one learned as a child is likely what he will live for in the future.

You might be wondering why I am focusing mostly on how a child is raised during early childhood. This is mostly because at this age is where a child's personality will likely form. It is at this time that he starts to differentiate right from wrong and will mostly try to adapt base on this common factors.

Affecting human behavior can be grouped into two broad categories, namely personal factors and situational factors.

- Personal Factors Affecting Human Behavior.

Personal factors are often influenced by sociogical motives, or often also called secondary motives as opposed to primary motives (biological motives).

1. Motivation to know

That is the tendency of everyone to try to understand and get the meaning of their world. Humans need a frame of reference (frame of reference) to evaluate new situations.

2. The motive of the competition

Everyone wants to prove that he is able to overcome any life problem. Feelings are able to depend heavily on intellectual, social, and emotional development.

3. Love Motif

Various studies have shown that the need for love that is not fulfilled will lead to unfavorable human behavior.

4. Motives Self-esteem and the need to seek identity

Closely related to the need to show ability and gain love, is the need to show existence in the world.

5. The need for value, servitude, and the meaning of life

In dealing with life, humans need values to guide them in making decisions or giving meaning to their lives.

Motivation A person will also determine whether a message is received or not. This also means that motivation to seek entertainment, for example, will be a pretext for enjoying mass media.

- Situational Factors Affecting Human Behavior

Whereas situational factors that affect humans are influenced by several factors, namely.

1. Ecological factors

Environmental determinists often say that natural conditions influence lifestyle and behavior.

2. Temporal Factor

One communication message delivered in the morning will be different in meaning if delivered at midnight.

3. Behavior Settings

In every atmosphere there are patterns of relationships that regulate the behavior of the people inside.

4. Technology

The Technology Revolution is often followed by a revolution in social behavior. In communication science, shows that the form of communication technology is more important than the content of communication media.

I think I will only give A factor that affect human's behavior

The Place where you was raised

This includes the persons that surrounds us, the behaviors we are witnessing, the things we own and the things we don't have

This mainly affect our behaviors, the persons that surrounds us and their behaviors was the biggest contributor of our behaviors.

If all those persons that surrounds us we probably could get their actions

Well I do mean the way for their actions, their way of thinking, their way of making decisions and many more in their behaviors. If the people surrounds us was full of liars, we probably would end up a liar as well.

Also the things we own and not was also a factor, given that we already end up being a greedy person (greedy persons surrounds us) We probably would not be satisfied on the things that we have. We probably would end up behaving and committing evil intentions.

Well not all of  the persons end up in this situation but I can roughly say (base on the people that I know) that there are 80% of the people that I know fall under this factor

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

these are the lists of factors which i think really affects human behaviour


2....Social norms


4....Core faith and culture


How do you predict the bankruptcy of a company?

Bankruptcy is an inability stated legally by an individual or organization to pay their creditors.


Print out the names of the companies onto little strips of paper. Get a monkey to do a lucky dip

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I will make it short and simple,it can easily predict the bankruptcy of a company by analyzing their financial statements,,through their

financial statements someone would have the ability to measure the financial performance of the company

and know whether they are at profit or loss,,when they

are at loss and they still keep spending more than they earn then it means such companies will soon become

bankrupt and that is a sign that someone should not go near such company...

Predicting if a company is going to go bankrupt is a task that can be fulfiled by making basic analysis of the

company itself through the accounting details of the company,

for example,,if a company has alot of assets and liabilities but the liabilities are more than the assets which they have then that is a sign that the company is on a journey of becoming bankrupt,,,

another way to know if a company might soon become bankrupt is by knowing if the company is owing debts

which is more than a large perfentage of their yearly turnover ,increase debts negatively affects a company and can make such company to suffer bankruptcy....

so the bottomline is that a company that is spending more income than what they earn will definitely go

bankrupt someday because that action they are taking

is not sustainable...

Yes. You can monitor the websites visited by users connected to your WiFi. You can create an OpenDNS account and then change the router server to that of the OpenDNS. This way you can know the websites visited.

Routers like Netgear also have options to view the logs and see each websites visited.

You should know that this is illegal in some countries because it means you are intruding into the person privacy.

Please check and make sure it complies with your local laws before taking any steps.

Depending on your router, yes there are ways to track this information but unless you are inside a corporate environment where you are allowed to track your employees to keep then focused on work, doing this in public spaces is illegal in pretty much every country and could lead you to go to jail, so unless you are willing to take the risk, its not really worth it.

Dang! And I there I was happily watching prawn on my office computer!🙀

It's not actually the latest version of Wordpress that you need...  you need to install the latest plugin of Steempress (  Here is the Steemit account of the guys who developed the plug in (

Once you've installed the plugin, you'll need to give it your private posting key so that it will post to your Steem account. From all accounts this seems to be pretty secure.  After that you can set it to when you want to post to the Steem blockchain.  It can be in the same instant, or 7 days later after the post payout, or any time in between.

I would caution you though... since ranks fairly highly with Google (as per the Alexa rankings) then Steemit will steal all the link juice from your blog.  What I mean by this is that if someone Googles a phrase or some keywords that your blog has written about, then the Steemit post will rank higher in that Google search than your blog will.  For me that's kind of a deal breaker... 

I should also warn you that the Steempress plugin takes 20% of your post rewards as a beneficiary... however, once they whitelist you they'll also upvote you, pretty much to the same amount they take (but then they get the curation rewards).  I have no problem with this personally, but I thought you should know.

Thank you . I got it fixed. Just found ouy I checked some of the category boxes in Wordpress which caused the error.

Since Steempress is working for me, I highly suspect you might have done something wrong without noticing anything.

  1. Check if your Connectivity to the Steem Server shows OK
  2. Check if you might have checked some boxes on categories that Steempress will ignore that will prevent Steempress to publish the content on Steem.


3. Check if you might have set the Delay option too long. Bear in mind that this are all in minutes not seconds. So a 300 value would be the same as publishing it after 5 hours.

If all else fails, try asking for help in their Discord Server:

Thanks a lot. I didn't know about 2~checking category box. Got it fixed now.

Many governments have already reacted to it imposing regulations and trying to tax blockchain transactions. In time, regulation will creep in even more as people start to understand blockchain better and as it becomes a more mainstreem system of use in our society. Blockchain is here to stay so everyone is trying to figure out how to implement it and how to regulate it.

So i just joined the community after reading about them on steemit,well when i visited the platform i was amazed at what i am seeing and i am very impressed...

This platform is a question and answer website which means my major ambition is to ask meaningful question that i really want to ask,then also i would want to write answers to questions concerning subjects or topics that i have good knowledge and understanding about...

I believe that when i give good answers to the questions asked it means that i am in one way or the other helping someone who needs help,i realize that many people ask questions concerning things that are really bothering

them so it means that if i can answer their question successfully then that would ease the burden on their heart and that means i have helped them in my own way.....

to realize each individual's expectations through sharing assistance with one another. The birth of a community in is not to maintain the idea of each individual, but rather to unify all ideas to achieve an ideal. I am sure many users who have different backgrounds, and this if we combine together will give birth to a great contribution. If all positive answers are within us, surely we will always improve and race to advance.

always worship creative things in accordance with the fields we master.

Through the various ideas and steps taken, the Community increasingly expanded its network and now has hundreds of users. And This is a great achievement and makes this community.

Starting from yourself, each individual is expected to be able to learn and develop better. With the increasing number of quality questions born from creative ideas, I also hope that this community will be more successful and have great power to prosper the nation's generation and be able to establish good cooperation between fellow communities.

there are several ways you can do to deal with an annoying boss.

1. Communication

Described by worker Handi Kurniawan, If the boss does something unpleasant, as well as at will, not wanting to understand the feelings of employees, or even being rude, communication is important. There's nothing wrong with looking for special moments and talking well when your boss is in a pretty good heart. Communicate the good, find a gap so that you can be alone. Don't immediately 'shoot' to the core of the problem, start chatting small things,

2. Selection Selection

If the boss deserves to be annoying because he is unable to make decisions that determine the company, to help superiors provide alternative choices by discussing them. Thank you for giving information to people who cannot join in the oscillation.

3. Have Leadership

As a good subordinate, in responding to an unpleasant boss in terms of their nature and character they want to have the nature of leadership in themselves. It does not mean to override the authority of the boss, but works to help him to do the work assigned to the facts.

4. Do it

The boss can be annoying because maybe his men don't understand, or vice versa. Therefore, one way to deal with it is to approach first. When lunch time for example, do not hesitate to take him to eat together or find the right time to talk outside of work. After that, just look for a gap to talk about where our mistakes are, surely the boss's heart has begun to soften.

4. Don't get hurt

If a variety of ways have been done but still failed to deal with an annoying boss, It is better to talk to the highest level of personnel or supervisor.

distinguish between complaining and talking about your boss.

there are several ways you can do to deal with an annoying boss.

1. Communication

Described by worker Handi Kurniawan, If the boss does something unpleasant, as well as at will, not wanting to understand the feelings of employees, or even being rude, communication is important. There's nothing wrong with looking for special moments and talking well when your boss is in a pretty good heart. Communicate the good, find a gap so that you can be alone. Don't immediately 'shoot' to the core of the problem, start chatting small things,

2. Selection Selection

If the boss deserves to be annoying because he is unable to make decisions that determine the company, to help superiors provide alternative choices by discussing them. Thank you for giving information to people who cannot join in the oscillation.

3. Have Leadership

As a good subordinate, in responding to an unpleasant boss in terms of their nature and character they want to have the nature of leadership in themselves. It does not mean to override the authority of the boss, but works to help him to do the work assigned to the facts.

4. Do it

The boss can be annoying because maybe his men don't understand, or vice versa. Therefore, one way to deal with it is to approach first. When lunch time for example, do not hesitate to take him to eat together or find the right time to talk outside of work. After that, just look for a gap to talk about where our mistakes are, surely the boss's heart has begun to soften.

4. Don't get hurt

If a variety of ways have been done but still failed to deal with an annoying boss, It is better to talk to the highest level of personnel or supervisor.

distinguish between complaining and talking about your boss.

there are several ways you can do to deal with an annoying boss.

1. Communication

Described by worker Handi Kurniawan, If the boss does something unpleasant, as well as at will, not wanting to understand the feelings of employees, or even being rude, communication is important. There's nothing wrong with looking for special moments and talking well when your boss is in a pretty good heart. Communicate the good, find a gap so that you can be alone. Don't immediately 'shoot' to the core of the problem, start chatting small things,

2. Selection Selection

If the boss deserves to be annoying because he is unable to make decisions that determine the company, to help superiors provide alternative choices by discussing them. Thank you for giving information to people who cannot join in the oscillation.

3. Have Leadership

As a good subordinate, in responding to an unpleasant boss in terms of their nature and character they want to have the nature of leadership in themselves. It does not mean to override the authority of the boss, but works to help him to do the work assigned to the facts.

4. Do it

The boss can be annoying because maybe his men don't understand, or vice versa. Therefore, one way to deal with it is to approach first. When lunch time for example, do not hesitate to take him to eat together or find the right time to talk outside of work. After that, just look for a gap to talk about where our mistakes are, surely the boss's heart has begun to soften.

4. Don't get hurt

If a variety of ways have been done but still failed to deal with an annoying boss, It is better to talk to the highest level of personnel or supervisor.

distinguish between complaining and talking about your boss.

Get him sacked

Take over him

Hire him to wash your car

Useless answers are what you like giving...

What Happens to the Body When Feeling Afraid?

Everyone has different fears about things or things. For example, fear of clowns, snakes, or even fear of seeing ghosts. Actually what happens to the body when we feel afraid?

The amygdala will release a neurotransmitter compound called glutamate. This is the chemical compound behind fear that often occurs. Then there is a response coming from a part of the brain called periaqueductal gray. This is the part of the brain that regulates two forms of fear reactions such as jumping or creeping. Then, the hypothalamus is responsible for regulating resistance reactions which can then increase heart rate.

Fear also makes the body release glucose which is ready to be channeled into the blood. It is useful to give us strength to run if needed. Reactions Fear that occurs to everyone is different, according to the level of fear. Some just close their eyes or cover their ears, some are running.

actually the emotional response that comes with fear adds awareness and keeps the body and brain focused on threats. When Fears subside, the brain usually releases neurotransmitters and hormones that can make the body's system rest. "Heart rate drops, breathing slows down, creeps begin to subside.

Fear is a common feeling like happiness or sadness. It occurs when we come in contact of any unusual dangerous activities, such as ghost, murderer, any accident(natural or man made), big diseases or big financial loss, atc. atc..

We feel very weak and unsafe at that moment & our natural work of brain stops for a little little bit, so, we become confuse and can't imagine what to do. Sometimes an emergency hormone comes out from human body.

The effects of fear is different with its quantity, someone can feel normal within seconds after a small fear and someone can feel ill for days, even fear can be a reason of death too.

It's cold, your breath is chasing, your whole body is tense, trembling. But you can't move, stiffly in place. Your heart is beating very hard, feels like it will jump out of your chest, and the hair on your neck stands.

Whether it's a ghost from a horror movie or a disgusting cockroach, we all fear something.

The question is, why is this fear? Which part of the brain is responsible for fear that we experience? Also, what happens in our body before we really scream and run away in fear?

Some shit their pants, others spontaneous relieve themselves of urine. It all depends.

As a minnow, is it better to help around or concentrate on your own success?

I am a minnow and I would love to hear some answers from people that are longer on Steemit.

Let's be clear, my goal is to help real people and support them. But one question keeps running around my head for a while.

Should I concentrate on myself to be bigger as fast as possible or should I continue to support others? That means, giving away SBD/STEEM, don't care about curation rewards, giving my vote to curation trails,...

As a minnow who is now close to 1000SP without investing real money on Steem, I highly suggest doing BOTH

What I did was join some Communities that support content creators like Qurator, Jumbot, Make-a-Whale, SilverGoldBotty, SteemPh.Cebu all the while somewhat supporting them back by delegating some of my Steem Power to them. 

The moment I reached 200SP, I delegated half of that to Qurator and at that point was receiving daily guaranteed upvotes from them to support my blog posts which used to be earning only less than $0.2. I then use the other half to give a full upvote to people who keep on engaging with my contents. It might only give them less than $0.01 at that time, but believe it or not it's the thought that matters. We all start small and giving an upvote at 100% sends in a signal to that author that we appreciate their work and if we could only give more, we would. You just cannot support others without supporting yourself first.

As for the curation trails, I strongly discourage you to follow one at this point. From personal experience, no one really bothers to look the account of those trailers. It would be much better to just give a full vote to someone you deemed worthy even if it's just a measly $0.01.

Why not both?! One helps the other :)

Good question. I was in the same situation before, until I decided to invest real money and power up some sp. But even now, I still focus on growing my own account by creating quality posts on a daily basis. But that doesn't mean I am not helping. I support many authors (most of them friends) by putting them on steemauto autovote. I run weekly games and give away SBD, just for the fun of it.

For a minnow, I know it is really difficult to grow (gain steem power). And your little sp stakes are, to be honest, worth too little to have any impact (upvote value) to anyone that you support. But providing support is not just about giving a $ value. By upvoting a good post, you acknowledge that it is a quality post. It is also important to leave a comment. To engage with the author and soon, your effort will pay off. 

I don't suggest joining a curation trail. Firstly, your upvote has little $ value. Second, there is no engagement done. The author doesn't know who you are, although you upvoted him or her. Instead, I suggest to do manual curation, AND, leave a comment for every upvoted post.

Another suggestion is to build up your reputation. So yeah, focus on your own development first. And help others by joining communities that help people.

At first I had my votes on couple of curation trails because I trusted these communities but now I am thinking about starting curating manually more.

I also have my WHACK Curation SHOW where I give away sbd/steem and I also support around by gifting, but I wanted to raise this question to have a broader perspective.

I think a minnow should first of all focus on his or her own success on steemit by creating quality contents and

finding creative ways to promote the contents and

make it get more visibility because the higher the visibility the more upvotes the user can get and the

upvotes is what translates to money making on the platform...

I hope you think money making = powering up :)

I am just trying to find out the fastest way to be big so that I can support others...

Moved to the Hive platform.

I always believe in growing myself first before I focus on helping others. My reason is simple, if you are powerless (pun intended, haha..) yourself, how can you expect to provide meaningful support for the others?

Fortunately, on the Steem platform, helping yourself and helping others are not mutually exclusive. By upvoting others, you also get curation rewards. By sponsoring someone a SBI share, you too get a share. By delegating to a community bot, you usually get upvotes too.

Coming back to your point on curation trail. I am not too sure how much that will help. Your votes are typically quite insignificant when you are still a minnow. I will rather you browse around your favorite topics and follow some authors that you like. Interact with them and build deeper relationships. Steem is a social platform after all. Therefore it is important to make friends. If you really like an author, you can then subscribe for auto-voting via services like SteemAuto.

To sum it up, be more patient in building your presence on Steem. You will find the journey more rewarding if you take it easy and do it one step at a time :)

What is the best site for margin trading bitcoin?

Waiting for Tier 3 Kraken verification but heard they don't do margin trades. Need some QUALITY suggestions from the community.
And go...

The best time for margin trading is when the position of the crypto price based on analysis, trends and/or recent news suggests strong movement in one direction. For example if you wanted to short a large amount on BTC on margin you'd want to do it at a time when you believe the price had reached it's peak or that something was going to happen in the near future to cause the prices to drop dramatically.

Indodax, one of the pride sites that attracts millions of users in Indonesia. This original site was established to meet the needs of the crypto market. many foreign users who participate in transactions here. This site serves the sale of Bitcoin and Altcoin with the rupiah exchange rate. For those who do not have an account, register directly at: Indodax, Transfer of deposit and withdrawal funds can be made through a local bank. Many coinone enthusiasts have already pre-registered. This competition is certainly considered positive, because every krypto exchange will improve services and bring profitable coins. In the pre-registration held by Coinone, the opportunity was given to win the QTUM airdrop and 10 free fee trading coupons. This reward is given to 10,000 lucky users during pre-registration. Crypto exchanges serve buying and selling Bitcoin Ethereum, Litecoin, following the token and Altcoin exchanges. Those who are interested can join directly at Indodax

What will you do if you have been given a chance to re-live your life?

Everyone would love to change the way they lived their life. What will you do if you had been given a chance to re-live your life. Share your thoughts.

Most people think if they could relive their lives they would do the same kinds of things as before,  but make different choices. Better choices. 

However, I think we would be really bored unless we lived completely different lives than before.

Some part of me says if I could go back in time I could make different decisions,  that would mean I would still be together with my wife and I would still have my fantastic job that I lost more than 10 years ago.... but is that really what I would want?

 I think if I could relive my life I would just do something completely different and unexpected. Maybe travel to a different country and get started doing something like marine biology. I'd never think of that in today's world...... but in the next life who knows?

I would trust myself more and focus solely on following my passion instead of other people

If I am given an opportunity to re-live my life what will I do? Hmmm, I am in my mid twenties and I would say I love my life, it's not all rosy but I think i have made good choices so far but the only thing I would love to change is knowing how to express myself verbally, I'm painful shy! and find it difficult to express myself when I'm around people, the words won't just come... It's frustrating I tell you and I think it's as a result of my upbringing, there were so many rules and it was difficult to really mix with people of my age and interact with them,i think that's one of the major cause though. So if there will be a thing I want to change it will be for me to be more outspoken!

If i am given a chance to re-live my life i

will definitely want to change some certain

things,,i am a kind of person that is an introvert

and i love staying indoors,i myself do wish

to go out sometimes and have fun but i

just do not have the motivation to go out

because i am naturally an indoor type so

if i could re-live my life i will definitely want

to come back as someone who is an extrovert

because i would really love to know exactly

how life is as an extrovert....

if i have the chance to re-live my life i would also love to be from another culture and experience an entirely

different way of life,,i would also want to have my late father back and fully experience adulthood with my father,i lost my dad at a young age so i have not really

experienced how it is like to have a father as a young man becoming a full grown man,i would really love to experience it myself without anyone telling me....

Be the world's greatest mouser!😼


It seems clear that both commercial and government entities are hard at work trying to figure out how to make use of the technology in a manner that best suits their purposes.

In the end, the speed with which that adoption manifests is directly linked to the one important factor that they both have in common: the end user.

Commercial forces are interested in developing efficient and attractive monetization platforms. Governments are interested in maintaining economic control and taxation models that work.

Both interested parties are in a race to build their respective infrastructures BEFORE mass adoption by the people at large. At that time, you'll see the shift you're looking for.

So when will mass adoption occur? It will happen when blockchain solutions are capable of providing users with the same functionalities, conveniences, turnaround, and benefits as that of centralized solutions. After all, the average person on the street doesn't care about controlling their funds to the same degree as crypto-enthusiasts.

Are you kidding me? To most, the idea of being responsible for the security of their own funds is inconvenient at best and a nightmare at worst. The average person is MORE than happy to give up a few bucks to shell that responsibility on to someone else.

The same goes for any application of blockchain technology. Seeds, private keys, transaction fees, block confirmations, and all the rest. It's not user-friendly, and it's not fun to figure out.

Essentially, it's a UX/UI puzzle. 

As a design professional myself, I can tell you that once innovative UX solutions start to knock down the blockchain barriers of confusion and complexity, the momentum towards widespread adoption will increase exponentially.

Commercial and government players will have no choice but to show their cards and deal themselves in.

I think, Blockchain has already started seeing wide adoption in commercial and government sectors. I just posted a hunt yesterday about IBM launching its  Blockchain World Wire, which will make International remittance a lot easy , unlike the conventional system now which takes days to settle such payments. 

Ripple already has set the fire by working with many financial industries to run International payments on its network. 

You can also see this [post]( which I published sometimes back. It has lots of use cases listed on how blockchain can be used for various applications. 

So as time progresses, blockchain as a technology is going to be recognized to have brilliant prospects to solve many real life problems in Commercial as well as Government sector. 

Blockchain technology is not yet fully ripe for mass adoption but is a few steps away from becoming a widely used network. In short, we will describe a few challenges that are currently latent:

Massive recognition that blockchain can be a source of immutable certainty

The legal operation of this characteristic is still missing, therefore it cannot be used as a legal argument. New legal schemes are required for the recognition of blockchain as a source of immutable veracity since it is tamper-proof and for this it will be necessary to reach a consensus for regulation in collaboration with the users.

The dilemma of the right to oblivion

The immutability of the blockchain conflicts with the right to forget, which refers to the protection of personal data that ensures that any citizen has the right to have information stored in records or databases completely deleted.

Although it could be automatically encrypted with a smart contract or create blockchain of permissions to access information more flexibly.

The technology (bitcoin) is not yet ready for mass use.

A clear example of this is that it is distributed in a non-uniform way, and even if it were the speed of the system would not support all users. In short, there are a number of technical and security issues that need to be resolved in order for it to work on a large scale. Fortunately, there are many Altcoins that have already solved this problem.

The energy consumed is not sustainable

Many blockchain work with PoW and that consumes a lot of energy, which does not allow it to be sustainable on a large scale as it is today (The same problem of BigData). But they are already working on solutions of much lower consumption such as virtual mines PoS or consensus test, voting etc, etc..

The struggle against parts of the government

There is no clear and fair regulatory framework, no well-defined debate, no legal scalability strategy, etc. But we are sure that the government does not like this technology because it is a point in which there is no control, as we have seen with Venezuela and China.

Most of the immune system is in the digestive system. That is why, increasing the body's resistance naturally must begin by applying the following tips

1. Quality sleep

Do you often feel weak and lackluster? Sleep deprivation can be one of the main causes. This indicates that the immune system is weakening.

When sleeping, T cells in the body work to improve the immune system. These cells fight various viruses and pathogens. Conversely, if you don't rest for 24 hours, the performance of T cells becomes blocked.

This fact was revealed through research at the Mayo Clinic. They prove that deep sleep helps the body to naturally form its immune system.

2. Get enough sunlight

Do you feel afraid of being exposed to sunlight? From now on, ignore that taste. The reason is, sunlight in certain hours is very good for maintaining immunity.

First, sunlight contains vitamin D which can prevent autoimmune and cancer diseases. Second, ultraviolet light can improve the performance of T cells in the human body. Georgetown University Medical Center research team revealed that, it takes about 5-10 minutes so that the light can strengthen the immune system.

3. Consumption of Yoghurt

One of the organs that make up the body's immune system is the intestine. To increase the immune, the intestine needs probiotics. Generally, probiotics come from the bacteria Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium.

Yogurt is a milk-based drink containing Lactobacillus bulgaricus. Therefore, taking it regularly can prevent a variety of dangerous diseases, such as heart failure. Even able to improve the performance of NK (Natural Killer) cells; strongest immune system in the body.

4. Control the Mind to Be Not Stressful

When you are stressed, the body releases glucocorticoid hormones. This release can occur for a long time. If ignored, hormone secretion can interfere with thymus performance as an immune-producing organ.

In addition, it can inhibit the activity of T cells. According to research teams from Ohio State University, the number of T cells in people with depression tends to decrease. This is because the production of interleukin and cytokines in the body is disrupted by stress hormones.

5. Drink Enough Water

Have you ever felt tired even though you didn't move? One of the causes is lack of drinking water. Reporting from the website, lack of fluids can lead to a weak body.

Therefore, try drinking water at least 8 glasses a day. This habit is effective in forming the immune system in the body.

Immune system fight against infections from micro organisms and bacteria. It is very important that the immune system of every individual is strong enough to fight infection and kept one save from illness.

Improve your immunity

There are some certain ways to naturally improve our immunity.

Regular exercise - Exercise helps to burn some fats and calories in the body. This will help to maintain good health and shape and it will prevent overweight as this may result to reduction in the activeness of the immune system.

Adequate sleep - sleeping well will help regain all the energy and strength wasted. With enough sleep , stress will be minimised and the immune system will be boosted as the body takes some adequate rest as appropriate.

Personal hygiene - Neatness is also a factor to consider when listing the things that naturally improve the immune system. As they say that cleanliness is next to Godliness, personal hygiene is also next to good health. Once the present immune system is not disrupted by bacterial in the body due to neatness, there is this tendency that the immune system will increase if other conditions are highly followed.

Staying clean is very important. No matter how immunes the system is, lack of hygiene will allow the body to be susceptible to series of diseases which will in the long run weakens the immune system,so staying clean at all time is a good factor to consider.

Another point I will like to mention is taking fruits and vegetables. This is one of the most important aspect of improving the immune system. These are rich in vitamin c which will improve the immune system to fight against bacterial by producing antibodies. In fact, taking fruits and vegetables cannot be undermined when it comes to boosting the immune system.


There are some things that can kill our effort in the process of boosting our immune system.

Smoking and alcohol can reduce the efficiency of the points listed above. Moderation is highly advised. I believe with all these, it is pertinent that one will have a good immune system and stay healthy as time can contain it.


Hope this helps.

Expose yourself to more pathogens and your immunity will improve.

"That which does not kill us, makes us stronger." - Friedrich Nietzsche 

Do you get provoked while communicating with ignorant people?

Most of the times I have noticed that it is quite difficult for me to have some patience while communicating with ignorant people. When there are lots of opportunites available for people to learn about certian things they refuse to learn anything and just stay ignorant. I find it very difficult to tackle people with forced ignorance. I even get provoked and show my anger to them.

Have you come across such people and do you think it is wise to get provoked while communicating with ignorant people?

Well, it depends on the context you are dealing with. Ignorance at a workplace is unacceptable. A person ignorant of his own field is unacceptable. A person who doesn't have the basic knowledge about his own country is provocative (Especially the ones in our country who doesn't know the difference between the southern states)

But can you get angry on a person who has no musical background for not knowing a particular musical note or the one who doesn't know baking for being ignorant of a particular baking tip?? Or a person who has no interest in painting saying he have never heard about your favorite artist??  Its natural for people to ignore things that are of no interest to them. 

You can't expect everyone to know everything. Everyone is in the process of learning throughout their lifetime.

I think it's generally fine to interact with ignorant people. What I find the most difficult to deal with, are those who are ignorant yet insist that they know stuff. These people are also somewhat arrogant and most likely (and unfortunately) in position of power. Hence, instead of realizing that they lacking in knowledge, they usually will pretend that they know things and speak in condescending tone.

At work, it is quite common for me to encounter such people. The best way, in my opinion, to deal with them is not to directly confront them. In a one to one interaction situation, just end the conversation and walk away. Subsequently, bring them to a group discussion and try to convince the group. If you are the one who is technically right and have stronger reasons, most of the group will agree with you.

The key thing here is not to be provoked and get too emotionally attached. Drive your argument with logic and you will have the upper hand.

There is an old saying that “ignorance is a disease”,well i personally love to do my best to help an ignorant person

to move out of their ignorance and so i do ensure that i do not get provoked when i am dealing with an ignorant

person and that is because how will i be able to help such person when i am already provoked??so that is why i try to control my anger when i am talking to an

ignorant person,well there are some ignorant people that i have helped in terms of educating them and making them to stop being arrogant

but there are some ignorant people that will never admit that they are ignorant of some certain things,such people always believe that they know alot of

things than anyone else in the world but the irony of it is that they know absolutely nothing compared to others,i guess the ignorance is also the same reason why they

feel they know more than enough and it deters them from willing to learn more and acquire more knowledge that will cure their ignorance...

At times YES! I often am provoked by those kind of people especially when they are trying to impose their beliefs on me. As rude as it may sound but what I usually do to handle such situation is just to simply let them think that they won the argument. It might not be the best way but believe it or not there are people whose beliefs are so strong that they will deny and alter all facts presented just to favour what they are believing.

This honestly reminds me of the psychology term  Cognitive dissonance. One first real example of the application of such term was the "cult members" who believed that the world will be destroyed by The Great Flood. A lot of people back then were so obsessed with their faith that they left their homes and jobs and went to relocate to a very high place to have a great chance of survival if and when The Great Flood comes in. Obviously The Great Flood didn't happen, but what those fanatics did was re-interpret the facts and even say that they were right all along, it was because of their faithfulness to the cult that The Great Flood didn't happen, so people should be thanking them not mocking them.

You can try as much as you want trying to explain to these kind of people that they might be wrong, but if you noticed that they won't even budge and won't even take a minute to think and re-evaluate things then I highly suggest to just ignore them. As long as you already presented all facts and evidence to them then your duty is done. 

I've met tens of people like the ones you described in your thread and YES I get provoked very often when talking to some of this type of people. I am a "fire sign" of the zodiac, thus I think that it is particular to people like me to ignite easily. Although I understand the peoples ignorance I can't stay calm when dealing with them. It's not happening the same with all of them though. There are certain ones that as ignorant as they might be they don't provoke me. I don't know why, maybe it's the fact that they at least don't argue or fight for their ignorance and that makes me acknowledge their ignorance and stay calm at the same time. I am working though on this anger management thing and I hope to develop a stronger calmness in the future regarding any situation, but for now, unfortunately, I get provoked by such people and it happens almost daily. I think that answering your question might have made me aware of the situation more and trigger an awareness alert for future situations.  

Well i do not get provoked communicating with ignorant oeople because i feel they are not worth my provocation,and besides they are an ignorant person for a reason and when someone know they are ignorant then someone should not be provoked with their attitude,what the person should just do is that they should just look for ways to make the ignorant person to now have better knowledge about aspects of life so that they can stop being ignorant...

I don't get provoked by them, at least not anymore. I pity them, they exist in a world of their own and are often oblivious of how the world actually is. Ignorant people should be what makes you angry, what they deserve is your pity because they'll never truly understand how the world as a whole works. If you ask me it's just sad.

True to the words of an ulama, "ignorant people really do not know their own position, how can he know the position of others?" This word was said by Imam Adz Dhahabi.

The human brain has their own ways to learn and communicate. There are 3 learning patterns or brain communication media, namely visual (seeing), auditory (listening) and kinesthetic (touch and movement).

I am guilty with this, but I can say that only at certain times

I usually don't get angry when talking to persons having difficulty in understanding what I am saying.

I'm pertaining to those persons who don't REALLY understand me or those persons who was clueless to the things that I am saying.

I usually help them understand me clearly, but there were certain people who Acts ignorant.

I know someone who really was smart, he really is knowledgeable in many things especially to educational stuffs but he has this really annoying habit.

He always acts that he didn't know what we are talking about, he always acts that he was clueless to the topic we are discussing.

I always get angry when he was acting like this and a fight will surely began

He always say that he do it because

"Acting like an ignorant people was his delaying tactic to have more time to think"

I really don't get why he is acting like this, even in crucial time where we are rushing in doing our projects he always act ignorant and really make me angry

I guess I do get provoked to those people who ACT as an ignorant person, but talking with really ignorant people was OK for me

Consider it as your secondary school meetup. Good. This is more than that. Steemfest is a meeting of steemians all over the globe. Steemfest is organized by @roelandp and two fest's have been successfully organized.

The first in 2016 took place in Amsterdam while the second one in 2017 took place in Lisbon. The 2018 Steemfest is scheduled to take place in Krakow Poland. It is a five days event starting from 7-11 November this Year. Not just a meet-up, you can build friendship, have fun, relate with your favourite steemian, build ideas and also explore the city of Krakow.

In order to participate at this year Steemfest, you can visit to get your ticket and more information about it. You sure don't want to miss out in the largest gathering of Steemians in a location.

What have you done recently that has dramatically improved your life?

Could be anything. Stopping or starting a habit, reading a book, watching a documentary.

What is making a difference in your life?

@jgrantf Just do it.

I tend to have a habit of overthinking things and end up not doing them ultimately. Planning the perfect execution was the cover for procrastination. I would read up on a certain subject (say, photography), watch tutorials, and even procure tools (e.g. rent a DSLR), but never actually get round to just doing it. Underneath was a secret fear of failure. 

But it's all about the trying and the failing and the getting up again in improving any skill and eventually excelling.

But recently, I have just been doing things without overthinking, and it has dramatically helped me get over that sticky trap of analysis paralysis

Anyone can relate?

I can definitely relate. I used to have tons of trouble just taking the leap and trying new things, even if I don’t feel 100% ready. Just learning to take action, fly by the seat of your pants and adjust when you need to has helped a ton.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Recently I have taken few steps to change my lifestyle which really has dramatically improved my life. It all started with some mild chest pain few months back, and I visited the doctors for a consultation. And as usual, there were many tests prescribed, and it kept on increasing, without any significant findings. So this continued for almost a month, I even changed the doctor, with the feeling that, someone else may find the root cause accurately. But nothing helped. I just ended up spending more , doing more and more tests. 

Finally one fine day, I decided to change my life style. I first sat down and analyzed, to decide on what is a must I should change. Two things, came in my end and I decided to start on them : Doing regular exercise and try to have a good sleep. Because they are complimentary to each other, you can't feel good to do exercise without a very good sleep. 

So I started on these almost 5 months back, and so far the results are tremendous. All my pains are gone. I am feeling more energetic and fresh, and even if I do not do exercise, I feel the difference. 

I think, these two are very important for each of us and every one should pursue these at the minimum.  

That’s awesome! I’m definitely feeling like I need to get more sleep, or at least higher quality sleep. I miss exercising too. My job is pretty physical but it feels different from more targeted training. I may well be following in your footsteps soon :)


  ·  6 years ago (edited)

What fascinates you about cars?

This came up in a discussion recently, where one of us is a car fanatic and the other was not. Just what about cars drives the levels of obsession that we've observed over the times / years? Or... asked differently, why don't you care about cars?

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

There so many psychological elements to car obsessions that it might be close to impossible to be accurate on something that is not dissertation length, and it might require dangerous levels of caffeine to mentally grip. This is my best attempt, and I apologize for my mortal mind. 

Redefining the Alpha.-

As long as we have existed as a species we've always had a hierarchical system. All of it connected to reproductive rights initially, but later on as society advanced into complex ideas of success and purpose, the initial primal necessity is adorned by superfluous trivialities.

However, within those constructs, those social elements are still displayed very much in a parallel way.  We still look up to alphas, we still want to be alphas, females still gravitate towards alphas, etc.

Maybe due to it's symbolic representation, to it's indication of social status. A car can symbolize that someone is an alpha within his/her domain. More common in males no doubt, but the idea stands on two feet still.

Accumulation of Resources.-

All of us do this, it's a programmed instinct evolved for survival. A car is the best tool for both accumulation of resources, facilitating search, transportation and such (some cars better than others). So, some people who love cars, love them for the "tool" element they represent. Hence why power, load capacity and other common elements of this nature are part of that conversation.


There is a considerable part of humans who love vehicles for the "idea of freedom" - note the word "idea" of this sentence. The car represents choice, they could literally leave their environment for a new one if they chose to, and the idea is pleasing.

Some even love driving because it's a bite size sample of this. (i hate driving)

The list goes on... but I will stop there....  this is becoming a post. 

great question! i answered eons and i love the “this is becoming a post.” bwahahhaha

Hmm... I think markdown probably works. Let me test it

# Escapism

Yup. I like the idea of escaping reality like the next person. Though this is like real. I don't know if a car does that for me though. Still requires physical effort. I suppose if you live in a city, a car could represent getting out of the busy busy city life and out into relaxing nature.

Nope. I guess not.

There are many things that fascinate me about cars and the first I will mention is looks. The same as with women, first thing that attracts me is the design of the car, the lines of it, the rims, the color and the way it's glued to the road.

Then of course is the engine and its power and torque. If you are a car fanatic it's impossible not to like powerful engines, not to like unique engines like the one from the Nissan GTR35 or a noisy V8. It's the heart of the car and it's always fascinating me.

One car's interior is also an important thing. Whether it's intended to be a sport one or a luxury focused interior I have to feel the car from inside out. I have to feel like its seats, its steering wheel and the way my legs hit the pedals are almost perfect. I enjoy sport cars as much as luxury ones and I always love to find a sense of confidence and control when I sit in one.

Then it's the performance and the way it drives. No matter how good looking a car is, if it doesn't drive good enough I wont be fascinated by it. Whether it is a sport one or a long saloon it has to have something to fascinate, something to make you "eat miles" without blinking your eyes and that's top notch for me.

Another important aspect, in the case of the petrol ones, is the engine noise. I am not only fascinated by loud and powerful exhaust notes, but also a geek of them. I love a car with personality that knows how to scream and to give the driver thrills and the pleasure of driving. I love loud cars backed by power.

Last, but not least, I appreciate a lot the reliability of a car. No matter how fast of luxurious it is, if it breaks all the time I am not into such a vehicle. When you take it out of the garage you want to put miles on it and enjoy it, not visit your mechanic every two other weeks. So, yes, reliability is also an important factor for me.

I am a car fanatic from childhood and I could talk about cars for hours, but I don't want to make this reply too long so I will say that the above mentioned features are the most important ones that make a car fascinating for me. 

I would say go for it, these are quite interesting points! As for me, I just hate driving but there are times I'll walk by cars and get on the "hey that car looks pretty nice" boat. And the sound of an engine? Hm.... I can't say I like that sound either but I also can see how it can sound powerful. But that may just be movies and culture putting that association in my head.

Obsession is a strong word but I grew up with a mechanic as a step-dad and everyone was “obsesses.” Between building cars, driving fast cars like a Porsche was exhilerating. Oftentimes, going to car shows (I enjoy the classic cars), and car races at the Indy 500 there was always a sense of strength and power, if only for an hour. Creating a machine with ones own hands is amazing to see and learn about, if only to hotwire one if SHTF!

You know how to hotwire a car? That's pretty crazy. Doesn't work on newer models, or does it?

so strange! i couldnt get your response on this through gina. i tried to post a question and it wouldnt submit 😭😭😭

answer: post 2004 itd be difficult

trusty da link, no hack 😂🤣😂🤣

Interview is the last step to getting the job. You have to prepare yourself well.

You should have a knowledge about the organisation. A proper background check is a must. Know their wants, their mission, vision and more details about them. You don't want to be asked a question on how you intend to fulfill the organisation vision and you start scratching you head.

There are common interview questions that you should have practiced. Questions like, **can we meet you**, **where do you see yourself in the next 5 years** are common. Adequate preparation is needed in this aspect.

The last should be getting your salary estimate. Some interviews end with the interviewer asking what will be your ideal salary. You don't want to negotiate a low salary or higher one than the post you want. Simple asking around from friends and families or similar organisations should solve this.

Doing all this. Take adequate water, wear comfortable clothes and you have a successful interview.

Before going for am interview first ask yourself how prepared are you?

Research about the company that invited you for the interview and ensure you know at least 50% what the company is all about.

If possible ask someone to do a pre interview for you. That can really be of help you to prepare ahead.

Ensure to know how to sell yourself.

Some people don't get the job not because they don't deserve it but because they don't know how to sell themselves in few minutes .

Your appearance also matters alot

Dress smartly and look responsible

Be confident and most of all believe in yourself!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Hey @beautychicks!

Others have already given very useful advice.

The important thing, in my opinion, that I would want to add is that you must consider whether you are a good fit for the job you're being interviewed for.

This may sound really commonsense and a no-brainer, but many times one's suitability for a particular job is sidelined due to other factors. Maybe the pay is good and the benefits are alluring. Maybe everyone is saying how you've gotten hold of a golden opportunity and should not let it pass. But even if it's "a dream job", if it doesn't fit or is not suitable or you, please carefully consider. (E.g. If you hate numbers, don't be an investment banker just for the money or prestige.)

This is a very personal question that each one has to ascertain for himself or herself. What may suit someone else may not suit you. It will not be sustainable in the long run, nor conducive to your overall satisfaction and well-being.

All the best! (:

Check if they serve tuna at the office cafeteria 😺

The second coming of Jesus Christ.

 Matthew 24

36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,

39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

Well i strongly believe that the second coming of jesus christ is that event that i think will happen soon and

most people are not expecting it,how soon it will happen is something that i am not certain because in the bible

jesus has made it known to us that none of us will know the exact time or exact hour when he is coming....but as

a christian i always live my life in a good way and in the way of the lord so that i can prepare myself for the

second coming of jesus christ and i will also advise other people to have that same mindset too...

Natural disasters. Climate change is real, we can already see it happening right before our eyes, especially in this year.

2018 is only 3/4 gone but we had seen many a disaster like the flooding in India, extreme heat in Europe and northern Asia, earthquakes of various scale all over the world, and just 2 days ago, a super typhoon hit Japan.

These are all very real and we are counting down to the next big one. Experts had long warned that a major earthquake is long overdue in some of the tectonics plates such as along Alaska and Chile.

Most people still chose to ignore climate change and deem it as a natural cycle of Mother Earth. I believe we will see more big events like extreme weather in the near future.

What are the advantages of using the Quantitative Risk Analysis approach?

In using a method, there must be advantages and disadvantages that accompany it. What are the benefits of using Quantitative Risk Analysis?

 Analisis risiko kualitatif adalah cara menilai potensi risiko menggunakan skala penilaian yang ditentukan sebelumnya. Organisasi dapat menyesuaikan skala peringkat sesuai dengan kebutuhannya. Dampak risiko atau efek dari risiko pada proyek, sering dikategorikan ke dalam tiga tingkatan yaitu rendah, sedang, dan tinggi

Kemungkinan risiko, atau probabilitas risiko yang terjadi, dapat dikategorikan ke dalam level yang sama atau dinyatakan sebagai kemungkinan terjadinya dari 0% hingga 100%. Mengkategorikan risiko dengan cara ini membantu tim proyek memutuskan risiko mana yang perlu dikelola secara aktif dan mana yang dapat dianggap sebagai prioritas rendah.

Ada banyak manfaat dari analisis risiko kualitatif diantaranya :

  • Presentasi yang mudah
    Hasil analisis risiko kualitatif dapat disajikan secara grafis menggunakan matriks penilaian risiko. Seorang manajer proyek dapat menggunakan matriks penilaian risiko untuk mengkomunikasikan strategi manajemen risiko kepada anggota tim atau manajemen senior.
  • Metode penilaian sederhana
    Tim proyek tidak memerlukan pelatihan untuk melakukan analisis risiko kualitatif, karena tidak bergantung pada alat atau perangkat lunak yang rumit.
  • Prioritas mudah
    Karena analisis risiko kualitatif sudah mengklasifikasikan risiko sesuai dengan kemungkinan dan dampaknya, menjadi mudah untuk menentukan risiko yang harus difokuskan oleh organisasi
  • Tidak perlu menentukan frekuensi
    Hasil analisis risiko kualitatif tidak bergantung pada frekuensi kejadian risiko, sehingga tim yang melakukan analisis dapat menghemat waktu

I am a lover of investments and so my biggest asset is my investments both offline and online,i invest on real estates alot and i am glad i started investing early so that i can have a better future, biggest liability will

be my smartphone and my car,my car is a kind of car that consumes alot of fuel and so i spend alot of money to buy fuel inside my car and drive it around,i believe the

car is a liability because it does not bring in any income,infact instead of bringing in income it takes out from my income,my smartphone too is also like a

liability though a less liability compared to my car,,i spend alot of money on call cards on my phone to use it on social media and have fun,as for me liability is

something that consumes money and it is not a source of income,my phone is not a source of income for me but it consumes alot of money from me...

My biggest asset is my investment and i am happy it is my best asset because it makes me to feel that my

future is secured and it also makes me to live a comfortable life without stress,i believe that my biggest

liability is my car,i spend alot of money to maintain the car and drive it around,i count it as a liability because i

do not earn money with it but i spend more money on it and i count my investment as an asset because it can

enable me to have a source of stable income in the future...

My offline investments are my biggest asset. There is nothing more satisfying than having a couple of physical investments that guarantees monthly 6-7 figures. It makes you confident that yes you have achieved something in life.

My mobile phone is my biggest liability. Though it takes in some amount of money, I still feel cutting it off will be of much benefit to me. That is almost impossible in this jet age. I will have to endure the internet plans, call cards and so on.

Depends on a lot of things really.

First: How many police were there? If there is only one, examine carefully if the police is a stickler for rules or not, and if not try bribing him

Second: Ask yourself if you have left any fingerprints in the knife. If you are sure there aren't any. Feign innocence. It's your word against theirs.

Third: Again, how many police were there? Were you somehow caught by a CCTV camera? If not, feign that the police planted it all up. Again, It's your word against theirs.

Of course I highly discourage even trying this three and just simply apologize and own up to your mistakes.

You're not.

You're going to apologise and show some humbleness and humility for carrying an illegal knife.

Take responsibility for your own actions, accept the punishment and move on with life, trying your hardest not to make the same mistake again!!

My action will be depending on the situation

If I was caught and the

  • Kabar Knife was Mine

If I was really caught possessing the knife I first talk with the policemen. I will first make them understand the reason behind me carrying the knife (Of course I will surely have a reason for carrying one)

I will said that I was carrying knife just in case something endangers my life. In the Philippines crimes was very prone, we can experience act of thief, stealing and fraud even in broad daylight.

I am sure they will understand my reason for carrying one, I will make amends to them and will promise to not carry the knife again. I will also hand them the knife if it was necessary

  • Kabar Knife was only Planted on Me

If the knife was planted on me and someone wants so blackmail me (like it was seen inside my car) I will deny it. Also I will make sure not to touch the knife to avoid having my fingerprint onto the knife.

But if a report was necessary, like I need to go in the police station I will come with them. and I will stick to myself that I was innocent

Laws differ from country to country. What's illegal in one country might be no problem in another. 

Can the use of mixed salt toothpaste be used for teeth whitening?

Some people believe that salt and toothpaste can be used as teeth whitening ingredients, is that true?

One ingredient that is considered effective as teeth whitening is a mixture of salt and toothpaste. Some people recommend applying it before going to bed or after eating. However, is this really effective?

White and shining teeth are certainly everyone's dream. Moreover, advertisements in the media always describe white teeth as something more aesthetic and beautiful to look at. In addition, the appearance of celebrities with good teeth and brightly colored also increases the desire of people to have brilliant white teeth.

For the short term, salt solution can be used as a natural disinfectant. Although not strong, it can help healing such as post-oral surgery and mild gum infections.

In addition, salt helps improve pH balance so that bacteria will be difficult to survive in this alkaline environment.

Salt is abrasive so it can remove stain from the teeth. However, its long-term effects can be very detrimental because this material has the ability to erode, destroy the entire email, and trigger various complications (such as sensitive teeth, even losing the natural color of the teeth so that they become more yellowish).

Salt as a ingredient in dental and oral care is actually a good ingredient, even very appropriate to relieve minor irritations and infections of the gums in the mouth. Its natural effects as a mild disinfectant have also been shown to have a good effect on postoperative healing.

It's just that salt should not be applied to teeth every day, especially with the aim of whitening teeth. Also keep in mind that the use of a mixture of salt and toothpaste is the same as deliberately eroding the tooth layer slowly. As a result, teeth can experience problems, such as abrasion.

To restore tooth color to its original color, there are still a number of safer ways. For example by brushing your teeth regularly, limiting consumption of foods that can cause stains on teeth, clean tartar, and of course avoid smoking.

What is the difference between Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality?

The difference lies in the background view of the world environment. How is the explanation?

How do flocks of birds and schools of fish all turn at the exact same time?

Watching flocks of the birds flying around, all turning and weaving in the same direction at the same time... it's pretty amazing.

I found that although both 'flocks of birds' and 'schools of fishes' can move in unison, but they both use a different mechanism to do so. Let me break this down separately.

A flock of bird:

The theory behind the movement of a bird flock in unison is still not fully developed. Although w do have some conclusive results about the pattern of bird flocks and other parametric variables like speed, acceleration and flight. In fact the indications are that a flock of a bird actually responds to changes in the flight pattern of the group, that is three times faster than what the biological capacity of the aviary creatures should be.

It has been hypothesized the bird do not follow a leader or the 'swarm' but instead they they are able to preconceive the motion of the flock and then respond to that prediction.

School of fish:

A school of fish on the other hand follows a different mechanism. Each fish not only keeps the track of its immediate neighbors movement through the eye but also by sensing the change of water currents around them. This becomes possible due to a 'lateral line' structure of their specialized sensory system.

Please keep in mind that amongst the fishes, 'schooling' is different from 'shoaling'. A school of fish is a skilled formation that fishes learn to adapt to better protect themselves from predators.

How does the intensity of sunlight affect the physiological properties of plants?

the intensity of the matahi light affects the physiological properties of plants, namely photosynthesis rate, transpiration rate, elongated growth and growth toward sunlight, and seed germination.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Sunlight intensity is just the degree of sunlight a plant receive. Normally, the intensity should be optimum. Let's look at what happens if the intensity is low or high.

Plants are phototrophic which means they utilize sunlight to photosynthesize. When there is little sunlight, the rate of photosynthesis is low leading to poor plant growth. It also have effect on the plant yield returning less profit for the farmer.

High sunlight intensity is not good too, as it means an increase in water loss from the plants. There will be increased transpiration which will lead to a scorched leaf because the level of water evaporation from the leaves have increased.

Certain enzymes are deactivated too. Enzymes are normally denatured by heat which leads to certain enzymes found in the plant to be denatured leading to a decrease in photosynthesis

Sunlight is an element of climate that is very important for plant growth through photosynthesis.

Three main factors of radiation that are important for plants are quantity (intensity), quality, and long periods of irradiation.

Intensity is the amount of energy the plant receives in the area and a certain period of time.

Radiation affects the growth rate, transpiration rate and critical period in growth. Reaction Light in photosynthesis is a direct result of the absorption of photons by pigment molecules such as chlorophyll.

Effect of Light Intensity on Plants

Light intensity can affect metabolic processes in plants. Low light intensity is generally caused by shade.

Species Plants that have shaded habitat (shade plant) have a lower photosynthesis rate, low light compensation points, and the photosynthetic response reaches saturation at a lower radiation level than the species that have habitat in the open area (sun plant).

The shade plant light saturation value is lower because the respiration rate in the shade plant is very low, so that with just a little net photosynthesis produced enough is enough to make the net CO2 exchange rate zero. Low Respiration Rate shows the basic form of adaptation that allows the shade plant to survive in a limited light environment.

Why Does the Stomach Not Get Digested Like the Foods We Eat?

All the food we consume will be digested in the stomach to then be channeled through the blood circulation throughout the body. How is food digested?

Digestion of food starts from the mouth. While eating your food, chewing with your teeth, a lot of things are going on there. The saliva mixing with the food contains enzymes such as amylase that breaks down the carbohydrate content in the food.

The semi-digested food is then transported via the esophagus into the stomach where it is mixed with stomach acid and other enzymes. This breaks the food into small digestible pieces which is then circulated round the body system.

The stomach is lined by a mucous membrane called gastric mucosa. This forms a barrier between the food and the stomach.

Digestion of food cycle start from the mouth and lastly goes to intestine in between various activity our body does such as chewing the food with the help of teeth in to small substances.

Digestion decreases the size of food particles until they are small enough to absorb into the cells of your intestine. Not all the food you eat is digestible, however. Some foods have a chemical structure incompatible with your digestive enzymes, while in other cases a gastrointestinal disorder may prevent you from completely breaking down the food you consume. Nonetheless, foods you can't digest can still benefit your health.

Digestion reduces proteins to amino acids, lipids to fatty acids and carbohydrates to sugars. It begins as you chew your food and continues in stages in your stomach and small intestine, where your food pieces get progressively smaller throughout the process. Digestion relies on the activity of digestive fluids, including digestive enzymes. These enzymes, produced by your salivary glands, stomach, pancreas and small intestine, are specific for different types of digestible foods. For example, some clip proteins into smaller fragments, others remove fatty acids from triglyceride molecules and some break down starches. Foods you can’t digest, on the other hand, pass through your gut without being reduced to their individual components.

Moved to the Hive platform.

In my opinion. One solution is to build environmental awareness starting from the family. Parents, complete or single parents, are the highest authority holders at home. Those who direct household bidders. All members of the house obey the command of parents. Environmental awareness, first and foremost, must be built from parents. They must be made aware of the importance of a healthy environment and how to make it happen in family life.

Because the position is central and has authority in the family, if parents understand and are aware, it will be easier to educate other residents of the house. Like father, like son.

The socialization approach explains to the public the positive impacts that bring the benefits and negative impacts of careless disposal

Good waste treatment can benefit the community and the environment, but if it is not managed properly it can have a negative impact on the environment.

a. Positive impact of waste treatment

Proper waste treatment will have a positive impact, namely:

  • Waste can be used to accumulate land / lowland
  • Waste can be used for fertilizer
  • Waste can be used as animal feed, both directly and through processing first
  • Reducing the place of disease / vector disease proliferation
  • Reducing the likelihood of infectious diseases
  • Save health maintenance costs because of a healthy community

b. Negative impact if waste is not managed properly

Poor waste treatment will have a negative impact, such as:

  • Become a breeding ground for disease germs / disease vectors
  • Causes health problems such as shortness of breath, insomnia and stress
  • The environment becomes dirty, smelly, clogged drains, floods
  • The environment is not beautiful to look at
  • Lowering people's interest to come to the place
  • Increase morbidity for the community
  • Need big funds to clean the environment
  • Reducing regional income income due to lack of tourists visiting.

It is sad to hear/see that many people still dispose waste indiscriminately. Many of these wastes are toxic, and they require specialized method of disposal. Wastes like broken bottles are disposed anyhow and can cause injury to humans.

Toxic wastes if not properly treated can be accumulated by plants leading to high presence of hard metals in the plant. This causes many diseases in human.

Proper waste disposal is a must. The general public should be enlightened on the importance and methods of disposing wastes properly. Incentives should be provided to users who adhere to the best disposal practices.

The best is the 3 Rs which are Reduce Reuse and Recycling.

A nationwide enlightenment program should be embarked on. Waste disposal should also be included in the school curriculum so that students can be taught the basics from childhood.

You can read more in these articles I wrote 8 months ago.

Does plan to add different languages ?

I thought that it would be cool if people are able to use would be able in multiple languages. Also questions should be filterable by language.
Is planning to add something like this in future ?

This actually is a good idea but one I don't see will happen this year.

At the moment, there are only a few users on Musing.  If people start asking in a different language, then you are basically cutting half(or even more than half) of the possible answers you will get. Others will also just "Google Translate" an answer they found in Quora or Yahoo Answers as this approach is hard to keep track.

There is also the issue of hiring many curators (one for Spanish, Indonesian, Russian, French, Malaysian, Japanese, etc..) which requires a lot of trust between the curator and the one who made Musing. 

With English as the main language being used in this platform, a lot of people could ensure and visibly see that questions and answers upvoted by Musing are all of-quality and not plagiarized.

There are some users that are not good at speaking english language but they are good at speaking their own languages and there are some questions they

might want to ask but the language barrier will mot make them to be able to pass their message well because of their poor english

i believe that if adds more languages to this platform,it would enable more users to come into this platform especially for users that prefer to ask

questions in their own languages and also answer questions with their own languages,,

the idea of adding language to this platform is not going to be easy though because it means would

have to employ curators that can speak those languages and can be able to know answers or questions that deserves upvotes or not...


Well i know that there are some people who would really love to ask questions or answer questions in their own languages and I think should have plans to add features which will enable people to ask or answer questions in any language which they want in other to make sure that everyone benefits from this platform.

Stability of crypto-coin will ease the adaptation process thereby replacing fiat wont be much of a hassle.. Economically, highly volatile currency is unsuitable for commerce.

This is why SBD is pegged to the USD, to reduce price fluctuation as much as possible and also to promote commerce on the steem blockchain.

imagine buying a book at 5 steem($1/steem) today, and after reading, you fell in love with the content, wanting everyone dear to you to read it as well because the book is a life changer, philosophy giver and paradigm shifter.. You decide to get more copy after about three weeks, the price of the book in steem hasn't change but thprice of steem in USD has increased to $2/steem, costing you $5 more.

While this is not the only reason why people are kin to fiat, it is sure sitting atop to the list.

What capabilities are needed by a Network Administrator?

I feel interested in computer networks and have a desire to become a network administrator.

What do I need to master to become a network administrator?

This is really a very important question for people like you who want to be a network administrator. And this is really a very interesting field to work. Though I don't know much about networking because I've read electronics and telecommunication engineering but I did learn a little about networking. 

So first of all It's better to have a bachelor degree on computer science or any computer related degrees. This will provide you the education qualification to get a job. And I think you will also have networking knowledge from your bachelor degree. So this is very important for you to take bachelor degree be a network administrator. There are diploma engineers but they are not that much valuable as the B.Sc engineers in job market.

Next task is the most important to be a network administrator.  Every where the network related employers/companies want employees to have some certifications as additional requirements. Actually now a days these certificates become compulsory because of huge competition. These are also very much helpful for you to learn the networking and network administrating. You will get a-z knowledge by doing these certification courses. And these are all short courses. I'm giving you some names:

  • CompTIA A+ Certification.
  • CompTIA Network+ Certification.
  • CompTIA Security+ Certification.
  • Cisco CCNA Certification.
  • Cisco CCNP Certification.

I think these are the core certifications that you need. You can also visit to know more about certifications. 

Lastly I'm telling you about what you have to master to be a network administrator 

  • Configuring and maintaining the internal computer network which may be wide, large, medium or small area network.
  • Managing the whole network security system such as firewall, anti-virus and anti-hacking system.
  • Network connectivity and performance issues like Identifying  troubleshooting and documentation with problem solving.
  • Providing support on installation and maintaining hard-line telephones and other networked telecommunication devices.
  • For optimal speed and availability monitoring network performance and optimize the network.
  • Installation, configuring and maintaining network hardware such as routers and switches.
  • Deploy, configure and upgrade network software, such as, enterprise antivirus or diagnostics programs.
  • Implement and maintain emergency backup and restore systems for mission-critical network servers.
  • Regulating user access to sensitive files and protocol to protect against any security breaches.
  • A network administrator in small companies are responsible for end-user desktop support, and the maintenance of servers and other networked devices.

These are the points you have to master to be a network administrator. Thanks for reading.

It can be complex to talk about the functions of a system and network administrator since they can be several and very diverse depending on the position and the new technologies that are appearing. This professional is a key piece in any company or organization since they are the ones in charge in the day to day of the security, the quality and the correct operation of all the computer network and the services that are offered, besides the maintenance.

As part of his main competences, the administrator of networks, communications and systems is in charge of organizing, installing and giving support to the computer system of an organization assuring the correct functioning of the internal and external computer networks, according to the levels of operational service and security that are established.

Some of the tasks commonly performed by this professional are:

Determine what the organization's needs are in terms of networks and computer systems prior to their assembly.

Design and Install all hardware and software networks, in addition to performing necessary upgrades and repairs.

Configuring and maintaining the security of networks and computer systems, as well as ensuring that all systems operate correctly

Collect data in order to be able to evaluate network or system performance and make the necessary adjustments to make it work better and faster.

Add users to the network and assign and update network security permissions

Train users in the proper use of software and hardware

Diagnosis of problems and execution of corrective actions according to the nature of the problem

Monitoring the performance of internal networks and connections to external networks.

Keeps a record of the operation, maintenance, repairs, problems, updates of the organization's networks and external connections.

Control of stock of equipment, parts and accessories, coordination with suppliers and internal staff to ensure an efficient purchasing process.

Update on the technological and management novelties related to the area.

These capabilities include having to master:

Basic Hardware Network

This is where basic knowledge is sent from user to server. What types of hardware need to be used in network effectiveness are also studied here.

Basic IP and Subnetting

IP and subnetting will learn about IP efficiency and what is a gateway. This will be useful if you want to work at an ISP (internet service provider).

Technology Switching and Routing

To connect multiple networks is usually done routing on the network, so that it can be accessed from any network that is connected. You can also learn VLAN technology to master switching.

Technology server

Server technology is related to adding services needed by the client. You will have a lot to do with LDAP servers, DHCP, DNS, and others.


After a good server and infrastructure are formed, then you need to pay attention to the security of servers, routers, etc.


Monitoring is done to control the quality of the network whether it is running properly and whether it is good or not.


This is often done by network administrators to anticipate crashes or down servers. Backup can be done differentially or fully.

We can learn these seven things anywhere. Whether on the internet, books or ebooks, or DVD tutorials.

Well to put it simply, fast charging or how fast your phone charges is a function of how much power it's battery can receive without overloading. There are different types of fast charging around right now, some of which include

1. Apple fast charging

2. Xiaomi fast charging

3. Qualcomm quick charge(1-4)

4. Oneplus dash charging and so many others

The power that is required for fast charging is dependent on the charger/usb cable and the power Integrated circuit. The more power that the charger can dish out, the faster the phone will charge and the power Integrated circuit prevents the phone from over charging or receiving to much power.

Finally, fast charging as of now ranges from 10W - 30W depending on what phone you're using.

Incase you don't know, Power is the product of Current and voltage so a charger with a high voltage rating and charging cable with a high current rating will definitely charge your phone faster than those that have low ratings.

There is an increase in advertisement nowadays. You see phones being advertised that they possess fast charging ability. 40% in 5min and so on. How does this work.

Just like when you are driving your car. The more pressure you out on the gas pedal, the more fast the car goes. The same applies here.

Phone charges when current passes through the battery. So when a much higher current passes. It means the battery will charge very fast. Since the light is not stable and there can be an immediate rise in current, there is charge controller to prevent any damage.

Fast charge is achieved by using a charger with more power output. The power output is more than the regular usb chargers.

 Every smartphone has a battery, and every battery delivers power in more or less the same way.  

Cells consisting of two electrodes (one positive and one negative) and an electrolyte, catalyze reactions that convert compounds into new substances. Over time, ions — atoms with too few or too many electrons — form in the electrodes, driving a flow of electrons to the battery’s negative outer terminal and supplying your phone with an electric charge.

In nonrechargable batteries, those chemical reactions occur only once. But in the rechargeable lithium-ion batteries that power smartphones, the reactions are “reversible.” When the battery discharges, the chemical reaction produces electricity, and when the battery recharges, the chemical reactions absorb power.

or you can simply read the article:

If other accounts upvote your post on musing before musing curators see it does that mean they won't upvote the post even if its a quality one?

A friend was telling me the other day if your post has been upvoted by others that musing won't upvote it, so I came here to ask the question to be sure

I don't think so. The musing admins upvote quality posts regardless of whether someone else has upvoted it or not. Quality is quality and if it deserves an upvote from musing then it's most definitely going to get upvoted.

Upvotes from outside sources have nothing to do with musing, they operate independently of other users on steemit.

Moved to the Hive platform.

I think that's not true. The upvoting from musing depends on the criteria defined for the posts.

Musing upvote the post which meets their criteria.

May be your friend's post doesn't met the criteria so it was not upvoted by the musing.

Secondly, Musing upvotes manually and upvotes from musing are also not guaranteed so may be your friend's post was not considered for upvoting.

I have seen some of my post which were upvote by other steemit users but still I got upvote form musing also.  

Nope, the current upvote of your answers does not factor in when curators look at your answers.

Your answers are curated based on the quality of your answer. So go on and answer questions you feel like answering, more power to you if you're good at what you're talking about!

If you want to know more you can ask the community directly!

Other users can upvote your contents on this platform and it will not stop curators from upvoting

that same content,the curators will upvote a question or

answer which they considered as being worthy of getting an upvote though i believe there will be many

people that think that getting upvotes from users might stop them from getting upvote from musing on that

same content but that is wrong, curators are transparent and they will upvote any question that is

qualified for an do not get worried if other users upvote your question or answer,infact you should be happy about that.....

Again, I'm going to cop some flack for this but here goes....

In the early 90's one of my good friends had a side business hiring wedding cars and drivers. He'd started it because he'd always wanted to own a Rolls Royce and the only way he could afford one was to hire it out for weddings. To compliment this beautiful white roller, he also had a pair of white stretched Jaguars.

One Saturday morning, I got a phone call, it was John, asking me if I was free from 1pm to 3pm. His wife, who normally drove one of the Jaguars was ill and could I drive for him as he had a wedding to do at 2pm. He offered £50 quid so I was all for it. Instructions were simple. I went to his house, picked up the Jag, squeezed into his chauffeurs outfit and went to pick up the brides Mum who lived about 3miles from the church, where he'd already be after taking the bride and her father (her mum and dad were divorced), and then after the service, take them all to the reception at a hotel in Leeds.

Simple, i knew exactly the street Mum lived on and the location of the church. So I arrived promptly at 1.30pm. I did the full chauffeur bit and escorted her to the car, held the door and closed it when she was seated. So far, so good and I jumped in the drivers seat for the 3 mile drive to the Church.

We arrived at the Church at 1.45 and I suddenly panicked. There was no one there! Mum looked at me and said, its at Armley Church, not at St. Barts. I thought St. Barts WAS Armley Church but obviously it wasn't and I had no idea where it was. I should have gone to the Catholic Church.

Lets not forget, this was the early 90's and I didn't have a cellphone so I asked Mum where it was and she said it was on Green Lane, which I thought I knew where that was........

It also wasn't where I thought and after a further 15 minutes breaking all the speed limits, managed to find a petrol station and buy an A to Z of Leeds.......

At 2.20pm, a very flustered and embarrassed chauffeur led a very angry middle aged lady into church to see the what was left of her daughters wedding service. She wasn't as angry as my mate John.

After the service, Mum wouldn't even get into the car with me and got some relatives to take her to the reception in Town.

I didn't get paid that day, my friend barely spoke to me for a month, and the rest of my friends still mercilessly take the mickey out of me about it even until this day.

This was without doubt, the most important appointment I missed, and it wasn't even my appointment! 

Around three years ago i wanted to do a surprise birthday dinner for my girlfriend and i have arranged for

the dinner and paid for it already so on that day a friend of mine came to visit me in the afternoon and we

decided to have some drinks before i will now later go to pick my girlfriend up in the evening and take her to a

lovely restaurant to have a birthday dinner,,after i started drinking i did not know how i got so high of the

alchohol and so i decided to rest and get a little sleep,but guess what??i slept at around 4.42pm then i woke up around 11.30 pm,,i was shocked when i woke up

and when i checked my phone i already saw alot of missed calls from my girlfriend,i was so angry with myself and i had to call my girlfriend and apologise and

also explained what really happened on that day....she was dissapointed too but she forgave me...

That would be the day I missed my first job interview after graduation. It was so hilarious, and sad at the same time. It was my first interview and I was so nerve to attend. It was so obvious that I couldn't sleep for 2 days with a lot of thoughts pouring in like water. I need to catch some sleep so I took some sleeping pills to help me sleep and calm my nerves, but I forgot to set my alarm. The interview was scheduled to hold by 9:00 am, but I woke up 11:00 am LOL! I didn't know what to do. I managed to call the HR, who told me that the interview lasted for an hour. I felt so bad, and swore never to take any sleeping pills in my lifetime.     

I think that is when my mother was in the hospital.

It's not that I missed the chance but I make the chance miss.

I was too afraid to see my mother on the hospital so I didn't get the courage to make my way. I was really disappointed to myself back then, but I guess being scared wasn't good for our lives. We might miss bigger chance if we let the word scared take over

how to take macro photos using a mobile camera

1. Choose the right lens

The first photography tips are to use the right lens. Because you will be photographing macros, try or use a macro lens, which you can find in a camera store or in an online store. Make sure when the installation of this additional lens is perfectly attached, meaning that it must be correct and correct, because if the installation is incorrect it will produce a vignate effect and others. Also make sure that the lens you are installing avoids dirt or dust, because it will reduce the sharpness of the photo and the macro results are not good.

2. Mobile camera settings

Macro photography tips with the next HP are settings. If your cellphone has an infinite feature, then use this feature, but if you can't, you can use landscape mode. Don't use autofocus mode.

Set the metering mode, select the spot mode, this is useful so that the lighting is centered on the destination area. If there is a mode but if you don't have this mode on your cellphone then just ignore it.

Set the resolution on your mobile with the highest. Because the resolution will affect the good or not, broken or not, when editing, cropping, and printing.

3. Look for Focus

We know that macro photography means that the results you want to capture are more to highlight the object being targeted, for that you must be able to adjust the focus distance. You can search for the focus point by advancing your mobile backward, to get the right focus point.

4. Lighting

Macro photography tips then relate to lighting, because lighting is an important capital for better results. Look for the right light or right, the best or good light is natural lighting, which comes from sunlight. Therefore, choose the time when you get okay sun lighting.

5. Stability when shooting

Because this type of photography is very detailed with the object being photographed so much as possible we should avoid vibration, so that the picture is good. If only there is vibration or instability of your hand, then the focus can miss. There are several ways to avoid hand shake, you can learn to hold your breath when you are aiming, or you can also support your hands on something strong so as not to shake. Not only is the condition of the photographer, we also have to look at the weather conditions, it would be better if we avoid the windy weather conditions, because it will make it difficult for you to find the focus of objects, such as insects.

6. Be patient and keep trying

The next photography tip is to be patient and keep trying, because macro photography is a photo capture technique as close as possible to the object. It's not easy to get good objects. Macro photography itself must be object like anyone must be patient if we want to photograph it because, sometimes insects like to suddenly fly. (SA)

Macro photos means pictures of small objects taken at a lose range. This makes you see some parts that may not be visible to the naked eyes.

Let's say you want to take macro photos of a fly using a mobile camera. You know that when you near the fly, it will run away. Hence, the need for lens. There are certain clip lens that can be purchased that will do the work. This lens will make you get a more complete shot from far areas without reducing the quality. You also need to find a stand where you can place your mobile phone to prevent shaking that may lead to blurred pictures.

Then toggle with your phone settings to focus solely on the object or insect you are capturing. It may seem difficult at first but applying the right lightning and focus. You will get the awesome macro photos you want.

Taking macro photos is usually done with a camera (DSLR, using a special lens which is usually the price can be considered very expensive. With the development of cameras on cellphones and smartphones, can taking photos with macro techniques be done with a cellphone camera? The answer is very possible.

To be able to take macro photos with a cellphone camera, the required conditions must be met.

The mandatory requirement that must be met is the use of additional lenses, commonly called macro lenses, which is specifically used for cellphones. This macro lens is widely available in the market. Or you can also use a used camera roll lens.

The use of macro lenses is very easy. For lenses that buy on the market, there is usually a magnetic stick. So just stick the lens behind the lens of your cellphone camera. The cellphone camera is also ready to take macro photos.

Settings on Camera Hp

In order to focus on infinite mode, or if your cellphone does not have an infinite feature, it can use landscape mode. The point is to turn off the auto focus mode on your cellphone.

For Metering mode, select spot mode. So that lighting can be centered on the intended area only (ignore metering mode if your cellphone does not support this feature).

Your camera resolution settings at the highest resolution. This is useful when you edit cropping. Photo results will not break when dicropp.

The best thing to do is to use a mobile-macro lens, such as the olloclip macro lenses. They provide high quality macro lenses, and an accompanying app, which will help you to improve your macro-skills.

How can I develop my study habits?

Habit is a behavior that is carried out repeatedly and has become a person's routine or society.
Learning is an effort that is done by someone to increase knowledge, or someone's attitude. Learning will also change one's behavior for the better.

four tips that you can apply to getting used to reading / learning a lot of books even though you have limited time.

1. Try Bringing Books When Traveling.

You certainly know or have heard of Japanese reading habits?

The country of origin of the cherry blossoms is famous for having a good reading culture. One of the habits of Japanese citizens is to read in a public vehicle, such as on a train or bus. When traveling you can also do the same by always carrying at least one book in a bag during the trip.

The book that you carry can help to keep reading while filling the time during the trip. The more books you carry when traveling, the more books you can read. In addition, reading can also make the trip feel more enjoyable.

2. Read on Leisure

Try to use your free time to read. When there is free time available while waiting for classes, when office hours have not yet begun, or when on the go and go home. Reading Books in spare time, besides giving pleasure, can also help to read more books.

3. Try to spend 15 minutes in a day

Every day we have 24 hours to do various activities throughout the day. So between those times, you can spend at least 15 minutes a day reading. At least you can get several pages in 15 minutes. So, no matter how busy, try to read the book for 15 minutes.

Those of you who are not used to reading books can also implement this system. But most importantly, the 15 minutes to read can be done as often as possible and routinely. The more time you have to read, the more books you can read and enjoy.

4. Read at your chosen place and time.

Of course you have a place to be alone or just calm your tired mind. Try to use the place to read. Some are accustomed to reading in a quiet place but there are also in the crowd. There are people who usually read books either in the morning, in the evening, or at night.

Having a special place and time in reading can help us to keep reading books. You can specify specific places and times to read according to taste. Try to find and find your best time. Set yourself by trying it on various occasions. From there you can find the time that you think is the right time to read.

If you have any course materials, study them in detail BEFORE class. That way, you know what you don't know

In class, refrain from taking notes like you're scribbling for your life. Slow down and listen for what you don't know. Make important notes. Quality over quantity.

Right after class, clarify your doubts immediately. Don't feel shy to ask. There are no stupid questions, only dumb answers. Then jump into your revision of the material ASAP. I can't stress ASAP enough, as your memory and understanding of the topic will fade if you leave it for more than a few days.

Whenever you gain new knowledge on the topic, go through the old material selectively, making links between what you already know and what you just learned. The connections will surprise you and reinforce your understanding.

You'll see that there is no trick or magic involved. Just lots of hard work, consistency and gallons of coffee!

Dubai. I often found myself pronouncing it as Doo bye. It was recently I found out it is pronounced Doo bay.

Well, those are issues associated with speaking language that is not your mother language. Just as many native English speakers can't speak Yoruba/Hausa/Igbo effectively the same applies everywhere.

Maybe I will start taking English classes to rectify that.

I didn't know about this too lol

I almost always pronounced it as Doo bye ha ha

Really? I always thought it is Doo bye. lol

GIF! Like the image file extension .gif

During our computer class we were taught that it is pronounced as JIFF! But for some reason, it's just really awkward for me to say that, so instead I pronounce it as Gee-Ai-Eff.

I say contrariction instead of contradiction. LOL Always

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Well as for me i am usually fond of wrongly pronouncing many word that starts with “P”e.g psychology,psychiatric,pseudonym etc...while in school

they always tell us that words like the ones i used as an example that the “p” is silent so we are not going to add it to our pronounciation whenever we want to

pronounce the full word but up till today i still find it difficult ignoring the letter “p” that started those words...its funny though...

Another word which i cannot pronounce well is “church”,i am fond of pronouncing it as “ch wur ch”whenever i pronounce that word,many people 

find it funny and we just laugh it off,i am trying my best to learn how to pronounce it well....

Oh my goodness, for someone who English isn't her mother's tongue, I think we mispronounce so many words

Funny examples: machete, debris, plagiarism, sachet and so on. You can't blame us though, we ain't English

Hey Baby, you want to come to my house and work on your math skills? We can add the bed, subtract the cloths, divide the legs and multiply!

The funniest math example.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I've seen and heard a lot of pickup lines, but the one that is so simple yet sounds funny and grabs attention is: What is a place like you doing in a girl like this?

'I love you talk your own'

That was the funniest line that guys used when I was in secondary school, the line went really viral almost every guy used it whenever they want to wo a girl.

It all started with a shy guy that really likes this girl and he's too shy to approach her but one day his friends encourage him to and all he could come up with was I love you talk your own and then it became viral.

In reality, how difficult is it to be an atheist in Pakistan?

I'd like to hear from you if you are in somewhere like Pakistan or Bangladesh and you have no faith or religious belief. I know this is a very tricky subject but would be really grateful if anyone could share their experiences. Thanks in advance :-)

Tips in Overcoming Carbon Deposits on the Spark Plug - Spark plugs have a small shape, but even though the shape is small, its function is vital for the vehicle engine. If the spark plug is problematic, the motorbike can go on strike, it's hard to live or crash.

The spark plug itself will sprinkle the fire flowing from the coil and will burn the compressed air mixture with the fuel in the engine combustion chamber. But the spark plugs themselves can experience problems with the presence of carbon deposits remaining combustion and this can reduce spark plug performance. We ourselves have a simple way or Tips in Overcoming Carbon Deposits on the Plugs so that the spark plugs can be safe.

1. first is to avoid carbon buildup, the vehicle should run at a speed of approximately 80-90 km / h for approximately 10 minutes, this method is intended to increase the temperature of the spark plug and the carbon or scale can self-cleaning.

2. the second is to conduct spark plug checks at least every 10,000 km or once a year. After that you can clean with a nylon brush, do not use a wire brush to avoid damage to the tip of the spark plug and avoid the possibility of a small piece of wire remaining on the surface of the electrode.

3. The last is not cleaning with chemical liquid because it is worried that it contains iron-based elements that can damage the electrodes of the spark plug itself.

To Overcome carbon deposits this is very simple, when you drive a vehicle, run the vehicle at high speed approximately 80 to 90 km / h for approximately 10 minutes to 15 minutes. This is done with the aim that the temperature of the gas can rise and finally carbon and crust can be clean themselves or can be called self cleaning.

Besides that, a simple way to clean the spark plug from carbon deposits or crust by checking the spark plug every 10,000 km or every 1 year. if carbon or crust is found on the tip of the electrode, it can be cleaned with cleaning fluid or by sanding.

Maybe that's all, tips from me about how to easily clean carbon on the spark plug. Hopefully helpful, and thank you.

Lick them off!😹

I'd love to hear stories about what happened on your first date please?

I'd love to hear the stories of your first dates please. Was ita success? Did you go on to marry your first date? Or was it a complete and utter disaster and you hated them? Looking forward to you all sharing your great stories :-)

Hahaha oh man. I had a particularly strange and memorable one. It's somewhat hard to talk about due to certain circumstances but it's pretty damn funny so here we go. 

I was young, 13 to be exact, and was out on a date with a 15 year old girl who I knew through her sister. It wasn't as strange as it sounds- I was a pretty tall and punky 13 year old so I guess I didn't seem as though I was 13. I think I may have even lied about my age at the time come to think of it. Anyways, seeing as neither of us could drive, her older sister chauffeured us to a restaurant in their hometown and dropped us off. It was one of those classic Italian restaurants that pretended to be a lot better than it was simply because the chef was Italian. 

So, I had pretty long hair at the time. Like a little longer than shoulder length, or maybe just shoulder length; whatever. Either way, about halfway through the dinner, in what at the time I thought was a pretty cool move, I leaned over the table to wipe some food off her face. While I was doing so, I managed to put my hair directly in one of the candles on the table. I didn't notice at first and she tried to tell me, but she couldn't handle it and was just stifling laughter to hard to actually say anything about it while I sat/stood there, leaning over, asking what she was laughing at. 

I ended up burning off a decent amount of hair. The date ended with a haircut and a pretty meaningful relationship. It didn't last, though. 

 Well, I have a story ... I used to go out with a boy, who on my first date invited me to one of the most expensive restaurants in the city He has a lot of money, and I could enjoy many luxuries, but when I really met the boy, I discovered that he is a real lout.

It's one of those guys who have a lot of women, and who think that for their money they can have everything they want and they really do not value women

Even on a date he took a friend and his girlfriend ...  the girl was always looking at him, and chatting with him , and guess... then the girl confessed to me that day in front of the two boys that she had been the reason my ex-boyfriend had broken up with me. Reason why the appointment was terminated and it was very uncomfortable

But that is not the worst stupid date became boyfriend of her a month later... I must say that the appointment was a total disaster and the environment was uncomfortable, and now I understand why HAHAHA

But then I met my current boyfriend who is the perfect boy, he treats me like a princess, he's a real gentleman.

so girls from all over the world, NEVER go out with a slob, it's not worth it, we all deserve that gentleman who treats us like ladies and princesses

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I had this crush on one of my college classmate, i didn't really thought of pursuing this feeling as he is very popular with other students and i'm just an ordinary girl far from those very pretty ones.

A year after tho, during christmas break he told me he was going to watch a movie. Well I haven't watch that movie but I was planning to so we decided to watch it together. No malice on my side, I just really want to watch that movie. Hahahah

So while we were inside the theater, he told me he was very cold. But me on the other hand realizing "oops we are watching together, just the two of us. No no no this is not a date" got shy and my body got hot like fire, i think im blushing at that time and embarrassed. So i told him, "do you know that our neck produce high temperature so i guess if you place your palm on your neck you would feel less cold" but then he reach out for my hand and held it saying "this is much better" and i'm like what the hell !!are you trying to sway me, i'm moving on from having a crush on you and this is what you are gonna do.

So long story short, we held hands until it's time to go home and he sent me to the trike station. We dated after a month of several dates. Buuuuut nope, we're not together anymore hahahahahaha

My first date was not at all intriguing. It was nothing compared to what I had imagined. I've seen movies, I've read books and I was looking forward to a thrilling super exciting moments. I had turned down lots of invitation from him already. So, I decided to honour this one.

Guess what? The location was his house. My goodness, what happened to the culture of taking a girl to a nice and cozy restaurant, to the beach and other fine places in my imagination. I tried to understand with him because he was in a downturn financially.

So my host decided to prepare me some meal. Jellof Spaghetti. I was going to decline and tell him not to bother but he wasn't happy that I was refusing every of his suggestions. So I told him to go ahead with the meal...

A second shocker of a life time. He made the spaghetti with shear butter instead of vegetable oil. It had a bitter taste and I couldn't eat it. I was all embarrassed but I was acting up. He apologized profusely that he didn't know, he prolly took the wrong bottle of oil. That's an experience I will never forget.

I appreciated the kind gesture and efforts. Anyone could make mistakes you know. We were together for a while but it was obvious from the start that there was no home coming for this relationship.

My first date was about eleven years ago and it

was a funny and sad experience,so here i was

on a date with this beautiful lady whom i met

during my early days in the university

We decided to go have a dinner at a very lovely restaurant though an expensive one,so i ordered

for our food after i already asked her what she

wanted to eat,my maximum budget for that dinner is 100$ and all the amount i had in my pocket was around 140$ so i was comfortable that all is after we

ordered for our foods we started discussing and eating,so after some minutes while i was still eating the beautiful lady i was on a date with was already through

with her meal and guess what??she ordered for another plate,,i was surprised becuse the meal we ordered was dished in a large quantity and you will get your stomach

very filled up even before finishing the food,i was surprised when she finished eating the food and

ordered for another meal without seeking my permission,but i still kept my cool because she is a beautful lady i had always wanted to go on a date with

so i kept quiet and tried to take my mind off what she just did,but i never knew that it was still a tip of the ice-berg until she finished the second meal and while i was trying to pay for meal she ordered another two plates of

food and two cups of ice-cream and she said she wants to give them to her friends....luckily for me the total bill was around 135$ and i was able to pay for all the meal...i

felt dissapointed with her and after the date i stopped calling her and lost interest in her totally,she was a glutton and also she lacks etiquette and she is not polite so i was totally turned off....

My best source of information concerning cryptocurrency trading is,on steemit i do

get alot of informations about many cryptocurrencies and the cryptocurrency as a whole,what i even love

more about steemit is that you will get diverse informations which would make you have wider

perspective about the cryptocurrency business and you will always have different resources to use to get more knowledge about the cryptocurrency business......

another platform where i also get information is, has a lovely web interface

that enables you to navigate through the website and see any information concerning any subject that you want....

Reliable in Crypto world is almost impossible due to the volatile market. An analysis can be made now and the coin will not go that way. However, I have some sources where I get daily updates on cryptocurrencies and likely price.

I belong to a telegram channel **Signals** where I receive updates on crypto price, trading pairs to consider and so on. is another site I use to get analysis. The trading is then up to me.

Short and long in cryptocurrency terms generally relates to Bitcoin too.

Long means buying when the price has dipped then selling when there is an increase in price. It is just the normal buy the dip idea. You should be careful when buying at low price, because a low price that you think it is for a coin might actually be the highest price. So, make your research well.

The other one short means lending bitcoin or other coins when the price is high then pay back when the price is low. Bitcoin was over $7,300 some days ago, imagine you lend at that rate and sold immediately. Now the price is down and around $6,500 now. You then buy at this price and return to the lender. You have made a gain based on the low price. This is shorting. Although there are many more things involved in shorting. This is the basic that you should know.

Well according to my own understanding,

i think in the cryptocurrency trading,when they

say someone should “short”,it means that

the person should sell,and when they say

someone should “long” then it means

that the person should to short

means selling and to long means buying...

that is what i think it means....

Shorting is when one is betting against a stock/currency, and is selling at a lower value than current prices.

Boxers or briefs?

If you like this question why not Upvote it?

I prefer Boxers. It makes me feel free down there and not constricted. Staying in a region with much sunlight, boxers is the best option to curb fertility problem that may arise from high temperature due to tight pants.

Many sportsman may prefer briefs because it gives them more freedom with their legs and helps hold their private part in one fixed area.

For me it is Boxers. I love freedom


Cats prefer to let their ding dong song swing around 😼

Boxer briefs.

It's got to be the smell of rain on sharp sand, freshly fallen that is.

I still have those memories how as I walk back from school, I could perceive the awe-inspiring smell of raindrops. I used to feel like cupping a handful of the sand and gulping it. Only my sanity stopped me then, and of course, people around.

Even now, I'm always pleased to perceive this smell when it drizzles. It fills me with feelings of gratitude while flooding my mind with memories of my childhood.

I never really given much thought as to what causes the smell but now that you've made me remember, I think I'll do it some research.

There are also seemingly pleasant aromas that turns me off but I wouldn't want to deviate. So, that's it. Thanks for asking!

I love the smell of first rain on the ground.

This feeling is really odd. I really don't like rainy seasons especially when it is at its peak. You can't go out even with an umbrella especially when the rain is accompanied by strong winds.

The best thing that can happen to me when it rains is to be indoors. I feel secured and safe.

But just somehow, I can't resist the smell of rain on a dusty earth. I can't describe how it makes me feel. I would even want to lick the dust. Although I've never done that because I'm conscious of microorganisms on the soil.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

That will be the smell generated after the rain hits the ground after a long period of dry season especially on sandy soil.

The scent is so strong that you feel like staying outdoor. 

It is caused by Geosmin which is released into the soil when cyanobacteria dies

I really like the smell of kerosene.

Honesty? What you find amusing in this smell?

Moved to the Hive platform.

Image source:

Do you know what this is? In South East Asia, this fruit is known as the King of Fruit. This is the Durian. Durian has a extremely strong smell that is either nice or bad depending on the person. To anyone who hates it, the smell can be described as "rotting corpse". The smell is so strong that it stays for a long time. In Singapore, it is forbidden to bring Durians on board public transportation.

But for me, a durian lover, as well as millions of others in S.E.A, durian is the King of fruits. We love the smell and taste of durians. We grew up eating durians. Once you taste it, it is hard to forget. Either you hate it or you absolutely love it.

As weird as it may sound do you know that i love the smell of a burning food especially a cooked beans that

is getting burnt,i just love the aroma that comes with it

and my friends and my family member have noticed it and they find it weird and very funny too,i noticed that

funny and weird habit since when i was around twelve years old and because of that i sometimes intentionally

increase the cooking gas fire so that it will make the food that my mom is cooking to get a little bit burnt so

that i can feel the smell,i have been doing it for months before my mom caught

Can you recommend me a song that you really really love?

Post some Youtube videos or song names for me to search!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Well the song is kind of old now considering the fact that many songs have been released by different musicians since 2017. Nevertheless I still love the song.

I will recommend shape of you by Ed Sheeran

The sounds, the video, beat is just so perfect. It's a cool love song for anyone.

Another I would have recommended is Despacito by Daddy Yankee and Luis Fonsi. Unfortunately I don't understand the Spanish language. The song ruled in 2017 too and it's a dance song that will make you want to get your dancing shoes. You can check it out here

If you ever feel down due to any issue or maybe you lose a loved one. Wiz khalifa See you again is my best song for bad scenarios. The song was a tribute to fast and furious Paul walker who died. Released in 2015, it is still one of the best songs.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I don't know what resonates with you but these are some songs that I have on repeat nowadays, hope you like'em:

Easy Way Out by Low Roar:

(This is a very deep and resonating song about suicide and actually has a deep lesson for anyone who's having sch thoughts. The main theme is that this easy way out is a big mistake.)

I'll keep coming by Low Roar:

Not you kind of people:

The man who sold the world mgs5 version:

And in the last here is the soundtrack of the upcoming game Death Stranding. This is so enigmatic for me and I just can't live without it:

Wow! These are exotic! I'll have to check all of them out. :) Thank you for the recommendations. <3

well, happy to help! <3

I don't know the kind of genre you are into but i am into gospel songs and i recommend the

"AIR I BREATHE" by JERRY K. I really like the song because it just reminds me of the one i have by my side. Who he is to me and who i know him to be.

Which Describe me Completely

I am assuming that we are pertaining on a single word answer in this question, so I think I could not provide an answer.

I do believe that as a person a single word wasn't enough to completely describe me.

I do have a lot of features, abilities, attitudes, manners and habit that cannot be described by a single word

Also we cannot describe ourselves, the answer for the question must come from a friend, a relative or any other people that surrounds us

So I end up asking them

There are a lot of answers coming from my friends but I choose this word as I also think that it can describe me as a person


Being competitive to others was my nature, I always seek for competition or challenge to push myself forward.

I was challenging myself to have an equal footing to a certain person without them knowing or noticing.

It's not that I want to be the best or some kind of that stuffs, its just that I don't have any motivation to make myself a better person and move forward.

I always see myself being contented to the things that I currently know and was not aiming to learn more, so I decided to always seek for competition.

A competition that will give me a big push and strive harder.

I don't always seek for a human competition, I often compete with myself. Setting goals that I need to achieve in order to move forward. Setting objectives that must be met on a given time, aiming to have something that I currently doesn't have

I know that competing with others might be a little harsh to them, this also gives pressure so I have come up to competing with myself.

Let's say I can manage to finish a job in 3 months, I will compete to myself by aiming to finish it in 2 months.

This way I became competitve without really competing to others

"Clean!" that's my first impression when I set foot in Busan, South Korea (South Korea) last week. Busan is the second largest city in South Korea after Seoul. If seen from the air, Busan is like a model of housing with tall buildings and neatly arranged box buildings. Facilities, infrastructure and infrastructure built in Busan, are enough to describe the modern life of its citizens. Arguably, there are three words that describe the situation in Busan, which is safe, clean and modern.

No need for a lot of trash

Although it appears as a clean city, it does not mean that there are many bins scattered in Busan City. Residents ofBusan prefer to store garbage in their bags rather than having to throw garbage in any place. If anyone violates the rules, just wait for the fine to be billed to the home address,

It has become a character of the community to comply with government regulations, including not littering even if only cigarette butts. Busan residents also only smoke in the places provided.

river flow in Busan is relatively clear. There is no garbage visible in the river flow.


As in South Korea in general, Busan residents also uphold self service or self-service. I was shocked at breakfast at a hotel in the Busan Station II area. At that time, all visitors, who had breakfast at the hotel restaurant, had to clean up the rest of the food themselves.

What are your favorite Steem apps?

I'm familiar with and, along with a few others, but I'm curious which apps you find most useful and well-designed.

eSteem is a favorite application for Steemit, including Steemit Indonesia. This application is a mobile-specific application for Steemit users. You can download this application via Playstore on your Android smartphone. After you download, please log in. One of the advantages of this application is every post written through this application, you have got upvote from the creator of this application, @ good-karma. So, you will get a little profit by just posting your article through this application. Not only that, every comment that you write through this application also gets upvote in accordance with the terms and conditions that apply.

Awesome! I had never heard of esteem before, so that's super useful! The steem app I had before was kind of awkward to use and didn't have a lot of the core functionality that you'd expect.

No questions asked, PARTIKO! Ever since I've discovered that very smooth and slick of a mobile Steem app, my engagement in Steem improved a lot. 

Before I met Partiko, I used Google Chrome's Incognito (mobile) to browse Steem and since it doesn't allow one to store passwords, I have to back and forth whenever I get notifications from GINA. 

Partiko solved this problem for me as they have their own notification system (although it lacks whenever you are mentioned atm). It is also surprisingly fast and smooth with a very simplistic minimalistic design. I have used other Steem mobile apps before but ended up uninstalling it after 3 days as it lags a lot or loads very slowly. 

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

The steem apps which i find most useful are listed below

those are my favourites and i love them because of their unique features and transparency on those platforms...

Thanks for the list! I'll definitely take a look at the ones I don't recognize :)

I like Partiko app, I think its android version has so far more functions than IOS one, but IOS one works great as well, fast, light and neat. 

As for Steem dapps, I enjoy using Steemhunt, to be honest, I'm not a great product hunter although I made some nice payout the past months, nowadays I curate some interesting hunts there.  Steempress is cool as well, nowadays I can post simultaneously on my personal blog and on Steem. Through the past few months, I've made a lot of friends on DTube, really happy. DTube motivated me to make some vlogs, I've never thought about it before even though I constantly travel. 

And of course musing!

Partiko looks awesome! I'll definitely be giving it a try. I just started using esteem so we'll see which one works better.

I find eSteem is very useful

I just made a little piece on this. Here it is.

🌐My list of the most useful Steem related websites

Looking for information, sometimes not finding it, sometimes forgetting to bookmark it, and distractions all make the process of learning about Steem/Steemit more difficult.

I thought I would put together a list of resources that I have found useful. I know there are other lists out there but I noticed quite a few abandoned projects on some lists. This is my list of the most useful and currently active Steem related websites/apps that I have found up until now. Hope those who are looking for info and resources find it helpful. And the best part you only have to bookmark this one page to get started


The goal of AskSteem is to provide a reliable, powerful, and fast search engine that is optimized for steem.


Find out the dollar value of any user's single upvote with this page.


Discover thousands of follow-worthy Guilds and Authors, set up voting Streams or launch your own Guild!


A clean consise alternative to Steemit with integrated markdown editor and the ability to schedule posts.


Block explorer and multifunction database for the STEEM blockchain.

If you want to make your links more manageable, here's a sweet URL shortener for Steem.


Find information like STEEM Power, voting power, followers, reputation, activity in one place.


Which whales are powering down?

How big is the payout? Find out and have a better understanding of Steem price fluctuations.


An easy-to-use interface for finding transactions on the STEEM blockchain, simply enter a block, transaction hash, or username and click search.

An important way to connect with other users, gain information, and promote your posts. Can be accessed from the main menu of Steemit.

Steemd is a blockchain explorer for the steem blockchain. Here you can find details of all posts, votes, transactions and details of every steem block.

Busy is an Open Source social network and communications platform which extends itself to a variety of rich features and functionality including free digital payments and a marketplace for goods and services.


This website shows all stats and detailed information about your estimated pending payouts for the week and month.

DTube is a decentralized streaming video platform linked to Steemit which allows users to upload videos easily and earn Steem via upvotes on their post.

Think Steemit for coders. Connect your GitHub account and get paid for all your open source contributions.


If you are reading this on Steemit you already know what Steemit is, but for those linking here from outside and trying to become familiar, this is probably your best place to start. A social media platform like no other where you get paid for valuable content decided by other users like yourself.

An app on the Steem blockchain which rewards people for sharing pictures. Similar to Instagram you can share your pictures, the difference is that you get paid with upvotes.

DSound is an app that lets you upload, listen, and find new music. Using the Steem blockchain Artists can earn rewards as Steem.


An website that helps users monitor thier Steemit account activities.

A website providing a live feed of all major activities such as upvotes, comments, money transfers, orders, new users, and more.

When will you be paid? Use this website to lookup your account, or search others accounts by adding @username to the URL.


A website providing real-time updates of all your stats, no refresh required. Pretty handy tool provided by @penguinpablo

That is why i love skype and whatsapp i use skype to make video calls with them and it makes me feel like they are in my presence whenever i am talking to them on video call,through video call i get the opportunity to see the faces of all my family members and they also

see my own face too and it is always interesting,then i also use whatsapp to chat with them all day and make myself feel at home so skype and whatsapp are two apps that i use to talk to my family and feel at home...

Well currently the bitcoin had a sudden price fall which was due to the fact that someone made a withdrawal of his investment on bitcoin which is worth around

$74million dollars and that affected the bitcoin market within that short period

now if i get the opportunity to meet a time traveller the major questions i would love to ask the time traveller is

that,Are we going to see more price fall of bitcoin??will

steem price rise in the future or it will keep going down??

which altcoins would become the biggest coin on the cryptomarket??i will really want to get answers to those questions so that i can know which cryptocurrencies to invest on...

What's the price of bitcoin? 

What are people still eating?

Are still politicians deciding our faith or it's just AI doing this thing?

What means of transportation do people use in that time?

How do they communicate at distance?

How many are still living on Earth?

The continents once established are still the same?

What forms of entertainment do they have?

Are humans still making music?

What currencies do they use?

What sports do they have?

Have they made contact with aliens?

Are people still writing and reading books?

Are there any illnesses and traditional doctors?

Does love still exist? 

I would definitely ask him or her to help me check how much steem will be worth in the future,i would love to

get the information because that would enable me to know whether i should invest on steem or wait,if the time

traveller tells me that steem price will rise up to 10$ and above then i will quickly start buying alot of steem so

that i will make alot of profit when the steem price start rising high on the cryptocurrency market...

There are many factors that contributes to the success of a business, from how and where the establishment is located to one's managerial skills. But the three main factors that one should really consider before starting a business like a restaurant are:

  • Supply and Demand + Target Audience

There is a reason why the Law of Supply and Demand  is taught in business courses. Simply because it works. Before starting out a restaurant business, you must first see to it that whatever you are trying to sell is in-demand or will be in-demand in that area. You must first know your target audience.. 

As an example: Before you start building a Japanese Restaurant in an urban area, you must first conduct a small research about the people living in that area. Do the people living there like eating raw foods such as sushi? How many of those people have the ability to buy and eat in a restaurant? If the result of your research is positive, then conduct again another research on how well can you acquire the materials/foods needed for the business. If you can't cater to the demand, chances are your business will suffer.

  • Quality and Affordability

It is not surprising that one factor that contributes to the success of any businesses is the quality of the product or services being sold. In a Restaurant business, this is usually determined based on the quality of the food, how delicious the food you are trying to sell is. 

However, it is not always about the quality. As per the example above, people living in an urban area might not be able to afford some of the menus in the restaurant. No matter how delicious your food is, it's all moot if no one will buy it. Thus Quality along with Affordability is the key in here.

  • Services Provided

I have been to so many restaurants before and one thing that made me not visit again some of them is how they treat there customers. The success of a restaurant business does not stop on the quality of the food but will continue on to the people selling the food, the Services of the restaurant. A restaurant with a friendly atmosphere usually ends up with lots of loyal customers going back to their establishment.

3 This priority factor will be the foundation of your restaurant's success. With original concepts, business plans and locations, you can then switch to developing more creative aspects of your business, including finding the right talent, developing menus and designing customer experiences.

1. Originality (Authenticity)

One of the best ways to make a breakthrough in the culinary business is to offer a new experience. Regardless of where you live, consumers will always be moved by new ideas. In addition, there is always the potential to utilize untapped markets (some out of the box ideas are needed)

2. Business plan

A solid business plan is as important as the success of a restaurant, but often there are still many businesspeople who rush to ignore the business planning process. A business plan will help you, your partners and your investors map goals towards success and also plan for the worst possible things in anticipation.

Your business plan must include a general overview of the market, competitive analysis, target audience insights and realistic budget projections.

3. Main location

Poor locations will make or break the success of your restaurant. Opening in an area without much traffic or road access will make potential visitors uninterested. On the other hand, renting a place on a block filled with loved places will also make it difficult to attract new customers.

Finding the best location depends on your city and varies from urban areas to suburban areas. In addition, rental requirements and building permits will also affect the choice of your final location, and because the process can take months to complete, you should immediately begin the process of selecting the location as early as possible.

1. Service Process

Customer satisfaction is the main thing in the culinary field. Family satisfaction can be created through various factors, namely, the ideals of food and the process given.

The service process itself will study the menus available in a restaurant, adjust them and presents knowledge about menus that can be ordered according to the menu to be ordered. Besides that, when serving the food menu, it is friendly and polite. it will be very easy for you to create an image for the company you are managing. As business people we have to understand who our customers can meet their needs well, for example the environment where we are close to the campus or shopping center, so the menu and prices available will adjust to environmental needs.

2. Maintain cleanliness and comfort of restaurants

The cleanliness and comfort of a restaurant is very important for restaurant visitors because of the clean place comfortable being one part before they decide to eat. Cleanliness and comfort in the restaurant including seating arrangement, table, toilet and kitchen cleanliness. It is not a thing that there may not be one or two visitors who are not removed from the kitchen.

3. provide menus and prices according to location

As mentioned above, provide interesting food and beverage menus, which do not exist elsewhere, new discoveries to attract customers. For example In the form of presentation, in cooking dishes are also important in the presentation of each menu provided in the restaurant. and the mainstay's mainstay menu in the restaurant as a customer puller of course. In addition to the things mentioned are looking at market conditions or the restaurant environment, we are not mistaken, at least the menu and prices available with our business location.

Suppose the restaurant is close to school or campus.

Before citing a restaurant, there are certain factors that one needs to bear in mind. Some of these are:

1. Location. The location where a restaurant is Sited to a great degree determines the quality of the people that will patronize you. Is it in a city, a busy location, a small town, etc. If it Is located in the heart of the city, you can tell that you will have class come eat at your restaurant.

When choosing a location, put parking space into consideration. I mean, no matter how good you cook, if there's no good place for your clients to park their vehicles and drive out with ease, I'm sure they will drive past your restaurant. I've visited a friend very often in the city of Abuja and this was a major challenge to him. He'll tell me, I would have loved us to eat at that restaurant but there's no place for me to park my vehicle.

2. Another factor to be considered is the quality of meals. If success is a goal, quality should not be compromised. How well you do what you do is what will make you stand out. I've been to some restaurants here in Akwanga, Nasarawa state. I'm sorry to say, some of the meals are apologies, a waste of time and money. If not for the situation that warranted it, I would have preferred to cook my own meals than eat out.

Give people quality and tasty meals, I bet you've just won a permanent residence in their hearts. When this is in place, I bet they would want to come back in fact with their friends no matter how expensive the meal may be.

3. Cost of meals. This really is important too for you to achieve long term success. Is it affordable? I mean, nobody wants to spend a fortune before eating a decent meal. Go out there and do a market survey of the average cost of a good meal in a decent restaurant. If you can give quality meals at the same or even a little less cheaper or little higher rate, it might not be a bad start. But remember you have to take cognizance of where you are, is it a town, a city or a rural area.

Those are major factors. Others are good customer service and cleanliness of the environment.

Putting these factors into focus, you're sure to do great and achieve success.

1. Having an interesting concept

In any business, an interesting concept becomes an added value in the business. No exception in the culinary business. It is precisely in the culinary business that an interesting concept is the main attraction for consumers.

Therefore, before you decide to open a culinary business, you should think about the concept as interesting as possible and try the original concept that is different from most businesses. The concept that makes someone curious and wonder what products are sold, what is unique about the product and what services are offered. Thus you will easily capture consumers.

Maybe it's no stranger to the concept of a culinary business with a "weird" name or an unusual decoration concept. But this is proven to make consumers curious and force consumers to try it. Our society now wants to try something new, they are tired of mediocre culinary. Because having a delicious taste of food is not enough to make loyal customers.

Make consumers memorable with food or service and interesting places so that they will make your dining place a list of locations that they have to visit each month.

2. Determine the Target Market

After you have an interesting concept, the next step is to determine the target market. Indeed the target market in the culinary world is very broad, but if specified more specifically then you will easily determine the next destination. For example if you open a culinary business in a campus area, then your target market is a student. So you can open a restaurant at an affordable price and have facilities that support students to linger at your place.

Determining the target market is important so that you can determine where your business is going and what innovations you must do and what developments are currently popular among your target market.

3. Innovate well

As we have explained above, the fact that our society is currently at a saturation point. So the thing you have to do to be able to compete is to innovate. Do not do or open a business that is exactly the same as someone else's business, maybe if you want to imitate, it's better to take the concept of ATM (Observe, Emulate, Modify).

But if you want to get the "wow" impression, you should innovate and spawn new products that make consumers curious. If you can't innovate and just follow the existing path. Then it will be ensured your business will experience a slowdown, it may be paralyzed in certain periods. To prevent this, start making crazy ideas that make consumers feel a different impression after trying your products and services.

Social engineering is the intervention or the art of manipulating a scientific movement from a certain ideal vision which is intended to influence social change, it can be either good or bad and can also be honesty, it can be a lie.

Social change is done because of the emergence of social problems as a difference between das sollen (which should be) and das sein (which is real). Collective action to solve social problems (collective action to solve social problems). Usually marked by changes in form and functionalization of important groups, institutions or social arrangements.

Compared to social planning, it is broader or more pragmatic, because an engineering always contains planning, but not all planning is implemented until it is implemented in the real world. Similarly, when compared with change management, it has more definite meaning, because if the object of management can be interpreted as a change in a broad sense, while the object of social engineering is clear, namely social change towards a new order and system in accordance with what the engineer wants.

In addition to the above understanding, social engineering can also be interpreted as a process of planning, mapping and implementation in the context of changing the structure and culture of a social base of society.

In short, social engineering is the process of 'hacking' a human being.

Essentially, social engineering uses behaviors, language and other elements to elicit a response from the target - usually the act of unwittingly giving up information or allowing the attacker some kind of access to information or facilities.

It is frequently used by con artists, hackers and other less-than-savory people.

This is somewhat of a generalization, but that's a succinct description of the traditional form of social engineering.

Social engineering is the intervention or the art of manipulating a scientific movement from a certain ideal vision which is intended to influence social change, it can be either good or bad and can also be honesty, it can be a lie.

Social change is done because of the emergence of social problems as a difference between das sollen (which should be) and das sein (which is real). Collective action to solve social problems (collective action to solve social problems). Usually marked by changes in form and functionalization of important groups, institutions or social arrangements.

Compared to social planning, it is broader or more pragmatic, because an engineering always contains planning, but not all planning is implemented until it is implemented in the real world. Similarly, when compared with change management, it has more definite meaning, because if the object of management can be interpreted as a change in a broad sense, while the object of social engineering is clear, namely social change towards a new order and system in accordance with what the engineer wants.

In addition to the above understanding, social engineering can also be interpreted as a process of planning, mapping and implementation in the context of changing the structure and culture of a social base of society.

We can't know a secret of someone, because it'd not be a secret if it is known to everyone. A pill of success is a mixture of many ingredients, such as talent, money, perfect time, fortune atc. atc.. There's is no doubt that Bill is a genius as well as a great businessman, he built his PC software while it was needed by the world, and the best part is, he didn't sell his software to any company but he provided his inventions in return of shares . Which made him a overnight billionaire. And the rest is history.

ten secrets behind success Gates defeated Microsoft.

First, there is the right place at the right time.

Second, falling in love with technology.

Third, don't know mercy.

Fourth, employ smart people.

Fifth, learn to survive.

Sixth, do not expect thanks.

Seventh, taking a visionary position.

Eighth, working on everything.

Ninth, build small and

tenth units, never lose focus.

Here's the key to the success of Bill Gates that can be used as inspiration:

1. Continue Learning

One of the good habits that Bill Gates has done since childhood is to spend free time reading books. He likes reading and is not surprised that he often bought books by his father. Even though it's been successful, Bill Gates still believes that someone must continue to learn in his life. Although he once left the campus, Bill Gates still told the youth that studying in college was important and did not have to be abandoned.

2. Looking far ahead

When Bill Gates left his campus, people might find him crazy. However, he did that because he saw something far more interesting in the future. At that time, there was no known computer but Bill Gates could imagine that one day everyone would need a computer. Bill Gates does not want to delay the time to immediately build a business that he thinks is very potential.

3. Innovation and Creativity

The main key to why Microsoft can survive until now is the innovation and creativity of the people who raised their companies.

Bill Gates realized that every time human needs keep changing. Therefore, the products they have are also adjusted to changes. This is where the importance of innovation and creativity means that the company continues to survive.

4. Take Action

In life, a clear vision and mission is needed. However, sometimes someone's time is wasted because they think about their vision of life. Bill Gates tends to think simple and do more things than just discourse.

5. Focus on Self Competence

The reason why Bill Gates was successful was because he knew in what areas his abilities and interests were. He focused on maintaining and fulfilling his dreams. This determination is what delivered it today.

6. Don't waste time

Bill Gates prefers to act directly from talking. He is typical of people who value time. Face straight into the future and stop regretting what happened in the past.

Everyone might regret some of his decisions in the past but for Bill Gates there is no time for that. The future is far more important.

7. Teamwork

Whatever the smart and good ideas of a person, if he works alone, the results will not be maximized. The team is needed in a company, especially in a large company.

To realize his ideas, Bill Gates worked with many people because according to him to realize a big dream a large team was needed.

8. Speed

Everyone knows that the business world is faced with market competition. Who is the fastest, he is the leader. Bill Gates is well aware of this, therefore he upholds the principle of speed in running the company.

Do you believe in luck/fate?

Why are some people so lucky, being able to earn 6-figure income, always being in the right place and time - even if they are lacking in IQ/EQ

I've been lucky a few times in my life.

Those times mostly had to do with not getting in trouble at work,   or getting away with something that I shouldn't have.  Nothing too big though.

Fate is a harder one to peg.

 I know a guy who is a complete jerk to everyone.  He made one decision in the stock market that could have cost them everything..... but instead made him a multimillionaire.  

He treats everybody like crap.

Fate? Unlikely.

Luck?  Most certainly.

Fate is a factor that depends on us and our work towards it,luck is just an event that occurs even when

we don’t deserve it or expect it,but i still believe that someone can work towards luck though luck can be

effective without any factor attached to it,,yeah i believe in luck because from my own personal experience i

have been able to be lucky in some certain situations that i have lost hope because realistically such thing

cannot work or be achieved but luckily for me it happened for no reason,so yes i strongly believe in luck...

I started at 11 years old

Now I'm like a Sphynx cat

Old, grumpy and bald 😾

Life is unpredictable, life is like a spinning wheel, we don't know when our old age really ends, and maybe a lot of regrets and mistakes at the time the young man was young. Life is a struggle and we cannot measure the time period, only God knows.

I haven't got bald. I don't even think I will ever go bald because it's not in my genes and neither have I provoked in any way hair losses. If I would go bald I wouldn't feel bad at all. With or without hair I am the same. I just wish for a good health. Other than that I don't even care that much if I would get bald. 

I am not yet Bald but my hairs are starting to Thin out so yeah I am a bit worried as I am only 27 as of now.

Did you used to use

When I first saw musings, it reminded me of that site. It was good fun until Google effectively killed it, by pushing it down the search. I hope musings will be as good and this time, Google can't kill it.

I have visted the website before and it was an interesting platform but is a better platform

that is easier to use and understand, rewards users with upvotes and whatever someone earns from

that upvote will be paid automatically after seven days of which the content was created,that means that with someone can get paid faster whenever they write meaningful answers or questions...

No unfortunatly it was before my time

So this is something I just recently heard about. I would have to try it out first though.

I've never actually seen, but does remind me a lot of Quora.  One thing that I think Quora does really well is link you to other similar questions... you can really go down a rabbit hole and it feels like people really put amazing effort into their answers.  Quora can be frustrating and annoying though, they'll send e-mails for no reason and the site just feels very cluttered. 

Is  dead?  I couldn't find it at all.

Unfortunately Google can squash anything they like... and they don't like Steem... the good thing is that the Steem blockchain has it's only little ecosystem and user base, and that means that has a great chance of success.  It might struggle on it's own if Google decided that it didn't want to rank it, but since all the users on the Steem blockchain can easily answer or ask a question I'm confident it will do really well.

People are also trusting Google less and less.  I've got my own Wordpress website that I've had for about 4 years... and in the analytics I can see that DuckDuckGo is growing and growing, and soon Presearch will release their own search engine, and DWebs will take off over the next few years.  I don't believe Millennials are going to stand for Google's antics forever.  My own site ranks very differently on Google compared to Bing/DuckDuckGo.  It's usually 9th on Google and 1st on the others... because less relevant sites are buying those positions.

I personally can't wait until Presearch has a fully functioning search engine.  It's going to be great!  

Yes, is dead. After Google changed their search, it lost most of the revenue from adds and the owners must have given up. It was good until that happened. It's good that musings wont have to rely on add revenue and Google.

Any affordable gaming computer that can run Tekken 7 you can suggest?

I live in the Philippines so I'd appreciate brands that are available here.

Your question is kind of half written as the word affordable has different meaning for different people's.  I do have a Gaming PC so I could have helped out on that but I can't say anything without a Budget in hand.

When I write on steemit, I like to write from my determine the topic first before writing.

I like to have a clear topic and then develop my points from there. It gives me clear cut directions on where I'm headed.

It depends on what you're writing actually. The only two things I like to write about are fiction and sport.

In writing my Fictional works, I actually have a title already in mind and so just flow from there. It's most times in series so I don't usually think about titles after the very first post. It's like that for most people who serialize their stories on Steemit.

In writing sports content, you actually write facts and so the topic is predetermined. There's no writing and coming back for a topic.

Howver, like I said, it depends on what you are writing about.

Anyways, different strokes for different folks, like they say.

I do both. Sometimes I have a topic in mind and a suitable title pops into my head, and in that case I let it drive the direction of the article a bit. Sometimes I find a title that would serve multiple purposes and I may end up with two entirely different posts. The one that jumps to me had the title "The first thirty minutes...", where one was discussing the early curator penalty for voting and the other was some sort of creative writing that touched on the obsession of refreshing a page after the first moments of posting. There are many times where the finished article doesn't match the title as well, and in that case I'll change the title to match. 

When writing on steemit most times I just write. I don't usually know where it's heading to until I am done. I am sure it is same with lots of others. After I am done writing, I read and re-read it over again before deciding a suitable title because sometimes I do have several titles before finally getting a perfect one but there are still few times when I have a title more like an inspirational title and it helps me develop the post.

It depends on the topic you are dealing. My last post was about my life in drawings and I can't think of any other title other than 'my life in drawings' . But sometimes you need to be creative with the title so that it generates curiosity ,confusion towards the readers that lead them to open the post and read it.

hatred and racism against Muslims, this is widely debated, studied and verified.

In a report entitled "Empowering Hate", the CAIR reported 260 attacks on Muslims in the US last year: in 2015 alone, the figure was 180, while in 2014 there were only 38, an increase of 374% between those years.

Number of cases. According to data provided by the organization, 2,213 incidents of anti-Muslim bias were reported last year. These, allegedly based on religious and ethnic prejudices. In addition, 390 of the cases were classified as harassment, 334 as "inappropriate" interrogations by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 260 as hate crimes and 180 as denials of religious accommodation.

It was also pointed out that 16% of the cases involved women wearing the Islamic veil. The FBI reported 257 anti-Islamic incidents in 2015, compared to 154 in 2014, an increase of 67%. However, the CAIR considers these estimates "insufficient", as the FBI relies on local police departments to voluntarily turn over their hate crime data each year.

and that is just one of many studies and cases, which simply spread and multiply and unfortunately that is why my dear friend. 

What do you think of my writing? Please leave feedback?

This is my first time trying something like this, that's why i'm asking for feedback!

It is a good story and also got you Curie vote. Developing a story from a game you played make it more interesting to read.

I believe adding two more pictures will make it more enticing to read.the pictures should be captivating and well formatted by placing at maybe the right side or left while the story goes on. This will let users relate the picture to the particular line they are reading.

In my opinion too tags are very important and the first tag should be what the post is all about. **Story** should be the first tag then you can add game as the next one.

I will be happy to see improvements in your the next part

Yes that's a very good idea, ill add more for the next post

You are a good story teller and i love your choice of words,i believe that if you use the right tags for your

story you will get more visibility,i believe it would also be nice to post pictures of the game which inspired the

story so that people can have more visual idea about the factor behind the inspiration for the story,i have

really noticed that stories with pictures tend to get more readers than stories with no pictures so i will advice you

to add pictures relating to your story so that you can give people the visual experience that comes with your

captivating will not be a bad idea if you turn your story into a book and sell it on websites like amazon

Yeah I definitely will be adding images even if it takes more time! Thanks very much for your feedback and if it goes well then I might end up turning it into a book.

I do not believe in superstition even though i have alot of

friends and family members that try to convince me that there are some certain superstitions that are real,,i

am a factual person that loves to believe only facts,so for me to believe that something is true then i need

good evidence to prove it,i would only believe in blind faith or superstition only if i see a convincing

evidence,when i see a good evidence then i can now believe in a superstition but for now i do not believe in it...

Truth be told, I used to not believe in "blind faith". I always thought that one's persons faith is solely based on his personal decisions as an accumulation of all the experiences he have been through. 

Until I read one article:  This televangelist is asking his followers to buy him a $54 million private jet - Source:

I never thought that there are people who really are blinded by faith. I am in no way saying that this televangeslist is a fraud or a scammers, but when you think it all rationally it sounds like he is just asking his followers to buy him a private jet. And to solidify my believe about people  being blinded by faith, he actually had already bought 3 private jets before because of his followers. Wow!

As for Superstition, I honestly don't believe on those. However there is no harm in trying to adhere to those things. 

Of course I can and not because I'm a Christian, but because of the things I've seen in my own life and in my own family. My old man hasn't had a job in ages but somehow anytime we need money to eat or do something God provides. He's pension is equivalent to about 60 dollars a month but what we spend in this how in a month is at least 10 times that.

I can't explain it, considering the fact that I have no idea how God provides for us everyday, and although I don't believe in being lazy and I try as much as possible to pull my own weight, when it comes right down to it, I have absolute faith in God and I know people he'll take care of everything.

As for superstition, I believe in God and therefore I believe in the afterlife and since I believe in that then I believe in ghosts and all the things that come with superstition.

In my own opinion here are the lists of hobbies which i think are the craziest hobbies in the world...


mooing is an act of imitating the sound of a cow because you want to sound like it and making it a hobby is what some people engage in and i find it to be funny and crazy.....

2......Faking of death

There are some persons that have the habit of faking their own death and made it a hobby,some do it just to

gain attention on social media or in their environment,well some people are good at it and could

play a good role in acting like a dead person in a movie but this is a hobby which i find crazy too....

3.....soap carving

i know some of us while growing up might have the

habit of carving our bath soaps or laundry soaps into different sculptures and guess what??it is becoming a

hobby to some people,this is a hobby which i think is creative,interesting and also crazy too...


yeah gambling is one of the most popular events that many people all around the world, are involved in

especially in regards to sport betting or casino,,yeah

gambling involves taking certain risks to earn

rewards,well making gambling a hobby sounds scary and crazy to me....

N.B this is just my own personal opinion and thoughts and should not be considered as a general opinion....

Skydiving! Seriously though I still don't know why some people are into that activity. Not only do they try it once for experience and to brag to their friends that they have crossed one of the things on their bucket list, they actually made it into a hobby. It's crazy and dangerous no matter what those skydiving/parachuting officials say.!

Here are the lists of the top ten suspense movies which i believe is worthy of mention...

1...The sixth sense.....a movie acted by bruce willis

2.... the usual suspects





What's that one game you cannot stop playing? ?

Has there been any game that has got you addicted that you can't let go?

For me it's Total War Rome 2. Set in Classical Antiquity, (300BC - 100AD) focused on Ancient Rome and the civilization around Europe, Balkans and Mediterranean around the time, you kinda play God as you control governments and make decisions for them. 

There is so much to talk about and the game is so multi-faceted especially if you include the DLC and Mods around. The game is based on written and literary history around the time and as the name suggest, it's all about war. 

The game divides into a campaign interface, where you move armies across the continent as well the government stuff. And the battle interface, where you "micro manage" platoons of armies in the battlefields. 

There is just something about ordering squads of trained warriors around the field of battle from an eagle eye viewpoint and realizing this exact battle was fought thousands of years ago. Imagine that, me a regular guy wearing my pyjamas conducting a battle the way a great leader once did. They even made a show out of it! Look up Time Commander on BBC, the game engine is exactly Total War.

It has to be winning eleven eight for me. I've been playing this game since like 2012.

The first time I played this game was when I was in school, university that is. I was in 100 level and there was this guy with a laptop then. He was the one only one who had a laptop in the room. He had winning eleven installed and was playing it regularly. I remember how his friends, that is his course mates, used to come to the room and would play with him. I got interested in the game.

After about a month or two, I picked up and started joining them. We would take rounds. Sometimes, I didn't get to play for up to an hour but I I'd wait for my turn still.

On Saturdays, we would play for protracted periods, sometimes beginning as early as 8am and not finishing till 11pm or thereabout. I became addicted to it. We only stopped when the laptop owner said his device needed to rest.

I got my first laptop in 2015. It was fairly used but worked quite well. One of the first things I made sure to install was Winning Eleven eight. I began playing it every single day. Luckily for me, that year was my FPT year and so there wasn't much work to do. We just went for morning lectures which were mainly practical and we would finish before 12pm. I would play from when I returned till late at night. I just couldn't stop.

Some months later, during normal semester break, we were obliged to stay back in school as the FPT was for the whole period without break. We would get out of school to companies to learn practical. I had the room in the hostel to myself as all my roommates went home for the holidays. I would return by 3pm or earlier and play till it was nearly midnight. I think I got the battery of the laptop bad in the process.

Now, it's 2018 and I'm done with school. I have another laptop but I still can't get it over this game. I dont play it as frequently but I still do frome time to time. It's not as though Winning Eleven 8 has the best graphics or game play. I think it's probably due to the memories that's are attached to the game. So many persons gave come and gone since 2012. Playing Winning Eleven 8 is my way of remembering them.

Tekken, I've been playing this game for more than 10 years already. I started in Tekken 5 here in the Philippines and got better and better as time goes on. 

I think my skills on Tekken could be almost on pro level but definitely can't win against the Tekken Pros. I don't have practice and opponents because of my circumstances (I live in the province and a father now so I don't have much time and resources). 

At first, I just want to play casually because of the thrill and excitement but ever since Tekken 7 was released, it became a global sensation because of online play and is becoming a mainstream e-sports here in the Philippines and so I am aiming to be a pro now.  

My main character is Lei Wulong and he's been my character ever since. I didn't start with him though because I wasn't serious in playing Tekken first. 

I love Tekken because of the depth it has with each character and the fact that you need to have great reflexes as well as fast strategies to overcome great opponents. 

I dream of becoming a Tekken pro and fight all over the world, it's not too late for me :-)

Candy Crush has become a little addictive to me. Generally I'm not a gamer, but I find it relaxing, especially of I'm haveing trouble falling asleep. Also I seem to be pretty good at it so it is stress relieving.

I agree; Candy Crush seem like a good way to take your mind off other things in order to be able to relax.


I've been playing different Pokémon games since I was a kid and up till now I can't get enough of it. I've probably finished Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, fire red, yellow, leaf green and emerald over 10 times each and I know I'm going to start all over and finish them again in the future.

As soon as I'm able I'm going to get a Nintendo switch and a Nintendo 3DS so I can play the newer and more recent Pokémon games!!!

You should totally get a 3DS; there are some amazing Pokémon games for it. I think a 3DS could be pretty cheap now if you buy it used.

I can't stop playing forge of beasts on Kongregate. It's not even that fun, it's just addictive.

love game

What is that?


The game I had became addicted of that is clash of clans.

I mostly open this game for more than 5 times in a day. In clash of clans we have to break the empire of other person and also we can play in team. Clash of clan is a game when we start playing for first time then also we get addicted for that and we start playing clash of clan regularly. In clash of clans we can have a war in which we can take our team to defeat the clan of other with our same clan rank.

Clash of clan is a very popular game and if is played by many people and all over the world it is popular. The game is so much addicted that we cannot even leave for one days also . clash of clan is a game which totally runs on internet without internet we cannot play . I am saying clash of clans from last 3 years and still today I am playing. I had reached a town hall of 11 and still playing.

I am playing with my society friends and they also reach upto level 10 behind me. We all meet at night and start attack on opponent clan in war and we had very good winning percentage.

The game I had became addicted of that is clash of clans.

I mostly open this game for more than 5 times in a day. In clash of clans we have to break the empire of other person and also we can play in team. Clash of clan is a game when we start playing for first time then also we get addicted for that and we start playing clash of clan regularly. In clash of clans we can have a war in which we can take our team to defeat the clan of other with our same clan rank.

Clash of clan is a very popular game and if is played by many people and all over the world it is popular. The game is so much addicted that we cannot even leave for one days also . clash of clan is a game which totally runs on internet without internet we cannot play . I am saying clash of clans from last 3 years and still today I am playing. I had reached a town hall of 11 and still playing.

I am playing with my society friends and they also reach upto level 10 behind me. We all meet at night and start attack on opponent clan in war and we had very good winning percentage.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

This is Ludo which I'll never stop playing. I play at least 5 matches everyday of Ludo . Ludo has a great history, it was first discovered in 6th century in India as Pachesi, even it is also mentioned in Mahabharata, that makes it more ancient. Ludo is the modern version of Pachesi, it can be played by more than one players, where players race with their four token from the starting to the end by the points given by the dice. The Ludo name was given to it by the Mughal Kings. Many variations of the game is popular all over the world under different names.

Read and socialize. Never underestimate their power.

Books are written by individuals from different nationalities and they transcend their countries borders. You can pick up history books, culture books to learn more about a country. We also have the internet where you can visit chat sites and make friends with other people from different ethnic groups.

Socializing is another way to expand your horizon. When you go for conferences, meetups, workshops. It's possible people from other backgrounds are there. You can deviate from the default issue at ground and initiate a conversation to know more about the individual cultural background, country and so more.

Moved to the Hive platform.

I think the best way to do that would be to read books. Read far and read wide. Getting the opinions of different authors of different walks of life will most definitely open your eyes and broaden you horizon.

Do not underestimate the power of MEDIA!

Watching a countries local tv show gives you a general idea on their culture, tradition and customs. It's like seeing the country itself in the perspective of someone (the main character of the show). I for one have learned Japan and Korea's culture and tradition from watching Animes and Kdramas. Plus, it's also more fun compared to reading. :)

True that! And at the same time, keep keenly aware of the negative impacts of media as well. There is lots of money being made peddling what can only be described as emotional pornography intended to make us fear and hate one another. In my 40+ years I can count on two fingers the number of truly evil people I have met. . .

Read, watch, think through things. And learn languages. For ultimately people are living in languages and not in places.

A Toxic person can tends to suck life out of someone and most times, it happens gradually and unnoticed until it fully reveal itself. A toxic person will always feed fat at the expense of your starving. You tend to do things to displease yourself at their manipulations.

I dont get energetically depleted by their pranks, I rather get charged to tackle when necessary. Their aim is always to bring you down and once you are already aware of this fact, the zeal for self defence sets in and your energy is doubled up. The only situation that brings about energy depletion is when you don't recognise the toxic person and you got a sudden hit. That's why it is important to quickly notice a toxic person around you whether in the office, at home,school or any where you are.

When I'm confronted with someone toxic, I pay no attention to them. I give them good is only when they get close that they can play their pranks. Of course they might try to attack in a conversation, attack back. In a situation where you find yourself stock to them maybe in the office , school or at home, try to be always positive. Don't allow them to confuse you.believe in your gut and take full responsibly.

Toxic is sole perception, what might be toxic to me may not be for you. I’m a high sensitive so I see energy vamps quite a ways away. If we are in a work situation there is no way around that one, or if they’re a family member. Wear protection, avoid contact, remember to block if necessary. Always remember to clear, center and ground.

How the rollercoaster in crypto market happens?

I had a few answers but also an equal questions about the crypto currency.
Basically, the Rate of the crypto is based am the market volume ( which mean how much coins are in sold). We have to keep mind on that. Next this is going to be the great rollercoaster. Not only a whales are in the steemit but also in the all the crypto market. They were a bulk in capital investment which is nearly 150BTC ( my assumption). They will straight make a deal with the owners such as @ned is the owner of Steem coins so they can make a deal with him as they were going to invest in Steem coins so the market volume of the Steem coins will reach high as we never expected( such as the coin rate will increase from $0.4 to $6). So the nobes who was a new to crypto ( like me) get noticed that the rate of the coin is increasing and we change our mindset and we invest for $6 lot of people like us start to invest hence the market volume increases bit as we too started to invested on that crypto this may result in rate of coin to $7 hence the whale gang withdraw their all their investment which they get $1 extra as we invest to increase the market volume. They will get a more bulky profit. And as usual the prices will reach $0.4 so we need to face a huge problem 😂😁 That's the crypto currency.
If you disagree with what I said? Then leave your answer ---- am eagerly waiting for more reply

Honestly i am finding it hard to clearly understand your question,but if i get you correctly i think what you are asking is that how do the price movement on the cryptocurrency market occur and how are the market capitalization determined....

well let me first of all start with how the market capitalization is determined,market capitalization is a combination of the total number of units of a cryptocurrency sold multiplied by the price of the cryptocurrency...

for example if total of 1000000steem was sold and its price is 2$ then it means the market capitalization at that moment will be $2000000...

now let me talk about what determines the price movement on the cryptocurrency market,the price movement is not a magic and it is determined by buying and selling that happens on the cryptocurrency market,demand and supply is a usual factor that determines how the price of the cryptocurrency will behave on the market

When there is an increase in demand and less supply then of course the price of that cryptocurrency will be forced to go higher and when there is a decrease in demand and high supply then obviously the price of that cryptocurrency will be forced to go down,so the trading activities happening on the cryptocurrency market is what determines the price movement happening on the cryptocurrency market....

As a gamer and anime lover myself, I have always been fascinated by the world in Log Horizon (Anime).

Log Horizon's world is like the common RPG games people have played for years now, wherein one gains experience by defeating monsters and one has a specific skill set respective to their classes or sub-classes(Mage/Archer/Assassin/Swordsman).

The reason why I love to live in this world is that like the RPG games we play with, the moment we get killed by the monsters we are trying to defeat, we just simply respawn or get reincarnated back. No worries if we got defeated. Basically it's just really a big fun adventure rpg game.

My first thought is the Grim dark universe of Warhammer 40k... then, I think again...

" In the Grim dark Future of the Galaxy, there is only war. To be a man in such times is to be one amongst untold billions. It is to live in the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable... Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be relearned. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods."

Really? Do i really want that? While it's nice to imagine myself as one of the Adeptus Custodes clad in my auramite golden armor and my nano-second fast reflexes, or an Eldar farseer that sees the fabric of reality... But most likely i'd be among the countless insignificant billions of Forgeworld workers, never to see the blue of the sky and dead by 35. And have my bodies processed into nutrient paste to be fed to my fellow denizens. Or worse, born in a demon world where basically the more pain and suffering i feel the more favor i'd gain from demons, of which i'd be rewarded with more pain and suffering. 

Screw. That!

Maybe i'd just settle to being a Hobbit with no care in the world. Planting my weed garden and cooking my carrot soup all day everyday. Who doesnt want Breakfast, Second Breakfast, Brunch, Lunch, Tea, High Tea, Dinner, Supper, Night Snack everyday!!!

Who doesnt want to live in that!!

Lord of the rings universe!

Hobbit soup every meal!

As a lover of super hero science films. I think living in the guardians of the galaxy world will be awesome. Residing in the Nova empire will be great.

With some of the members having super powers, I will go with Quill character. Funny, stupid, strong, and smart is the best way to describe him. I would like to be in the Nova empire and witness some of the epic fight in the movie and also see some of the Weird beings then.

I would love to be born in the great pirate era

I would love to be born in One Piece

I want to be born in Lougetown where the King of Pirate Gol D. Roger was born

This definitely would make me really happy, being a character in the anime that I love to watch.

I am not asking to became a main character in the said anime, I just want to became a part. It's up for me how to make character famous in the story