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 You just copy pasted some info you took from different sites and made it as your own question on musing which is not OK, in my opinion. I see the you have a nice payout also for your thread so whoever upvoted you, if it was musing or not, just upvote plagiarism. I would advice you to create your own threads instead of copy pasting info from internet and address them as your questions.   Here are two places where you can find the info from your question: 1.   Which seems to be also a a copy paste info from the next source that I will give which is an article from The Guardian. 2. In this article if you go to question number six that has the name "Why do we dream?" you will find the information that you just copy pasted and introduced in your question which is exactly this: " We spend around a third of our lives sleeping. Considering how much time we spend doing it, you might think we’d know everything about it. But scientists are still searching for a complete explanation of why we sleep and dream. Subscribers to Sigmund Freud’s views believed dreams were expressions of unfulfilled wishes – often sexual – while others wonder whether dreams are anything but the random firings of a sleeping brain. Animal studies and advances in brain imaging have led us to a more complex understanding that suggests dreaming could play a role in memory, learning and emotions. " If you would have copied the following phrase also that states " Rats, for example, have been shown to replay their waking experiences in dreams, apparently helping them to solve complex tasks such as navigating mazes. " you would have copied the whole answer from an article from The Guardian and present it in musing-io as your own personal question. I don't know if you are aware or not, but plagiarized content and presented as your own is generally flagged on Steem. In musing-io I see you git an upvote, but be careful. The situation might change.   

Okay i first read on it before posting actually i have been waiting to know the answer that's why i posted it

No. Life cannot be quantified with a formula. This is because there are too many variables to be considered and the way human beings are, the smallest thing can cause a massive change in attitude or behaviour. Plus humans are most of the time, distinctly different from one another. So this means that if you did some how manage to make a formula that quantifies life, it wouldn't be applicable to every single person.

Off the three new iPhones released, which do you think will be the consumer favourite?

I just want to know which one you think people will buy more between the Xs, Xr and the Xs max

The three new iPhones that came out, the iPhone Xr, iPhone Xs and the iPhone Xs max are all top tier flagship phones and deciding which one will be a consumer favourite is quite difficult. I think everything will boil down to personal preference and the price so I'll look at it from both aspects.

1. Price: In terms of price, I'd like to think that the Xr will be the more sought after device, even though 750 dollars isn't cheap, it gives people the typical iPhone experience for a fraction of the other iPhone prices. The draw backs of the phone are that it uses a HD plus IPS LCD display which is a bit of a downgrade from the iPhone X which has a full HD amoled screen. Apart from that and the fact that it doesn't have a dual rear camera(nobody's going to notice the difference) and it has larger bezels, it's pretty much on par with the other new iPhones. I think from a price point of view this will be the one to get.

2. Personal preference: Well in terms of personal preference we have to look at the three smartphones separately. The iPhone Xs will be for people who probably enjoyed their experience on the iPhone X and are looking to upgrade to a new iPhone within the same price range. I don't think that this will be the most purchased iPhone out of the three, it's basically the iPhone X with an 's' attached to it. The Xs max on the other hand is a natural competitor for the Samsung galaxy note 9 and it will probably appeal to people who have large hands or like large phones in general. Its got the biggest battery ever found on an iPhone(which is tiny compared to other smartphone brands), and the screen is a whopping 6.5" the largest ever on an iPhone. It's also got the largest storage option, so it's most definitely for people who would want a note 9 level space on an iPhone. Its price is the biggest hinderance to its sales because 1100-1400 dollars isn't for the faint of heart. The iPhone Xr on the other hand is cheaper and comes in multiple colours. Alot of people will probably prefer to spend less to get an iPhone seeing as there's not much difference between the old ones and the new ones, it may sport an LCD display but iPhone users are already used to that.

I strongly believe that even when it comes to personal preference the iPhone Xr will still be the consumer favourite. So overall, the iPhone Xr in my opinion, will be the consumer favourite.

It's great to finally see a real biology question here on Musing, so let me try to explain it as simple as possible. I am not a molecular biologist, but I learned a lot about this during my education, so hopefully I will be able to make it understandable. 

The CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) genes are originally found in bacteria and archaea (these are pretty much just ancient version of bacteria) where they function to prevent the genetic material from getting damaged by forign viral and other invading genetic material. 

What the CRISPR and CRISPR-associated (Cas) genes do is that they attach right in front of, and directly after, where the foreign genetic material has been injected on the DNA strand. And then it pretty much just cut the foreign genetic material away from the strand, and it will no longer be part of the genetic material during the next copy. 

This was pretty much the extremely short version, and there's a lot of information available if you want to dive deeper into this. 

Anyway, CRISPR/Cas9 is also a tool for genetic editing, and it boild down to a lot of the same processes as its original form. By using a guiding RNA (gRNA) molecule, scientists can guide the CRISPR/Cas9 genes to attach to wherever they want in the genetic material of an organism, and then use this to perform a deletion of this genetic material. This is a very quick and easy way of deactivating a gene, since most genes will stop functioning once a part of it is removed. 

A modified version of this gene is also able to insert genetic material where the Cas9 gene attaches, which allows for even more advanged genetic editing. To keep this part very simple, the scientists pretty much just injects genetic material into the DNA strand after the original material has been removed, but before enzymes have been able to reattach the strands. 

CRISPR/Cas9 is pretty complex, and there are thousands of details that we haven't look at in this post. There's even entire books written about this tool, so there are a lot of resources avilable at libraries if you want to learn more about it. 

Thanks for such a great explanation valth! This should be heavily regulated because what happens when the genetic freaks take over? The regular, unedited kids will stand no chance. Genetic freaks will take over sports, science, business and quite possibly, everything else.

Sounds like another unfair advantage the rich will have against all over the world.

I agree with the idea of having it very heavily regulated, but right now it simply isn't. For some reason no one wants to discuss and figure out rules for this yet, but I'm sure we will have to do that in the future once we start seeing some "crazier" results.

We're not quite at the point where we can really genetically engineer humans or big animals yet, but we're able to do it with small invertebrates, bacteria and other small organisms. But it's only a matter of time before we have the knowledge needed to modify bigger organisms. (The reason behind this boils down to the length and complexity of the DNA in the organisms; shorter DNA is obviously a lot easier to research, understand, and modify).

This is a New Era in Molecular Biology. When you are looking for a precise, targeted changes to the genome of living cells the most efficient and reliable way is called crispr genome editing.

CRISPR on its own is a family of DNA sequences in bacteria and archaea

Is there any harm for children playing with opposite-sex toy for their future behaviors?

(I always wanted to learn this) Any side effect encountering future and any change in behavior.

Mathematics is a simply a rational science. When you look and study mathematics you will agree that it either pure which is theortical or an applied. The applied part of mathematics make it to be called a science. There are many interconnected nature of various sciences, logics and some programming which all can be traced down to mathematical technique. There are hypothesis that needs to be proven before it can be approved. Also there are experiments and predictions, which make mathematics complicated and with serious effort and verification result is guarantee at the end.

Discovery is different from invention, because discovery is something that's naturally existing but unknown, then was later found out as a result of man's research.

But invention is something that's non existence before but actually created and carved out by the genuiuity of man.

In other words mathematics was invented by man, one of earliest mathematicians was abacus he invented the first sophisticated counting and calculating algorithm.

People like Pythagoras too invented the relationship between the length of a triangle.

In other words these are all invented so mathematics is invented not discovered

Whoever invented or discovered it, really made my school days crappy 😾

I help kids in primary school, and their main problem is always mathematics. For them, its an inventovery :)

It does not. What makes a man/woman mature is not the longivity of their life but how their personalty are mold. You can live a hundred years but don't have the proper mindset. 

Even a 10-year old girl makes herself mature given life experience and having the proper attitude of mindset of everything. Maturity comes from the mind and heart, not from the length of living. As I mentioned, you can have a lot of experience in love but still don't have the right attitude and mindset, you can never be mature.

and..who even wants to? :) Old people (from my experience) are usually kids again....or kids as always.

I don't think maturity has anything to do with age, granted alot of people that are old are matured but there are equally alot of young people that are quite matured as well.

Let me put it this way, maturity is a function of how sensible you are as a person, for old people being sensible stems from a life time of experiences which include ups and downs, successes and mistakes. As people get older they tend to get more matured because of all the things they've seen in life but this doesn't mean that this holds true for everyone.

I've met alot of old people who are just as childish as they were when they were younger, they haven't learned anything at all over the years. People like that are living proof that maturity doesn't necessarily come with old age.

I also have friends who have amazed me with the level of maturity that they've displayed oflver the years and most of them aren't even up to 30. Becoming mature is a decision you have to make on your own, you can either continue being ignorant or you can wisen up.

Age doesn't necessarily make one mature, but experience is what makes you one mature to some extent, however in a few cases age can bring experience which makes one mature.

Nevertheless one can be very young and yet have so many life experience which can bring about maturity.

In a nutshell age doesn't connote maturity, However it definitely can bring experience which can Iin turn mean maturity but not in all cases

No. Age is just a number.  What does make you mature though, is the things you have been through in life. How you dealth with the hard times and what you learned from them. How many mistakes you made, that shaped the person you are now.  Times that you fell on the ground, but stood up.  . Did you crumble under the pressure of life, or did  you come out as a hero? 

Those are the kind of things that make one more mature. Life experiences. Lessons learned.  

That said, I've met people throughout my life that were much more mature than their age would suggest and in my experience they were one of the most valuable people that came into my life. Most of them have been through some really hard times but they came out as heroes. Much better people than they would have ever became if it wasn't for what they had to go through.

Depends on how one defines maturity.  It is very subjective. Each and every person's expectations of mature behavior is different I feel. In terms of being able to understand and realize the emotional state of others, perform actions without the intention of hurting anyone's feelings, having a mental makeup where we are objective when it comes to work, the ability to operate without wanting anyone's approval and being able to look at the bigger picture always. To add to it and make it simpler, i guess we shouldn't act upon jealousy, irrational fear, greed, envy, our ego.. anything that is impulsive, self destructive and can be brought under the ambit of compulsive behavior.  By this i do not mean that we should try and suppress such emotions, but rather make an effort to be self aware and understand the root of this behavior. 

A lot of it has to do with upbringing probably  and also the individual's willingness to evolve. Age is definitely not something that always determines a person's maturity. It is their willingness to learn and increase their self awareness. 

Unfortunately no. Just like being young in age doesn't make one immature.

Maturity has a lot to do with experience, and how you deal with that experiences, how much you've learned from them. And some people never really learn a lot.

We will use the following equation of motion to get the answer:

S = (v^2 -u^2)/2*g

where, S = Perpendicular distance traveled from the surface of the earth.

u = muzzle velocity of the bullet

v = final velocity (zero in our case)

g = acceleration due to gravity

So if the muzzle speed of the bullet was 700m/s then, 

S = (0 - 700^2)/2*(-9.8) = 25000 meters

So if the bullet was fired at a speed of 700 meters per second than it would go to a height of 25 kilometers.


  1. No air friction is assumed
  2. No wind velocity taken into account
  3. Neither the affect of Earths rotation nor revolution is considered

Thanks @harshcash! But will this equation apply if the bullet gets to outer space??

The equation would still apply as it relies mainly on gravity. and the object by not in contact with any solids so in outer space yes there wont be any atmosphere but the factors that have two be present is the speed of the bullet, the gravitational force of the earth at the point of firing and the angle of firing , the time the ending speed and the displacement all relies on those three factors. In outer space only the gravitational force would change, so the equation would still be applicable.

Thanks @omegagamerow. What happens if the gravitational force on the bullet becomes zero , due to distance from the earth?

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

There are several things that you learn during your time in the crypto market. Although the basics of the trading remains the same but each person develops their own style to keep up with the markets. So I think it would be more helpful to cover the basic rules that can be universally applied. 

Please keep in mind that you asked the question about trading crypto and not about generally investing in crypto, because there are differences between the two. So I am going to treat the question as I see it. Here are a few rules to keep in mind before you start trading crypto:

1. Invest only what you are willing to loose. This mantra doesn't really means that you don't trust the market. The idea behind this is to invest that amount of money, over which you can take cool, calm and objective decisions. People loose money over emotions and gain money by being objective and logical.

2. Research, research and more research. Take a careful look at the projects that you want to start investing in. You don't have to be a technical wiz to listen to videos and read reviews, so don't worry about your lack of knowledge of the crypto world. You'll learn as you go along.

3. Look up on the technical analysis of the price movement of the coins. TA is something that is absolutely essential if you want to become a good trader. From the biggest to the smallest traders, all use TA to get a future projection of markets.

4. Have a strategy - Day trading, weekly trading, monthly trading, etc. Stick to it and don't get greedy because it will cloud your judgement. Greed will make even a logical mind stupid. 

Thanks for the tips.

First of all decentralized technology is still new to the world. Its market penetration and adoption is still negligible.

With the passage of time as more and more people are aware of this technology, it is becoming more and more popular. 

Now even many countries has started accepting this as currency and many other are in the process of adopting.

So in future a more countries will jump into it and it will gain more trust of people. Its value will also increase.

Honestly speaking, crypto has still lot of potential in it. Especially if someone is targeting it for a longer period. 

If someone intends to invest in this business, one should be very careful and have proper study of the crypto currencies, which he/she intend to buy.

One should also be very clear which type of investment he/she wants to make i.e short term or day trading, medium term and long term.

It seems that prices are at the lower side and eventually will go up if invested for the longer period. The point here is one should invest only that much of amount which he can afford to hold for a longer period. 

If someone is will for short term, he should have proper market research before entering into some coins. It is also advisable to have some market to form an opinion.

Another point where many of us make a mistake is that one should not invest all the money in one coin instead invest should be diversified. analytical tools available in the

One should not make all the investment at once in one time instead investment should be made in steps.  

The main theme of game of thrones is that doing good will get you killed. Good guys die. That's just the way the world works. It's a true and proper reflection of the bitter truth of this world. The bad people always win because they play dirty and the good guys keep losing because they don't do what needs to be done to win.

But at the same time the series also shows that being bad isn't always perfect because karma catches up with everyone. And as such, every antagonist in the series eventually dies a gruesome death that matches the cruel way they have lived their lives. This is seen in Geoffrey's choking to death, little finger, the silent killer getting his throat slit open and Ramsey Bolton, the brutal murderer getting eaten by dogs.

These themes and the show help to represent the real world and the way it works in a way that no other series of movie does. Can't wait for the next season to come out

The main theme of "Game of thrones" is politics and howbeit it has other theme as well and when you take a lot at everything the series revolved around you will noticed it's mainly politics and why do I say this?

We could see a possible hunt for the people trying to sit on the iron throne from Cersi Lannister to Danneryis Tagearyn the betrayal by Euron greyjoy and how he killed his brother to take over the salt throne is evidence of political corruption, the unruly desire for power and the insatiable urge to worship.

There is also themes like sorcery, magic, archaic believe in things like dragon, incest, prostitution acute nudity and the way of life of people who lived in the earliest centuries a very long time ago.

However the plot of the series centres on politics and the second will be political corruption and betrayal

Game of Thrones Theme", also referred to as "Game of Thrones Main Title Theme", is the theme music of the television series Game of Thrones. It plays during the title sequence and was composed by Ramin Djawadi in 2011, after series creator David Benioff and D. B. Weiss approached him requesting a theme

If I'm not mistaken, Brave Browser is one of the projects of BAT or basic ant token, which is one of the cryptocurrencies. Using Brave Browser allows you to earn BAT tokens while using it.

But the great thing about Brave browser is it a fast and private web browser with an ad blocker. This feature allows the user to consume lesser mobile data than using the conventional web browsers.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Define safer.  If safer means protecting you from being data mined and your personal information sold then yes, it is safer! In the case of malicious attacks its the same as Google, or any other browser but, what separates DuckDuckGo from others is that it doesn't track you while you browse. Unlike other popular search engines, especially Google, that collect, store and sell its users private information,   Duckduckgo protects your privacy against the global mass surveillance. 

 DuckDuckGo describes itself as "the search engine that doesn't track you". They promise  not to use cookies to follow its users and say that they don't collect any of our personal information. Even your IP address is hidden when you use DuckDuckGo.

This depends on your definition of safe. 

In terms of your computer being anymore safe from malicious attacks than it already is, would not be dependent solely on your search engine. Really, your search engine offers barely any protection at all against malicious attacks. 

In terms of tracking, duckduckgo should offer you the most protection in this sense. 

If anonymity is your goal, you will need to do more than just use duckduckgo. Google Chrome stores every page you visit, (unless in incognito mode I believe, and I wouldn't be foolish enough to believe it's true incognito). Your searches will all be saved in your browsing history. This isn't privacy oriented IMO. 

So, if by safe you mean anon, you're definitely going to need to do some research, use a browser such as firefox, and start reading about browser config, because you will need to change a few settings ;)

Hope this answer helps!

You traveled to a new city with 600 km/h speed by a Japanese bullet train, sit back in a American restaurant and ordered some Italian foods and they served on Chinese plates - this can be possible of globalisation!

Despite of having so many good effects it also has some bad effects on a native cultures of some countries :

● Today's youths of some countries including India feel sham to speak their mother tongue. They afraid to be called rustic, in a result so many native languages loosing their importance because of globalisation. Many health issues arise to prefer imported junk food than native foods. Farmers and labours lost their job because of some machines.

● Globalisation made us highly diplomatic, we forget our old traditions and preferring new professionalism . Today, joint family is a subject of surprise specially for the citizens of metropolitan cities. Grandparents become guests to their child's house and loose the natural love and respect of their grandchild because of nuclear familisation.

● Our old traditions teach us to keep a bit distance between different genders in other side globalisation has mixed them up and risen physical relationship before marriage. Similarly marriage lost its importance because of lots number of divorces, now it has become a official relationship than to be relation of two hearts.

Overall, our native culture is really affected  badly by globalisation in respect of dressing, in respect of foods, in respect of speaking, in respect of respecting and many more.

What about Cryptocurrency inspires you or catches your interest ?

I have always loved the idea of earning cryptocurrency for many years. It inspires me because of the flux with the rise and fall. Though sometimes not too stable withing the value of this kind of currency, but the main insipration for my love of it is I feel like I am duping the government. The idea that it isn't concidered part of the tax world, meaning I get keep all I earned. Along with the bartering system that I tend to live by, cryto feels like just that.

I wish I had mining server up and running 24/7, but the only access to internet is wifi at the library. Maybe soon this will change and I can be in the market for many types of cryto.

The main reason why I have a great hope on Cryptocurrencies is the technology behind it. I strongly believe that that Blockchain can be a revolutionary future. We are just currently in the starting stages. And fortunately I feel we are early adopters of this technology.

There are also so many drawbacks as well that we have to agree. Since we are in beta stages, we have to be patient until this is stablized.

Also, at this point in time we should not be worrying about the price of cryptocurrencies. They will see lots of ups and downs. We will be able to gain good hold of it only if we hold it for a longer period of time.

Initially I was attracted towards Crypto currencies because of highly volatile.

It seem to be an easy money.

Decentralized technology is still new to the world. Its market penetration and adoption is still negligible.

With the passage of time as more and more people are aware of this technology, it is becoming more and more popular. 

Now even many countries has started accepting this as currency and many other are in the process of adopting.

So in future a more countries will jump into it and it will gain more trust of people. Its value will also increase.

and then I also attracted toward Steemit and then musing and I found it more interesting.

We can make some passive income through it without any investment.

Here in the United States, out of all the places I've been I can only narrow it down to two. And that is because they are totally, totally different places. However, I have not been everywhere in the country, despite driving cross country over a dozen times. Nor have I fully experienced many places I've been. But I feel pretty strongly about these and I know there are others out there who would back me up. 

In terms of nature, that's a really hard one. There's a ton of amazing geography throughout the states, hidden between the piles of crumbling d-bags. A few years ago, I got a chance to visit Yellowstone National Park while driving cross country. Of course, our timing was off, and we ended up driving through it mostly at night. But it was still cool- and free! Haha. When we entered there were *walls* of snow, despite it being pretty late in the season. There was also a nice outhouse with feces smeared all over the walls. 

Still, though, it was beautiful. Just bad timing. Another time I got snowed out of one of the coolest places in the states was when a group of friends and I decided to go 6 hours out of our way while driving cross country to visit the Grand Canyon. When we got there, however, we encountered a whiteout snowstorm-something that rarely ever happens there, apparently. I got luckier my second time though, and got to enjoy it with my ex in some beautiful, beautiful weather. 

There are a ton of other beautiful places in the states(I refuse to capitalize that), but I think what really tops the charts for me in terms of all the places I've been is the Oregon coast. It. is. amazing. 

Sure, the entire west coast is amazing. And I don't mean like as a whole- I mean literally the coastline. The famous Route 1(I think?) that follows down the California drive is truly one of the most beautiful scenic routes I've ever been on. Although make sure to fill up when you can; there's a long stretch with only one "town"(station) that charges up to 3x the price of gas. Just cause they can!

But yeah. The Oregon coast. One of the most amazing places I've ever been. If you ever get the chance I strongly suggest experiencing it. 

Oregon doesn't have a ton of culture, though. Sure, Portland is pretty cool, and there are a ton of amazing towns dotted around; but I've heard the state as a whole is a little, well, "snobby". In terms of culture, I'd say the coolest place by far that I have been to in the continental US is New Orleans, LA. 

New Orleans is so cool! There is so much going on and so much interesting architecture and history. I literally don't think it would be possible to get bored in New Orleans. I would definitely want to try to live there at some point if it wasn't for the inability to access snow and the fact that my black/brown dog doesn't want to be in that sort of heat. 

There are a ton of other cool places here. And this is coming from someone who hates our politics; don't get me confused as a patriot. Both Hawaii and Alaska are apparently amazing. 

In a few weeks I'm about to embark on a multiple year trip around the country with my dog so I'm sure I'll be seeing plenty more places! I'll be posting our journeys here if you have any interest in checking it out and seeing some of the places we get to experience. 

Here in the Philippines we have numerous beauty spots you can visit.

If you've seen in the map, we are consist of islands that is why one of our major travel destinations are the beaches. I can proudly say that our beaches are really beautiful and you can view marine animals such as whale, dolphin and fishes swimming, you can even swim with them.

Another is our nature. In the province a lot of green areas can be seen. Fresh air and calm vibes. We also have the one of the most tiny monkeys in the world, the tarsier. And a lot more animals that is only seen in the country.

We also have the chocolate hills, it is known to be called chocolate because once the summer is on it's peak the grass turns brown and the hills will look like chocolates.

There are a few old buildings that are still standing nowadays. It reminds us of all times and served as a preservation of the past.

Overall our country is one of the best in terms of natural resources. It's just that some are exploiting it. I just hope that the people will always protect nature! We have so much potential in terms of tourist destinations.

The ring of Kerry in Ireland has everything Ireland has to offer . Stunning views and pubs with great atmosphere . Just a great place to visit

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

There are plenty of them in Indonesia depending your interests. Since indonesia is an archipelago country, it translates as having multiple islands with different characteristic. However, I am going to narrow it down by picking major islands in Indonesia. 

Here's my version of navigating your way through Indonesia. 

  1.  All you can have - Truly live party scene, digital nomad, neo-hippie, yoga, meditation, culture, traditional taste, amazing nature, multicultural.  : BALI Island indonesia.
  2. All of mentioned above without the huge party and less multicultural : Lombok Island Indonesia
  3. Business hub, party, skyscrapers, pollution, megapolitan and insanely crazzy traffic : Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia.
  4. Local culture, Royal family, History,  Student's city,  party scene is dull : Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  5. Again local culture, tribes, nature as in rain forest, great spot for documentary film : Kalimantan, Indonesia
  6. Great food, local culture, mixture of middle eastern and Indonesia culture, close to Singapore : Sumatra Island. 

Here in Nigeria, there are a lot of places worth visiting. Personally I've been to few but I'd try to make a list of those I've been to and those I've heard of and planning to go to.

The first on the list is the Ikogosi warm water and cold water spring at Ekiti. The major side attraction of this destination is you get to witness the wonders of nature, where a singular source of water is producing both warm water and cold water, meeting at the same point.

The second on this list is the olumo rock in Abekokuta. Here you witness a natural formation of rocks and the beauty of nature all around it.

Thirdly, we have the Palace of the Ooni of Ife and the Ife kingdom. This is believed to be the headquarters of the Yoruba kingdom and the origin of the Yoruba people..

Further more, you can visit places like the Yankari games reserve, Obudu Cattle Ranch, the benin Kingdom, the Tomb of Bilikis Sungbo or Sungbo Eredo believed to be the Biblical Queen of Sheba who visited king Solomon, Zuma Rock in Abuja, Lekki Conservation Centre in lagos, whispering palms in Badagry, the Slave trade centre and the place of no return in Badagry, the ibadan Zoo etc.

These are just few out of the many places you can visit in Nigeria. I couldn't list them all because it's much.

You can visit to learn of our history, past, present and witness the harmony of Nature in Nigeria.

A country with good people who never forgets their origin and a great nation

In Belgium, that is:

  • Antwerp
  • Bruges
  • Brussels
  • Durbuy
  • Ostend

Do you think fish can hibernate?

There are lots of videos available in Youtube that justifies how a fish can hibernate. Do you buy this theory?

If what you mean by "necessary" is required to be done, then NO. It's honestly not that required for the blockchain to upgrade to HF20. As a matter of fact, we could literally just be content with HF19 and use it for years. This is also the reason why a supermajority of the top witnesses (17 out of 21) needs to reach a consensus first before it pushes through to know if it is really needed.

However there is no denying that there are major issues right now that prevents Steem from gaining mass adoption, one of which is the Creation of New Accounts. HF20 (codenamed Velocity) tries to provide a solution for this by their discounted account creation tokens. There is also the issue of spammers spamming the blockchain and is mostly the reason why "Resource Credits" (CR)  will be introduced by the next hard fork. All are improvements that will make Steem a better and stable platform and a platform that will be ready for mass adoption.

So while it isn't really necessary to do another Hard Fork, it is however needed for long-term goals. To provide solutions to the current problems Steem is experiencing and make Steem a much more stable and great platform.

Absolutely, it is necessary since the growth of steem depends on this.  With the HF20 that is planned to take place on September 25 of this year, several aspects that have flaws or need updating within the chain of steem blocks will be improved, some changes that will occur during the HF20 are:  

  • > System based on Resource Credits (CR) 
  • > Change the system for creating accounts. 
  • > Creation of discounted account 
  • > Discount account creation tokens 
  • > Stake-based discount account creation market 
  • > Recording account creation fee 
  • > Contempt creation of account with delegation operation 
  • > Reverse modified account creation fee 
  • > Dust vote threshold changes 
  • > Elimination of the minimum restriction of SP shutdown 
  • > Healing updates 
  • > Changes for Witnesses 

to mention a few, (you can see more about the HF20 from the following link:  

In addition, the HF20 is also necessary to receive the SMTs that will add value to the chain of steem blocks through the different DAPPS that are planned to be created or that are already created and are waiting for the development of SMT to be completed, which will happen in the first quarter of next year. 

I think putting in like 20% of my current savings wouldn't be a bad idea. There's a very good chance that the market is going to mimic what happened last year and converting some of your savings into something like BTC which will most probably lead the charge if there's going to be a bull run.

I get so upset when in hear things like this because it's statements like this that actually encourage men to go out and cheat.

No matter the circumstance, cheating is never and should never be exceptable!!! If you give your husband the impression that you'll forgive him if he cheats then I guarantee you, he's going to cheat. It's not burned into the male DNA to cheat, it's something that society has gradually encouraged and nortured in the minds of all men and now even women, well let me tell you that it's not true, not all men cheat

My darling, do not settle for a cheating man, do your research on your boyfriend before you decide to make him your husband and don't let what friends who have been brainwashed by society taint what you believe. Not every man cheats, if you expect your man to cheat then you're only going to end up making him cheat even if he has no plan of cheating. All men aren't the same and if a man cheats in a marriage then I don't think he's worth staying with.

Be loyal to your partner and expect nothing less from them, if who ever you're with can't be loyal to you and only you then push them to the side and find someone who will, don't ever accept that mindset that whoever you're with will cheat, because you devalue your worth as a woman when you do so. You're a queen, and no queen deserves to be cheated on, no queen should put up with that no matter what.

I disagree with the statement that all the men cheat. 

It not true, not everyone has the same habits.

Cheating depends on the personal habits of the individual whether they are men or women.

If I have been cheated by a man or woman it doesn’t mean that everyman or everywoman is cheating.

If a man or a woman is cheating his partner then reasons must be looked into.  

However, following qualities should be looked into while selecting a partner:-

Trustworthy: no relation can be strong if partner do not have trust on each other.

Maturity: your partner should be mature enough to stand with you in difficulties.

Openness: partners should be open to each other.

Honesty: without honesty no relation could be last longer. 

Respect: partner should have respect for each other.

Love and affection: Love and affection is the most important quality of partners.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

No, it's not. It's never certain. I can say in all honesty that I've never cheaten on my wife since we're together. 

I do speak for myself now though, I know there are men who cheat, but there are also a lot of men like me, who don't.

But, if you live in your relationship with the idea that he will cheat you anyway, and that you'd better deal with it, it will show in your relationship. You will never be fully 'into' it, because you are afraid to get hurt. And if he feels that you are not really into the relationship, he might go looking for that elsewhere.

That's what is called a self-fulfilling prophecy, or manifestation. It happens because you think it will.

But be careful, this does NOT mean that if your husband cheats on you, that it is by definition your fault! Nor is this an excuse for men to cheat! What I mean to say is that if you want a loving and healthy relationship, you both need to be in it whole heartedly.

The karbala war is a war that takes place in the same people, this war can be called the civil war in the second Islam which took place around the 10th of Muharram.

This war was caused by the struggle for the Caliphate carried out by the Umayyads who at that time declared themselves as the unilateral Khalifah of the Muslims.

Karbala is a war over the right of the Ahlul Bait (the family of the Messenger of Allah) that happened because it was a denial made by the Umayyad family by giving up the position of Caliph to his son, Yazid. The power of the Muawiyah Dynasty was planned since the reign of Umar and reached the peak in the reign of Hasan as, son of Ali ibn Abu Talib. At first Hasan did not want to pledge allegiance to Muawiyah, but for the sake of the salvation of the people and the widespread slander, Hasan was forced to pledge allegiance to Muawiyah.


If you were to ask me this ten years ago, I would have said Mozilla. 

Today I prefer Chrome for 100 % of my computing. Why this is, is very simple for me. 

Chrome makes it easy to save passwords, bookmark pages, add nice extensions, ect.

You can perform these operations with Mozilla as well, but Chrome syncs very nicely with your google account, as well as your devices that are connected to google. For this reason, Chrome has become the easy choice for me, due to convenience.

If you are more privacy oriented, I would choose Mozilla, because the browser is very customizable, and in my experience, modifying the browser config is quite easy. 

I hope this answer helps!

That's a bit like asking: which one do you prefer, Mercedes, or BMW? Both are great browsers, and both alternate to being "the best one", depending on the versions, or depending on what you feel is important to you.

For me, privacy is important. And Google (who owns and develops Chrome) is not really all that big about privacy.

So, if yo uask me, the best browser is Firefox.

Mozilla Firefox can be the best choice

So far Firefox is often referred to as a tough competitor of Chrome because it has some promising features

Here are the advantages of Firefox compared to Chrome

1. Firefox Is Better In Privacy Than Chrome.

Surely you agree that privacy is one that we should prioritize. If you are one of those people who think privacy is important then Chrome won't suit you.

because it can be ascertained that Google has monitored you and will track everything in your account to ensure that the ads targeted to you are the most relevant. Chrome will always ask you to associate applications with Google ID

so that it can synchronize your data, while in Firefox these things will not happen.

2. Firefox is easy to operate.

Firefox is a browser that is very easy to use when compared to Chrome. You can prove this when in Chrome you will find lots of navigation,

especially when many tabs are open, the elements will start to shrink with the new tab and make it impossible for you to know the information from each tab Unlike Firefox, which will find the user interface in the form of scroll side (side scroll) which will really help you scroll with the mouse.

3. Chrome Eat lots of RAM.

RAM has a function as a memory for temporary storage when the computer is run and can be accessed randomly. Although Chrome offers the fastest page rendering, it turns out that behind fast rendering has the effect of consuming a lot of RAM

4. Firefox Is Equipped With Default Reader Mode

Don't expect more on Chrome because about the Reader mode you won't find in Chrome

But otherwise this Reader mode will be present and you can find it in Firefox, Safari, and Edge. Reader mode certainly makes our eyes more comfortable when looking at the screen.

We know that there's no doubt about the greatness of Chrome that has been equipped with dozens of extensions, But you will find Firefox add-ons that are exclusive to this browser only. One of them is the MoScript extension that is only available for Firefox users.

Thus reviews of the advantages you get from Mozilla Firefox when compared to Google Chrome, Hopefully the review above can be a reference for those of you who are choosing a browser with good privacy, Mozilla Firefox can be an option,

I will go with chrome

I once lost the file I stored my steemit password in but with the aid of Chrome browser I was able to get it back.

Chrome saves data and it also good for book marking.

With chrome browser one can download a page and read it when offline

It's a good means for saving passwords and it's secured

Yes, probably as soon as HardFork20 (HF20) is released and accepted by witness consensus. Unless the STEEM price drops drastically further between now and Sept. 25th, which would increase the debt ratio, SBD will printed again once HF20 has been adopted by the witnesses.

This is because HF 20 changes the debt correction levels to happen only between 9-10% of debt, rather than to kick in as soon as 2% already.

Currently the debt correction happens according to this rule set (source @timcliff post linked below):

> When the STEEM/SBD debt ratio is between 0% and 2%: 0% STEEM, 100% SBD.
> When the STEEM/SBD debt ratio is between 2% and 5%: linearly changes from 0% STEEM, 100% SBD to 100% STEEM, 0% SBD.

> When the STEEM/SBD debt ratio is greater than 5%: 100% STEEM, 0% SBD.

In HF20 the debt correction will happen only starting at 9% (source Steemitblog):

> Under the new rules, SBD tokens will continue to be printed unless/until the debt ratio reaches 9% of the STEEM market cap. Between 9% and 10%, liquid payouts will shift linearly from paying 100% SBD and 0% STEEM at 9%, to paying 0% SBD and 100% STEEM at 10%.

Top witness @timcliff has an excellent explanation of SBD in this post:

Time and Money Management Skills!!! I think that these two life skills should be taught to young adults.

The problem with today's generation is that they are so attracted to new technologies and gadgets that when one is released, they go immediately purchase and buy it online. All for the sake of being part of the "cool" one.

While it is no major cause of concern when they have their parents on their side, it will become a huge problem the moment they go out solo in the outside world.

Having a good knowledge on how to manage your money and time is probably the best life skill one should have in today's time as it allows one to survive and live a stress-free life without worrying too much nor expecting too much about anything.

If one can manage his time and money properly, then he's all set for the outside world.

This may sound like a funny one, but it's a pet peeve of mine

Children are not taught at a young age how to interact with animals. As a dog lover/owner most of my life I can not tell you how horrified I am when little kids run up to my dogs on walks and want to smother or come over the top at them

It might not seem a valuable skill, but it is definitely one that more people need to learn. Dog's on leashes are already in a defensive state of mind, they know they can't escape, or run away from a situation. A dog should never be  approached at a run, yelling, hands raised etc. Most dogs, especially nervous or skittish ones, will take this as a threat to one degree or another

Please teach your children to approach any animal slowly, cautiously, never approach with your hands above the dog's head, always have them lower to the ground. Give the dog a chance to smell/sniff you and decide if you are OK. If a dog backs away from you, do not push the encounter.

Skills like that should be taught to every child in my opinion

3 Social Skills that are very important for children who are rarely taught

1. Sharing Skills

Many students have difficulty sharing time and materials. This complication can bring serious management problems during cooperative learning lessons. Become a boss against other students, talk endlessly, and doing all the group work yourself are examples of students' inability to share. Dominant students are often carried out consciously and unknowingly due to their behavior towards other students or their group work.

2. Participatory Skills

Some students who dominate group activities, other students even do not want or cannot participate. Sometimes students avoid group work out of shame. Often shy students are very smart and can work alone well or with others. Students who are excluded are other types of students who have difficulty participating in group activities. Finally, there are certain students who choose, for any reason, to work alone and refuse to participate in cooperative group activities.

3. Communication Skills

everyone has experienced difficulties in giving ideas or feelings so that ideas or feelings are perceived accurately by listeners, and accurately, people experience the same difficulties in listening and interpreting what others say to us. Cooperative groups cannot function effectively if the group's work is marked by miscommunication.

There are four communication skills to avoid miscommunication, which is to repeat with their own sentences, describe behavior, describe feelings, and check impressions. These four skills are important and should be taught to students to facilitate communication in group settings.

In addition to everything else listed, to do basic things. Especially for men whose biggest reason for not doing very basic things is that they don't know how/were never taught.

I'm talking how to cook stuff that's not from a box, or at least how to spice up boxed stuff like how a few spices and some veggies added to pre-packaged ramen can make it not only more filling but tastier and at least somewhat healthier.

I'm talking how to do laundry, something I see a lot of adults just not knowing how to do. Why it's important to separate your whites and colors, what the different tags mean, how to make your own laundry detergent for cheaper than the store stuff.

While we're on clothing, teaching how to hem/adjust clothes and do repair jobs is a very useful skill that I've never seen taught unless one parent already knows how or special classes are taken but it should be a more widely taught skill. Saves loads of money if you can go shopping and find something a little too big for you but know how to adjust it to fit, especially if you're thrift shopping.

Basic troubleshooting for household appliances is also something useful but almost never taught. I know how to reset our garbage disposal if it stops working, for example. I know how to unclog just about any drain with simple home remedies. And I know when it's time to call a professional after I've tried a few different things that do the trick 98% of the time so I can save time and money doing those first.

Also how to clean stuff. Effective ways to vacuum and do dishes, how to clean a toilet and bath tub, those kinds of things. 

All stuff that the internet taught me more than my mother or school or any other source and I had to adjust to as an adult. And all very useful skills that are actually practical for the real world regardless of your job or just about anything else.


Vaccines have been known right from time to be safe, in the present day, the news and government say they are safe. But taking a closer look at vaccines, we see that there is much more toworried about.

Chemicals which make up the ingredients of vaccines are dangerous toxins known as mutagens and carcinogens. These substances causes mutations of the cells. In small quantities they are harmless but accumulatively they are dangerous. Children take up to 20 vaccines before they are five and these toxins can lead to death or brain damage.

Some of these toxins include

Aluminum phosphate, which is a corrosive acid

Aluminum sulphate which is a highly carcinogenic chemical and corrosive acid especially when mixed with water.

Thimerosal which is 46.9% mercury and is the second most toxic element on earth next to platinum and is a neuro toxin.

Acetone which is used as a solvent for oaints and oils and in the manufacturing of plastics.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

To do:

Watch the tattooist's book to see his work
Follow or at least take into account the tattoo artist's recommendations on size, location, details, etc ...
Once the work is done, follow the tattoo artist's instructions carefully regarding the care of a fresh tattoo.

Not to do:

Haggle. If the price does not suit you, try the competition.
Drink alcohol before, during, or after the tattoo.
Giggling, squirming, screaming, complaining. Clench your teeth and wait for it to pass, it probably will not be the worst pain of your life.
Assume that the tattoo artist will start or finish on time. The lack of punctuality is a chronic disease of tattoo artists.
Go to the beach, the pool, or the sun in the weeks following the tattoo.


If you are happy with your tattoo, let it know.
As at Musing, BNBR stands up to the tattoo artist, his workplace, his colleagues and clients.
In most cases, avoid visible and non-concealable tattoos on the face, neck, hands, etc.
Avoid the names of your girlfriend or boyfriend, the signs of infinity, the portraits of your kids or your dogs.
Do not overeat!

How to make beer at home?

Hello friends, I was seeing many brands of craft beer, and I thought it was a very interesting world to make this homebrew made by hand.
I like beer is very delicious, but I always thought that it would not give my touch.


Hi dude considered one of the oldest alcoholic beverages in the world, beer appeared 6,000 years ago in Mesopotamia. Made from cereals such as barley and spelled, this beverage was then called "Sikaru". Nowadays, beer is mainly composed of malt, hops, yeasts and water. For lovers of this drink, we offer in this tutorial to make it yourself.

Before you start making your own beer, you need to get a kit that includes the following equipment:

  - A large brewing container and its lid,

- A clarifier,

- a test tube,

- A densimeter for beer,

- a sticker thermometer,

- A mixing spatula

- A tap of withdrawal. 

 All  the ingredients necessary for the preparation of beer are also included  in the kit, such as sugar, malt concentrate and yeast. 

 Take the material out of its packaging and wash each equipment with tap water.

We do not recommend the use of cleaning products containing bleach.

Instead, you can opt for neutral dishwashing liquid.

Avoid drying material with rigid tissue.

Then place the brew bucket on your worktop.

Insert the draw-off tap into the opening on the container body and then glue the self-adhesive thermometer onto it. 

No, not in the slightest, human life is far more precious than the lives of any pet.

Pets may be dear to us but every pet can be replaced and as sad as that sounds it's the truth. You can literally go to the pet store and adopt a new one but a human being can't be replaced so easily.

A father cannot be replaced in the life of a child and a child cannot be replaced in the eyes of a parent. Yes we form strong bonds with our pets and animals, I should know, I have a few myself but their lives can never matter more than another humans life. Over the course of a lifetime, most people will outlive their pets and get new ones then outlive them again. If you out live a brother, a lover, a cousin or whoever, you can't replace them with someone else.

If a choice was to be made between a pet life and another human being, just remember that a pet can be replaced with another one that looks and will probably behave like the other one, but a human being cannot be replaced so easily.

This is a very sensitive issue but I guess with musing, topics like this are healthy.

One thing I'd like to remind is even if it's a pet, or another living thing - it is still life. It's all about how thinking a lot of circumstances and the type of people who would you like to react.

The fact is, people have different judgment and everyone has their opinion. For me, it depends on the situation and of course your personal preference. While most of the time we should follow the society's moral and standard, everyone would expect human beings should be treated with utmost care.

But to ourselves and the people who understand our burden, valuing our pet's life is more of a "feeling" rather than importance. 

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

That's a very big no, No matter how much attachment you have towards that pet, it shouldn't be valued over the life of another human being like yourself.

It's all shades of wrong, and simply means you see other humans as lesser beings whose lives are worthless than that of your pet.

In my opinion, anybody that values the life of a pet over the life of another human being no matter the circumstances is capable of murder.

In a nutshell, no it's not okay to value the life of your let over that of another human 

With everything that is happening in our world today, it is logical and understandable that so many people will ask this question. All you need to do is focus on yourself and judge what your actiins contribute to the whole situatiin and world. Are your actions those that try to make the situatiin better or worse? This is the question you must answer to have your inner peace in the World.

The world id going through tough times and it takes brave people to do something no matrer how little to change it. For example, there is the problem of massive hunger and if you can't seem to have your inner peace seeing this then that simply means the responsibility is falling on you to do something to change the situation. It can be by sharing with someone in need around you.

The whole thing revolves around you listening to that inner voice. The reason you can't have your inner peace is simply because there is an issue that warrants your attention but you ignore it or you are hesistant to flow with the feeling and do that which you must do. There is something that is disturbing you and that is why you can't have your inner peace. All you need to do is address it or solve it and that will be the source of your inner peace.

We all need inner peace but if i must tell you, genuine inner peace can only come from one true source. Only Jesus Christ can really give us eternal peace of mind.

What is an ICE car ?

Yes, I could look this up, but if this gets answered, we have it documented on musing.

"ICEV" in automotive engineering is the abbreviation of Internal Combustion Engine Vehicle.

So an ICE car Is a car that uses a fuel source to power itself. Recently people started referring petrol/diesel cars as ICE because of the need to differentiate between cars with newer technologies such as an EV (Electric Vehicle), HEV (Hybrid Electric Vehicle), FCV (Fuel Cell Vehicle) and the likes.

I guess that the acronym ICE stands for 'Internal Combustion Engine'. That's the only way that the acronym ICE makes sense in front of the word 'car'.

Usually cars all have internal combustion engines, but with the recent boost in electric cars the difference between them is becoming more prominent in media by specification of the type of car it is - 'electric' or 'ICE'.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I don't think so, the musing curators upvote posts in a completely non-biased way. Every post is read and evaluated based on whether or not it's relevant to the question and how much knowledge has been passed across and how much effort was put into answering the question.

I believe that having your opinion of whether something is right or wrong is a fundamental part of being human. It's people's opinions that basically run steemit, if I feel that your answer isn't right or isn't in line with the context of the question asked then I won't vote your post.

There's more  than  one  curator on musing and if they agree that an answer is correct then it most probably is. Their opinions matter and that's why they're curators, there's no prejudice whatsoever, if your answers are quality then they will get a quality upvote.

Maybe they did not predict the future. They already know what is going to happen and they wanted to show their power with placing them into some cartoons basicly. 

Here is the conspiracy theory: They are controlling the world and they have a strong power. By the way, I do not know who they are (I do not want to be a target 🤫). 

Think about it when you have a very strong power, you want to show it every one right. It is the human nature. They love to show their power and controlling strength. Therefore, they place some signature as an artist and they wait audience to find out these signatures over events. 

When people find out these signatures later on, they are proud and happy. They are now known by huge audience. 

Just thinking and interpreting. It is conspiracy theory after all. 🤔🤨🤔😨

 They are not predictions, they are simple coincidences that used logic and that unwittingly became reality.

 Being a world-known building, it was at risk of disasters and terrorist attacks from the beginning, since if someone particular or some criminal or terrorist organization wants to be noticed, it must attack very important places or places.

 As were the twin towers, it could have been any other well-known building that had a great symbolic and patrimonial value for the nation.

Source of inspiration nice question 🖐️

I identify my source of inspiration is my curiosity. I am very curious person and l love learning

I ask lots of questions and wonder too many things. All of these things bring me knowledge. When I have right knowledge, I could use it in right places. Inspiration comes with this curiosity and my learning appetite. 

Another source could be my wish to see people happy. I like to solve people's problem and see the smile. These problems are small to solve for me, but very stressful for them. 

With my learning skills, I could search and read their problem and present best thing I find as a result. 

The last one is being hungry to success. I love learning and being successful in a field. For this I have enough patience and perseverance

These give me inspirations and also my baby (My lovely little baby more powerful than others :) )

I best describe my source of inspiration as unshakable because it comes from within me. I have this believe right from my childhood  that **you as a person have  greater role to play in achieving whatever you want to actualize in life.** There is nothing like strength from within, a strong believe that everything and anything can be achieved if only you've made up your mind, you will surely conquer.

What I think it is, is that the government got a little greedy. People couldn't pay their basic necessities, so the economy couldn't grow because people don't have enough money to let it grow. So the government doesn't get enough money to survive because for them, everything is also too expensive. So what do they do, they print more money to afford their luxuries, and by doing so, creating more existing money, and that means that the money loses more value, and for the people things become more expensive, also for the government, so they print again more money and by doing so, you get returning circle. 

If the government wasn't greedy in the first place and didn't try to regulate people lives as far as deciding what they can and cant eat, this didn't happened. Anyway, that is just an speculation, but I have seen it many times, that is what socialism does to a country. The government just want to control people, and have power over them, and also keep their luxury lifestyles.

Again, all speculations.

inflation rate is so high because the country is not able to repay the debt in time. So what is does, is they artificially make the price of their fiat currency lower, so the loan they have is also lower. But what they do with lower price of their own currency, is high interest rate. Too high. So high, it is not even acceptable any more. They could reduce inflation rate if country repays all of their debt or if their debt will be canceled ( just like Germany's debt was canceled in 1953) 

In the end: you can not fake the market on all sides. Markets always slap you back, in one way or the other 

India in no way prohibits cryptocurrencies or their trade on the stock market. Indian Finance Minister Arun Jaitley delivered the state budget for 2018-2019 when he touched on crypto problems and their use in the country.

Jaitley said:

"The government does not consider crypto as legal currency or coins and will take all measures to eliminate crypto use in financing unauthorized activities or as part of the payment system. "

Points to remember from the statement are:

Indian authorities do not recognize bitcoin as a legal tender. The Indian government will crack down on the use of cryptocurrency in illegal activities and; Indian authorities will prevent people from using cryptocurrencies as a payment instrument.

Jaitley did not comment on the ban on krypton, or reported a crackdown on cryptocurrency trading. A side note - Indian tax authorities actually use cryptocurrency trading to hunt down tax evaders.

In April, the Reserve Bank of India gave banks three months to cease any activity with cryptocurrencies. The Supreme Court stood by the RBI’s blanket ban on crypto transactions despite the central bankers admitting that they had no guidance and did no research on blockchain or cryptocurrencies when deciding their new policy. (They had no clue how it works, they just wanted Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency OUT of the system, so they can peacefully continue to steal money from average people - every day...)

However, it should be of no surprise that crypto has been dismissed out of hand by Indian authorities as they are in the process of the world’s largest IT project - phasing cash out of its economy and digitizing its currency.

Meanwhile, the Indian rupee (INR) has been one of the worst performing emerging market currencies against the USD this year.

It is one of the four holy months of the Hijri lunar calendar, in order the calendar is the first month and marks the beginning of the Islamic New Year.  

This month is only surpassed by Ramadán in relation to its meaning. 

This year 2018, will be held from September 12 until October 9 approximately.  This celebration is not the same for all Muslims, who celebrate it in different ways:  

  • Ashura (tenth day of Muharram) is a very important day for Muslims, as it marks the day of the abandonment of the Ark of Nuh (Noah) and also the day when Musa (Prophet Moses) is saved by God from Pharaoh Egypt, crossing The Red Sea with its people.  

  • Muharram for Shia and Sunni Muslims is different. Since many believe that this is the beginning of the Islamic New Year which has as its meaning reflection and peace.  

  • For Muslim followers of the Shia branch of Islam, it is a reflective and solemn day of Islamic history.   

  • In Shia, it has another meaning completely different from the previous ones.  Muharram is a commemoration of the death of Muhammad's grandson (Hussein Ibn Ali). He was murdered for questioning the legitimacy of the Caliph Yazid, during the battle of Karbala, which was held on the day of Ashura during the year 680 AD.  

During the Muharram, several Muslims perform fasting during the day of Ashura, and some other days of the Muharram in the form of thanksgiving. 

Some other Muslims like the Shiites perform and participate in rituals, which are mourning, which are performed in mesquitas to mourn the death of Hussein, remembering everything he did for justice.  

And some other Muslims perform public rituals, which tend to be a bit more painful, including self-flagellations, cuts and blows to various parts of their body.  

References and More information about Muharram in: 

Muharram is the first month in the Hijriyah calendar. Arabs call this month Muharram because this month they forbid war. In the past the Arab Society also named the illegitimate months with munzilul assunnah (spearhead or arrow). Because when that month comes they release arrowheads

Muharram is the first month in the Hijriyah calendar. Arabs call this month Muharram because this month they forbid war. In the past the Arab Society also named the illegitimate months with munzilul assunnah (spearhead or arrow). Because when that month comes they release arrowheads

natural Hijriyah calendar. Muharram comes from a word which means 'forbidden' or 'challenged', that is prohibited from waging war or bloodshed.

Muharram's 1st is the New Year's Day in Islam.

The cocked to the side flat brim. Every time. No matter what. Like, I have literally never seen anyone make that look good. It is so, so funny to me. 

Most other fashion trends I'm pretty open to. Not that I don't have a decent eye for fashion; but I mean I'm open to as in I think some people can pull most anything off if done the right way. But there are definitely still some other really bad ones. 

For instance, things like Ed Hardy or No Fear shirts. Like, come on. What kind of person do you have to be to wear a shirt that you think makes you come off as more badass(it doesn't). Really, any sort of that "tough-guy" stuff. Like, I grew up in punk culture and I'm all about that sort of stuff- but the dudes driving lifted trucks with fake cow balls hanging off the back of them and they all look like Dog the Bounty Hunter but are really all just carpenters and pipe layers. 

I think we all know the type. 

I guess that's all I really got for concrete stuff. Most other things I feel like there's always something out there who can pull it off. 

Except I hate when people make themselves essentially look like dolls. And pay tens of thousands to do it. What's up with that? (I'm talking to you designers)

I would break up with her immediately, not because she slept with a girl, but because she cheated. I won't do anything like ask her to invite the other girl over for a threesome, no, that's just encouraging the inevitable because she's going to have to pick one and since she stepped out then it means she wasn't satisfied with me.

Cheating is cheating irrespective of who you cheated on me with. Relationships are like mini-marriages and although you don't take any vows, you're still accountable to your partner. A wise man once said that if you love two people then pick the second person because if you truly loved the first then you wouldn't have fallen for the second person. So if she cheated then that means that either she never really loved me, or she's confused about her sexuality, and believe me when I say you don't want to be with a confused woman.

Provided I'm doing my part in the relationship and satisfying every demand then she has no right to cheat so if she does then she can go off and enjoy her new love life.

Cheating is cheating and she would  be gone

I'd probably still want pictures (I am a guy after all) but the relationship itself would be over.

There is no good reason to cheat. If you are not happy in the relationship speak up BEFORE cheating, show your maturity.

If she wanted to bring another girl into it, ASK. Somehow I doubt that is something many guys would turn down.

If she sleeps with anyone else than me, it means she doesn't find me sufficient. That is a good recipe to a breakup, so I would break up because it would be a matter of time until I loose her.

Unless you just find her also insufficient, then that is another story. 

I'd work out the threesome then break up. Fair turn.

No, you can't teach someone loyalty. Loyalty is something that can only be emulated. You can't teach a person how to be loyal, it's something that you have to make a mental decision to do.

Loyalty is something that you develop on your own, it could be inspired by watching someone else being loyal or simply by wanting to stand by someone that you admire. Loyalty is an attribute, not a skill, you don't teach people attributes, that's something that they acquire by themselves.

Of course it can

Marketing does it all the time.


Loyalty is simply a psychological belief or preference for one thing over another. Loyalty to a friend, loyalty to a spouse/lover or loyalty to your favourite brand of ice cream.

You trust that you will not be hurt, give them your loyalty and in return they will be loyal to you.

Loyalty can also be changed or moved over time. You can be taught (or manipulated might be a better phrase) to be loyal to certain factions, brands or whatever through rewards, punishment or various other external stimuli

How will you justify that beauty is an inner thing and not just external appearance?

The true beauty is always inside someone and not based on the external appearance. How will you justify this statement.

It is justified by experience and relations. You have a lot of friends and some of them are not like others. If you ask yourself that you could not be a friend to that person by looking his/her appearance. However, you know that it is a pleasure to know that person and you feel you are lucky to know that person. 

You reliase that your special friend have a very good heart and never betray you. You understand that your special friend has a very good heart and always be with you. 

Yes. They may sound alike, but there are several fundamental differences between an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) and an Initial Public Offering (IPO). In fact, even though an ICO has been described by Bloomberg as "like an IPO, but with coins", the two are so distinct they have more differences than similarities.

When it comes down to it, both an ICO and IPO have the same purpose--companies use them to raise funds. However, that's pretty much where their similarities end. So, what are these differences?

Who and When. Let's start who raises funds with an IPO and an ICO, and why.

IPOs are often used by mature credible companies and tech startups to raise funds to further their growth. Here, the company making the offer already has a working product, with a sizable user or client base, and a financially stable business model. In other words, they already have something to show their investors. That's why whatever funds they raise will be used to further their growth and expansion. IPOs also only apply to private companies who want to go public. 

ICOs, on the other hand, are used by blockchain-based companies and startups, usually at the beginning of a project to gather supporters and generate funds that can be used to develop the company's blockchain-based product and enter the market.

Public Offering vs Crowdfunding. An IPO and an ICO raise funds in different ways.

An IPO depends on the very formal and traditional public offer, which is subject to rigid rules, mandatory regulatory oversight and requires the company to publish a prospectus. A prospectus is a legal document that contains key information on the company, it's IPO, and other pertinent information that investors need to make informed decisions. The prospectus must also meet certain standards for transparency. This is because all information included in the prospectus can be relied upon in court, so it has to meet certain requirements.

In contrast, an ICO makes use of crowdfunding or in some cases, a private token sale, which are not governed by any regulatory body, authority, or law (at least not yet). Now, most ICOs do publish a white paper, however, there are no set rules on how to write one, nor are the companies required to meet standards of transparency. Meaning, they can publish as little or as much as they want, however they want to. 

In addition, because of the formalities involved, and IPO is a much longer process usually taking months from its initial filing to approval. Facebook's IPO, for example began with it's initial filing on February 1, 2012, while it's first day of trading did not take place until May 18 of that year. Compare that to the Basic Attention Token (BAT) ICO, which lasted for only 30 seconds.

Securities vs Coins. Next, they also differ on the product on offer.

In an IPO, companies offer shares, for the first time to the public. These shares represent an ownership stake on the company, and depending on the type of shares sold (whether they are common shares, preferred shares, or a hybrid) entitles those who own the shares a dividend on future earnings and a vote in shareholder's meetings.  

In contrast, an ICO offers "coins" or tokens in exchange for a legal tender usually in the form of Fiat, Ether or Bitcoin. These coins or tokens do not grant either an ownership on the blockchain project nor a dividend on future earnings. Instead, what the tokens and coins represent are functional tokens that will give its owners the ability to use the project in the future and participate in the token economy that will be built once the project is live. For example, the tokens sold in a blockchain-based rideshare app could be used by ICO investors to pay for future rides or to pay drivers who will use the app once it is launched.

Exclusive vs Inclusive. Finally, they also differ on who the products are for.

Perhaps the biggest difference between the two, at least for people like you and me, are the types of investors who can buy the shares in an IPO and the coins in an ICO. Whereas an IPO only sells shares to large institutional investors, with people like you and me only getting access once the shares hit the exchanges, ICOs are open to everyone. 

This means that those who bought Facebook shares during its IPO had to wait until the first trading day to buy their shares, such that they were no longer buying directly from the Facebook company, but through third-party exchanges. And they were not longer buying it based on its initial price, but with prices that have already been subjected to market forces. In contrast, if that were an ICO, you wouldn't have had to wait for the coins to hit exchanges. Instead, you can buy them based on its initial coin price before it is subjected to market forces. 

Not just an IPO with coins. These are the fundamental differences between an IPO and an ICO. Thus, while they might seem like the same thing, they are actually not. They differ in almost every aspect from the process, to the product, to its intended participants. And Bloomberg's description of an ICO as "like an IPO, but with coins" is not only a little misleading, it's actually missing the picture.

Hope this helps.


  1. What's an ICO? Like an IPO But With Digital Coins.
  2. ICO vs IPO: Major differences.
  3. Crypto ICO vs. Stock IPO: What's the Difference?

I am not very knowledgeable when it comes to cryptocurrency but I happened to have attended a lecture on discord where these two items were talked about and some of their differences between the two is what I will listing here.

First and foremost, the first and most important different is *IPOs work well when its centralized and fully control by a corporation while ICO works well when it is open source meaning no central authority.

ICO is the creation of digital tokens on public ledger called block chain while IPO is like a distribution of shareholding and this is done to the public via investment banks they call them underwriters.

ICO may not have product to present to the public but they have proof of stake or proof of work but IPO must provide a product.

I hope these differences are enough to answer your question.

Last month I wrote article on ICO : What is ICO – Everything You Need To Know.

There I mentioned difference between ICO and IPO. Hope it will be helpful.

Here is the link:

Both happiness and money are important in the lives of anyone but we can get happiness without money though money can also lead to happiness too especially if the reason why the person was sad was

because they were broke,such person would become happy when they stop being that broke person which they used to be before,i would prefer to choose

happiness over money because i believe that money is useless to me if i have all the money and i still remain sad all days of my life...

10 of the World's Best Anti Virus in 2013

It is well known that antivirus software is used to detect and remove viruses, malware, worms and suspicious code that is harmful to your data or computer. Available antivirus software is paid and some are free, but of the many frequently asked questions are "which is the best?" Here are 10 antiviruses that fall into the top 10 list in 2013.

1. AVG Anti-Virus Free 2013

AVG Anti-Virus Free 2013 offers protection that rivals other commercial products, even though it is a free anti-virus software. The drawback is if it is installed on a computer that has not been infected by a virus, even so it still does a good job. If you want good and free antivirus protection, this is a good choice.

It is said to be the best in terms of malware prevention but in terms of malware removal it may be after Norton and Bitdefender.

2. Norton Antivirus 2013

The 2013 edition of Norton Antivirus defeats other antivirus products in terms of malware removal. It offers layered protection and can block a variety of new attacks, related to system weaknesses and offers a variety of additional features.

Regarding paid antivirus software, Norton Antivirus 2013 can be said to be a very good choice.

3. Bitdefender Antivirus Plus 2013

Is one of the best antivirus in terms of malware removal after Norton. Bidefender Antivirus Plus 2013 does everything that an antivirus should do and includes some additional features. Some even say that bitdefender is the best antivirus that was successfully created.

Perhaps the drawback is the old installation, but this is certainly commensurate with its many features such as its own firewall, Autopilot mode, Rescue Mode and so on. Also is a paid antivirus software.

4. Avast! Free Antivirus 8

One of the advantages of Avast! Antivirus that has been offered before and has its own advantage until now is automatic sandboxing, if the file is considered suspicious. Sandboxing allows the program to be run, only in a different scope so as to prevent the program from doing things that can be dangerous.

Is one of the best free antivirus, especially Avast! Free Antivirus 8 offers Web Reputation and other features besides regular antivirus.

5. McAfee Antivirus Plus 2013

McAfee Antivirus is an antivirus software that has survived for years, protecting the computer and its users. Although in 2010 had disappointed its users, since being acquired by Intel in 2011, McAfee demonstrated its strength in the antivirus field.

Is a paid antivirus software. The company is quite serious about the word "Plus" in this software. In addition to antivirus functionality, it also offers firewalls, real time protection, cleanup systems and so on. Very good in terms of phishing protection.

6. Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2013

Also a paid anti-virus software that has advantages in phishing protection and malware removal, and easy installation even though the computer has been infected by a virus. Even if there are suspicious files that can be dangerous, Kaspersky will automatically upload the file for analysis.

The disadvantage of this antivirus is that there is no personal firewall, antispam, antibanner and parent control tool. But this antivirus can scan traffic messengers that come in and automatically dispels malware.

7. Webroot SecureAnywhere Antivirus 2013

Webroot SecureAnywhere AntiVirus 2013 is a paid antivirus that has a very lightweight software size, therefore installation is very easy and fast. Even so, the scanning still runs quickly. Have good features

Absolutely it is not ok. The Robin Hood idea isn't the right way to think.

Stealing is a crime even though you are taking from someone who may have more than you. It doesn't make it any better either by saying you are giving it to the needy. Life is hard enough to make a living without it being stolen.

There are a lot of charities who have wrecked this idea as the money donated doesn't end up at the promised place. Most charities are funded by large donors and normal people who do normal work. The problem is the admin and directors of the charities have to live a normal life but it is a ruse.

They are living off donations and are living the high life and is no different as they are stealing under a false pretense. the ones who suffer will suffer more as the donations will stop altogether. This is a modern day Robin Hood that takes some of the rewards.

Morals and ethics need to be applied to this idea and it just isn't right whatever way you look at it. If you want to make a difference then do it the hard way and collect donations and in an organised way donate to the needy. i have stopped giving to charities as I don't trust them anymore.

In South Africa you can lease a blind man to collect money at traffic lights. criminal gangs are doing that so who do you trust anymore. If I see someone down and out I will buy them some food but otherwise my money stays in my pocket. the days of receiving hand outs have long gone and the needy are suffering because of this.

No there is no justification for that. Two wrongs don't make a right and just because you're doing it for the right reasons doesn't make it right in any way.

If you steal from from someone to give to another person then you've only succeeded in making one person poorer and another person richer. Stealing on its own is a vile act which deprives a human being of something that belongs to them, something they may have worked hard for, something that they may treasure so irrespective of the reason I can't support this.

In my country Nigeria, corruption is rampant and it's common belief that every government official steals money. I imagine that these officials justify their theft by telling themselves that they have mouths to feed, kids to send to school and so on, and to them what they're doing is ok, but we all know it's not. It's exactly the same if you deprive someone of their money because you feel there's someone else that needs it more.

Stealing is wrong and cruel, you never know what a person is going through or what they've planned to do with their money, no matter the circumstance, you have no right to steal money from anyone.


Stealing is illegal in almost all parts of the world. 

Two wrongs don't make a right

The end does not justify the means

That is like asking if it is OK to murder for the right cause if it benefits the needy

There are laws in place for a reason and whether you agree or disagree with them, hey are the LAW and should be followed in order to maintain society. If everyone simply did what they wanted and justified it with Oh it was for the needy, where would be as a society?

We need to strive to better each day, not sink to the lowest common denominator and say well they did it, so I will as well. It doesn't matter if its government, local, officials or banks/retail as the other answer states, there is NO justification for stealing.

You are always hurting someone somewhere when you steal. Just because others have more than you does not give you the right or the moral high ground to take from them

Yes! In my country, and in most of the world, those in power steal from the "little" people to fatten their pockets. Thus, the act of stealing to help those in need is a good justification and could even be seen as noble if the funds were stolen from banks or gold and jewlery shops.  They make astounding profits on the cost of the rest of the society so, stealing from them to build houses for homeless people is in my opinion a good deed.

I am not yet a mother but I know that pregnancy is not an easy thing to through. When a woman is in labour before she gives birth, she goes through contractions which are very painful. Someone once described labour pains as painful as breaking so many bones at the same time. Many atimes doctors administer medications to lessen these pains but with the Labour pains comes discomfort and followed by so much happening in the system weakening it.

After the Labour comes the child bearing, if the child is born through ceaserean if is much effortless for the mother but if she has to push through the birth canal putting all her energy at work to push out the baby, this weakens her a lot.

Child bearing is also accompanied with loss of blood. Some women lose more blood than others. Bleeding after childbearing makes the woman aneamic and hence very weak. It is important to note that some even end up with tears especially if the baby was too large.

The pains and travails of Child bearing for women is very agonizing and leaves the woman very quick. I may not know the right medical terms to use in explaining this but I believe this is why women are weak after child bearing. They go through a lot.

A friend of mine once said the cry of the baby makes all the pain go away but they still need to rest, good food and lots of fluid and care to recuperate.

What is the best way to persuade people to turn their backs on religion and become humanists?

Since Chris Hitchins died, atheism and humanism, in fact, the masses who were standing up against the tyrannies of religion seem to have declined. How can we reverse this trend and become a more tolerant, peaceful and loving world outside the constraints of religion?

Honestly the best way for this to happen is for man to realize they are not the pinnacle of everything in the universe.

Once intelligent life has been discovered, contacted and interacted with elsewhere besides our insignificant little planet, humanity will be forced to realize there is more out there than some singular religion.

Only once we truly realize and accept we are not God's ultimate (and only) creation will we get this nonsense out of our heads. 

Religion is THE singular most dividing and polarizing force we have on this planet. More wars, more death, and more pain has been caused in the name of religion than in all other acts of racism, politics, sexism etc. combined

When mankind realizes we are truly one then and only then can we begin to put aside religion as a divisive force and realize that in the universe it is our humanity that matters, not which god or religion we worship

Here are a few tips language learners can use to improve their pronunciation. They would actually work, whether you're learning English or another foreign language.

First, practice listening to native speakers speaking English (or whatever target language you're learning). You can do this by watching your favorite movies and TV series, listening to music, listening to podcasts, and watching videos on Youtube. 

The goal here is to expose you to as much of the spoken language as possible so you can hear it's nuances, spot the differences in similar sounding words, and make you more comfortable with the language. Other things to watch out for are the speaker's intonation and the melodic patterns present in the language. It's also a good idea to play the same video or audio on repeat, so you can really familiarize yourself with how to pronounce the words.

Second, record yourself on video talking. Language experts suggest recording yourself on video and not just audio so you can really observe the way you talk and pronounce words. The goal is to be self-aware of how you talk, so you can make the appropriate corrections. Proper pronunciation is not just about the sounds, after all. It's also about how you speak. So things like your breathing, the tension in your face, and movement of your mouth affects how you sound. 

Third, imitate a language role model using "speech shadowing". You can learn more about it here:

Basically, it requires that you find an actor or TV or movie character whose accent you like and imitate. Then, you choose a scene where the actor is speaking, watch the scene a few times, and memorize the lines. Then you just  imitate how the actor or character would say his or her lines. The technique is more effective than simply listening and repeating what you've heard since you are expected to match the cadence and speech patterns of the role model you are imitating. It's also meant to make learning more fun and less stressful. You could also do this with real people, but you would have to record them talking and its best to ask for their permission first, you don't want to end up annoying them. 

Hope this helps.

Before you can learn to speak, you must learn to listen. This is basically just you making a conscious effort to not just hear what someone with the pronunciation you want is saying, but to listen to exactly how he pronounces it. Many words in English are spelt differently but pronounced the same so listening will also help you identify which word is being used as per context. It gives you a mental image of what each word is supposed to sound like so that you start speaking, you know whether you're getting it right or wrong.

Then the next thing to do is to learn how to shape your mouth. To pronounce a word correctly, you must learn to shape your mouth and position your tongue the right way. A slight difference in this can produce an entirely different pronunciation and so you must practice well.

If possible, find a partner who will help you learn and practice with you. You can both be learning or he can be good at it but either way, having a friend will make learning easier

How would you treat protestors in an anarchy if you would be a president of a country?

Strategy to answer to protestors. Way to make peace with treatment and make everyone happy

First of all being a presidents in an anarchial government is not democratical. In an anarchial government, protesters are people who want better governance, better social amenities and better lives for their children as well.

Protest can either be peaceful or violent and there is no where in the constitution of my country that states how to handle it.

However since you called it AN ANARCHIST GOVERNMENT I'll say I'll allow a protest to run it's full course provided it's not violent.

It's not a crime to protest in the constitution however if I'm a president in a anarchist government, I'll allow the protesters to run their protest if it's peaceful, but run arrests if it becomes violent and lastly would be to heed to the need of the people this will end the protest permanently

Recently, we are often treated to news about riots that have taken place in various regions in Indonesia and abroad. Print and electronic media are competing to create news headlines that interest readers or viewers. Riots in Thailand, riots between football fans, to riots surrounding the dispute over Mbah Priok's grave in North Jakarta became the actual theme for the media. In writing headlines about the riots, we often find the word "anarchist". For example, "Anarchic Bonek Actions ....", "Red shirts act anarchist ...", "Anarchic conflict ends ...", and so on. The word anarchist is used to describe a chaotic, chaotic and irregular state.

The use of the word "anarchist" violates the true meaning as contained in the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI). According to the KBBI, "anarchist" acts as a noun, meaning 1 proponent (adherent) understands anarchism; 2 people who act anarchy. Therefore, the original meaning of the word "anarchist" has been shifted when used in the headlines made by the mass media above. Take for example, we apply it to one of the headlines in the national version of the online mass media, "Police Ask Labor Is Not Anarchic". Here, as I have explained above, the use of the word "anarchist" is very inappropriate. My assumption, "anarchist" in the news headline acts more as an adjective than a noun. It would be more appropriate if the headline was changed to "Police Ask Labor Not to Become Anarchist". With that change, the meaning of "anarchist" as a noun, the person who acts anarchy, will be fulfilled. If the news editor still wants to use an adjective, it would be better if the headline was changed to "The Police Ask For Unarchistic Labor". According to the KBBI, "anarchistic" acts as an adjective which means anarchy. However, if you look deeper into the true meaning of "anarchism" and "anarchism", the misconception of the meaning of anarchist and anarchism becomes more real.

The term "anarchist" comes from the Greek, Anarchos which means "without authority". Proudhon, a French philosopher, became the first person to call himself anarchist. Anarchism and anarchism are closely related to the ideology carried by Mikhail Bakunin, a Russian revolutionary philosopher. He was strongly opposed to the dictatorship of the proletariat belonging to the supporters of Marxism. Someone should not rule over others. That is what underlies the theory of anarchism. Anarchists argue that humans must fight a system that makes them inferior and therefore controlled. It tends to be utopian indeed, but anarchists believe that a better life will be created if there is no system of institutions that dominate the community. The presence of the State as an institution was also rejected by anarchists. Rejection of institutions that have authority including the State makes anarchists an enemy of the law. Capitalism is a big enemy for anarchists. With the establishment of a country, capitalism will be easier to enter and haunt the people in the country. Therefore, anarchists strongly reject the presence of a State. In essence, Anarchism emerged as a counter to authoritarian arrogance of an institution, including a country that tended to oppress.

In the 1880s, anarchists tended to use violence against systems created by institutions. Violence is considered to be an effective way to fight repression launched by institutions. Propaganda of the Deed, a slogan launched in the 1880s became a milestone in the widespread use of violence by anarchists. Paul Brousse, a French anarchist popularized the term through an article he wrote in the Bulletin of the Jura Federation in August 1877. Through the slogan,

Invite them over to tea

Spike the tea and snacks with large amounts of laxatives

Shutter all toilets in a 5 mile vicinity 😼

Why aren't users upvoting questions/answers?

So, you see a good question and start writing an answer on it. But why don't you upvote it?
Same goes for answers. You ask a question and get incredibly insightful replies. Why don't you upvote them?

I think, this is one of the major things that needs to change amongs the users of the platform to achieve real success and independency of the @musing upvotes to separate good content from bad,

While I agree that we the users really need to upvote questions and answers we deem of quality to easily separate the good content from the bad ones. I think the problem lies mostly on most Musing users having not enough stake to freely scale their votes.

Even someone like me who now has a 1000 Effective SP gives only around $0.03 at a full upvote. A vote that is just barely above the dust threshold. There is also the issue of Voting Power recharging at around 0.83% per hour or simply means 10 full upvotes the whole day.

So even if I want to upvote questions an answers I find highly informative, I just can't due to how many that is. What Musing can do is implement other way to let other people know how they appreciate the question or answer without compromising much our VP.

Just my opinion though :)

It's not about the amount of money you give but the intention behind it :)

I don't know about the others, but I have a weird way to decide if I upvote or not. If the content I read brought an emotion, inspired me, made me think or made me do an action, I upvote. If it has something I like, like an article that I don't want to read but I like the picture, I upvote. So even if I don't like it I have to upvote.

That is why I always upvote good questions even if I don't answered. But this question made me interact so I upvote. And yeah, my upvote is 0.000 Steem worth, but if enough people do it like that, that person might get at least 0.001 Steem, that's growth.

I think users haven't quite found their way over to like they have on some of the other platforms built on the STEEM blockchain.  

I also think that is still in development and they still have some barriers that need to be adjusted to make it easier for people to follow the content on  

For example, when it first came out, every question that you answered and every question you submitted showed up as a post on your blog.  They adjusted that so that all of that stuff is aggregated into a singular area, but I think they have almost hidden it too well in their efforts to keep it less promiscuous.  

I believe in time more users will continue to come to and they will get the kinks wrinkled out to have a great product for users.  Some of the rewards I am seeing scrolling through the page are already evidence of that.

Which places in Brazil are more beautiful to visit?

I want to travel to Brazil, I already know Rio, Buzios and Maceio. Now I am choosing between the following cities: Recife, Bahia and Fortaleza.
What do you recomend me? Some other place? I listen to all the options !!


- Rio De Janeiro

There are no tourist attractions in Brazil and on earth that are more animated and interesting than Rio de Janeiro. Located in southeastern Brazil, Rio de Janeiro is the most visited city in South America because it has mountains, landmarks, beaches and a very famous Carnival festival. Rio de Janeiro is located in one of the largest ports in the world surrounded by natural attractions which include Sugarloaf and Corcovado mountains and famous things like Copacabana and Ipanema. The iconic landmark in the city is the huge Christ Statue of the Redeemer statue sitting on the top of Mount Corcovado.

- Iguazu Falls

Tourist attractions in Brazil are one of the most amazing natural wonders in the world. Iguazu Falls is a series of magnificent waterfalls located on the Iguazu River, straddling the border between Brazil and Argentina. This waterfall has its own beauty and becomes an amazing spectacle, but the beauty of Iguazu Falls becomes more because the dense forest around it is full of exotic wildlife. The gate to the waterfall on the Brazilian side is called Foz do Iguacu, which is a large city and safe enough to visit in Brazilian standards.

- Sao Paulo

Sao Paulo is not only predicated as the largest city in Brazil, but also one of the largest in the world by population. Located in southeast Brazil, Sao Paulo is known for its skyscrapers, chef's cooking skills and a strong cultural scene. Although Sao Paulo is known as a concrete forest, tourist attractions in Brazil are also home to a large number of public parks and even parts of the Atlantic rainforest.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

There are many alternative types of sugars for diabetics but in my oppinion the healthiest options are always the natural ones. Artificial, processed sugars are literally cancer inducing poison, that should be illegal to sell, imo.

A couple most popular natural sugars I would suggest to a diabetic are:

  1. Stevia  
  2. Tagatose
  3. Yacon syrup
  4. Agave nectar
  5. Coconut sugar
  6. Maple syrup
  7. Honey
  8. High-fructose corn syrup

Both companies are producing processors that are within striking distance of one another on nearly every front — price, power, and performance. Intel chips tend to offer better performance per core, but AMD is compensating with more cores at a given price. 

Heat! lots of it to melt the sand which is simply silicon dioxide. It melts at 3100F and becomes a liquid, Then some of the universe's magic happens and when it cools down and hardens, the molecules do a jig to change formation and become transparent. 

Thats it! of course during industrial processes they add various things like boron oxide to make it more heat resistant and for general glass, add soda and limestone to stop it melting in water. For stronger glass, its laminated into layers.

We must all recycle glass as much as possible because its so easy to melt down and re-use and the world is sadly running out of sand which is probably one of the most useful substances found on the planet, how could you build anything without sand?

Last little fact. When the first nuclear bombs were being tested, so much heat was being generated that the desert sand turned into glass!

Great question and for more detail of turning glass backin to sand written by the pros, go take a look here!

Short Answer will be by mixing sand with soda ash (sodium carbonate) and limestone (calcium carbonate) and heated in an extremely high temperature or a furnace. 

"The soda reduces the sand's melting point, which helps to save energy during manufacture, but it has an unfortunate drawback: it produces a kind of glass that would dissolve in water! The limestone is added to stop that happening. The end-product is called soda-lime-silica glass. It's the ordinary glass we can see all around us."


I'm no expert on this topic but the link above explained it pretty well.

Is @musing aware that it just upvoted a question containing plagiarized information in it?

Here is the thread I'm talking about: and my answer to it proving that the info contained in the question is plagiarized from an article from The Guardian.

Thanks for pointing it out. The question seems to have been edited back to its original copy. The user had edited his question after receiving the upvote for whatever reason. I don't believe the original copy was plagiarized. Currently, we shouldn't even be allowing edits after a post has been upvoted, so this is something we need to fix. 

No problem. I am glad to see that you are constantly working on the platform to improved it as I am enjoying it a lot. Thumbs up for your speed of act and hope that the user asking the question will ask his own in the future. No hard feelings.

Sadly this happens ocassionally here but not as often as you may think. Musing use manual curation and Im sure dont have the time to run every answer through a plagiarism checker.

The quality here is very good and there has to be some trust!

If you come across plagiarism on Steemit in general, repor it to @steemcleaners . They are extremely active in trying to flag out scammers, spammers and p!agiarists.

Id also call them out on it and post a comment under theirs telling them to stop cheating

Hope this helps and kudos to you for flagging it up :-)

It's simple should introduce cleaners, I've seen a lot of plagiarised posts too and It hurts knowing I can't doing anything and that's why I think individuals like you should spear head the musing cleaners so as to catch these thieves plundering this platform.

It's simple should introduce cleaners, I've seen a lot of plagiarised posts too and It hurts knowing I can't doing anything and that's why I think individuals like you should spear head the musing cleaners so as to catch these thieves plundering this platform.

You can do and I just did that. Ask musing in a thread about the problem and tag it and you will get an answer. Also answer to the user with your proof that the content is not original.

Thank you so much, I will

The existence of extra-dimensional space is a vague concept. I say 'vague' not because that it doesn't exist but because how the concept of extra dimension is proven by physicists. 

It is somewhat similar to that of the existence of a black hole. We cannot really observe a black hole directly, but guess about it by studying the phenomenon taking place at the 'event horizon' (the place from which things can still escape the 'pull' of the black hole). The crucial difference is that we know for sure that the black hole exists because they hold consequences for the universe around it but with extra dimensions, the scope of their interaction with our space is not really observable. 

The general rule is that if something can be conceptualized, the possibility of its existence exist. The highers dimensions can not only be conceptualized but they can also be mathematically and  rigorously treated. This hold true for any number of dimensions and theoretically there is no limit.

Note: Please remember that the same paradox is also true for lower dimensions.

Laugh and the world laughs with you, snore and you'll sleep alone.

I'm not loyal to any brand. Brand doesn't influence me in the least. I judge companies based on thier current performance and also on thier corporate citizenship.

To be loyal to a company in this day and age is foolhearty. Companies time and time again prove that they have no loyalty to the consumer. Most, with VERY few exception defer to the dollar as opposed to the customers needs and desires.

So the concept of loyalty to a company to me, is silly at best.

Good question. I am looking around my house now, at the furnitures, electronics, TV, sofa, etc. But I don't think there is a certain brand that is common for any of them. Then I saw my phone on the table, an iPhone, and realised that this is probably the one.

My first ever mobile phone was the Nokia 3210, some 20 years ago. And I had used many other phones from Sony Ericsson, LG, and other Nokia variant. But in 2008, when I first got my hand on the iPhone 3G, I had never looked back.

iPhone 3G, 3Gs, 4, 4S, 5, 6S, 8. These are the iPhones that I had been using for the last 10 years. There was once when I switched to a Samsung phone, but it only lasted 2 days, before I gave up using it and switched back to iPhone. The simplicity and familiarity of iPhone and IOS is too much for me to ever consider changing to another phone.

Having been a user for 10 years and spent thousands of dollars, I think Apple is the brand that I am most loyal too. I am not an Apple fanatic though, I don't buy every iPhone once they are released and I don't go queueing up at Apple store.

I think it is ok

If good, well defined and clear arrangements are made. Communication is key, and so is respect. Either one of the parties involved should do it under any, even the least, kind of pressure. And all parties involved should be and stay happy with what and how it is going on.

This does not only count for sex between friends, but for sex in general, whatever the relationship between the parties is.

Sex in a relationship should be a matter of choice.

If both parties do agree to be have sex with each other I don't see anything wrong with it provided they are both adults.

I will also advise for people to define any relationship or friendship they do find theirselves in

In my opinion, there should be no sex training in the world of friendship before someone is married first, because having sex without marriage is adultery, and adultery is the most abominable and a major sin.

There is really no justification for prostitution but I as a person I really do not judge those who decide to sell their body for monetary value. Prostitution is a crime in so many countries. There is a reason why it is not legal.

However one thing made me have a different outlook to it. Prostitution as a one time thing to save a particular situation and prostitution as a profession are two different things. I frown at prostitution as a profession because I view those ladies as lazy and seeking the easy way out of making money instead of putting their hands to use and their brain to trying to achieve something for themselves. There are lots of opportunities and things you can do to earn money just like someone mentioned steemit and still have your dignity intact.

Now when having to sleep with a man for money is the last option not because prostitution is your profession, it could be something you have never done before but life happened and you have exhausted all you have, sold all you have just to raise the millions of dollar to save your dad or sibling from a terminal disease and it is still not enough and no one I say no one is willing to assist and you get an offer from a man who says just one night and I will pay off the hospital bill and your dad would lneace6, I am sorry I would do it. I would do it to save life and the end would justify the means.

Besides I don't see the big deal about ladies who sleep with guys for money and girls who go about fornication. The difference is A does hers to get paid and B does hers does her for free but one fact remains, your dignity is no longer intact.

I do not advise it. All I'm saying is, you don't judge someone until you hear them out.

No there isn't. In life we all have a choice, the problem is that some people make themselves believe that they don't have one when it comes to prostitution. It's never, will never and has never been a good idea to sell your body to men for money, there's always another way.

There are alot of women who've been through hell in this life and they didn't resort to monetizing their body, instead they decided to use their head, focusing on improving themselves and neglecting the hardships that they would face at the beginning.

I know a lot of girls on steemit who decided that they'd rather make money here than by selling their bodies to the highest bidder, they make not make as much, but at least their dignity is still in tact. I should know, I'm one of them.

I know for a fact that this life isn't white and black, no it's filled with different shades of grey but we have to hold ourselves to certain moral standards if not as powerful as we women are, we'll never be able to make it in life.

What is the real reason people bite their lower lip while eating?

I've heard a few reasons for biting of one's lower lip while eating, from the scientific to the superstitious. Hope the smart people on musing are able to shed light on this phenomenon!

I'm a Chinese. I'm going to answer you with some old Chinese wisdom passing through generations. When people accidentally bite their lower lip whilst eating are usually caused by one term we called "heaty". Scientifically known as inflammation. As human taking too much of fried stuff and drink too little water, it causes the body to react, tissue started to overworked and expanding. Hence the surface in our mouth surrounding become narrower and easier get bitten by oneself.

Same theory applied when people having flue and their nose blocked. Nazzel surrounding inflammation causes it whilst our body battling with flue virus.

It is about Ripplenet. Ripplenet will be used in international payments by PNC bank which is in top 10 in USA. 

They are going to use xRapid for speeding up international transactions. This is first step of adopting Ripple system to banking system. Article also mentions, it will be used in next month. 

This could trigger to other banks and it could make ripple more valueable. Banking system has a great amount of marketshare and even 1 -2 percent of the marketshare flow to Ripple could make its price very high. 

Next move is important to keep higher levels in Ripple price. If it is adopted in banking system successfully and open to other doors to new projects including more banks, could make Ripple king in the Financial System. 

Thanks for the reply.

you are welcome @acesontop

Quite a lot if I must say. We've been bludgeoned for too long about the need to grow up only to find our that adulthood doesn't necessarily mean maturity.

When I was younger, all I ever wanted to do was grow up. You'd ask people questions question's and what they will reply is that you are too young too understand. We thought that was the truth but little did not we know it was an escape route.

Adulthood doesn't necessarily means things to will be become more betterment or easier, if anything, it makes life more complicated.

No one tells you about how you the works will begin to judge you for things that you don't have control over. It's what we see these day's around us. Everyone wants to become involved, not necessarily involved, but they want to monitor what goes on around you. It's like having a CCTV camera strapped to your backpack so they could have agendas for their gossiping sections.

Growing up is so very overrated. What I think happens is that people put up what they want others to do see and act like the way they want when they are in the comfort of their closest.

People don't like grow up, they act it.

If you could zero down on what many people do during their 'me' time, you'd be shocked.

I see the way people act when they are in love and gains betterment understanding of people's attitudes. You see all the childlikeness come out. It's not that they act like you kids because of the aura of love. It is that they've always been that way but scared right show it is.

It blossomed when they are in the company of someone who who wouldn't judge them for what they are or the way they act.

No one ever told use the truth; adulthood is overrated.

That they let us feel being adult is one of the best stages in life. That you will be living in a happy life having a good salary. Pursuing your career and find a man that will help you build together your dreams. That being on that stage will be a stage of success and earning opportunities will arise.

They did not mentioned that the level of maturity and the sense of responsibility arises and it will totally screw you up. They haven't mentioned the pressure of friends, family, and even at work which are depressing.

They didn't tell that you'll be building your dreams. That it is not easy as one two three.

The main individual who can discover your bliss is you. Everybody can, and frequently will, give you guidance, yet you are the special case who can detect your own particular bliss.

You can't transform anybody yet yourself. You can harm them, extremely actually, yet you can't transform them. Regardless, they should decide for themselves who they wish to wind up, and however they may request help that assistance won't generally be true.

The world is shallow. Individuals will pass judgment on in light of outward appearances and outer variables. Individuals are bad or terrible in light of the fact that they had been great or awful to you. Keep in mind, each one has possess story. Try not to pass judgment on them.

At the point when a winged creature is alive, it eat Ants, yet When the feathered creature is dead, Ants eat the fledgling..! Everybody's chance changes. Everything is impermanent in this world. Your feelings, considerations, companions, relations, individuals and view. The main thing that is steady in this world is the Change, adjust it. Keep in mind, Change with changes generally change will change you..!!!

You can't go around. You can't dodge it. Acknowledge it, let it hurt, yet this is one that everybody will learn sooner or later. So figure out how to manage the torment in your own specific manner, voluntarily. There is just a single way out of agony - experience it.

Disappointment is never last. Opportunity is continually thumping on your entryway. Disappointment shuts a few entryways, yet in addition opens new ones also. The key is to be receptive about new undertakings, better approaches to utilize your ranges of abilities and encounters and the likelihood of making a couple of strides back.

Indeed, even your shadow abandons you when you're in murkiness. That is the reason figure out how to live alone. Regardless of how great you will be, you are replaceable. Whenever. Easily. Try not to depend excessively on anybody in this world.

You should support yourself in light of the fact that nobody else will. No one truly thinks about you, with the exception of when they need you to think about them.

It would be full of organic fruits and vegetables of every possible sort that you can imagine.  Where, I'm from we are forced to eath cheap food including gmo fruits, vegetables, and mass produced meat full of antibiotics and steroids. Because the natural versions, the non-pesticidedd,  organic  are 200-600% more expensive than their GMO and mass produced competitors. This includes meat also. The healthy counterparts to mass produced meat also costs two to three times more. Our wages  are too low to be able to afford that so most must eat the poisonous versions. 

If I'm going to have a feast in my honor, I'm going to take the opportunity to eat healthy :)

Ribs for sure.  Probably not just ribs either.  I would want some pulled pork as well.  Mashed potatoes and potato salad for sure.  It would be an all out bbq feast!  Chicken for the people that don't like beef or pork...

Actually, I think what I would do is separate the table into sections.  So like the first fourth of the table would be everything awesome you would expect at a bbq.  Corn on the cob, burgers, ribs, etc.  

Then on the second fourth of the table I would have every thing awesome that is Tex-Mex that you can imagine.  So fajitas, enchiladas, burritos, a fountain of queso!

The third fourth would be all of the best American-Chinese food you can think of.  Crab meat cheese, sesame chicken, orange chicken, egg rolls.

Finally the last fourth would be all things Italian.  Fettuccine al fredo, spaghetti, lasagna, pizza, whatever your hearts desired.  It would be like an International food love fest!

Well I'm a carnivore at heart, so my epic feast would be akin to the Viking or Medieval tales of old.

Meat, meat and then MEAT!!!! Bring me roasted boar, pheasant, and the such.

Prime Rib would definitely be a requirement as would a good Delmonico/T-Bone. Musn't forget the Filet Mignon either. And yes, the names of the meats NEED to be capitalized.

Bread, fresh made, steaming hot. Sourdough, some good French Crusty, hearty white, etc.

BUTTER!!!!! LOTS of it, none of this skimpy little thimble size amounts restaurants hand out

Oh no, I want a maid sitting on a milking stool, churning me a gallon of butter at a time. Once she is done milking the cow and making the butter, throw the cow on the fire because .... MEAT!!!!

Couple of baked potatoes would not be amiss at the table either. MORE BUTTER

To top it off, how about a nice rich cheesecake? Smothered in fresh berries will do just fine.

To wash it down? Well if this truly was a feast of old then answer would obviously be mead and wine.

For me, I think I will go with SWEET TEA and good old Coke

Hungry now, time to fire up the grill

There are three huge categories for blogging niche:

1- Wellness and beauty 

2- Health and Fitness 

3- Money and Finance

You should choose one of them and get into sub category and narrow it down and find your niche. 

For instance let's choose Money and Finance and then you may choose Bitcoin category. Still this one is not a narrow niche. You should also find one more narrowed category and write about it. 

You can use google keyword planner to see rival rate, search volume of keyword and after a great analysis you could find your niche to start. 

Do you think the new UA system is worthwhile? Or will it just be gamed like rep is now?

There are already reports that the new UA system can be gained by who you have for followers and who you follow yourself.
Will this new system solve any problem or just crate a new set of problems where only the whales are considered "trustworthy" and the lower accounts are again passed over

Why do you think this?

Every system has its flaws and every system has its strong points. We have to choose depending on what suits our purposes the best. 

This fact that you mention 'UA system can be gained by who you have for followers and who you follow yourself' is actually one of the basis of deciding your User Authority or UA score.

This means that is a person with a high UA follows you, your UA also becomes higher. The higher your followers UA is, the higher he will take you with him. But please remember that this is not the only parameter at work here. It also takes into account many other factors like the quality of activity on the platform and the same goes for your followers.

The system actively calculates these values on a daily basis, which means that it can fall over time. The commutations start with considering trusted accounts and witnesses as a reference and from the system expands to to include everyone. 

The UA is designed to function like how our world naturally works. In this world people decide a lot about us by looking at the people who are are friends with. The more 'influential' your associates, the more influential you become.

What you mention as a negative point is actually the organic path to having a stable and honest growth on this system.

Here is my UA Rank:

There is no perfect system. People will always find a way round it. However, I believe the new UA system can really work. The abuse that can be seen is users with high UA score selling their follow. I think this can be rectified by blacklisting any body found guilty.

It also encourages quality content leading to interaction. So it's not a matter of only whales enjoying. A minnow can get a decent score and get an upvote too

I actually enjoy the new UA system but I have also heard it is open to being gamed.Most systems are though and I hope they can find a solution to sorting this issue out. The current reputation system is not great either and can also be gamed so they need to come up with a fair solution before SMT's are launched. If they launch SMT's against everyone's reputation it may not be 100 percent fair but then again what is.

Do you like Capitalism?

I assume that most people on Steemit understand Capitalism, so I assume that most of Steemians like Capitalism. So do you like it ? And why do you or do you not ?

Capitalism is an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

Here are some reasons why i like capitalist democracy

It permits economic mobility. In the USA, anyone is free to create their own business and reap the rewards of their own labor. Or, you are free to learn job skills that will earn you good money at someone else’s business.

Capitalism (free market) is the economic expression of freedom. The people determine what flavors of ice cream are produced, and in what quantity. And, most everything else.

And also capitalism is very rich with this reasons my answer is yes i do like capitalism

Okay, that is one. Good reasoning.

What is your biggest regret in your job?

Missing an oppurtunity, going another direction or choosing the other company etc.

Of my current job? My only regret is that I'm not doing it together with my wife. We often work together, on a lot of our projects, but this one we're not. And we both love working together, and we need it to be together.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

If we are talking about a Total Decentralized Country without government then I for one highly think that this is just realistically totally impossible.

A country like that would mean all decision making and planning are distributed to all people in that country. If the country has a population of 100 Million, then that would equate to 100Million deferring ideas, opinions and thoughts most of which do not have the knowledge nor the experience to make an informed decision. A country with that size would definitely take a lot of time to tally everyone's votes. 

That is why there is  "Government", to make all things organized. People choose their representatives and that representative will make the decision for them. If you look closely at Steem (a blockchain and platform that claims to be decentralized), our government is like our "Witnesses". We vote for them and they make all the decisions for us. Which is a solid proof why countries need representatives and/or government. To reach a consensus and decisions fast.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Yes, its absolutely possible! Here are some thoughts on how it might be run:

1. The governance would be based on digital consensus.

2. This means that blockchain would be the place where it would happen

3. The modern democratic government is a body which governs a country by the proxy of the people. Since, there would be no central government. I think digital referendums would be commonplace. This would be due to the fact that there would be no voting in congress or the parliament and the people would directly be deciding what to do. 

4. There would be no central bank or fiat money

5. The economy would be completely tokenized.

 Countries without governments have been throughout history, some countries like Somalia, Beligica, Germany, Northern Ireland have been without rulers for a short period of time and despite the crisis that some faced have been able to move forward despite this.

 Therefore we can see that it is possible that a country can be created without government. To think that a country without a government can be de-centralized is impossible for the following reason:

  •  Someone has to be at the head of the country, and although there is no government, there will always be people who are controlling and have more power than others in this new country thanks to the personal interests that each one has.

Summarizing the answer to your question:

"It is possible to create a country without government, but this will not be  decentralized , as this is impossible."

Although the price of IUD Dollar does affect other currencies but there is a limit to it. Since Steem is a type of digital money, so it would act in a somewhat similar manner. Although the mechanism of that action would differ greatly. 

There does not exist a universally absolute marker for value so we have to use correlation between different currencies to understand how they affect each other. For a complete technical analysis a PPC would be a good idea. Here is one:

You don't have to read the above article but the author concludes that changes in the value of USD won't affect the value of Bitcoin. I do not completely agree with him.

This is what I think would happen:

1. When the price of Dollar falls the money would start flowing into other forms of 'money' that has a more stable store of value standard.

2. This is a compounding effect. The more the value of dollar falls, the less it would be trusted by people

3. As more value moves into crypto the price of tokens like Steem would rise.

4. As more value moves out of Dollar, it would keep on falling.

So I might agree about the bit that the fall in the value of dollar may not affect Bitcoin (and ultimately Steem) immediately, but in the long run the value of crypto would increase due to it. The increase of value would happen as the trust of people grows in it.

When government issued pieces  of toilet paper *khm* fiat currencies finally reach their   inevitable demise to their intrinsic value of 0, all cryptocurrencies will tremendously rise in value. Including Steem and Steem Dollar.  Their usability will become   wide-spread and there would be nothing stopping the crypto space ship to finally reach the Moon and even go past it. Oh yes, and Lambos for everyone that HODL'd of course.  

Appart from that, when that happens, all blockchains will go through unbearable  stress on their networks as billions of people would try to use cryptocurrencies for their daily spendings. This would immediately crash most of them, making transactions painfully slow and expensive for most blockchains. But not a couple of them. The DanChains. EOS, STEEM and BTS.

They would be able to take that stress and still do 3s transaction times with 0 fees. Meaning STEEM could, quite possibly become the go-to blockchain for the mainstream. Imagine all  companies, stores, webshops, restaurants, coffee shops, hotels and everyone else, accepting STEEM.  

Imagine the Steem blockchain reaching its full potential.

Thank you both for good answers. As I see what is happening with fiat currencies around the world, and US Dollar is losing a grip.... ( in year 2000 USD was used in 74% of all transactions, in last year only around 60%). And yes, as @runicar said, all fiat currencies end up with their real value, and that is 0.


Internships are the apprenticeships of old. They let students experience real world application of their studies, become involved in the daily grind and give them a taste of what their chosen profession will be.

They have a chance to observe, participate in and even question the industry the have chosen to be involved in.

There can be no greater boost for a student than being able to partake in their particular field of study prior to entering the work force

And that is what internships offer. Its like passing your 90 day probation but without having to find the job in the first place LOL

If there is technology that will have as much influence as the internet in changing people's culture in the past two decades, it is blockchain. This technology is now the motor behind the distribution of digital currencies (cryptocurrency) like Bitcoin and various other digital assets. Even in the latest developments, in May the United Nations World Food Program uses the Ethereum Blockchain to distribute 10,000 aid to Syrian refugees, followed by the next 100,000 aid to Jordan in August 2017.


Simply put, blockchain is a digital information recording technology that is duplicated and distributed among data / information owners and secured using cryptography. Like a notebook, blockchain is copied on a computer network of users who have an interest in the notebook's information. All users can open the book, and if the record is updated, all records in the network will be updated simultaneously, but the data cannot be changed to the previous version. If there is a modification of the data in it, verification is done by consensus by referring to the version of the data that is on the other computer in the network. With a decentralized verification system and cryptographic security, this technology is safe and valid by design.


Currently the application of blockchain technology is still being explored in the realm of digital letters such as digital identities, contract letters, digital voting, and decentralized notaries. But if the adaptation of this technology is widespread, it is very open to be adopted as a medium of information distribution that is public in nature, such as digital news. As an illustration, the news block is first uploaded by a journalist to the network of customers / readers. All readers have copies of the exact same information, and can contribute to updating the news. But if there is someone who tries to delete some information, this is not possible because of cryptographic equations. On the other hand, if there are people who want to change one of the news information, then automatically the changes will be detected on all other computers in the network, and will be validated by consensus according to information on other computers. Gradually, the news distribution mechanism with blockchain will open opportunities for professional journalists to collaborate with the public (citizen journalism) without reducing the validity of information. Another advantage, the existence of a system of verifying information openly and together in news networks that use blockchain, will make the spread of fake news or hoaxes impossible.


This technology is in sight. The application and verification of its security has also been going on for the past decade, becoming a digital asset exchange that is actually a sector that requires high level of security. It is only a matter of time that the application of blockchain technology will penetrate other strategic sectors, especially news. Unfortunately in Indonesia, the adoption of this technology will not be carried out by large media controlled by political authorities, because they will not want news technology that blocks the process of setting issues in the community.


But Indonesia has hope. Since the New Order era, Indonesia has several media that are closely related to its image and enthusiasm with journalism that prioritizes the accuracy and correctness of information. Now in the midst of the spread of false news due to the ease of internet users to compose and disseminate information, these media need to move forward as a media that leads trusted media trends. This step can be started by building the first online news media to adopt blockchain technology. By manipulating

I find your answer unrelated to my question

Is everything be worth it after all (blogging)?

Because sometimes, I can say to myself that the payouts are really that small which is really not proportional to the effort that you inserted.

There are two ways to looks at this problem. One is the short term perspective and the other is the long term perspective. Although I know that the long term perspective is the one that really counts in the end, but it is better to a look at both. So that we may better understand the situation.

Short Term Perspective:

As a newbie, blogging is hard work on Steemit. The thing is that as a new blogger you tend to compare your work from others, and from that arises problems. After spending three hours in making a post, you may only earn 50 cents from it. Then you see a post that is only one paragraph of haphazardly written content and it is being rewarded 50 dollars. This can take a toll on your confidence. (For me, this was never a big problem because I am in it for the long haul, but it doesn't mean that I am not bothered by it)

At the end of the day you have to make a decision if you want to continue blogging for the right reasons. Are you here to just make money or if your are here to blog and if you get to earn something, you'll consider it a bonus. If you can balance your expectations, than you will be able to much better get through the 'newbie phase'.

Long Term Perspective:

The thing about hard work is that it eventually pays of. If you keep piling on concentrated effort, then sooner or later the tables would turn in your favor - that is the long term game. 

As a blogger, you cannot always remain a newbie. In a few months you'll become proficient and in a few years you'll make a name for yourself and start earning what you truly deserve. Keeping the long term perspective has helped me whether the rough times here on Steem.

Everything will be worth it @truthsfinder. As of the moment, we'll just enjoy steeming, musing and blogging because I know, in the end, everything will be paid off, especially if the market cap will rise again to its highest level before. Lets say for example when it reaches to more than 4 usd / steem. Your time investment will be X4 in value when that time comes. For now, just enjoy it! Goodluck! :)

Matter attracts matter via gravity. The more matter there is in the same place, the more this force is important. Our  planet has such an important attraction that we are stuck on it, and it  costs us a lot of fuel when we launch a rocket just to make him leave  this attraction.

The stars are much more massive than our planet.

It  has been imagined - by A. Einstein, I believe - that there could  theoretically exist such massive and dense stars that their gravity  could prevent even the light from leaving. These stars would be as massive as they were invisible, since no light could reach us.

These  stars, we ended up noticing them, in particular by noting that the  light coming from other stars was sometimes "displaced", and that  because of the mass of a black hole being between this star and us,  which because its gravity curves the path of this light.

A black hole, what is it?

Our star, the Sun, is not a fireball. Containing no air, there is not a single flame in it. It is a hydrogen ball. Originally  a cloud of hydrogen whose atoms have gradually moved closer to each  other by gravity, the Sun is now very dense because of the very intense  force is caused by the gravity of so much matter. This density creates a significant gas pressure, which itself carries this gas at an intense temperature, causing it to melt. This  fusion of hydrogen gives a slightly smaller mass of helium, the  remaining mass being converted into radiation which evolves from the  heart of the Sun towards its surface, mainly by convection, during a  hundred million years, heating all that it crosses the way and increasing the pressure. The  opposition of the gravity of all this mass and the pressure caused by  the fusion generates what is called a hydrostatic balance: the gravity  maintains the cohesion of the star while the pressure prevents it from  collapsing on it even due to its gravity. When  the pressure decreases, the gravity becomes too important and the  balance is broken, the star collapses, in other words it contracts: its  density increases and its volume decreases while its mass has not  changed ( not significantly in any case). Gravity is altered because we now find so much material in a smaller space.

A  black hole is a star with so much mass in such a small space that even a  photon - the fastest particle known - can not escape its attraction, so  light falls literally in, just like any other which mass passing too close.

The  work in theoretical physics and astro-physics of the last century has  demonstrated the very close relationship between mass and energy (which  can each be changed in the other) and time and space (which are called  space- time both are indissociable), mass / energy having the effect of bending space-time more or less depending on its quantity. Black  holes are stars with huge densities, which means that they include so  much material in a small space that their curvature of space time will  be compared to a hole.

There  are currently many hypotheses and many interesting works relating to  black holes, but their nature and appearance are relatively simple to  grasp.

Black is a congealed mass of matter that has lost is atomic integrity. People think that black hole is an extremely dense solid object like a planet - this is a misconception. To understand what black hole is we need to understated its evolution.

This happens when intense gravitational forces pull the matter together so strongly that the electrons are absorbed by the protons (reverse beta decay) and thus the atoms exist no more and we have a giant condensed ball of neutrons packed together (thus the name: neutron star). At this stage we call it a neutron star.

If we keep on adding more matter to the this neutron star we will exceed a certain threshold (typically three times the solar mass), then this neutron star would further collapse into a black hole.

If neutron star evolves into a black hole, then nothing can escape its gravitational field and even light is absorbed by it. Thus we have the name 'black hole'. Thus this whole region of space and time from which escape of anything is impossible is called a black hole. The fact is that we cannot even really study this region called black hole as it's observation is impossible.

A black hole's existence is so shrouded in mystery that the only way to understand it is to observe how the black hole interacts with its environment.

NOTE: Black holes too have different classifications and characteristics. 

The idea that universal suffrage enthrones mediocrity stems from the argument that giving everyone the same right to vote is akin to giving Aristotle's opinion the same weight as that of the village idiot. The result is that the ignorant multitude can overcome the vote of an informed minority, and choose a mediocre leader.

Critics to universal suffrage argue that while all men are equal under the law, not all men have the same faculties, knowledge, and passion for the law. Thus, giving everyone the same right to vote makes the election process vulnerable to the decision of an "ignorant multitude", who can be easily manipulated to vote for a leader that is not necessarily the best for the country. And since it is assumed that they outnumber informed voters, it is their vote that will decide the leader.  

Think about it. How many people actually take the time to research the leader they want to vote for? How many people actually understand how a candidate's proposed plans will affect important issues? What criteria do most people use when choosing the leader they want? And how many people have access to reliable, truthful information that could help them make an informed decision? 

With these realities, you could see how easy it can be for any candidate with enough resources to manipulate the masses with fake news, a smear campaign, or a well-written fluff piece, a witty slogan, or even a bribe to get their votes. And since not all of us are informed enough to make good decisions on a daily basis, we can't expect the masses to choose the best leader for our country. 

In turn, a leader elected through universal suffrage will also be likely to create a "debased and mediocre culture" to satisfy the ignorant multitude who placed him in power, in the first place. The argument here is that if you were elected by ignorant masses, why would you want the masses to wise up? If they're no longer ignorant, they won't be as easy to manipulate. Thus, the leader will do his best to reinforce this mediocrity. 

This is why the critics of universal suffrage believe that it will breed mediocre leadership, because the ignorant multitude who are easy to manipulate can overpower the vote of the informed minority, and choose a mediocre leader. 


  1. Stephen's Critique of Mill's Idea of Liberty.
  2. Universal Suffrage Is Madness.

Thanks @crypsocopy, especially for the links provided which further butress my misgivings about Universal Suffrage.

The question stemmed from my personal observation in my country , Nigeria , where MOST OF THE LEADERS have perpetually performed below International Standard; yet Continues to cling to Power because of the NAIVETY OF UNIFORMED ELECTORATES.
It has always been my pleasure to partake from your always seasoned contributions in this community.!!

You're welcome. And thank you for replying to my comment too.

Personally, although I like the ideals of democracy (liberty, freedom, equality, and human rights), I find that it's implementation has been lacking, especially in light of recent times. I still think it's the least offensive form of government, but it's definitely not perfect and really needs to have an informed electorate to work.

Thanks @cryptocopy

Universal suffrage does not enthrone mediocre leaderships, the reason is because universal suffrage grants people, everyone above 18 years the right to vote and be voted for this is actually advantageous because there will equality between a man and a woman, the rich and the poor, and there will be nothing like suffrage by wealth, by race or by gender.

Universal suffrage was as a result of the discrimination of the other kinds of suffrage that's why the early fighters of equality and human rights enshrined universal suffrage to bring about the awareness of equity amongst people.

In other words universal suffrage doesn't enthroned mediocrity, in fact it makes it possible for the true deserved choice of the majority to be chosen rightly as a leader, whilst other suffrage doesn't

Universal SUFFERAGE enable EVERY adult irrespective of QUALITY of the adult to Enthrones Leadership.

In a population of MORE LESS QUALITY ADULTS, Leadership MUST be BAD because, the Majority would prefare their KIND to the Other.

Scenario: I live in a country where more than 60% of the population are functionally ILLITERATE, including my Uncles who does not understand RUDIMENTARY financial systems of Nations!! Hence they ask me often: " WHY CANT THE GOVERNMENT PRINT MONEY and give Enough to ALL" ?

For this reason , they massively enthroned a Politician who fraudulently promised them such. The result : NOW EVERY BODY IS WORST OFF BECAUSE THAT IS NOT POSSIBLE, Yet, they don't understand; always thinking GOVERMENT is WICKED!!!

What are your predictions about next season (final) of the Game of Thrones?

Surprises, battle result, white walkers, great wall collapse, dragons

How to organize to write a great article?

planning strategy and methods

I joined Steemit in January after years of disorganized writing on various platforms. Just like on Steemit, I had a very hard time gaining a following on said platforms. The difference was, I was less motivated to find a following on those platforms- which went hand in hand with the activity level of others on those platforms. So, I never really made any effort to improve my organizational skills and continued to put out random ranting garbage. 

Steemit changed all of that for me. I finally wanted to figure out some methods for organization. For the first time I was seeing actual engagement on a site where I was writing. I've always been extremely interested in writing so I got really excited and decided I was going to put a lot of effort into it. 

One of the first things I came to realize in my search for topics is that in order to write a good article, particularly if you want it to be well-received(I think we all do) is that you really need to be interested in what you are writing about. 

For instance, I write a series of posts about different musicians/albums/songs and the history behind them. At first, I was simply choosing random music that fit my taste and doing the research from there. I wrote a few articles about bands that really didn't have much information about them. I really liked the music; but I didn't have much to write about. I started writing more about musicians I knew of with really interesting or unique histories, and I immediately found the writing coming much easier to me- as well as getting a better reception from other users.

Once you've found some topics that you are really knowledgeable about, or interested in, or ideally both, you practice your writing style from there. It kind of tends to evolve on it's own, with the more practice you put in. Then, I'd say a big part of it is formatting. 

Here I am assuming you are referring to writing on Steemit. Or something similar. But even if you aren't, I'd imagine the following still holds true for pretty much any "article". Formatting is key. 

Using headers is super important. People get intimidated when they just look at a large amount of text. If you have headers throughout, people are less likely to feel like they're faced with a challenge. The next key to that is pictures, images, drawings. Something of that nature. It's really nice to break up your words with some images. It keeps the readers attention and all in all gives a better aesthetic to your article. 

I try to incorporate one every few paragraphs. I've found it's much easier to insert them as you are writing but often I've found it's easier to just continue writing sometimes when you are "in the zone". If I find myself doing that, then I will go back through and proofread, and find appropriate images to put throughout as I am going through.

This brings up another important thing- proofreading. I am guilty of not doing it a lot. Often times I exhaust myself over producing an article and am so eager to hit "publish" at the end I forget to proofread. Every single time that happens, when I later go back and re-read the article there are a multitude of mistakes. Sometimes sentences have the complete opposite meaning than I intended. So definitely PROOFREAD!

You can also use line breaks and other cute stuff like that. And make sure you properly cite your images. And keep on practicing! I think the biggest tip I can give is practice. You'll start to see what works and what doesn't and you'll start to feel the desire to improve organically. 

Hope that helped. Steem on! :)

Thank you for your guidelines. I sometimes also forget to proofread my artice. Post button is waiting for me to press in hurry. However it always make me edit second time after publishing.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I've been writing on Steemit for over a year now and in that time I've found out about a couple of things that you might find useful.

  1.  Figure out your subject
  2. Think of a catchy title (don't clickbait, people dislike it)
  3. Inform yourself about the subject matter the best you can 
  4. Work on a skeleton of your post (introduction, plot,  denouement, conclusion)
  5.  Proofread, correct grammar mistakes 
  6. Make sure that the points you are trying to make are meaningful  and well thought out
  7. Deliver your message with a punch (it must stick with the reader)
  8. Proofread, see if there is anything you would like to add or remove
  9. Add appropreate images and/or videos 
  10. Stylise your post using markdown  
  11. Adjust titles, quotes, add breaks, center text or images when visually appropreate, pull images to the right or left side making them smaller and with an added benefit of your text wrapping around them <div class="pull-left">Your Image</div>  
  12. Make sure your text is chopped up in readable blocks to make it more enjoyable to read -> My preference is to have about 10 rows for the introduction and 5-8  for the rest of the post
  13. Proofread one last time, fix any gramatical mistakes and do your last touchups
  14. Enjoy your fresh, eye-pleasing, highly impactful post ready for some upvotes :)

EDIT: Forgot about one last thing. If you find a post that is exceptionally well stylised and you want to know how they did it use: 

It will give you the full source of the post from which you can learn to implement those things in your articles.


That is a great answer with details. How much time do you spend preparing your content?

How do you add goggle adsense or any advertisement in cPanel?

I am offering a free web hosting service at or for people who uses Steemit and SteemPress.

To pay for the free service I provide I need to utilize any add I can put in my websites.

cPanel is the main access of my customers so I would like to put some advertisement in cPanel.

If anyone out there can help me out, I appreciate it very much.

I think no major change. I will continue to visit for questions and answers.

Initially I joined Musing for some earning. But now I love musing even if I don't answer the questions I love to read the answers given by the other users.   

May be time spent on Musing be reduced but I think I will be still using the musing.

Musing is very helpful to me in number of ways. Such as:-

Sharing knowledge is always good even it increases your own knowledge.

It enables to broaden my vision and I can get different point of view for a single problem/ question.

It also enable me to get some earning while sharing my knowledge.

It also allows me to ask question and clear my doubts.

Lastly, I think that I’m now addicted to this platform. will not stop upvoting just like dtube or dlive will not stop upvoting because they're a decentralized app unless there will be a little technical issues with voting power or so.

However if they peradventure stop voting, we may see reduction in content creating, I.e like answering and asking of question, I'll definitely keep coming back but engagements may be reduced, its only natural

Well steemit does actually have a messaging option, but it's only available on You can't privately message someone on steemit unless you and the person are registered on steemit chat, only then can you send them a direct message.

If you want to register on steem chat then just, click on the three dashes by the top right hand corner of the steemit page when you're logged into your steemit account then scroll down.

You'll see steem chat just under steemit shop. Click on it and register. After that you'll be able to DM all your friends on steemit who've equally registered on steem chat.

Well the interphase doesn't have a messaging option I think one way or another this will increase spam in the platform and the whales will get loads loads of URL from people begging for upvotes, I think this may be one of the factor why doesn't have a messaging option.

Besides there is and discord app as well this two are used to make up for engagement and used to replace the messaging option that steemit com doesn't have.

Do you really want everyone to see your messages on black and white? STEEM, like many others is a blockchain where information is transparent and freely accessible, 24/7/365.  Thus, having a integrated direct messaging option on would be a catastrophe and no one would use it.

Last night would be the last time. Lately I've not been getting enough sleep. I just lay awake listening to every sound of the night and the sound of the clock as it ticks away and when it is almost morning then sleep comes. It's unusual for me so I understand I am probably worried about something.

Peace of mind is a very vital aspect of good sleep and maybe I lack it now. I hope to be more relaxed tonight though

This is a norm for me as i barely sleep at night. And the most recent is last night. I had a dress to complete for a new client. Its something i have not sewn before but it was a great challenge.

Now, i passed out by 5am when i was done though but it was worth being awake.

Well I stayed up all through the night about a year ago, I was preparing for an exam and the it was like the 12 hours of daytime was not enough, so I stayed up all night to read so as to pass exams.

The other times was when I had insomnia and this was as a result of my anxiety and worries

A country's legislators can ban whatever it wants. Lawmakers hold the keys to the kingdom, so to speak. So if they want to ban cryptocurrency, toilet paper, bacon bits, plastic products, or umbrellas, it's well within their authority to do so. However, as kings of long ago discovered, there are social repercussions to certain legal actions. They might ban cryptocurrencies, but citizens can always circumvent the laws as long as they are willing to take the risks associated with doing so. For many people living under oppressive regimes, it's a risk worth taking. In some countries, the economy is so bad that cryptocurrencies are their only hope. 

Long story short, yes, countries can ban cryptocurrencies, but it isn't necessarily wise to do so.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Yes and no. 

They can pass laws which forbid use of cryptocurrency but they can never take away your rights to use them because it's out of their reach. They can't tap into the blockchain and connenct you with your wallet. The time you would get into trouble would be if you tried to exchange cryptocurrency for government issued toilet paper *khm* which fiat currencies are.

That's when they could track you down and link your wallet to your identity. But then again, there would be many different ways to circumvent this kind of oppression like buying technology goods like pc, tv, camera or anything of that sort with cryptocurrency and then sell it for fiat.


They can try but, they will never be successfull because people will always find a way to go around the obstacles they place in front of them.


Countries can ban the user of cryptocurrency completely depending on their own discretion. One major reason is it threatens their authority of everything. Cryptocurrencies are made to be decentralized, giving the power back to the people and that's what they are completely afraid of.

With a definite reasoning and authority, they can completely ban cryptocurrency especially if they introduce a new form of technology that benefits more equally. 

Another reason of banning it for me is crytpocurrency brings chaos and war to countries. Because it is decentralized and some transactions are encrypted, they are known to be used for fraudulent activities. Criminals, drugs, and hidden transactions were done using cryptocurrencies because they cannot easily be tracked using it.

We can answer it with "YES" & "NO" both.

Country can ban Cryptocurrency and their exchanges with legal rules as they like. Like recently in India when RBI said that they will ban it - banks connected with exchange stopped taking Deposit and Withdrawals and all the money freeze in exchange as no one able to withdraw it through banks. But later exchanges come up with solution like Peer to Peer, Coupons any many more so it started as usual. Even government ban it people will find a way to ignore it and do it anyway. As they may ban things under their border but not beyond that.

There is many possibilities for this. So as said we can answer with "Yes" as well as "No"

A country can pretty much do what it likes. We're seeing it now in the western world. Leaders are stepping up to the task and completely ignoring the public wants and needs. That being said though there's only so long you can poke a sleeping alligator before it wakes up and bites your arm off :)

 Of course, if they consider that they are a threat to the economy of the country they can do it.  They can also do it in case there are many frauds associated with these, which would be a measure to protect the citizens of that country. 

Moved to the Hive platform.

Well sure they can ban cryptocurrency ...

But that will not stop people from using it ... Because they can t take down a P2P Network like Bitcoin.

Yes, this is true.  While it is true that Cryptocurrency brings a lot of positivity and power to back to people, making it decentralized - it is also true that its risk of dominating the world in the hands of evil people will prevail.

When a country sees the threat of allowing cryptocurrencies to dominate the nation, they can completely ban it. Another thing to realize will also be utilizing other potential inventions which are at least greater than cryptocurrencies without thinking of the casualties.

Another important reason will be authority and sovereignity. Countries will ban crypocurrency because it threatens their power to rule. Cryptocurrencies are meant to be decentralized and will forever be. I can sense that with the direction of cryptocurrency is going, there will always be countries that are against it.

They can but it would be the same as banning the tide coming in.

Well it all boils down to how long your legs are or who you have that's watching your back.

A couple of months ago my cousin was coming back from church with his family and they got robbed just in front of his house. The robbers tooK his phones, his laptop, his wife's phone and laptop and his car.

A couple of days later they were caught and reprimanded by the FSARS(Federal Special Anti Robbery Squad). There were four robbers in total but by the time my cousin got to the police station he only saw three. Apparently one of the robbers just happened to be the son of a deceased member of the FSARS and once they knew who he was they just let him go.

Despite all my cousin's efforts to get the boy jailed, the FSARS made sure that didn't happen, even going so far as to jail him instead if he didn't let the matter go.

Having friends or family in high places is certainly a good thing in Nigeria.

Do you have neighbors who annoy you?

Have you ever had to live with annoying neighbours who made life hell for you? How did you cope with them?

I don't anymore but I used to. The memories alone could make me feel anger rise.

It was a compound where we stayed for more than fifteen years. We grew up to meet this people who had a knack for troublemaking.

They quarrelled with virtually everyone in the compound except us. We never stoop so low as to having exchange of words with them. That's one thing about my family that I like.

Here's some things they did that would tell you how troublesome they were.

We lived in a very small house with just a room and parlor(face palm). It wasn't the most comfortable of states. We had to constantly have people in our lives and within our views at all times because of where we were at that point. We shared toilets and bathrooms which were outside the house.

Now, these people in particular were every shades of nuisance. Where they lived in the compound was at the extreme end and we were at the other end. Yet, these people came to build a kitchen close to our side. They did this immediately the other people who were staying where we were left. We came when they'd just built it. We couldn't say anything about it because it would be as though we were flogging a dead horse.

Now, this woman, the mother of the troublemakers would wake up as early as three a.m and start pounding cassava. You can imagine and this was very close to our window. You couldn't sleep when she began and she did it without considering the fact that people were still sleeping.

Another thing she was fond of doing was pouring the water from her fermented cassava on the floor close to our house. The smell of that thing can wake a dead corpse.

I remember the only time my dad talked to these people was one of those occasions. He couldn't sleep because of the smell and had to go tell them to move.

These people were doing 'colonizing'. They took up every little space they could find in the compound and anyone that complained got to quarrel with their whole family which had more than ten people; father, mother and eight children.

They didn't have much but would rear every animal they could afford to buy (surprisingly they could afford goats, turkey, fowls).

Their animals were usually as troublemaking as they were. The owners would be there and watch as their animals overturned people's garbage dump and ate people's food items they had left to sun-dry but would do nothing.

The day we finally moved out of thats yard remains one of my happiest days till date.

Yes, I do. I have a neighbor who is very suspicious of everyone around her. 

The biggest incident we experienced was when she got a new car and every time her bumper or paint job gets a scratch, she has the terrible habit of blaming it on people in the neighborhood, as if everyone was out to get her and we scratched her car on purpose. She would go to people's houses to complain and accuse everyone from the kids to the cats of being the culprit. She even made a few official complaints, but since she can't prove anything, nothing came about it. 

Then, one day, out of the blue, she installed three security cameras. She had the cameras positioned so they could see all side of her car clearly. They were only meant to catch the vandals who "scratched" her car. In fact, it even came to the point that whenever people stop to talk near her property line, you will suddenly find her out and about, as if she was on a stakeout and constantly watching her video feeds. 

This went on for a while. Then after sometime, she suddenly had the cameras removed. We only  found out recently that she realized, with the help of her cameras, that the scratches on her car were all accidental. They were the result of her kids and their friends bumping into her car with their backpacks. The backpacks have a lot of metal hardware in them and that's what has been causing the scratches. So, now they're not allowed to hang around it, anymore. 

It was terrible dealing with a neighbor that suspicious of everyone. Mostly, we just ignored her and tried to stay as far away as possible. Given her irrational behavior, we felt that it was best to just avoid conflict. She's not the type to listen to reason once she had her mind up, anyway. And since she wasn't being violent, just annoying, there was no reason to make things worse by retaliating.

I feel this is the best way to deal with annoying neighbors. Getting into a fight with someone you live so close to will only make things worse. By avoiding them, you avoid any conflict. And who knows, maybe they were just going through something and they were taking it out on the neighborhood. This way, once they get over their problem, this gives everyone the chance to still be good neighbors. 

There are, a lot.

But it's all about how you take things in your mind. At first, I became very annoyed in everything that they do. I became so stressed to focus on what they do that makes me annoyed. 

Until one time I realized I should not dwell on it too much. I'll be stressed to think of their doings. Instead, I shifted my focus on to something that helps me grow. Like everytime they do things like that, I also focused myself onto other things like cleaning the house, etc.

It is all about how you absorb everything and respond to it.

No, I don't. I have neighbors who SOMETIMES annoy me.  And I think everyone has, as living in each others vicinity isn't always easy.
However, whenever there are times my neighbors annoy me, or when I annoy them, we try to communicate about it.
Communication is key. In every relationship, also the ones between neighbors.
Quite often it can occur that I'm doing something that, without me realizing, even knowing about it, annoys my neighbor. When he/she doesn't discuss this with me, I will never know, and perhaps also never stop doing that specific thing. And my neighbor will get more and more annoyed. And also other things, that were not annoying to him/her before, will start annoying him, and the whole situation will escalate. When he/she tells me about my annoying behavior, I will be able to change it. Or, we can discuss about why or how that behavior is necessary for me.
Communication is key.

I've had a plethora of annoying neighbors but there was one apartment I lived in about 2-3 years ago that without a doubt takes the cake. Not only because it was one neighbor that was annoying- but that throughout the years living there we had SO MANY awful neighbors. 

So we lived in a 3 bedroom apartment on the base level of a large historic house on the corner of a busy street. The guy who owned the building was a over privileged, entitled, illiterate piece of trash, to put it nicely. One of his workers/kids lived across the hall and would constantly blast movies at full volume. That didn't bother me so much, because it kind of gave me permission to do the same thing, but he also sold pills out of the building and would wander into our apartment at random times during the night for "maintenance checks". Things went missing a lot. 

Above him was a young couple with a daughter. The daughter was as sweet as could be, and I truly felt terrible for her because all the couple did was fight over drugs. Loudly. Like, screaming matches. All day, every day. I never even met them. I just knew what the arguments were about because they would scream at the top of their lungs about it in front of their 5 year old daughter. Sometimes with the hallway door open. It was just awful. 

There were a few more annoying ones in the building but this is all build up for the family across the street. Across the street was a family with drug problems and 3 kids. The father, as far as I know, wasn't in the picture. I believe he lived a few towns over and would take the kids for weekends here and there, but he never helped with the BS going on in the city.

The mom was a train wreck. I don't know what her deal was. She never seemed too messed up or strung out so maybe she was just lazy and careless. I don't think so though. 

The kids were crazy annoying. It was a really tough situation because I genuinely liked the kids and I really felt for their situation. They had no supervision and at the ages of 5, 7, and 10 were given free rule to run the streets at all times of the night. They would come over to our apartment sometimes at 2 in the morning demanding to play N64 while we were all stumbling around after the bars. The two younger girls kind of found other part time homes but the 10 year old was obsessed with my dog and would never leave.

I love Anel(that's his name). And I always will. But damn the kid couldn't have found more annoying times to show up. As previously mentioned, he would show up at 2 in the morning, or later. He would show up during romantic evenings with my ex. He would show up when I had a large group of friends over. He would show up when people were really messed up. He would show up and cause drama and mischief. He would try to set my dog free. He would show up when I was trying to work or my ex was doing schoolwork. 

It was a nightmare 2 years in which I never had any peace. On top of all the neighbors, even our room mates were horrible. I think the most solitude we ever had was one Christmas day there.   

Yes i have neighbours who annoy me and I think everyone does. It is not easy for humans to co-habit peacefully because we have different beliefs and upbringing. This is why in a compound you have different types of neighbours. You have the loud ones who is always shouting and playing loud music, you have the meddling one who will never mind their business, you have dirty ones whose environment is always unkempt and the uncooperative neighbour who never cooperates with the rest of the neighbours. Having these neighbours can be very annoying especially when you want some peace of mind or things done quickly.

If you have an annoying neighbour, it will be wise to talk to them about what they are doing politely not aggressively because aggression has never resolved any issue. It could be they are not aware of what they are doing, bringing it to their knowledge can help them watch it and be more careful.

Again it could be they are going through a stress at the moment and talking to them can help you figure out what the problem might be and it won't be a bad idea to help them keep the lawn clean, walk their dogs eye.

It could also be that what they are doing is within their rights and so you really can't do anything about it but in a situation where it is not and they have refused to listen then you can bring in the attention of the landlord to mediate in the matter After All you are paying rent and so your comfort is important.

Yes I definitely use to have, I had neighbors who used to litter the compound and surroundings with food matters, particles and play excessively loud music.

The truth was if it was in a country like the United states I would've had to report them to the authorities but in my country there easy no constitutional law that prohibits against excessive loud music and constituting noise polution to the environment and even if there was it wasn't enshrined and not sacrosanct and as a result of this I was entirely powerless to stop this and it prevented me from sleeping well in the night.

I tried to be peaceful by gently asking them to reduce the time factor and stop playing music during midnight hours but it fell on deaf ears and they even threaten to beat me up if I kept bothering them to stop the music.

I had to endure this for a long time and it was annoying, however in other not to damage my ears I had to leave the apartment and get some place better to live, they were annoying and it nearly harmed me medically

Well, news programs, especially the mainstream ones, are nothing other than propaganda tools. Used to spread the governments narative about any given event in a way they seem fit, to shape public opinion however they want. The way they earn money though, is through paid advertisement.

They are actually not sharing their content for free, for a news channel to maintain a very strong reputation, they have to actually deliver quality contents like consistently for free to Te general populace and this will of course build them a solid reputations that can guarantee trustworthiness which will in turn make it very easy for ad marketing.

Basically these channels make their money 80% from ad marketing and 20% from maybe online streaming of their channel, YouTube channel and other revenue, that's why when a TV news Channel is just starting to broadcast they have to showcase what they have freely, it's marketing

Nothing. They are absolutely the same thing. They are actually called tropical cyclones. When a tropical cyclone is weak, it is called a tropical depression. If it speeds up to 39 miles per hour, it becomes a tropical storm. Should this storm then speed up to 74 miles per hour, it is classified as a either a hurricane, typhoon or tropical cyclone. But they are called by different names to identify what part of the world they occur in. Example, in the north Atlantic, central North Pacific and eastern North pacific, it is called a hurricane. In the north west Pacific, it is called a typhoon. And in the South Pacific and Indian Ocean, the generic term tropical cyclone is used.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Good qustion. I must admit that this bothered me as a kid and because we were never tought about it in scool, I had to research myself. What I found out was that:

Hurricanes, typhoons, and cyclones are just different names for the same type of storm. 

The difference between hurricane and typhoon is that cyclones that rage accros the west Pacific are called Typhoons and those that have spawned in the Atlantic and east Pacific Ocean are called Hurricanes. 

Yes, there is. Its called the naval officers care home for children. I like to think myself blessed in life with a great family whom i can rely on for anything at anytime. The thought of people like me without parents and are suffering hjrts me a great deal.

I make efforts twice a month to take provision and clothing to the home as it is just a stone throw from my house. Seeing the happy faces of children gives me the feels and i am reminded that there are worse things out there than my problems.

Cloud seeding is a weather adjustment method which has the aim of controlling precipitation.

This is done by dispersing substances high up in the air, usually by plane. These dispersed chemicals (mostly silver iodide) serve as a sort of condensation point or nuclei that pull water molecules in the air towards themselves. Over a few hours, rain or snow clouds would have formed and precipitation would be expected. Basically, it is used in arid regions where rain is scarce .

A dating app on the steemit block chain? That would be the first of its kind and I think it is overdue. Steemit though a blogging site has built friendship and relationship between people of different races, colours and religion.

People spend hours with other steemians, learning and interacting. A dating app will help foster relationship between steemians and I am sure it would be a welcome development. Without a dating app, some steemians are already dating, now think what a dating app would do. Imagine having someone like @ned declaring he is looking for friends on the dating app. Hahahaha, your guess is as good as mine.

Not only steemians, the dating app will help bring ,more people into steemit because dating apps are always flooded with people searching for happiness. Imagine you can earn from just chatting up a stranger on a dating app? All other dating app will go into oblivion. I think @ned and @dan and other investors should look into it. It would be a welcome development.

Oh man there are a bunch. Growing up for me, if was always the old nails on the chalkboard. I know that's super typical but for me it was slightly different in the sense that the sound would actually make me physically queasy. I'm even getting queasy now just thinking about it. 

The reason is is that it reminds me of the actual feeling of running your nails down a chalkboard. I have always had a problem with needing something to do with my hands(I believe they call it "ADHD" this day and age) and I think as a result, when I had nothing else to do, I started instinctively biting my nails at one point. I suppose it could be a nervous/anxious habit, but I'm more convinced it stems from my need for having occupied hands. 

That being said, my nails are usually bit down below my actual fingers. So the nails on the chalkboard thing really gets to me. 

Currently, however, I think the noise that annoys me most is the barking routine my dog performs when either there is someone at the door or whether he just thinks there is someone at the door. As you can imagine, the latter is much, much more annoying. Not only because it is completely unnecessary, but it causes him to just go on and on because the door obviously never opens. So he just lets out a really loud, startling bark, slips and slides his way over to the door in an indoor sprint, and just makes a weird grumbling sound with intermittent piercing barks despite my requests for him to stop. 

It might sound cute but it's extremely startling. Plus, when there is someone at the door and they don't know him they're usually terrified to come in. Normally this is a good thing, of course, but at times I forget about it and send someone to my house to wait for me, only to find them waiting terrified on the front porch saying something like "I wasn't sure if I should go in there".

There are a ton of other really annoying sounds. Having lived on an extremely busy street for 2 years in a row, and one with free parking, I got really used to car alarms. The worst. 

OH AND the chirping sound that smoke alarms make when they're low on battery. I understand it's a safety thing but it's far too loud and frequent and you should at least have the option to turn it down. The one in my bedroom last year nearly gave me a heart attack every time it went off, and I was on crutches so going to get the new batteries was no easy task. I think that noise actually tops the other ones for me, for sure. 

The most annoyimg noise to me is a generator noise. In my country we have poor power supply and can stay for days in darkness and the generator noise has become synonymous to government failure to me. Whenever I hear the noise it reminds me one of the reasons why i do not like my country and why I need to keep praying for it.

This is a big problem because these generators come on at night when everyone is back at home. After a busy day at work, one would expect to come home to some calm and quietness but oh no, that is when about 5 neighbours would decide to turn on their generators and they arevusually so loud because of poor services. You can't even talk to someone in same room without screaming to be heard. You have to go look for a quiet place to make a phone call and then sleep wouldn't come not in that noise.

If there is a noise a hate so much, it is the noise from the generator. It takes my peace away.

That's an easy answer :)  mosquito while you are trying to get a good night sleep ! 

There are plenty, there are the typical ones, like those nasty sounds you can make with a chalkboard. But there are others too, like a baby screaming all night long, or people having sex, and you not being part of it, or a train that comes to a shrieking halt, someone whispering in your ear while breathing too much at the same time.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Congratz! I just joined not so long ago but already got a feel of the outstanding community that is here daily.

 The best way to promote anything is by word-of-mouth. Tell your friends that anyone can earn some cryptocurrency for simply asking or answering questions. Many, especially those that had prior involvement in sites like Quora will gladly hop on the Musing train and kick it here where their efforts are highly appreciated. 

Besides that, the other big thing is promoting Musing on other social media websites. They are quite popular as you might know and bring in billions of clicks per day. If we could tap into 1% of that, Musing would be launched to the moon and beyond! What users can do to help promote Musing on other social media websites is to post about it. Wether it's only a picture of the musing logo accompanied by a short explanation of the service, by sharing Q/A's or in any other way. Any conversation about Musing that we can start on other social media websites is highly beneficial for the platform. 

If more users engaged in such activities, hitting the mainstream might not be as hard as it seems.

First of all I'd like to congratulate on reaching 10k plus post and I think it's time develops an app, maybe like the esteem surfer app which can be found on Play store and and iOS as well, in order to enable mobile devices to have fast and easy access to post and answer questions as well infact this way will also promote by making an app that can be visible on play store.

We can also promote by sharing it on social media platforms icons and option to share on social media can also be added to questions.

Another Way is for users to make posts on their steemit blogs in forms of a tutorial, telling people about and how to use it.

I think the best way to promote, is to post your musing content on your blog once in a while. Perhaps you could write a post where you give a rating based on your user experience.

If you share content on your main blog, tell your friends about musing, and continue to stay active on the platform, I believe you will attract others to musing.

I've invited a few people, and they all love musing! 

I was invited, and I love musing.

There seems to be a pattern, most people that try musing, end up loving it!

I hope this answer helps!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Talking about cost, It is the expenses incurred for a product and this is what determines itz price.

In every business, there must be a profit. The way a profit is gotten depends on the cost of production, and thats what determines the price of a product.

The cost of producing a product in every country varies. The transportation in terms of importing raw materials, Tax, service cost, perceived value and so on are not the same.

Check the table below as an examples

Cocacola(country A). Cocacola(country B)

$200,000 Raw matrls. $200,000 Raw matrls

$1,500. Transport.                $2,000. Transport

$5,700. Labour.                          $5,650. Labour

$1,300. Energy.                            $4,800. Energy

$3,400. Tax.                                        $5,000. Tax

$211,900.       Total Expenses.             $217,450

From the above table,country A and B are the same company producing the same product(coca-cola) but they are not in the same location. They both got their raw material from the same place at same price of $200,000 but the cost of transportation differs because the companies are located differently. Other costs from labour to Tax also differs because the minimum wage of workers and Tax in countries differs.All this resulted in the $211,900 and $217,450 respectively as the cost of production for both countries.

Now if country A and B want to fix price for what they've produced,will they fix it the same or differently? Obviously it won't be the same because the cost of production differs and both will want to make profit from their business. This Is exactly what is happening in the world.

However, the chain of distribution of products from the manufacturer down to the retailer isn't balance. The wholesaler sells to retailers at different prices and the retailer also sells to the final consumer at the price that pays them. These are the reasons for difference in price across the world.


Talking about cost, It is the expenses incurred for a product and this is what determines itz price.

In every business, there must be a profit. The way a profit is gotten depends on the cost of production, and thats what determines the price of a product.

The cost of producing a product in every country varies. The transportation in terms of importing raw materials, Tax, service cost, perceived value and so on are not the same.

Check the table below as an examples

Cocacola(country A). Cocacola(country B)

$200,000 Raw matrls. $200,000 Raw matrls

$1,500. Transport. $2,000. Transport

$5,700. Labour. $5,650. Labour

$1,300. Energy. $4,800. Energy

$3,400. Tax. $5,000. Tax

$211,900. Total Expenses. $217,450

From the above table,country A and B are the same company producing the same product(coca-cola) but they are not in the same location. They both got their raw material from the same place at same price of $200,000 but the cost of transportation differs because the companies are located differently. Other costs from labour to Tax also differs because the minimum wage of workers and Tax in countries differs.All this resulted in the $211,900 and $217,450 respectively as the cost of production for both countries.

Now if country A and B want to fix price for what they've produced,will they fix it the same or differently? Obviously it won't be the same because the cost of production differs and both will want to make profit from their business. This Is exactly what is happening in the world.

The difference in the cost of production and the aforementioned points determines the price, that is why we have same product with different cost resulting in different prices across the world.

What are good places to look for inspiration?

For example when you want to create a design for yourself or anything that you own, such as a symbol for new game, a logo or anything in that matter. (artist designs)

I think this depends more on what you want inspiration for. If you want to write literature, I always find music to be a good source of inspiration. If you want to inspiration for photography, then nature might suffice. Also you can enter populated cities for inspiration for photography. The lights and people are great for it.

This isn't that serious of an answer, but I find it relaxing:

Motivational auto-generated by AI. But it can get the creative juices flowing sometimes.