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Meet him occasionally. If you "will not want to meet" this person all the time, chances are he knows what happened. You think you may be clever, but your tendency to wait outside the men's bathroom can not be categorized quietly. Make sure you do not do strange things to meet him - if you '' suddenly '' suddenly crosses him, that's a pure accident! Maybe you should change your routine, if for no other reason than to make yourself easier. If you take the same route to school or workplace, take a new route. Hanging out in the same place? Go at different times. Initially it is not convenient, but later you will get used to this new routine.

Build a Strong Support System

Although many think that if obsessive-compulsive disorder is a problem that occurs due to brain dysfunction, obesessive compulsive disorder is also caused by several traumatic or stressful events such as being left behind by someone who is loved, losing important work, diagnosing deadly diseases and various other events that can make a person anxious and stress and arise abnormal behavior.

For some people, stress and anxiety can lead to a desire to control some aspects of life that seem less important to others. To do so, building a social support system that respects the experience of the past is very important. In addition, look for support from some people who support so that mental health in general can be maintained properly.

Stop taking yourself so seriously. I was known as the smartest girl in class, and yet because of the skit I wound up being scolded and was given a C in front of everyone. My main embarassment came from the feeling that I ruined my “perfect” image. Yes, it’s important to try hard, but the world becomes an easier place once you recognize you’re also a human being susceptible to mistakes. Let loose a little.
Stop thinking everybody is thinking about you. Even if you’re a Kardashian, odds are, they probably aren’t. We’ve all had those embarrassing experiences of going to school with an atrocious haircut, tripping very hard in front of strangers, or saying something totally stupid to that gorgeous crush. Maybe people even made fun of you for it. But, it becomes old news very quickly. Laugh it off and move on. Everyone else has.
Start thinking about the future. So you happen to step into a big fresh pile of dog poo, and now every nickname your friends come up with are all poo-related? (True story.) At that moment, you might feel stupid for not looking where you were stepping, but think: how about a week later? Or a month later? Most of the time, you’ll realize that it wouldn’t really matter any more. And that will help you cope with the embarrassment faster. For me the embarrassment has long faded, and the only thing left is the vivid memory of how it feels when your foot steps into large amounts of gooey brown gunk. (Not fun.)

Obsessive thoughts must be conquered by just letting them be. When you think certain thoughts which of course hurt you, stress you out and paralyze you know that that is not you. If you can believe that, as hard as it is, know that it doesn't matter. It is almost like a fly that keeps coming back. Insignificant, but highly distracting. You have to make yourself believe that the thoughts are just passing through and don't mean anything. People go through days, months and multiple years not knowing why they keep obsessing, this elevates focus on these thoughts and can really put people in a state of depression.
I have found that by developing an attitude "that these thoughts are part of me but are not me" they become just a minor discomfort rather than a pure obsession.

There are also natural supplements out there that can help with the anxiety of these thoughts and allow your mind to stay calm. Ashwaghanda and Reishi mushroom are two that have been proven to help with this.
Obsessive thoughts may not be possible to stop all together, but that is why must be accepted as nothing but a thought, no deeper meaning to it. It is not the thoughts that are crippling but the anxiety, depression and stress that stems from them.

I can go into a lot more detail but my time is a bit short so I will keep it short.

  1. You are not your thoughts
  2. Over time these thoughts will become obsolete
  3. Do not try to rationalize or justify your obsessive thoughts
  4. Try not to hold any type of emotion, happy , sad or angry towards the thoughts
  5. Think of them as just passing through