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To me "beauty" is an abstract etymology of our senses. .. It could be anything, a leaf blowing in the wind, a girl fixing her hair, a guy helping her mother, a kid playing with dirt, morning light peaking through my curtains, a song that is soothing to me or anything that i find pleasing....

What I have learned from experience since my childhood is beauty can be found everywhere. It just depends on you.. You just have to add the word beauty after an adjective.. For example chaotic beauty such as thunderstorms or busy streets or a writers table or even an aartists color pallet. What you have to do is just view the world from every possible perspective and choose the best one that is soothing to your senses. And you will find beauty in everything.

What is beauty? I often questioned it to myself. I always think about the meaning of these words every time a see a figure of a woman. What is the ideal type of woman for men? If desired by a man against us? This question always swirling in my head.

Finally, I found the answer. That beauty starts from ourselves, ladies. Appreciate whatever there is in us — either a deficiency or excess. We have to love every inch of us. If you hate what you see and try to avoid for what you have, let alone other people.

The chain of hatred that will gnaw at you in getting along and loving in your life. Hatred can be likened to a disease and that no one can cure it, besides yourself. You should start learning to love yourself — every inch from the ends of the hair to toe. If you are obese, you have to admit if you are obese and would try to change yourself for the better.

If you have a physical shape you sad point of view (such as the shape of the nose), you can change the perspective of the look. For example, I never said to be charming and not similar to men because of how I look like my father. I changed their views with prove it if I did look like my father, but it doesn't mean I don't can be and look feminine.

Do not be ingested by the utterances of others! If you are said to be tubby, you try to check for yourself. If Yes, do you want to keep it that way? Keep in mind! All started from pemikiranmu, not from the utterances of others. If you continue to listen to the words of others, you will only be dissolved in the assessment of people and losing the essence of yourself.

You were beautiful, but lazy to admit it at any time. Where as beauty begins from the recognition of yourself.

About ideal types of the men and what is desired by them — I can only say that the ideal type that men want a woman who is attractive, supel, confident and healthy. Physically, the most important word is healthy and attractive. If you want to attract, then make yourself interesting.

Beauty is a characteristic of an object, place, person or thing that gives us pleasure or satisfaction or attraction.
There is a saying that ‘everything has its beauty but not everyone see it.’
Beauty is a relative term, for one person something or someone is beautiful while other person may not find it beautiful.
For me beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Beauty is something that differs from one person to another. Something that is beautiful for a person may not be necessarily beautiful for other person. It is purely dependent on the area of interest of a particular person. Some people might consider looks as beauty and other might consider the inner purity as beauty.

Beauty and attraction are dependent on each other. A beautiful thing is always attractive. This is again based on a person's perspective.

Beauty is poetry flowing in your mind and heart, beauty is love that doesn’t wait for rewards and gifts but gives its sacred light gratuitously, beauty is a painting that is more alive than life itself, beauty is life that is more enchanting than a fairy-tale, beauty is hidden within you and me and when your eyes shine, and when my heart beats to the rhythm of jazz, and when a lucid river sings, and an ocean brings a sublime tranquility, and a tree rustles and you understand its ancient language these are the signs of Beauty, visible and hidden, silent and mellifluous and we should not let this impeccable Goddess vanish.

Beauty is mostly associated to lovely things especially Woman. However it can be associated with anything be it animate or inanimate. It is a way of admiring something. Example What a beauty.

Like they say Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

a beautiful woman, has a natural beauty radiated from her, and not in karenakan by something she wear, and she wore.
but from what is in them.
real beauty is not in the value of the physical state but more than that,
The real beauty of a woman is, a woman who feels comfortable with herself, and becomes herself.

Speaking of the beauty of many women who may lack self-confidence that he is actually pretty even because of the lack of confidence she is a woman to his physique, especially his face many of them are trying various ways to beautify him with ways to do negative things such as surgery plastic for example that the current phenomenon is rife happening both among ordinary people and among the celebrities of the world including Indonesia really it is very tragic and sad article actually if they want to realize correctly all women are beautiful and born beautiful but they are lacking or many are not grateful for what God has created for them so that what happens is that many of them are doing negative things like plastic surgery when not necessarily plastic surgery that will work for him many cases or incident s Someone who does plastic surgery instead they are not more beautiful but even destroy their physical especially their face and the conclusion is always aware that in fact all women including you who are a woman is beautiful and thank God always give and creation that God give for us all