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Humans need food to live. However, some researchers say humans can survive without food for up to 2 months.

Humans really can survive without food or in liquid form. As long as they still have enough water this can last, depending on health and body size.

It is estimated that healthy people can last between 30 to 40 days without eating a single bite of food.

In ABC Science, there is one extreme case. Where men weighing 200 kg can survive in 382 days without solid or liquid food. During not eating food he managed to lose 80 kg and was able to maintain his weight for five years. Although he does not eat, but this man is monitored by a doctor and given a multivitamin, potassium and sodium supplements.

In another case on the BBC (20/02), Swedish Peter Skyllberg who was buried under snow was found to have survived for two months without food.

Catherine Collins, as a spokesman for the Diet Association in the UK explained that the body can condition the body during starvation to minimize the number of calories in the body. When the body stops feeding, the body uses sugar stored in the body.

The liver and muscles can store glycogen which is then converted to glucose. When glucose in the body runs out, fat can be converted into energy supply. If the fat runs out, the body will take energy from the protein from the muscle.

Duration Life without food is strongly influenced by a number of factors such as weight, genetic variation, other health considerations and most importantly, the presence or absence of dehydration. Other hunger stunts documented in world history record survival rates ranging from 46 hours to 70 days.

Although many factors are present in determining how long humans can live without eating, our bodies go through certain metabolic processes that help us to save energy when food is not available within reach. Basically, the body stretches out time to look for nutrients.

After 3 weeks of not eating, the body continues to look for sources of protein to be converted into fuel. After the muscle is gone, the only remaining energy source is tissue and and body organs to store the second largest protein in the body. By breaking down tissue proteins and organs, you may last up to three weeks or even 70 days, depending on whether you remain hydrated or still have plenty of fat reserves to use as energy. However, at some point, your immune system will start to die due to lack of vitamins and minerals. Without a supply of vitamins or minerals, along with "death" the immune system, body functions 'unnecessary', such as menstruation and libido will also stop completely.

Alright, My answer is no .The reason being that the human body has an innert regulatory mechanism to provide energy for the cells to function should food stop coming from external sources.

It does this by using up the stored glucose and if the fasting should last, it will convert protein into amino acid all in the bid of providing energy.

This process look fast but might take up to a week for the body to completely exhaust all its options

In the event that you didn't eat anything for 48 hours… .

You'd lose 20 pounds, change over your body into a fat-burning furnace, you will also your HGH by 500%, regrow hair, increment your digestion and find another eating regimen marvels that will clear the country and put you on television shows just before you compose a book and dispatch your own particular eating regimen program. In case you're a person, your pecker will increment in estimate and in case you're a chick, your bosom will get greater! Trump will leave and peace and amicability will win… .Yet despite everything we'll have the metric framework, the French will remain quitters and the English will keep on driving on the wrong side of the street : )

You'll consume some fat, feel somewhat bleary eyed and frail and very little more then that. Fasting publicity will recommend a wide range of supernatural things be that as it may, uh… not by any stretch of the imagination. Our bodies are undeniably strong and imposing then we envision.

Without a doubt: it's solitary present day society that affirms that we ought to eat 3 dinners for every day and that we NEED ceaseless approaching sustenance to maintain ourselves. Give me a chance to hit you with this fact/reality: you know how our mobile phones have a battery level that can go up to 100% and a great many people will toss their telephone on the charger when they begin seeing 50– 60%… .let me reveal to you what we do with our bodies: we keep our bodies at 97%-100% territory!! We never-endingly eat and God restrict we avoid a dinner or (heave) multi day!

No compelling reason to withhold water however you can skip eating for quite a long time or even months, it's been finished. Somewhere in the range of 400+ pound hefty person went over an entire year (under therapeutic supervision) and with simply a few supplements got down to 185 preceding they brought him back on the sustenance pack.

Furthermore, the closer: be reasonable and keep away from extremes, in case you're hoping to get in shape simply acquire it at 1,200 calories for every day to be genuinely forceful. Up to half of weight reduction while under caloric confinement isn't fat however rather fit weight… .you would prefer not to resemble a skinny weakling so don't starve yourself.

As a matter of fact - took a stab at fasting for 7 days (once with one dinner daily, some other time simply water), you would get extremely ravenous, however it wouldn't be an issue on the off chance that you drank water or different fluids. For the most part its extremely a psychological thing.

By the third day you would be balanced, by the seventh day, you would have the capacity to go one more week with no issue. You must be keen about completing a quick, you can't do any diligent work, and you ought to maintain a strategic distance from espresso, sodas, and so forth, things that will build the corrosive substance in your stomach. Now and again even certain sorts of mineral water can give you issues (as indicated by a few companions that did this with me). In case you're working, bunches of little snoozes and rest breaks assist as well. one odd thing that I additionally saw is that you get extremely terrible breath. I don't know whether other individuals noticed it (since I deliberately attempted to avoid other individuals) since it was extremely terrible. it appears somewhat nonsensical however having nothing in your gut gives you more awful breath than if you eat regularly. the terrible breath has happened each time so for me it is anything but a fluke, not certain about other individuals however.

After the seventh day you'd have lost around 10-15 kilos as well - simple increased back following half a month.

One awesome thing is time passes by realllyyyy moderate. Craving does that to you, it truly encourages you mull over on things better.

imo everybody should have a go at fasting; that way they would have a superior comprehension of how the greater part of the world works and you would wind up quite a lot more thankful for what you have!

From individual experience on a 5-day water just quick: I was ravenous and exhausted the initial two days, couldn't figure straight and furthermore couldn't rest for the duration of the night. I would not like to get up and I always contemplated nourishment. On day 3, it resembled a switch had flipped. I was vivacious, not in the slightest degree eager and clear reasoning. Stayed asleep from sundown to sunset and extremely all around rested. Additionally, my reasoning was "at the time" and time didn't natter either, not certain if this was because of mealtimes not making a difference or something unique. Profoundly, I was substantially more centered around my supplication and contemplation.

The accompanying data is from an incredible book I got before starting my quick, "The Transformational Intensity of Fasting" by Stephen Harrod Buhner. It goes into all the logical stuff much superior to anything I can do here.

This is keeping it genuine basic: Physically, my body had gone into ketosis, which implies my body and cerebrum's fuel changed from the carbs I was eating and the glycogen stores I had left in my liver to living off my put away muscle versus fat. You can purchase Ketostix at any drug store and perceive how much your body is in ketosis; you dunk the strip into your pee and find moment solutions.

Your body is intended to have the capacity to switch between its fuel supplies from sustenance when "devouring" to your put away muscle to fat ratio amid "starvation." The considerably cooler part is that on the off chance that you keep fasting, your body will begin to eat up any unneeded microbes, infections, tumors and even carcinogenic cells - as indicated by the book.

I did it last December.

The fasting began at midnight of a Thursday so the primary "lunch" that I skipped was the Friday breakfast and I went ahead until Saturday at Midnight.

The initial 24h you will feel a slight (but persevering) feeling of appetite however physically and rationally you will be fine (very nearly 90%, I would state).

I prescribe you to drink bottomless water (+ a coffee when you feel somewhat drowsy).

The second day (the Saturday) the feeling of appetite sponsors a little however you will feel increasely drained and it will take you somewhat longer to do basic undertakings and furthermore concentrating on specific things.

Startlingly I needed to work hard that second fasting day in light of a crisis at work (I needed to walk a considerable measure conveying some overwhelming stuff to a few spots and furthermore center to keep in touch with some long business related messages) and, as a result, I got an exceptionally solid cerebral pain + solid feeling of regurgitating which I can just connect to the way that I was fasting (and not drinking enough of water).

I interfered with the fasting after 48h.o

A person can survive for significantly longer without food than they can without water. A person's body can only go a few days to a week without water but can go without food or very little food for upwards of a month.

Duration Life without food is strongly influenced by a number of factors such as weight, genetic variation, other health considerations and most importantly, the presence or absence of dehydration. Other hunger stunts documented in world history record survival rates ranging from 46 hours to 70 days.

Although many factors are present in determining how long humans can live without eating, our bodies go through certain metabolic processes that help us to save energy when food is not available within reach. Basically, the body stretches out time to look for nutrients.

After 3 weeks of not eating, the body continues to look for sources of protein to be converted into fuel. After the muscle is gone, the only remaining energy source is tissue and and body organs to store the second largest protein in the body. By breaking down tissue proteins and organs, you may last up to three weeks or even 70 days, depending on whether you remain hydrated or still have plenty of fat reserves to use as energy. However, at some point, your immune system will start to die due to lack of vitamins and minerals. Without a supply of vitamins or minerals, along with "death" the immune system, body functions 'unnecessary', such as menstruation and libido will also stop completely.

Usually, two diseases can occur in the final stages of hunger: marasmus and kwashiorkor. Marasmus is a severe form of malnutrition and energy deficiency, characterized by loss of muscle mass and edema, or flatulence. Kwashiorkor is the most common form of malnutrition in developing countries, caused by insufficient protein intake and also characterized by fatigue, edema, and decreased muscle mass.

If by some miracle you don't fall ill from extreme hunger, your body will slowly fall into a vegetative state - its biological function as a human still works well, but your brain is generally not functioning anymore which is then followed by death.

I attempted it and I did it consecutive thrice.

When I began my Water Quick out of the blue, I couldn't go any more extended then 36 hours. I was feeling extremely debilitated, got awful migraine, felt like I would upchuck and furthermore was greatly worn out. Obviously, I was eager,… exceptionally hungry.After being ravenous for 1 day and couple of more hours, I ate a pack of potato chips,.. and after that had a major burger. I broke my quick unexpectedly however simply out of craving. The following day, I again water fasted, this time I went ahead to 3 days in a row. I had indistinguishable manifestations this time from well however they were not all that awful. I was going solid until the point when end of the week arrived and I ate a great deal in those two days. I had lost around 5– 6 kgs in this whole cycle and 2 kgs in the past one.

I picked up 2 kgs throughout the end of the week, and now I'm fasting once more. Today is my second day on my third water quick. I can finally relax, few of my garments have begun to get free at my upper arms and around abdomen. Water quick will have any kind of effect on your midriff measure that is without a doubt. This time I will probably hit day 7.

What's more, to each one of those individuals who need to attempt this, give your body time to conform to these progressions, in light of the fact that once it does, you will know without a doubt. You will see weight reduction, inch misfortune, incredible vitality, no sluggishness, and no hunger(after day 2). You may get hunger panks which most recent a hour or so greatest. You can manage it by diverting your brain. Or then again as I kept, attempting until is at last works for you.

Food is very important for the body and without food the body cannot function properly because that's how God design it.

We need food to survive,we need food for our body to be strong and healthy and also lack of the right food has side effects on the body.

No matter how strong or physical you think you are, you can't survive without food.

Food gives the body vital energy.

Can someone survive without food for two day?

According to experts, the body can survive without food for seven days and can survive without water for only three days maximum.

So based on this fact,yes you can survive without food for two days and still be fine but the thing is your body will be very weak during this period and there are something you can't do because of lack of strength.

Religious folks who engaged in fasting stay for days without eating which is OK but afterwards, they do eat something.

So if someone is an ulcer patients it's not advisable to stay without food for two days,it's very dangerous for them.

No biggie. That is to say, it won't hurt you. I quick up to three days on end once in a while. You do need to keep drinking a lot of water which won't just keep you hydrated yet help fill your tummy and flush your framework as you are changing gears from a glycogen powered body to an unsaturated fat energized one. You will put your body into ketosis as you use fat rather than sugar for vitality. You will get in shape. You will lose muscle in the event that you proceed for quite a while which you would prefer not to do. Additionally your digestion will drop as a self defensive instrument against starving.

People are constructed physiologically for one extreme or another. Since the mind can utilize ketone bodies as a noteworthy fuel source, the body isn't compelled to separate skeletal muscle at a high rate, accordingly keeping up both subjective capacity and portability for up to a little while. This reaction has been essential in human development and enabled people to keep on finding sustenance adequately even despite delayed starvation.

Despite everything I recall the first occasion when I fasted for three days in my mid 20's. I had a really dynamic physical load to stay aware of and had no issue the principal day. I only from time to time got extremely ravenous on the grounds that it appears I as of now have a moderate digestion… like a fat reptile on a sign in the daylight. Rather I felt empowered, rested soundly, great center, and so forth. The same on the second day. In any case, on the third day I continued asking for what reason were the oxygen consuming classes I ordinarily shown so haarrrd?!? For what reason would i say i was hauling? Goodness no doubt. Duh! I was feeling so great I had really overlooked not eating. I wouldn't prescribe that.