So Musk's pronouns are "prosecute/Fauci."

in musk •  2 years ago 


I know that seems extreme, but I would like to examine a couple of points here:

  1. He had such glaring motive to lie about the lab leak, and the idea that a new virus could show up by a virology institute is so obvious, that the idea that he didn't lie is a little silly. The Wuhan lab was involved in gain of function virology, also Fauci's area of research. Gain of function is essentially the practice of "suping up" a virus--the idea being that if we can combat the augmented virus, we shouldn't have a problem dealing with the "normal" strain. Due to the obvious dangers of this kind of research (COVID killed how many people?), moratoria have been placed on it in the past. If it came out that COVID was born of such research, a moratorium could easily result, shutting down Fauci's field of study.

  2. In Fauci's emails, it was verified that unrated masks were "ineffective" when it came to COVID, yet he stood by and watched how many businesses get SEVERELY punished for not requiring them? I see the cause for extreme rage there, and perhaps a civil suit.


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