Past curfew blame Trump and White Guys

in muslims •  7 years ago  (edited)

What does she get a slap on the hand. The racist _____ should be charged with a hate crime, you can fill in the blank.

It's well known that white conservatives are the only ones charged with hate crimes. I shouldn't think anything different coming from IL

The Muslim college student who lied to cops about getting attacked on the subway by drunken Trump supporters took a plea deal on Friday.

Yasmin Seweid, 19, copped to falsely reporting an incident and disorderly conduct for the bogus claim.

Seweid, of New Hyde Park, L.I., said hate-filled white men harassed her and tried to snatch the hijab off her head during an encounter on the No. 6 train on Dec. 1.

Seweid previously admitted she wasted police resources to cover up for her missed curfew.

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If this is true then I hope she gets jail time. It's offensive to see people spread racism