Re: Is BTC the new gold ?

in mvl •  7 years ago 

비트코인이 새로운 금이 될수 있을까요? (의견 제시글)

gold has been the only "money" that everyone in this world accept.
Every "currency" has failed to achieve "money" position because the central government could fluctuate the amount of money spread in the market based on their opinion on diverse situations.
Noone can make gold. The limited amount of gold and the fact that it could not be produced made gold have a position to be "money".

By same logic, BTC is limited to 21000000, and everybody knows it. You cannot produce BTC, transactions are transparent, blockchain technology makes it impossible to cheat on others.
The only difference is that you cannot see BTC like you see gold, but what is so different from USD saved in your bankbook? You cannot see them unless you go to your bank and get them offline. But what made you believe you can find your USD and claim its yours? You just trust it.

If everyone can have full understanding of blockchain technology and just trust BTC, and plus when technical limitation of cryptocurrencies are solved, then the BTC has no reason to not become a money.

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