Greetings stemian
By telling the story of the sea may be full of simplicity for those who live on the edge of the sea may be happy or should be like that
(1) labor fishermen,
fisherman workers means fishermen who work using fishing equipment owned by others. the opposite
(2) fishermen skipper, and
fisherman skipper means fisherman who has a sense of catch that operated by others
(3) individual fishermen.
as for individual fishermen means fisherman who owns his own fishing gear and the operation does not involve other people
According to social classification fisherman can be viewed from 3 point of view, that is:
1, in terms of mastery of the means of production or equipment of catch (ark, jarring, and other equipment), the structure of society is divided into categories of fishermen owners (means of production)
and the fisherman's labor does not have the means of production and the production activities of an ark unit, the laborers only contribute their labor through the use of limited rights.
- derived capital investment scale of its business, fishermen's structure is divided into large fishermen where the amount of capital invested in fishery business is relatively varied and many and small fishermen just the opposite.
- from the technological level of fishing equipment, which is divided into the latest fishermen who use more sophisticated fishing technology from traditional fishermen.
Then comes the resource disparity, the background until the economy forms the description of the fishermen can be divided into several categories according to the ownership of the ship that is:
- fisherman owner, fisherman who owns an ark ship or fishing vessel and he himself participates and or does not participate in maritime to obtain the effect of sea.
fisherman skipper, fisherman who brought the ship of others but he does not have a ship.
fishermen laborers, fishermen who only have a factor of energy production without having a boat fishing boat
A. calcification of fishermen based on kkp fisheries statistics:
Full Fisherman
Fishermen of this type have only one livelihood, which is to be a fisherman. just relying his life with his profession to work as a fisherman and have no job and keaahllian other than being a fisherman.main sideline fishermen
Fishermen of this type they result in fishermen becoming the main profession but have other jobs for additional income.
If most of a person's income from fishing activity he claimed to be a fisherman. (mubyarto, 2002: 18).additional side fishers
Fishermen of this type usually have other jobs to be the origin of income, while the job becomes a fisherman only make additional income.
B. classification of fisherman groups based on fishing ground ownership (uu for fishery impact):
- fishermen
Fisherman is a person who becomes a unity to provide strength to participate and in the struggle of sea fishing, working using fishing rides belonging to others.
- skipper / owner
Any person or body that exercises any right to power / owns a ship / boat and senses-a fishing gear used in a fishing venture, operated by another person.
If the owner does not go to sea then considered a skipper / entrepreneur. If the owner at once working at sea fishing to catch the fish can be claimed to be a ship owner.
C. structured division of the description of the fisherman by group or work gruf
- individual fishermen
Fisherman who owns his own fishing equipment, in his operation does not involve other people.
- fishermen hordes of joint struggle (kub)
This means that the dough from at least 10 (ten) fishermen whose organized business activities are incorporated in the hordes of business together non-regulatory bodies.
- corporate fishermen
Is a working fisherman or fisherman fisherman who is bound by marine working agreement (pkl) with a fishery struggle body.
D. fisherman classification based on water type
- sea fisherman Is fisherman who catch fish in marine waters.
A. coastal fishermen (teritory fishers) Is a fisherman who catches fish in territorial sea waters.
B. shore fisherman (zee fishers) This means that fishermen who catch fish in coastal marine waters (zee)
C. marine fishermen date (high seas fishers) This means that fishermen who catch fish on marine waters date (high seas)
- fisherman inland public waters (pud) Is a fisherman who catches fish in the inland public waters (pud)
E. fisherman classification based on fishery
- fishermen
Fishermen are the people whose livelihood is fishing. (original: article 1 point 10 uu number 45 of 2009 regarding amendment to Law No. 31 of 2004 concerning fisheries).
- traditional or small fishermen
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