My2018: A tour around my town - Bucharest

in my2018 •  7 years ago  (edited)

Dear @anomadsoul and friends,
Let me introduce you my home town: Bucharest, as I see it daily. This is my entry for the contest “My2018: A tour around my town”. Please, find here more details:
This is not a classic touristic guide. You can find those just searching the internet. I’ll show you just a few of my favorite spots.

The first one is the highest natural point of Bucharest: Filaret Hill. One can reach it by walking on the only one street with steps in Bucharest: Xenofon Street. There are 70 steps and they say their construction started 200 years ago. Most of the houses here are from around 1900 and they are still keeping the scent of those years. Silence, marquees and cats. On the top you discover former Suter Palace, built by a German architect Adolf Suter in 1902, now a five star hotel. The guests of the hotel have a unique view of the town. I just love to wander these streets. Most of the times, quiet and not a single soul.




The second spot is Art Theatre (Teatrul de arta), and this is not about a building, but about people of Bucharest and what they can do when are driven by passion. This is an independent theatre; they are not receiving any money from the state budget. The manager is an actor who transformed an old deserted house in one of the most important independent theatre in Bucharest. Bare hands and a lot of work, personal contribution and friends. They’ve recently celebrated 5 years. They built not only the rooms, but a real cultural place as they are presenting quality spectacles and not commercial ones.



The third spot is a statue. Yes, you’ve heard well. It’s “The sleeping nymph” and it’s located in one of the biggest parks in Bucharest: Herăstrău Park. Every time I see it it’s such a joy for me and seems more beautiful each time.


There are many others, but I’ll stop here. When in Bucharest, please do tell, I’ll show you around.

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frumoasă postare. felicitări!

Mulțumesc mult!

Imi place la nebunie zona Dealului Filaret, am facut si eu cateva fotografii in vara pe acolo... cum am urcat scarile parca am pasit in alta lume
up&resteem !

Mulțumesc mult, Ana. O altă lume, da, case cu marchize, linişte, foarte puțină lume, oraşul privit de sus prin spații înguste, pisici...

Mi-ai facut chef de hoinarit, abia astept sa vina primavara ...

Hai! Primăvara cred că nici n-a plecat de tot :)

Thank you for taking part in this months #culturevulture challenge. Good Luck.

Thank you.

Nu stiam de zona asta, e super! Particip si eu la my2018 - my city tot cu Bucuresti, o sa cresca nr de turisti datorita noua! :)) Seara frumoasa @cristinaaa

Să vină turiştii :)
Seară frumoasă, Alexandra!

Foarte frumoasa prezentarea, iti doresc succes in concurs.

Mulțumesc frumos, Allesia.

Foarte frumoasa si succinta prezentare. Succes in concurs! Zona Filaret, Parcul Carol este extrem de frumoasa, te felicit pentru alegere. Interesant este ca si eu am facut ca tine, am invitat pe cei interesati sa caute pe net ghiduri turistice(nu te-am plagiat, sa stii).

Mulțumesc, la fel şi dvs.! Am scris despre câteva locuri în care îmi place mie să merg şi pe care nu le găseşti la primul search pe net. Din punctul ăsta de vedere, cred că am făcut şi puțin introduceyourself.

Foarte bine, referitor la introduceyourself. Eu fac asta tot timpul, aproape toate postarile au legatura cu cine sunt si ce fac, doresc sa fac. Eu cred ca asta este interesant, sa vezi stiluri de viata, locuri, idei...poate avem ce invata unii de la altii.

Sunt aici de 13 ani si nu am vazut decat jumatate din locurile astea. O sa particip si eu cu imaginile mele cum o sa am timp liber.

Concursul are deadline 9 februarie. Altfel, pozele sunt binevenite în fiecare zi :)

Presupun ca este o parte linistita si fara aglomeratie a Bucurestiului ! Frumos!

Da, aproape de km. 0 :)

Nice post, interesting, thank you for sharing😊👍🏻

Thank you, dear Heidi!