My 2018 - This Is My Hobby; Architecture

in my2018 •  7 years ago  (edited)

As a kid, watching Hollywood was my favorite, not really because of the story line, but just to get a glimpse of their magnificent buildings. I didn't know the name of whatsoever type of art it was then, neither did I know it can be studied as a profession. All I was interested in, was to drool over those eye catching buildings.

As time went on, I picked on drawing but I was more engulfed in drawing buildings, and it was more of a free hand sketch cos I didn't know anything about drawing with dimensions and using Archy tools.
I had a sketch pad then in my nursery school were I did my drawings. You don't wanna know how happy I was each time I go through them, I loved them even though the drawings were a bit horrible 😂😂

Fast forward to when I started secondary school, I was keen on knowing more about this type of art and the professional name for it.
My then class teacher told me more about it, the professional name for it, the subjects to study and the challenges to expect from it. This further intensify and fueled my passion for studying Architecture.

I gained admission into a poly to study Architecture, the joy of it couldn't let me remember my staying at home for five years just to study this course that has been so endeared to my heart. I was so happy and already looking forward to learning more from my lecturers and course mates.
I didn't know I was in for the real deal! It wasn't as easy as I thought. I was opportuned to watch my senior colleagues during one of their jury, I stood and watch in awe, admiring their beautiful concepts and designs.

I was ready for it, I mean this as always been my hobby and it's already part of me, so the cold nights in the studio was actually fun to me, cos nothing brings out the creativity in me like Architecture. Visualizing the concept in mind and transforming it on a paper for others to see and relate to, gave me so much joy.

I braced myself up for it, though I was a bit nervous if I could really keep up with the cost of studying Architecture owning to the fact that the fees are outrageous and buying materials for my assignments and all that were damn expensive. But hey! I'm here now, even if I want to turn back now, I'll have to stop breathing then cos I live and breathe Architecture (l said to myself).

Working round the school environment, I was able to develop most of my concepts from the shape of the trees, to the cloud in the sky 😂 to the landscaping, everything was just concepts to me (how will one be an outstanding Architect if you're not creative with nature?) so you get? 😂
I didn't fail to share my concepts and designs with my course mates, cos there's no perfect design and their constructive criticism was encouraging and all I needed to make my designs eye catching 😁😉

(one of those sleepless nights in the studio)

Whenever I sat down to design, the likes of Zaha Hadid, Frank Gehry, Llyord Wrights etc always come to my mind, and I'm like If these people could make such impact with their designs, then I can do more! Cos their designs were simply amazing!
Despite all I went through in school, Architecture still remained my top priority and there are no two ways about it. Like literally, I can die for this hobby 😂😂
All those harsh treatments from my lecturers had nothing on me as I had already developed a thick skin towards their ill mannered behaviour as I was the only girl in my set then.

(one out of my numerous designs)

Years after years passed and I was still waxing stronger 😉
And the studio was still my bedroom at nights (if I don't make the studio my room, who will? 😂)
Before I could say Jack, I was in my ND finals and in the final semester as well. I was given an electronic library to design and the jury date was fixed! Mehn! A girl was terrified, you know the fear of standing before external professors to defend your project, certainly words like;
• Are you sure you're a student of this department? 😂
• Were you really given admission to study this course? 😂 just bring your admission letter let's confirm again 😂😂
• Where did you copy this design from? 😂 (this one comes when can't answer any question pertaining to your design)

(another one of my designs)

The D-day finally came and yours truly stood before them as an amateur, but defended my project as an expert 😁
Of course questions came from left right and centre, but I couldn't just let my village people win like that na! 😂
I did not spend all those sleepless nights in the studio to come and fumble at the 11;59! 😂 even Christ didn't die for that 😂

(my project design)

After my ND programme, I went for a one year internship, I was lucky to do my intern at an Archy firm cos it further broaden my knowledge.
Whenever I come across people asking questions about Architecture, I simply tell them that "Architects are co-creators of God!"

(My CAD design)

This hobby of mine, is simply the best for me! Ain't gonna settle for anything less.

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