Quienes son mis Vecinos? / Who are my Neighbors? - Sndbox Weekly Question [ES/EN]

in myblock •  6 years ago  (edited)

As every week, Sndbox offers you a way to connect with your community and not only with the ones that you already known, but also with the rest of the platform. I think I'm not the only one to believe that the Blockchain world is infinite, it's like a galaxy within the cybernetic world itself, I know I got a bit philosophical in love, let's get back to the point, the question that Sndbox presents to us this week is Are you know you neighbors in the Blockchain?, which invites us to inquire into the chain to find out how many other people make up and maybe try to meet someone interesting that we did not know existed.

Como cada semana, Sndbox te ofrece una forma de conectarte con tu comunidad y no solo con esta si no también con el resto de la plataforma. Creo que no soy la única en creer que el mundo Blockchain es infinito, es como una galaxia dentro del propio mundo cibernético y si lo sé me puse un poco filosófica enamorada, volvamos al punto, la pregunta qué Sndbox nos presenta esta semana es ¿Quienes son tus vecinos en la Blockchain?, la cual nos invita a indagar en la cadena para averiguar que otras tantas personas la componen e intentar quizás conocer a alguien interesante que no sabiamos que existia.

Property of Sndbox

I think it's time to say that this left me totally confused. I read the post 4 times and still was confused about the procedure, starting because I did not know that you could actually find out that kind of thing, in my head the blocks were always something that could not be seen; obviously something absurd, because if one can trace everything in the blockchain and that is what makes it so safe, it was expected to be able to observe this kind of thing.

But I was still afraid to make this post and I would suddenly do the procedure wrong and lose the information. So I decided to do a test, scrolling a bit in my profile to choose an old post where I could make a comment and do the same research that needs to be done with this post.

Creo que es momento para decir que esto me dejó totalmente confundida. Lei el post 4 veces y aun así quedaba confundida acerca del procedimiento, empezando porque no sabía que en realidad uno podía averiguar esa clase de cosas, en mi cabeza los bloques siempre fueron algo que estaba pero que no se podían ver; obviamente algo absurdo porque si uno puede rastrear todo en la blockchain y eso es lo que la hace tan segura, era de esperarse poder observar esta clase de cosas.

Pero aún tenía miedo de hacer este post y que de repente hacer mal el procedimiento y perder la información. Así que decidí hacer una prueba, baje un poco en mi perfil para elegir un post viejo donde pudiera hacer un comentario y hacer la misma investigación que hay que hacer con este post.

I felt like a fish out of water, I was seeing what I was supposed to look for. I found my block and with this block I went guiding with the others. It would have been interesting at that moment to take note of that investigation as well, but I was doing it from the telephone - a very bad idea - and was very difficult only do that research.

Me sentía como pez fuera del agua, iba viendo que era lo que se supone que debía buscar. Encontré mi bloque y con este bloque me fui guiando con los demás. Hubiese sido interesante en ese momento tomar nota de esa investigación también, pero lo estaba haciendo desde el teléfono -Pésima idea- y me costaba el doble.

Very original right?

Do you want to know what I found with this post?

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If you want to know a little more about this initiative, I invite you to go to this Sndbox post where they explain what needs to be done.

Si quieres saber un poco más sobre esta iniciativa te invito a pasarte por este post de Sndbox donde explican lo que hay que hacer.

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What is it that you're asking @gabriellecd?

Is a challenge; you read the post?? Is a great initiative

I read the post, but I don't really understand what it is about... Are you asking people to explore a block they've been mentioned in? And then tag everyone else in that block? That could get very annoying very quickly.