LAD Parade - Show Us Your California

in mycalifornia •  4 months ago  (edited)

Hi friends,

This post is an entry into the weekly Show Us Your California contest hosted by @socalsteemit where we share an aspect of our California.

If you are a baseball fan like me, you know the World Series just ended… with the Los Angeles Dodgers as the champions! :)

While we didn’t make it out to any of the playoff games this year, we followed pretty closely and when they won, we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to take part in the victory parade through the streets of downtown Los Angeles!

My son and I went and watched the short parade - here are a couple of pics:




It was indeed crowded and everyone was in a festive mood - a fun time fore sure!

Thanks for coming by and checking out a piece of my California.


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Enjoy your moment 😄

There are many fans of this sport, I prefer water sports, but there are different tastes and opinions, normal and respectable.

It's like a grand festival.

Congratulations @brian.rrr, your post won 2nd prize in this weeks Show us Your California contest!!