"@artwatch you're drunk! Go home, but before you do....!!flash!!"

in mychest •  7 years ago  (edited)

After seeing @sandrinalife post a pic of her nips she suggested I show mine, and what a fabulous competition from @artwatch :D

Wicked submissions man !!!
Love the idea..
Looking forward to the vagina pics in future times...:D

So here's me.
Beauty level 2 with a hint of puff daddy.

jeff chest.jpg


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Phenomenal. I'm even a little bit wet too.

OOo ooOoo ooo Oh my.

Thank you for the bot! You really shouldn't have. Now I'm a little afraid I'm attracting the wrong attention. Anyway, I have answered on steemchat, it's all cool for me. Why did I reply here? I don't know. I have problem catching up with all the replies. Temperature became hot with the last post. Was it the pink color? Some people are surprised to see pink nipples!

Hey now your the one talking about being wet - ha ha I am just being vocally observant. But yea I will stop being so creepy. Sorry.

No! Don't stop! Did you see the new update from @jeffandhisguitar post?

Man this is getting explicit!!!!
I like it :D

Thanks for you sir

Wtf shihab?? lol
Seven canes to the back of the ass for you.

Yes!..more nips. Not QUITE up to the ladies par, but running a close third. Though the clip looks a wee bit on the side of painful. Then again, all I put forth was a bunch of brass tack, so who am I to talk. Or look.

Ah I have noticed schteinn that I have little pain sensation in my nipples!
I reckon I could pierce it with a piping hot needle and not budge an inch.. It's strange man as I am very sensitive to pain in other areas.

You can't beat a chicks nip! I am not much of a breast man but a good Areola certainly gets me frothin :D
Dinner plates as an old mate used to call them.. lol
Yeeew.. stop looking and get rubbing ur brass balls :D

Well - HOLY DAMN!! Such a shame about the paper, cause this is damn fine. LOL nobody said you can't edit before the post payout... I mean, give me multiple angles and such. ha ha Anyways - I am very thankful for your burly man chest! It tickles me on my steemit birthday just great indeed.

@artwatch Jeff is a Brit living in Cambodia too and I have known him for quite few years, he is a champ and a great musician out of his head.

Ahhh blessings sent San San :D

Haha Thanks man. I will see what I can do.
Ths takes me back to when I was 22 on the bloody dating sites :D
Awesome comp and bringing plenty of smiles :D
Cheers art

RIGHT ON BROTHER! YEs yes and Yes! This is good - this is very good and now sandrina has some real competition!

Yeaaaah! You see? The only 2 crazy crackers coming from Cambodia! This land is a magnet for genius.

This guy is pretty hot, I must confess his type of facial scruff and curly locks are all the rage for me- is there chemistry here for you I wonder?

Hmmm I don't know If I could sustain a relationship with Sandrina... but open to squeeze them titties any day :D

Cheers art :D
I am 38 this year and getting younger in my mind.
I have had a terrible year so far regarding personal stuff but I am back on the mend :)
Blessings to you.

Nobody wants to have emotional conversations here.
@artwatch He is saying he is down for anal!

Aww, Damn cold hearts eh? Now ain't that always the way. Sad.

I will say in all of my experiences with fornication, not many girls have been near my ass.
I wouldn't wish them too.
Pretty brambly man.
Pieces..... of pizza :)

Sandrina is a tough match.
she amazes me with her battiness, but I can't understand what she says in real time... Pizza and garlic is all I can make out :D

You can't understand what I say in real time? Filthy bastard!


:) I do struggle :D
But not so bad.
We haven't spoken in over 2 years.... Maybe your twang has changed eh? :D

I always have a thick Italian accent and I'm proud of it. FUCK YOU :D

A thick head aswell :)

This gave me a good chuckle.

I can't take myself seriously.
I grew up suppressing my stupidity and it quite frankly damaged me.
Happy for a bit of tom-foolery anyday artkins.

Now you end all your messages with the word peace. You became such an hippy. Hanging out with all those freaks from Phnom Penh!

Ah man I wish. I don't have any friends only my cat and an owl :(
That's why I go on steemit to chat to strangers and get my social fix.
fack the sbd Im here for some Jerry springer :)
Peace.. Pieces of pizza. That better?

Piece of pizza never goes wrong :)

Your right. The answer to everything!
You know I live next to an Italian restaurant here?
It's called.... Wait for it... Luigi's :D

He is a bit expensive for me though.
$6 for a margarita with bugger all cheese on top...
The sauce is nice though.

Great pics guitar man! Excellent convo too.

Ahh cheers jrb :)
Love a bit of banta and the ol Thomas Mc foolery.
Hope you are well man.
Pieces.... of Pizza :D
( @sandrinas fault )