My city Neuburg an der Donau (Castle ruin Neuburg "Old Castle" Part 2) / Meine Stadt Neuburg an der Donau (Burgruine Neuburg "Alte Burg" Teil 2)

in mycity •  6 years ago 

The old castle near Neuburg on the Danube

The second and final part of the old castle with more pictures and background information.

Die alte Burg bei Neuburg an der Donau

Der zweite und letzte Teil der alten Burg mit weiteren Bildern und Hintergrundinformationen.

Some details of the western outer wall, holes for the storey beams

Einige Details der westlichen Außenmauer, Löcher für die Geschoßbalken




Text of the blackboard in part 1


The northern part with the archway and the gatehouse as the only access to the castle in earlier times.

Der nördliche Teil mit dem Torbogen und dem Torhaus als einzigen Zugang zur Burg in früheren Zeiten.




This tree is rooted at the lowest point of the encircling ditch, a giant, and certainly several hundred years old.

Dieser Baum wurzelt am tiefsten Punkt des umlaufenden Grabens, ein Gigant, und sicherlich mehrere Hundert Jahre alt.


In the middle of the picture you can imagine the Danube.

In der Bildmitte kann man die Donau erahnen.



There is not much to see from the four-corner-rampart, Trebuchet, slingshot

Von der Viereckschanze ist nicht mehr viel zu sehen, Blide, Steinschleuder



Camera: Canon EOS 200D, all photos taken yesterday.


See you next time! / Bis nächstes Mal!

Thank you for your attention! / Danke für Deine Aufmerksamkeit!

Original content by

        Schaman Gerbert        IMG_6013kkk-th112.JPG

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Nature always prevails and reclaims its spaces, beautiful place.

These pictures are awesome thanks a lot for sharing.

The second photo is amazing! The window has been carefully built by putting those rocks on layers upon layers!! Wow! Such handy work! Very nice craftsmanship!
This castle must have been full of knights and horses and people!

No matter how old, it's beautiful still not fade away, at that time it must really one of the best architecture castle around, like the stone building very much it not possible for such building to go away like that.. thx for share the history castle with us.

Old is Gold. No mattee how much time passes it will stay always special and unique.

loveyour photos as always captain
fave one is the last one , forest photo, it's like the location shoot of the movie First Knight

miss you captain @schamangerbert , take care always ❤️❤️❤️