Heyy everyone!!!!!😊
Here is the photography of a little calf which i take in morning . When i get up and go outside for walk then i saw this calf feeding with her mother.
She was looking so cute that i run fast and bring my smart phone to capture her some picture.
For sometime she was staring at me as you can see in the pictures, but after sometime i don't know what she feel. She started sacred to me and start running from there. But thankfully i captured her some pictures.
Everytime i see that these little animals or animal's babies scared of us, even when you want to help them, you want to feed them. I dont know what they feel about us??🤔 But, perhaps its human behavior that emerged fear in animals for human beings.
I remember one more incident when a little calf cute like this calf, was trapped in bushes. I saw her from my roof and i suddenly run to her for help. But after that she was scaring of me. She just want to run away from me and that bushes, but she was unable. Anyhow i help her to free from bushes and she suddenly run out of there.
I know animals feel very insecure of humans but in some cases animals have very beautiful relations with humans.
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