one time i decided that there has to be a way to get free food free as in beer for that matter there has to be a way to get free beer one time i was going to the store with my sister and she told me that i had to go home because i was weird so i went home and my mom told me that i have to go to the store with my sister becasue she didnt want me around when her friends were there because im weird so i just went to the river and started walking to the shore because i love to find pieces of trash and junk on the way sometimes there are just soda cans and i leave them for the bumbs but sometimes there are really interesting things like a burned out car or a smelly couch this time i found a large tire about as tall as me inside it there was a bunch of dead animals i couldnt identify they were really really smelly and there were all kinds of flys and stuff so i didnt get too close to them i kept walking towards the shore because that tire freaked me out eventually i made it to the shore so i walked down the shore and looked for stuff in the sand after a while i saw another huge tire but there was nothing dead inside it this time i wonder what kind of equipment uses a tire so bug i wonder why they were so far apart why did one have dead things in it my head hurts