Well my life is simple but could be complicated at moment but I love my life because God gets involved in my everyday endeavours..
I'm a lover of music. music suppresses problems and challenges around me.
I love having friends around because they keep me going, they motivate me, they propel me to becoming a better person, they make up almost 60% percent of my total being... I have the crazy friends, I have the church friends, I have the advisers, I have some that can die for me and u gat some I can die for.
When it comes to partying or celebrating, I'm always the guy to call...
I'm not somebody that gets angry easily, but I hate being lied to because I don't lie to people, the golden rule of the bible works governs my life on a daily basis!! I was brought up in Lagos state which is in the western part of Nigeria. My parents are christians and I was brought up in a Christian home...
I have some bad characters though, but when I offend people I always admit I'm wrong and apologise.
I'm very humble but i don't like being taken for granted.
I also have a few talent of my own, I sing, I play the piano, I play the drumset, I draw, I cook infact I'm just a talent filled guy so to say...
So I'll bring more info about me to steemit as we progress!!