Dummy - MyPictureDay Submission

in mypictureday •  8 years ago 

A figure representing the human form or dummy has been used in the agrarian civilization of all the peoples of the world. The goal is to deceive plant pests such as birds and livestock. Farmers can not be in their fields at all times. Therefore, they need a replacement of themselves.

Since humans first knew the cultivation culture in ancient times, they have observed that such animals are afraid of human presence. Then they create tricks to deceive what will make their time and energy useless. They create figures that can represent themselves, in other words, they create a symbol for themselves.

Is this the beginning of humans making a symbol for themselves, I think not. Because symbolization of course have been there for the first time since humans felt the need to interact, communicate and explain. They not only make symbols to deceive or drive away their opponents or things that harm them, even I think the first symbol they make for themselves is the symbol of someone who loves someone. Symbol of love.

So, the dummy in the rice field is only a part of the human defense movement for their self-interest.




Taken with OPPO A37f.

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OH wow really nice pics


great post :)
you remember me @farhannaqvi7

Beautiful scenery of the green rice field with the interesting information of "dummy ". I'm glad to know that we have the same culture, again....

I absolutely agree with your statement; "the first symbol they make for themselves is the symbol of someone who loves someone. Symbol of love". Good wordings!

What an awesome post, beautiful shots, thanks for sharing :) #keepsteemin