My Saturday: Any Engine Work To Overcome The Dryness Of The Rice Fields (Bilingual)

in mysaturday •  7 years ago 

Colleagues Steemians what's your news this Saturday, I want to share the activities of fellow colleagues and I in the vicinity of the Reservoir, to overcome the dryness of the rice fields in the area of Nisam, then one unit high and three units of suction machine water used to flow water from the reservoir Bateepila Nisam Between the irrigation channels in the territory of the Nisam.
This activity is already planned and implemented on the day of this Saturday, after working about 2 hours from 08.00 to 10.00 then the water had been able to in the fluxing in the irrigation channels with the help of three water suction machine and the beco was working to dredge the channel of the reservoir so as not to impede the pace of water.
Untuk sekedar informasi bahwa sudah hampir tiga musim kemarau melanda bumi Aceh, semoga usaha kami ini berhasil dan sawah sawah di wilayah Nisam bisa kembali di aliri air dari Waduk Bateepila Nisam Antara, demikian kegiatan saya di hari Sabtu yang membuat kami sangat antusias untuk berpartisipasi agar sawah kami bisa panen dan hasil panen padi kami cukup untuk kebutuhan makanan pokok masyarakat kita khususnya di Aceh, umumnya di Indonesia..
Terus ikuti/komentar/upvote/resteem..
By. Zaim4d1

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Bentuk kerja sama yang mantap antara petani dan pemerintah dalam pengelolaan pertanian

Very very very good..

Kerja sama yang baik untuk hasil yang baik