
in myself •  4 years ago  (edited)

Well, My name is Ahmed Yasin. I'm a website developer and honestly I'm impressed with this steemit website. I love writing and sharing my ideas and feelings with others. Personally I write a lot on life lessons as I have been through so much hard times and face countless disappointments. But now everything is so good. People make mistakes and I made too and learn a lot from those mistakes. So joining steemit is going to give me a chance to tell my stories with morals. And in case you like my words or any line touches your heart then just click the up vote button and leave a comment that you really like that. Last but not least I used to write on before sheerit. if you guys want to know about me more then you can freely ask. :)


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Hi Ahmed I am glad to see you here and happier to see that you are a website developer. I am struggling with python nowadays :p
you did not include the tag #introduceyouself and you did not post your introductory post in the newcomer's community. repost it kindly and if you are having any problems let me know. the link to the newcomers community is below

Thank you so much varishayy, by the way same pinched, I'm also struggling with django python. I guess we can help each other in development too. =p, And I can't repost it because when I try to repost that show me low steem error. :(

yes because you have low steem power right now.
Do not edit your posts it requires steem power
use this web to see your profile
Ask freely if you need to ask something.

Well honestly varishayy I have so many things to ask about this platform as I'm new here and this platform is quite different then other traditional platforms like medium, instagram or Facebook. So I'm feeling little bit uncomfortable here. I'm getting low steem error from last night due to that I can't post something or can't comment anywhere even I can't update my post. I mean come on we humans are not robots, we make mistakes in writing, here I can't fix mine, anyway I don't know how long I'm going to face this error in future, I don't even know my this reply will be able to send you successfully or not but I'm still writing in case it reaches you successfully. I also don't know how steem is generated or what actually is, I don't know how much steem a single reply takes or updating a post takes or posting a new post. In short I don't know how much I have to pay on my any action. Last but not least I'm getting posts by Chinese people on my home page, do here Chinese in mejority?. I know asking silly and dumb questions but it was a query inside my head, nevermind

No it's ok. I'm also new and struggled regarding steemit. contact me on discord. Below is the link of Pakistan discord server and my user name is vvarishayy there. And in steemit mention me @vvarishayy in your comment otherwise I will miss your reply.
Chill out you will be pro soon
