How to Restore a MySQL Database with Command Line or Restore Tools

in mysql •  4 months ago 


There may be situations when data gets lost or corrupted, for example, when users accidentally deleted or overwrote data. For these reasons, it is recommended to make a backup on a regular basis. Through this process, you can ensure data consistency in your databases and be sure that nothing critical happens to your data and it won’t be lost irrevocably. In addition, data backup helps keep data up-to-date and allows you to restore it at any time in the state you back it up before the data was damaged.

The article gives a deep insight into how to restore MySQL database from a backup file using the mysqldump utility and third-party MySQL tools, such as dbForge Studio for MySQL, MySQL Workbench, and phpMyAdmin.

Read in full to learn how to restore a MySQL database with command line or backup and restore tools.

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