Building Your Presence on Steemit is Like Growing a Garden! Details inside...

in mysteemitformula •  6 years ago 

Lately, I have been reading a lot of posts about people's different approaches to succeeding on Steemit.

One of the primary threads that run through these explorations seem to be the issue of "short term" vs. "long term." 

Red salvia

A couple of days ago, @lukestokes wrote an excellent Argument for Long-Term Rational Self-Interest Versus Short-Term Irrational Value Extraction, which is well worth a read. Much of what he says is in alignment with my own perception of what our best approach is.

Much as it may be tempting to come to Steemit and try to "take the money and run," it's most likely NOT the best — or even the most self-serving — thing you can do.

My concern here has long been that too much short-term cashing out will basically "kill the goose that's laying golden eggs." What GOOD will it do you to to keep extracting every dollar you can — TODAY — if the result will be that the very thing you're extracting dollars from will be GONE tomorrow?

The Garden of Steemit

Yesterday, I spent a good bit of time working in our back yard, and it occurred to me that "growing" your presence on Steemit — and truly getting the most you can from the experience — is very much like growing a garden.

For one, success doesn't happen overnight.

A successful garden full of color!

You have to clear out the weeds, till the soil, have a good and clear plan of what you want to grow... and then continuously tend to your garden. Because if you don't tend to your garden, your plants will either wither and die, or get strangled out by weeds.

And you don't get to harvest right away; the seeds or plants go in in early spring, and the benefits are not there till the fall. 

Moreover, the land needs to be fertilized and watered, and consideration has to be given to what you're going to grow there, next year. Will you have annuals, perennials, or a blend of both?

We've been working on our garden here for six years, and it is a constant work-in-progress, but the results get a little bit better every year!

And so it is, with Steemit... or, for that matter, pretty much any form of social media. You don't just make a Facebook page and instantaneously have 5,ooo "likes." It takes work; it takes time.

It also takes Cooperation and Community Building... which leads me to:

An Excellent Example

A few people have started exploring their "best approach" to Steemit through the relatively new #mysteemitformula tag. In a sense, the garden analogy in the paragraph above represents mine.

I'd also like to recommend a really excellent (and thorough!) approach created by @mountainjewel called "Consistency is the Name of the Game." Again, recommended reading.

If we sincerely care about succeeding here — AND we care about the overall success of the Steemit platform, so we can CONTINUE succeeding — we need to pull our collective heads out of the short-term mindset and plan for something more long term; more permanent.

Of course, that's just my opinion!

How about YOU? Do you have your own "Steemit Formula?" Is it short term or long term? Where do you see yourself being, a few years down the road? Have you written a post about it? Why not create one? It might help you sort out your own priorities! Leave a comment-- share your experiences-- be part of the conversation!

Animated banner created by @zord189

(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for Steemit)
Created at 180516 12:27 PDT

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hey thanks for the mention! :)

i totally agree with this:

Yesterday, I spent a good bit of time working in our back yard, and it occurred to me that "growing" your presence on Steemit — and truly getting the most you can from the experience — is very much like growing a garden.

of course love the garden analogy... with intention and care we can have a clear focus of manifesting our dreaming here. also, as far as growing our garden here and metaphorically "creating better soil" for ourselves and others, there's the thought that the token (like a seed) will theoretically only grow in value and the garden will truly only give "better fruit" each year as we allow it to mature! truly a great analogy :)

And in a sense, it's almost like a community garden in that we're not only tending our own gardens; but in tending the "common areas" and helping our neighbors, we also — ultimately — end up creating a benefit to ourselves.

That's one of my favorite things about Steemit... there's a sort of "self-serving altruism" subtext here. When I do good for others, it does me good. And it's not just "a wish;" it's a reality written into the base code.

i really like the way you think! relating it to a community garden is so spot on! and love the fact that "self-serving altruism" is written into the base code. this is such a radically hopeful model, makes me very happy to be a part of this larger ecosystem with so much potential to change lives and transform culture and economics! here for the long haul :)

You are a great example on consistency denmarkguy. Thank you for treating your presence here with such passionate dedicaton. I can only imagine how much time you are spending here and the sacrifices you put in to be able to deliver on such regular basis. I for one enjoy the consistent high quality writings you publish - just to let you know your high work ethics are indeed appreciated!

Hej Ronni! Thanks for the kind words. I am blessed in the sense that my work is such that I have 30 minutes here and an hour there I can spend on Steemit... most days. That sort of gives the illusion I am here a LOT, but sometimes it's actually 4-5 days before I find time to come back and respond to comments.

I do have a commitment to writing, though... it has been "in my blood" since I was a teenager.

It really is a garden and it takes a community to have a massive producing wonderful one at that. While everyone can try and make their own small garden. Some point you just got realize if you don’t know how to grow a hibiscus or some other flower you just got reach out to the community and learn and grow together.

While I’ve never been the most community oriented person ever (I’m not a fan of large crowded places). I at least try here or there. I think at end of the day that is the answer. If you’re not a team player and its always just “ me me me me me” well than steemit will be a very lonely place.

Honestly, I was always one of "those" who people felt "does not play well with others." Part of that is simply from being introverted, part of it is because I am just very much an individualist. I didn't do well with Korporate Amerika because I'm really not a good team player.

The interesting thing about a community like Steemit is that there is such a vast range of people here that it's easy to find someone who's part of your "tribe" as well as easy to find someone who can help you out with the stuff you don't understand.

if they go to account based voting
will that kill the present weighted system?
why is cashing out now NOT the rational option?

I am not sure what will happen with that.
But every time I seem to think up a good reason to cash out, I'm reminded that "Steem" isn't "Steemit" and that there are more and more apps being built for the Steem blockchain.
They will have their own rewards systems.
So my holdings of the Steem token will most likely increase in value, even if I end up posting mostly through Dlive or Appics or one of the other up and coming apps.

Is my logic sound?

I think it's fundamentally sound based on the assumption that only Steemit "matters."
But I don't have a crystal ball to tell me whether the price of Steem will head to $20 each on the prospect and reality of other apps adding value.
Steem is one of only 4 coins rated B or better by Weiss; now the Chinese IT Ministry ranked Steem 2nd of 28 major currencies examined.
The Steem blockchain remains the highest transaction volume on the planet; sometimes eclipsing the SUM of all other 100's of blockchains added together.
At some point, I feel the "upwards pressure" is going to make the price of Steem "pop" relative to others... and we ARE going to see $20 Steem.
And I don't want to be cashed out when that happens.

earn more!
it's a lot easier to earn steem when it's at $3.00 (now) than it was at $0.08.
It's possible to earn as much on ONE post today as you could make in a week back then.
(been there..done that)

Great post, like always.
I also love gardening and it is just like Steemit and life itself.
We constantly have to keep an eye on it and pull those weeds out which are trying to run our lives and if we let them they will and eventually destroy it.
I am here for long run and I am really enjoying it.

Glad you're another "long-termer!"

I think the lure of "rewards" can serve as a sort of automatic "sort mechanism;" some people come here thinking it's going to be "quick and easy," and it really isn't. And yet? It's so much better than the equivalent on any other platform. It took me years and years to build the sort of following I have here, on other social content platforms.

Amazing write @denmarkguy.

I also need these words . yep i agree with you . steemit is like growing a garden . every step every single thing do its own job .

For a garden you have to be a good soil for agriculture purpose and good seed and then good care . sun light water . some fartilizers . then you will expect good plants .
But some time the weather cause some damage or some other things happened which cause failure to achive ideal plants .

Like steemit . soil as proper base of steemit . seeds as knowledge . fartilizers as some bots and friends and community . and then you will receive a good response as votes and sbdz .

Thanks; appreciate the supportive words! The main lesson for me here is just not to be in too much of a hurry.

I totally agree. The hardest thing is to try to resist the short term temptation where you can take the money and run. I believe that steemit will compound over time and we can then reap the fruits of our rewards after.

Staying patient can be hard, at times... I've been blogging for 20-odd years. No matter WHERE you go, it takes time to build a following and reputation.

All right! Until now, what I have done is to do what I have read so far, try to make good posts and comment on the publications of other users. I think I'll have to do a little more research to know what other aspects I should consider. Thanks for your guidance.

I find interaction and engagement to be quite important; it's a great way to expand your "circle." I spend a lot of time tending to comments on my own posts here and don't really have enough time to visit some of my favorite writers.

Solutions to problems are like sunshine. really good one!!!!

I think this informative post will be very useful for me
Thank you very much for sharing such a beautiful post

Hello! I am a brand new Steemit acct. I wanted to let you know that I stumbled upon the #mysteemitformula and you were right ay the top as I begin this journey to understand what this whole Steemit thing can be all about.

Following to learn and observe.
I work with plants and very much related to your Garden analogy.

Heading to check out more of your stuff and more #mysteemitformula posts.

And just like that - every little word you decide to put here works like a seed.
What will grow? Depends on what you write. And be sure to read!