#MySteemitFormula | Consistency is the Name of the Game (#SteemitGoals)

in mysteemitformula •  6 years ago  (edited)

@kennyskitchen and @adamkokesh shared their Steemit Formulas last week. I recently connected with both of these wonderful humans through @tribesteemup and the work they are doing to share abundance is really changing lives, including my own!!!

I was really inspired by their #mysteemitformulas and wanted to reflect on my own direction on Steemit and how I want to approach the platform, sharing and curating.

As @kennyskitchen said in his post:

He [Adam] laid out his production plan, how many posts of what kind will be coming out, as well as his curation plan, how his STEEMpower (and SP delegation thanks to @jamesc) will be distributed through the community.

I really like the idea, and one of my favorite things about Steemit is supporting the community, and practicing the many new paradigm social & economic models built into this platform. So, I'm also doing my "Steemit Formula" here, and hope you will as well!

Here is Adam's which I recommend gaining inspiration from as well.


If there is one thing that I heard early on on Steemit and really tried to stick to it's CONSISTENCY. Being consistent allows your followers to know what to look forward to. Whether you commit to posting once a day (as we do) or multiple times a week or even once a week or less, it's helpful to say so. For us @mountainjewel, here is our:


  • Post Daily

Each day we will share at least one post, whether the written word with high quality photographs, a vlog, or a combination post.

Because there are two of us behind the account @mountainjewel, this flows pretty steadily for us. On the days one of us doesn't want to write, the other one has inspiration and visa versa. We've also found it helpful to write multiple posts when we're feeling inspired and to post them later in order to keep up our 1 post/day goal.

We've found that by posting once a day, we have a steady stream of new followers and new people to engage with.

  • Only High Quality Posts

This is something that's really important to us. Our standards are really high and we want to be known for that. We commit to not shitposting to just get something out there. We are on Steemit to #educate, #inspire, #learn, #grow and spread the good news of earth connected conscious living. I really don't feel right about making posts of lesser quality just to post.

Many things have influenced this formula guideline. Taking part in the @sndbox Summer Camp quests and realizing that to be a member of @sndbox, there are no guaranteed upvotes from the community, but your posts are always upvoted (or not) based on their quality. @osm0sis is a good example of that. Each of her posts is high quality. We know when we come to her blog that that's what we'll find. Check out her post from today to see what I mean.

Success on Steemit is as much about the communities you're a part of as it is about the quality of your posts. Let's make this blockchain beautiful and full of content we're proud of.

  • 2nd Vlog Post in a Day

This is something we're experimenting with. We admire creators like @freedompoint who can #dtubedaily it and create a Vlog each day, but this honestly is a bit much for us! We do, however, commit to making Vlogs. It helps us reach a wider audience and sometimes it's easier to make a vlog while we're working or on an adventure than carry my "nice" camera around and take photos. Not everything in life can be planned beforehand and that's where Vlogs come in handy.

Last summer a friend of ours whom we love dearly had just created a YouTube channel. She encouraged us to "just Vlog our daily experience" and told us people would be interested in our lives. We hadn't done much before she said this inspiring invitation, but we kept it in mind. Now with @DTube in connection with the Steem Blockchain, we're able to be well received by all of the wonderful connections we've formed here. Our intention is to create to inspire and share from our hearts.

  • Power Up!

The longer we're on this platform, the more we grow to appreciate and believe in the future of the Steem Blockchain. There are many reasons for this, but we see a bright future here. We will take out some earnings to support our homestead (we are even toying with building a straw bale bathhouse! and we'd love to fund it with our Steem earnings!), but the majority of our earnings will go to Power Up our account.



  • A large part of @mountainjewel is about giving back. Unto that effect, curation, contests, ways to boost other community members are really important to us and we commit to doing them regularly.

We've created @the-hearth for this reason and resteem posts focused on inspiring creativity and earth-centered living and have written a weekly curation digest. This has taken a bit of a back seat of late due to our focus in other areas and the increasing busyness of spring, but @the-hearth will function as a way to Boost Others and spread high quality educational posts on the blockchain.

  • Another aspect of curation is following the @tribesteemup and the @helpie voting trails, as well as not self-voting to have more Voting Power to upvote others.

  • Also, we commit some of our daily time on Steemit to looking at our Feed and manually upvoting and commenting on people's posts. We also search out our Discord channels and connect there. We also commit to supporting our #ecoTrain community and taking part in questions of the week.



I invite you to make your own #mysteemitformula post. It's a great way to clarify where you're headed on the platform and to give your community an understanding of where you're at.

  • I've also been sharing about Steemit and the Steem Blockchain on my instagram to spread the word. I also tell friends and family about it and try to get people to sign up to start earning!

Feeling incredibly thankful for Steemit lately. With the advent of summer, it feels like a lot is picking up in general!

Also, if you're setting intentions or dreaming for this Taurus New Moon, take a look at my Share Your Dreams Contest where you can win a delegation from making a high quality post about your 5 year goals in life.


Much love from @mountainjewel! What is your #mysteemitformula?

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I appreciate how you fleshed out your plan for steemit. I need to work mine out still. I had been trying to post daily, which then became 3x/week, and then I wound up going over a week without posting. Transition times.

I definitely enjoy curating manually. It’s one of my favorite things about steemit. And I so far have been 100% powering up and don’t have plans to change that for the near future, given how new I am to the platform.

The rest is still taking form. It helps to see what others are doing to think about my own plans.

yes transition times majorly throw that off. ini's sisters will be visiting for a while and so we've planned ahead a few post counting on some full days. i would love to read your plan for steemit whenever you get around doing it. i can see you're researching and studying the platform well and i'm curious to hear what you've found!!

glad to hear about your 100% power up! we took out some early on and invested in other cryptos and have taken out here and there, but i think holding long term is really where it's at - for curation power on the platform and future higher prices of steem :) agreed that it helps to see what others are up to. definitely recommend checking out (if you haven't already) the inspiring plans of the people above. adam especially has some ambitious plans--- but then, he's running for president! and using the platform in a slightly different way. really gives an idea though of what's possible! hope your move is going well! xo

Aaaaw shucks I'm blushing.
Thank you for the mention and the beautiful compliment you 2 😊 It really means a lot coming from you, as I also feel your blogs/vlogs to always be of excellent quality. There isn't a single post you make where we don't learn something new and that, to me, is what makes Steemit worth coming back to.

Question for you as I am very curious to know: how many hours per day do you (honestly) spend doing Steemit related things (including photo/video taking, writing posts, commenting, chatting...)? I'm so curious to know how you can write such amazing posts and still find the time to take care of all the hundreds of activities a homesteading venture requires.

<3 well now i'm blushing too! lol... love that mutual appreciation!

yeah so i reflected on this and talked with ini. it definitely varies day to day and the first thing to go is curation and the ability to look at the feed. each day, however, guaranteed posting =
vlogs are the fastest as i usually just document what's already happening in our lives -- so i do that recording during the event so no real time outside of our life here except maybe a 10-20 min segment doing the recording.
depending on edits and ease of upload to my computer (it's an older mac so it has its glitches) and to dtube (obv issues there sometimes) -- 1-2 hours edit/upload - during which i can get up to speed on comments, etc. oftentimes ini will write the text for the vid while i do this.

posts we write in fits of inspiration ;) lol so rarely am i sitting around trying to make a post... we find a topic that flows and go with it. i think our numbers for that account are skewed for the single user looking in because remember we're double the trouble here!

photography- again, i take these while i'm living my life so it's really difficult to quantify. i'll carry my camera around and snap a ton of photos to be used later (which i also double whammy posting to my instagram too as i love the crowd there) and when we're doing a homestead activity that we'll post about later, i just snap photos as we go along. again, i think that differs for people who have to create posts from scratch kinda as it's really in the flow of our lives (so again hard to say timing).

uploading, writing, editing (photos and text) probably take 2 hours per post (on avergage - @abh12345's #welcometosteemit post took us a LOT longer than this as it was a different niche than we're used to- a lot more "takes" for the vlog-- seriously struggled with it on a sunday morning lol! and 4 hours at least for the text ;)) and some posts, like contests or "thought pieces" as we call them take less time.

excavation posts - like digging up stuff and photos from the past take longer due to searching of photos, racking the memory, etc ;)

so yeah likely 3-4 hours average a day for me (wren) and ini throws in an article here or there and will go on a commenting streak! @the-hearth has basically taken a backseat to 1 hour per week- just don't have time for it!
as far as making time while homesteading- as referenced above, a large part of it is integrated into the flow of the day and also during "the heat of the day" -- 90s here lately and it's not even summer whew!, it's refreshing to take a steemit siesta, and in the evening with a cold beer is also a nice time to steem and catch up on comments/brainstorm posts for the next day ;) really treating this a part time job for long term investment :D

curious about your times as well- i know you've said you put a lot of hourage into your posts (which definitely shows!!) xx

Thanks for the detailed reply Wren.
I guess the fact that the 2 of you are able to combine ideas definitely helps you be more efficient and cut down a lot on production time. Double trouble for the win!
I think the difference between you and a lot of other Steemians out there, including myself, is that you live what you blog. Fully.
As for me, if I'm not travelling from one place to another (as I have been for the past few weeks), busy with life, friends, job hunting and other randoms, it will usually take me minimum 4 to 10 hours to write a single post (yeah... i'm slow!). This is counting photo taking, selecting, editing, researching, formatting, writing, erasing, writing again 😉. I also find it hard to find inspiration to write about everything that I do, and I'm a slight perfectionist which doesn't help my case.
Following @the-hearth as I see you've got a few good resteems there (with some familiar faces and new ones I have yet to discover)

well it shows in your posts- they're immaculate!! xx i agree too that producing posts is a lot lot harder! i can understand the perfectionism thing too! haha what's your sun sign? now i'm curious :) and i hear you on life-busyness! best wishes on your job hunt and thanks for giving the-hearth a follow xoxo!

I'm a scorpio 😧
Thanks xxx

I've been doing much the same as you, posting every day (except last Friday....) checking my feed and commenting and upvoting, resteeming posts, and putting quality posts up. I didn't think I was doing much in the curating dept but now I read your post, I guess I am. :))

Thanks for outlining what you do! It's helped me see that what I'm doing is not insignificant.

yeah you're definitely doing awesome! this slow and consistent build up of an account really works magic over the long haul! :) definitely not insignificant @goldenoakfarm :) <3

Thanks for sharing your steemit formula, @mountainjewel. This is something I'm tweaking myself and I would definitely affirm your consistency model as being critical to gaining momentum.

You guys are shining examples of the Steemit community, keep it up!

aw i'm so touched! thanks <3 would be curious to hear yours as well! love learning from and gaining inspiration from others' models!

I stumbled upon this #mysteemitformula tag the other day. I am a brand new user here, but happy to have immediately found goal orientated folks.

Looking into posts with #mysteemitformula is becoming my introductory plan!

Leaving this post with new questions to consider... Curious about the curation concept and heading to look into voting trails... There is so much info to grasp!

My heart is warmed by the sense of community I am finding here on Steemit. It is so refreshing to see the support given within posts of others work.

Heading to check out the #mysteemitformula posts you mentioned, and to check out the vloggers you spoke of.

Nice to meet you, I will be following!

welcome to steemit @rawmoonlight, we're glad you're here :)

i think reading other #mysteemitformula posts is very wise. i wish i would've had some focus/guidance when i first joined. it can be so helpful to learn from the experience of others! feel free to ask any specific questions related to curation or other subjects- there's quite a learning curve when you first start. so glad to hear of your heartwarming start! there are a lot of fantastic people here!! <3 thanks for stopping by!

Love this! Love it because it is clear and makes sense; love it because it takes that long-term approach I believe we need to build a solid Steemit community in the long term. I believe what we create here is directly related to helping the community thrive and grow. There are no shortcuts here; just staying consistent and always putting your best self forward!


yes long term approach for the win! <3 thanks for your insightful comment.

Very impressive how you've actually turned this into a plan with goals and strategies; we may need to revisit our approach here — so far it has been pretty haphazard and *as time allows" based.

And yet, there is an ultimate goal for us in eventually being able to fund the "legal jungle" required to turn our non-profit organization into a more formal structure. So thanks for this timely and useful reminder!

Bright Blessings!

<3 you're welcome! glad to hear it was elucidating. i agree that in order to start to manifest those grounded financial dreams, it helps to have a plan. we, too, are looking at steemit as an eventual "solid" financial income stream so treating it more like a "job" (self willed, propelled and joyful!) blessings to you too! best wishes navigating the legal jungle ;)

@indigoocean, I discovered it is best to select the 50/50 split when Steem Dollars are more than a dollar, as you actually earn more with your post this way. You can then take the SBD you earn from a post and buy steem power with it. Credit goes to @brianphobos for informing me of this formula.

I totally support your 100% power up idea, however ;)

@chazzie-leigh this could be helpful too!

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Yeah you pretty much hit all the nails on their heads.

this is great @mountainjewel, I know how dedicated you both are to steemit. xxx