Mysterious World-Egyptian Mythologies part#2

in mysterious •  7 years ago  (edited)

''Egyptian hieroglyphs''
The ancient Egyptian language, which is Semitic, is already a dead language. Today the Egyptians speak Arabic. The Ancient Egyptian language has been spoken for more than 3000 years and has had a number of written forms.
The ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs consisted of drawings and drawings that covered the walls of the temples and monuments and were depicted on papyrus. They were created by artists, masters and sculptors who made their models and plastered them in the reliefs. Hieroglyphic scripts were created to symbolize ancient Egyptian letters. In other words, the drawing consisting of hieroglyphic characters represented the sound of the letter.4d0b8-1.jpgd184d0b8-2.jpgIn addition, smaller pictures were used to represent whole events, ideas or words. The only people who were allowed to read or write were the so-called. scribes who were believed to be professionals and were highly respected people. The ancient Egyptians believed that the ability of their scribes was given by the god Toth, who worshiped you as a god of hieroglyphs.Although ancient Egyptian writing is complex, it is quite straightforward. The set of characters has been divided into three main groups: logograms - signs depicting morphems; phonograms - depicting one or more sounds and decoders - depicting no sound or morpheme but serving as an aid to understanding the preceding signs. Like the other writings of this period, ancient Egyptian writing consisted only of consensus. It is not clear what vowels existed between the consonants of each hieroglyphic sign.alphabet-hieroglyphs.jpgThe Ancient Egyptian writing system consisted of about 700 characters. Hieroglyphics are mainly used for both religious and solemn purposes. They continue to be used in Egypt until around AD 400, after which they have been replaced by Optik, another form of writing. The 24 letters from which it took place are borrowed from the Greek system, but six others are added, representing specific Egyptian sounds. Later the ancient science of writing and reading symbols is forgotten, and in Egypt is spoken and written in Arabic at the moment.

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Наистина е много интересна тази информация. Ако не беше я публикувал, нямаше да потърся информация за Египетските митологии.

благодаря ,че намина опитвам да са кратки постовете и да запомним по едно две неща от тях :)

Браво Любо,интересна материя,много занимателна ,само дето ми куца Англиския ,ама нищо,спраям се.

и на мен ,за това се старя да са кратки постове и се превеждат лесно идеята е да не научим всичко ,само две три неща за обща култура :)

Препоръчвам ти да потърсиш и разучиш връзката между траките и древен Египет, ще видиш потресаващи неща! В ютуб има и видеа с нагледни доказателства от учени, не просто националистически лозунги от политически позьори.

благодаря много ;)

Знаете ли че йероглифите имат собствен живот и според древни мъдретци те ни наблюдават, каквото и да значи това. И че египетската цивилизация е основана от част от оцелелите Атланти.

благодаря ,за пояснението

Невероятна публикация, доста си се постарал, надявам се да продължиш да ни обогатяваш в културен и исторически план.

Благодаря ти!

благодаря ;)

Обичам да следя тези теми🙂

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