Down the Rabbit Hole..

in mystery •  5 years ago  (edited)

Often times I can get so caught up on something meaningless. Everything nagging in my brain tells me to let it be.. but usually it's too late.. curiosity has claimed me and the only way to scratch the itch is to follow the inevitable trial of wasted time and energy...

Down the Rabbit Hole....png

Last night was one of those times.. I was going to write a post or two about life or whatever before drifting off to lala-land, but as I was settling in, I got distracted.

If you've read up on me, you'd know that I'm in a transitional period of my life... I'm also looking for a job. Because of the way that my life is structured at the moment, I am looking to move towards digital platforms. I need to work from home and be able to travel.

One of the jobs I have been applying to is for teaching ESL online. To teach ESL online you need a few things:

  • laptop/ PC computer w/ working headset, microphone, and webcam.
  • a BA undergraduate degree (in any field) or higher
  • a native accent (some companies will only hire North American citizens)
  • a teaching certificate of some sort (Teaching License, TESOL, TEFL)

A few companies will require you to submit a criminal background check as well. Of course,actual teaching experience is a plus.

I have all of the above, and I'm more than qualified for the jobs I'm applying for. There's just one catch...

do not pass go.jpg

..No, I do NOT have a criminal record.. (although you never know what they can pull up on you on the interwebs nowadays..). No, my problem is a bit more ridiculous. When I decided to move to Asia, I enrolled in a 4-week, 120 hour TEFL course. Everything I was reading online at the time told me it was required if I wanted to get a job teaching ESL abroad.

The course was waaay overpriced and I was a little trepid about signing up, and not without warrant. While the course went well, the company that ran it was in shambles. It didn't matter though, because it got me here and got me the required certifications.. or so I thought.

It turns out to teach ESL abroad, most schools AREN'T looking for TEFL certifications.. they want to see your Undergraduate Degree. That's ok.. I just wish I would have known.


Anyway, I handed over my overpriced, worthless TEFL certificate to the first school that I hired me, and they put it in my file..

I worked for that school for nearly a decade.. I never saw my file again. That TEFL certification, gone forever!

But Lo-and-Behold! Now online schools are requiring TEFL certifications!! Geez, I go through hell to get a piece of paper that no one wants. . and now that it's lost to the ether, it's in high demand!

Rather than bite the bullet and just pay for another course, I decided to do some detective work last night. I was determined to track down the company that I did my TEFL course with. I paid so much to them, they should be able to reissue me a copy of my missing document, right?..right?

I don't want to sink any more time or money into procuring a new one.

But..What I thought would be a simple 5 mins task.. (find the company, contact them, explain situation, wait for reply..) became hours lost down the rabbit hole of the


Why did such a simple endeavor turn into an epic Sherlock Homes novel? What did I find in the maze of clues? to find out follow me here Down The Rabbit Hole..

Until Then...

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Ok. If you can't relate to ""
then you've probably never heard of a computer. Lol.

My last episode had to do with trying to download and install some game my kid wanted. A couple hours later with a numb left hand from resting my elbow on the table, and he got the bad news. Choose a different game son. 😂😂😂

haha! I can definitely relate to that. At least we try, eh? I don't like to NOT understand something, especially when it seems like it should be so easy to figure out. The problem is, there's just too much crap on the web now to sift through.. Hopefully your kid enjoyed discovering another game to play! 😆