My Story Contest 4: Buying And Moving On A Sailboat

in mystory-contest •  7 years ago 

My boyfriend and I recently got a sailboat and I started a video blog about it called Our Seven Seas. During the process of our purchase, I rescued a puppy so now all 3 of us live on the boat.

Here we are:

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Hi @mysevenworlds, your story is inspirational and I love your whole blog! If you fancy, please join myself and other sailors on @knot.

This post was upvoted and resteemed by @knot - an initiative by @ankapolo to connect all sailors on Steemit.

Please use the hashtag #knot in your future posts about sailing and receive a resteem, to be viewed by other sailors.

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Thank you for participating this week contest . And , not sure you if you saw my note - you won the last Adventure Blog Contest

Congratulations on your boat purchase, and moving aboard.
Wishing you many great adventures :)

@echowhale team swimming by with your upvotes

The way to remember right is starboard because it has more letters than left! will be following along!