My submission to the '' my favorite mythical character '' contest.

in mythicalart •  6 years ago 

The mythical character whose drawing I'll be displaying is the Beast in the legendary Walt Disney animated movie Beauty and the Beast

Who is the beast?

The Beast is a fictional character that played in the movie Beauty and the Beast. According to the movie, the Beast was not always an ugly and mean being, but was once a rich and handsome prince that was self-centered and selfish.

Because of his bad character, he was put under a spell by a witch, and that spell turned him into a beast.

For the spell to be broken and for him to return back to his former self, he had to earn the affection of a true love. He also had to do this before the last petal from the enchanted rose falls to the ground.

At the end of the movie, he finds true love, and the curse was broken.

Here are images of the drawing below.

Hope you enjoyed.

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Very well, is this your job personally?
Can you make a photo with this picture?