Joseph Campbell and the Myth of the Hero's Journey

in mythology •  8 years ago 

This quick summary of The Heroes Journey (Original concept by by Joseph Campbell) is based on the Christopher Vogler adaption of the hero's 12 stages:

  1. Ordinary World
  2. Call To Adventure
  3. Refusal Of The Call
  4. Meeting The Mentor
  5. Crossing The First Threshold
  6. Tests, Allies, Enemies
  7. Approach To The Inmost Cave
  8. Ordeal
  9. Reward
  10. The Road Back
  11. Resurrection
  12. Return With The Elixer

This monomyth / mythology is an epic path to self-discovery, facing your fears, and living your life's purpose.

Published on 16 Jun 2016 By Academy of Ideas

Published on 16 Aug 2017 By RAW Spirituality

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