6 Myths About First Time Sex - Busted!

in myths •  7 years ago 

Let's talk about sex. More precisely, first-time sex.

I'm sure someone or the other (or just experience) has already burst your bubble about how 'perfect' your first time will be. It might not. It might suck. You most probably won't have an orgasm. And you won't feel like a girl-turned-woman suddenly. But don't worry, it gets better. Let's begin by making sure you don't believe in these myths about it, shall we?

Myth 1: Sex hurts a lot when you have it for the first time.

With a good amount of foreplay and lube, sex can be painless for some women - yes, even the first time around. I remember my first time - it was uncomfortable and a little awkward after, but it wasn't painful. Knowledge and preparation are key. But, of course, it could still be painful for some women... Every woman's body is different.

Myth 2: You can't stop once you've started doing it.

I know so many girls who still believe this myth. Sex isn't something you should have to just 'shut your eyes and get through' the first time around. If you're not feeling okay, or if the pain is unbearable - just put an end to it. If your partner cares about you at all, he'll understand and be completely willing to try again some other day.

Myth 3: You can't get pregnant when you do it for the first time.

No. Unprotected sex can make you pregnant even if it's the first time. Even if it's underwater. Even if you're on your period. And getting pregnant is not all - you can contract a number of sexually transmitted diseases like Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia and SO many others.

Myth 4: Having sex will make your vagina "loose".

Your vagina is like an elastic. The moment you stretch it, it expands. The moment you leave it alone, it goes back to its original size. It will not stay in its expanded state without something to keep it that way. So no, what I mean to say is that your vagina does not become looser after having sex. Even if you start having a lot of it. Even if he's big.

Myth 5: The hymen 'breaks' during first-time sex.

Firstly, the hymen doesn't break at all. More like, it stretches. And it doesn't always happen when a woman has sex for the first time - it could stretch while cycling, during gym class, or any other physical activity. Also, and I have this on good authority when you're just fooling around with a guy.

Myth 6: The guy takes care of the protection.

Why? There are two people involved in the act and two people who should be responsible for it. And guys are human too, you know. They actually forget sometimes, even though that might be hard to believe. They could be embarrassed too. Or they might just not want to assume anything. Which is why you shouldn't assume he'll have condoms either. Talk to him about protection beforehand. It won't ruin the romance, trust me!

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where did you grow up ? who told you that ?
my first time sucked btw, i was so excited i almost came before i got it out my pants and no one sure as hell needed any kind of lube
where did you get this ? this is a joke, right ?

not joke, its a idea just in mind. if you are able to guess then you will guess.

okay sorry, im just going over all my replies since day one in case i forgot ;-)