Truth #2 Religions Should Be Philosophies

in mytruth •  7 years ago 


It was very difficult to figure out what my second truth should be, but now that I've said it I feel good about #2. I grew up religious. The majority of people would consider themselves religious. If we were able to consider religion as a philosophy it would allow for open communication and create more value. Religion has caused war, hate, torture, agony, pain, discrimination and violence. Disagreements on what God is or what the meaning of life is has brought us away from the teachings of religion.

We must look at it this way no matter what or who you believe in we all come from that. No one knows what happens when we die or even how we came to be here. For all, we know we are all correct and most likely we are all absolutely wrong. Our religious beliefs are about why we are here. I hate to break it to you, but no one knows. The fact is it has no bearing on our lives. We are here. Let's start there. Let's make here the best place to be or at least be happy being here. Stop trying to escape to a realm that we have no understanding of.

Let's stop arguing over meaningless existential information. Let's discover how we are alike instead of how we differ. Let's accept that we are most likely wrong and will never understand what happens after or why we are here. If a religion is a philosophy we could speak openly about it. If something offends you as a person tell us why. I'm sorry the fact that a book tells you not to say a word does not mean you have the right to go around telling other people not to say that word. If it hurts your feelings tell us why it effects you directly. If I say I really don't like hearing the word Fuck you may be apt to try not saying it in front of me, but If I tell you "you're going to hell for saying it" Now you must argue with me and take a stance against me. The firsts asks you to consider my feelings, the second is me telling you that you are wrong and thus must be less than me. We are all human we all have emotions, feelings, and complex reactions. Our belief system is just as complex as we are. No one's beliefs are ever going to be the same.

I guess what I'm saying with this blog is let's stop taking this so seriously. Afterall none of us will make it out alive.

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