Are you looking for N26 Promo Code? You can use this Promo Code when you signup to get 15€. N26 Promo Code is pasih8920
N26 is a digital bank that launched its first checking account in the US in July 2019. It has unique perks like a cashback debit card and money management tools. But it doesn’t earn interest and ATM reimbursements are limited.
N26 is a digital bank headquartered in Germany. It offers fully digital checking accounts that are controlled from within an app — and without any branches — and customers can access their money with a contactless debit card.
N26 is already operating in Ireland, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Austria, Belgium and a wide range of other European countries, and it launched in the US in July 2019.
The app itself has a three-tier security procedure protecting your account and transactions. Your account can only be paired to one smartphone at a time, you must log in to your account using your password or fingerprint, and you must verify all online and offline transactions with your PIN.
N26 also offers a Bug Bounty program that offers cash rewards to encourage security researchers to track down bugs or vulnerabilities and it is FDIC-insured through its partner bank, Axos Bank.
What is N26 Promo Code?