How and when should you discard your N95 Mask?

in n95mask •  4 years ago 

The world nowadays is terrified by just the mention of Coronavirus and face masks have become an extreme necessity of all our lives. But, this necessity has led to the medical world facing a shortage and hence, the judicious use of face masks is imperative.

The fear that has risen is, if the general population of people buy all the already short supply of KN95, FFP2, FFP3, CE EN149, N95 mask and 99 respirators and etc., they will fall short for the health workers whose likelihood to be exposed to COVID-19 is much higher.  The World Health Organization has also advised the general population to avoid the usage of these specialized masks in order to ensure there are continuous supplies for all he medical staff.

In case you have more questions, just log on to and learn more about the Corona craziness everywhere and how a mask can protect you from it.

For now, let us help you learn a little more about a few varieties of masks:

Cloth mask – Cloth masks are very similar to surgical masks, not at all air-tight and can be comfortably afforded and worn by people belonging to every socio-economic class can be made use. They aren’t well recommended if you are actually the family member or a medical worker, taking care of COVID-19 infected patients because they do not offer sufficient protection, but are still safer for routine use than if they did not cover your mouth and nose. However, in case of the general population, in case the masks are completely out of stock, a bandana or a scarf can also be used as temporary masks.

Surgical mask – They are made of polypropylene and generally have a slightly lose fitting when compared to the others but are extremely effective in trapping droplets, splashes, sprays that may contain germs, preventing them from touching the mouth and nose. Surgical masks, however, do not have the capability to block tiny viral particles in the.

N95 Mask – They are not meant for a regular use by the general public. It is made of polypropylene content. A minimum of 95% of very small (0.3 microns) particles are filtered out by these mask. These breathing masks are capable of trapping 95 percent, 99 percent and 99.9 percent of the particles, smaller than 0.3 microns in size.

N95 masks should be only used by the following:  

· All the Health workers who take care of patients suffering from respiratory infections

· If a patient entering the room has been diagnosed or is suspected to be infected with COVID-19

How should you discard your N95 Mask?

Whenever you remove the mask, let the edges of the straps stay attached to the mask. Completely avoid touching the inside of your N95 mask and in case you do, wash your hands immediately. Take off the mask gently so as not to disperse the chemicals on the mask and place it in a zip-lock bag. Lock it securely and throw it in a garbage can or biomedical waste disposal unit.

When should you discard your N95 mask?

· Discard your mask immediately after being a part of a crowded gathering.

· Get rid of it immediately if you notice any blood, respiratory or nasal secretions, or other body fluids on the mask.

· If you are a health worker and have come in a close contact of a COVID-19 infected person.

· Consider to discard the N95 mask, also to reduce the surface contamination of the respirator.

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