For those of us who have closely followed politics for a long time, it is nothing new to say that the left wing of the political spectrum is inundated with hypocrites acting in hypocritical ways. It is like telling a Prince fan, "Hey, did you know that purple was his favorite color?"
Remember when Mitt Romney was running against Barack Obama and the fantastical 'War On Women' movement began? Dennis Miller had the best reaction when he told Jay Leno, "War on women? With Sandra Fluke? She’s 30, for God’s sake. She’s still in school. She wants me to kick in ten bucks a month for her birth control? Here, I’ll give you ten. Just shut up for a second, okay? This woman, Jay, the war on women, for God’s sake." I agree, "For God's sake!"
Where was all this concern when Bill Maher called Sarah Palin a "dumb twat" and a "c-nt?" Michael Wolff made misogynistic remarks when he suggested that Nikki Haley had an affair with the president of the United States without citing a shred of evidence on Bill Maher's show recently. Where is Bill on the 'War On Women'?
How about the time Keith Olberman called Michelle Malkin a "big mashed-up bag of meat with lipstick on it?" What the hell was that?! What a demented thing to say! Forget the misogyny of it for a moment, read that description again. What in the hell is wrong with Keith Olberman? Ask yourself that!
Did any of you see the Rob Lowe Roast on Comedy Central last year? You may remember that Ann Coulter was present. Guess how well she was treated by the liberals in attendance. Here's a few quotes for you:
Peter Davidson: “If you are here, Ann, who is scaring the crows away from your crops?”
Ralph Macchio: “I respect you. You are the one female commentator who is not afraid to stand up ... to take a leak.”
Nikki Glaser: “Ann, you are awful. The only person you will ever make happy is the Mexican who digs your grave.”
British 'comedian' Jimmy Carr: “Ann is one of the most repugnant, hateful, hatchet-face b----es alive,” (as audience members cheered). “It’s not too late to change, Ann. You could kill yourself!”
And the kreme de la kreme because it illustrates the point I am making:
- Jewel: “As a feminist I can’t support everything that’s been said tonight. But as someone who hates Ann Coulter, I’m delighted.”
See that? It is okay to be, in this case, misogynistic as long as the target is on the right end of the political spectrum. When the liberals cry about the 'War On Women' they mean 'liberal women.' You see, it's all political folks. It's just politics plain and simple. Remember when Cher tweeted, “Would someone please tell Sarah Huckabee Sanders to stop dressing like a sister wife.” It is a-okay to criticize a woman's dress, or make fun of a woman's looks as long as you are a liberal and the target is not. That goes for institutions like the The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) as well. Rush Limbaugh calls it the The National Association for the Advancement of Liberal Colored People (NAALCP) because they shun all conservatives whether they are a minority or not. Look at the National Organization for Women (NOW), it is the same thing, only liberals allowed. Their politics lean heavily left, and they are biased toward the Democrat party, which is why Tammy Bruce left. All of these type of organizations are biased in favor of left wing politics, so do not believe their mantras. They only mean what they say in one direction for only their people, not for all. Don't believe me, okay, next time you are chatting with one of these oh so open minded #metoo left wingers, play devils advocate for just a moment and see what happens. They'll turn on you like a raccoon munching on discarded Adderall behind the pharmacy dumpster at 3 me.