So my name is Snouci ( snu:si:), a lot of people can't prononce it because it's rare I understand, and many people change it completely when they prononce it, it's ok, I used to that, some people even called me snoopy, I don't like that of course but I correct them and tell the the correct prononciation, but today is the top one guy called me in facebook SENSEI :) lol
So it's new for me SENSEI, but I googled it and I found that is some kind of teacher in Japan, and I am always teaching people how to earn money online, so SENSEI I like more :)
But I was looking for the meaning of my name everywhere and I didn't find it, so if you find the menean of Snouci or Senouci , tell me please, I was looking for it and still all the time !