Named & Shamed : Leonardo DiCaprio - Do As I Say Not As I Do!

in namedandshamed •  7 years ago  (edited)

This post is not about Leo's acting, rather it details the gross hypocrisy Leo like many other media pillars seem to integrate into their lives. Honestly I don't expect much from anyone who made their money in Hollywood. From what I can see it is a cesspit where integrity was bought and abused long ago.

The motivation for this post came when I was in Bali with people who were sitting down to watch Before The Flood the 2016 film narrated by Leo. I was with a several NGO crew and I think I even heard somebody mention:

"At least he's doing something positive with his fame."

Because of what I know and am about to share with you I had to walk out of the room in total disgust. I couldn't stand to hear Leo lecturing us on "climate change" with his own shocking record behind him. I know he is just an actor and he gets paid to say the lines he is given. Still once you see this in the larger context of Leo's behaviour it either totally degrades the point of the film, makes Leo look like a hypocrite or both!

This rubbish was shown on National Geographic which says it all!

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One thing I can't stand is shameless hypocrites telling me to live as they say, not as they do! The argument that Leo was just doing a paid acting gig doesn't fly because Leo uses the eponymous Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation which according to their website is:

"Dedicated to the long-term health and wellbeing of all Earth’s inhabitants. We support projects around the world that build climate resiliency, protect vulnerable wildlife, and restore balance to threatened ecosystems and communities."

Like many other hypocrites before him Leo is riding the climate change bandwagon but his actions don't match his words. Lets look at a few of Leo's actions which discredit any moral high ground he may think he has to lecture us!

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Leo Enjoys Partying With Jho Low On Money Stolen From Some Of The Poorest People In The World

The largest kleptocracy case every investigated by the DOJ is now coming to haunt Leo. The allegations are that Leo's buddy Jho Low who I have already Named & Shamed in a previous post was part of a theft of billions of dollars from Malaysia's public coffers.

When the good times were rolling Leo was reportedly the recipient of a multitude of gifts from Jho Low all made possible by sealing from some of the poorest people. The list of what Leo was gifted is quite impressive and as we shall see later he has now been forced to return some of these baubles.

At the time Leo claimed ignorance but that was some of his worst acting!

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Leo Wants To Lecture Us About Global Warming But Flies In Private Jets!

One of the worst examples of Leo's hypocrisy is him having a foundation for climate change yet flying around in private planes. The climate change bandwagon may be new but Leo has been flying in private jets for a long time.

The list of climate change champions who fly around on private planes is seemingly endless - I must really compile a list! I don't buy the argument that they can afford to pay for the impact their actions have on the environment. Flying in a private jet disbars you from any environmental lecturing in my opinion.

Leaked Sony documents showed that Leo took 6 private flights in 6 weeks amounting to hundreds of thousands of dollars. This brings his ecological credibility to nil in my eyes yet he had the gaul to say the following in an address to the United Nations:

"I believe humankind has looked at climate change in that same way: as if it were a fiction, happening to someone else’s planet, as if pretending that climate change wasn’t real would somehow make it go away."

Although reading that makes me feel sick the United Nations felt differently and the Secretary General made Leo a UN Messenger of Peace. What is that all about? Can't they see Leo has no credibility? Everyone is tainted with the smell of corruption and greed here!

Two of the biggest ways that an individual can create pollution is to use private luxury transportation. Leo flies private and loves partying on yachts. This is such a blatant case of gross hypocrisy that Leo's PR team had to do something and ingeniously turned the problem on it's head and began trumpeting that Leo would fly commercial to St Tropez. Well done Leo now you're really making an impact! 🐴

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Leo Gets Paid For Wolf Of Wall Street - Now Amidst DOJ Investigation He Claims Ignorance & Returns Expensive Baubles

It is alleged that Jho Low and his school mate Riza Aziz who happened to be the Prime Minister of Malaysia's stepson were suddenly flush with cash after the big kleptocracy thefts. They wanted to fling the cash around and act like big shots so they set up Red Granite Pictures and produced The Wolf Of Wall Street starring Leo.

Amid allegations of corruption and theft Red Granite threw a lavish party at the Cannes Film Festival and moved ahead producing a film about theft and drugs. The allegations were brushed off at the time and reasonable explanations for this huge newfound wealth never appeared. Now as the DOJ investigation drags on a clearer narrative of what was going on is coming into focus.

None of that really had to do with Leo except to show that he doesn't mind working for characters who had serious public allegations against them. It is alleged that some of the conspirators in the theft of billions of dollars from Malaysia's public accounts were also responsible for the massive logging and deforestation of one of the world's two lungs. Sadly there is very little left of those ancient primeval tropical jungles. Leo doesn't care and is clearly prepared to turn a blind eye if it suits his agenda regardless of the environmental impact.

At the time these allegations were brushed off but now Leo has turned over an Oscar won by Marlon Brando to U.S. investigators and has initiated the return of other items. There are allegations that other gifts were auctioned as donations to Leo's foundation.

This is an old scam used for washing money and it isn't impressive. Leo didn't seem to care and was quite happy to accept whatever was going. Now that the DOJ is involved he is returning items but this could herald the start of a major change in the larger kleptocracy case.

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Leo's Hypocrisy Reeks!

This was just a small snapshot of Leo's hypocrisy and there are many other examples that I could have drawn from. Individually these actions are questionable but when taken together they show the actions of a man who doesn't care about truth and is quite happy to be a hypocrite.

His entire attitude disqualifies him from any respect in my eyes. If you want to make positive changes good, but at the minimum you should live by the rules you are preaching to others! Why the UN is using this guy as a UN Messenger of Peace escapes me. What is a Messenger of Peace anyway? That just goes to show how weird and strange the UN is!

From my view Leo has no credibility and we shouldn't listen to him for one minute. This pampered baby doesn't have the vaguest insight into the plight of the planets poorest people. If he did he probably wouldn't be the hypocrite that he is!

We don't want hypocrisy and acting Leo! We want Truth!

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Image sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

Jockey loves you All and believes you deserve to live with freedom and truth! 😉 Jockey votes for @teamsteem as a witness!

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There has never been, and never will be any shortage of hypocrisy in Hollywood. They are like the propaganda arm of the slime in Washington, D.C.

That Jho Low dude looks shady as fuck in that photo with Leo. I woundn't trust that guy with a quarter!

Oh mate he's a real piece of work. I wrote a post about him but just a quick search will blow you away. It looks like he is in hiding at the moment... I don't think it would be safe for him to go to Malaysia these days. What a character... still delightfully: he looks just like what he is! 😉

No news there. He's obviously a scumbag, lined up at the globalist trough along with most of the other "celebrities".

Yup! I'm never paying to see another of his films again! 😉

Thanks for the compilation. It's really disgusting how a lot of celebrities "act" in real life and how they preach water and drink wine. They are in a position where they could do a lot of good but only use it to their own advantage. Shame on them.

IMO, there are bigger problems in Hollywood. We won't get an answer to this but we need to muse on why Hollywood​ elites would agree to take a knee on Nov. 2, ​2017 ...within 48 hours of a shooting that never seems to have happened. The Vegas shooting was dismissed in MSM via the Hollywood scandal. Poor over the post-crime scene footage and you won't see one piece of Bullitt​ damage: tents, glass, buildings, ground...Nothing, no damage anywhere. I'm​ not interested in speculating on what happened that night although I'm 100% convinced it wasn't what the MSM said.
The point being is that it was Hollywood who created the distraction and it's Hollywood (among others) who have the means to pull off this kind of psy-op.

i didn't know anything about this ! what a mess !