History Repeating Itself

in napoleon •  4 years ago 

First, we were living in Revolutionary times.
The ruling elite were overthrown by the people.
Out of this chaos WAR erupted.
The Establishment of Nations [Read Monarchies of Europe] would not abide this person.
This person did not just arrive on the scene.
He was from a well to do family in Corsica; a province of France.
He showed smarts in the military and gained prominence in the early wars of the Republic.
Even the revolutionaries in Paris were afraid of him and sent him on an invasion of Egypt to rid themselves of his person.
But he was winning in Egypt.
And launched, in secret back to Paris where he took control.
This man was Napoleon.
He was ahead of his time in all aspects from war tactics to domestic policies.
His influence survives to this day in many countries of Europe and the Americas.
When the Monarchs of Europe were almost ready to accept him as the next line of French royalty;
He snatched the Crown from the Clergyman and put it on his own head.
Breaking the narrative of "Divine Right."
Risking civil order across Europe.
He had to be stopped. At all costs.
When he was defeated he was banished instead of killed because the Monarchs did not want a martyr.
But he came back in secret and raised an Army and was defeated again.
This time he was exiled for good.
Long enough for the British to poison him and die on an isolated rock in the Atlantic.
The old order could breath a sigh of relief as their narrative was restored.

Next, we find a man born of middle class builders in a working class area of New York City.
Like Napoleon, he benefits by his family and goes on to take over his fathers building firm.
In 1980 he helps Ronald Reagan get on the ballot in New York and other states. Without him Reagan loses in 1980.
Over three marriages our hero dates black women as well as European and American white women.
He supports many progressive causes. Many in the media want him to run for office as a Democrat.
He becomes famous as a television star. Appears in movie bit cameos. Is mentioned in many hip hop and rap songs.
He becomes a multi-billionaire with many successful children from his three marriages.
He is the envy of many.
Then he decides to run for President as a Republican.
This man is Donald J Trump.
Establishment forces world wide unite against him. Both political Parties smear him.
He defeats them all and wins on a "Make America Great Again Mantra."
And he does make America Great Again.
But he makes the folks who really run things nervous. He is disproving their narratives
They harass him from day one. All of the media corrupted by the elites turn on him.
All branches of government challenge him.
He wins his policies over regardless.
His legacy of court appointments will last generations.
His international trade agreements will influence generations.
Fascist corporate Oligarchs are losing power and influence.
A bigger effort is needed to stop him.
Pandemics or "Plandemics" are used as cover for massive election fraud.
All branches of a corrupt government collude to allow this to happen.
He is defeated.
Banished to his compound in South Florida.
But States run by Trump Republicans shine during the "Plandemic."
Trump looks to help the GOP take back the House and Senate in 2022.
No one is big enough to stop him from running again in 2024.
What will the Establishment do to stop it from happening?
Most Americans are aware of the election fraud and the crumbling economy.
Booster shots to keep us sick? Lock-downs to keep us from talking to each other?
Censorship on social media to keep the truth muted?

Keep tuned. Same Bat Channel, Same Bat Time.

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