Oh, you are correct. The truth is that they contain nothing at all.
Now that we have that assertion, it is simple to make it, but how can we prove it? It is not appropriate to make big assertions without providing evidence or to make an effort to write down anything that resembles evidence. In light of this, here is an effort at something that may be considered evidence for something that cannot be investigated.
What does it mean to have a genuine and stable self?
A self that is genuine and unwavering is one that can withstand the passage of time and the passage of circumstances. Although I am not claiming that it is incapable of undergoing change and development, it is possible to detect in those who possess them that there is something there that stays with them for the remainder of their life. There is unquestionable continuity in it.
In other words, it’s real
Keep it real
When someone does not change who they are or what they believe due to societal pressures. Especially true with regards to someone who has attained some financial success but does not change their behavior. Alternatively, may relate to someone who maintains connections to their ethnic background in a multicultural environment.
Example 1: I criticized Netanyahu in front of my Jewish boss. I was keepin’ it real.
Example 2: At work, I might wear a suit and tie, but if I come in on weekends, I keep it real with baggy jeans and a hoodie.
Example 3: Who the fuck pays $50 for a cab from the airport? I keep it real and just take the bus.
Example 4: Some gora was complaining about the smell of my dal in the microwave. But I keep it real and eat the same shit I eat at home.
Urban Dictionary: Keep it real
and solid.
A solid is a sample of matter that retains its shape and density when not confined.
What is solid? — Definition from WhatIs.com
It is important to keep in mind that the primary similarity between real and solid is the resistance to change. By virtue of the fact that its form remains unchanged even in the absence of a container, a solid is neither a liquid or a gas. A genuine individual remains the same regardless of the conditions they are in.
Who or what is responsible for limiting change and refusing to unduly adapt to circumstances?
Authenticity is essential.
When it comes to a genuine and stable self, authenticity is an inherent quality.
But authenticity is nothing more than a fancy term in and of itself. First, let’s give it some more substance. These are the elements that are necessary for authenticity.
sentiments and ideas that are genuine and genuine
coherence, justice, internal harmony, moral symmetry, fairness, and continuity are all examples of non-contradiction properties.
When we take into consideration the fact that you are only genuine when you are able to maintain control over how you genuinely feel or how you truly think, and when you do not regularly contradict yourself, it makes perfect sense.
And the majority of the time, you continue to act in this manner.
genuine sensations, genuine ideas, and real deeds are the foundation upon which the actual self is constructed.
There is no such thing as narcissism.
They are merely acting out their sensations; they do not have any genuine emotions.
They are incapable of having genuine thoughts; all of their perceptions are either
In order to attain victory, they engage in behaviors such as double thinking, second guessing everything, and adhering to whatever they are expected to believe.
As a result, the narcissist does not consist of a genuine self. There is nothing firm in them. They are willing to adapt to whatever deceptive or twisted shape that they need in order to accomplish their victory (or to get out of trouble).
As far as continuity is concerned, the narcissist’s extreme short-circuiting, also known as disconnection, is anathema.
Because of this, they are able to change the appearance of their thinking.
Over the course of at least twenty years, the true self is developed. Over the course of those twenty years, it makes use of genuine emotions, genuine ideas, and the absence of contradiction.
It is important to note that the cognitive dissonance that narcissists employ to torment you is very unpleasant. This is due to the fact that cognitive dissonance eats away at the substance of the actual self, causing harm to it in the process, which is exactly what the narcissist intends to happen.
The elements of genuine sensations, genuine thinking, and consistency (continuity) of self are essential components that must be present in order for the true self to exist. If it does not have these, it will either hunger to death or starve to death that cannot be reversed.
Regardless of whether or not a narcissist ever had the capacity to have a genuine and substantial self, that potential has long since been extinguished long ago.
The narcissist is nothing but a phony with no genuineness. It is a fragmented mind that variously dissociates, depersonalizes, has mild multiple personality disorder, erases itself, and replaces memories with fabrication. Fake feelings, fake thoughts, inconsistency, incoherence, a mind that is a lump of cancerous lies, double thinking, a hotbed of irresolvable contradictions, lost clusters, many mutually unaware selves, and a mind that is a lump of cancerous lies.
When it comes to the mind, it is not a mind at all. A collection of subroutines is what it is.
A patchwork of subroutines that has been badly assembled, in addition to being bug-ridden, failing to pass on variables, and having internal conflicts that cannot be resolved.
When it comes to the thinking of a narcissist, there is a clear and obvious absence of continuity. It is not a coincidence that this discontinuity exists; rather, it is an inherent part of the narcissist’s mental structure. The mind of a narcissist is characterized by discontinuity, conflict, discord, incoherence, inconsistency, confusion, and the particular kind of crazymaking madness that is associated with chaos. It repeatedly engages in conflict with itself before the narcissist even has the opportunity to engage in conflict with you, an outsider to its mind.
(The narcissist has been passive aggressive against themselves throughout their whole lives, long before they were passive aggressive toward you. Narcissists are so self-destructive and self-ruin seeking because they like perpetuating issues and despise looking for solutions for themselves. This is the reason why they are so destructive. The narcissist’s tendency to seek out confrontation and the inherent discontinuity of their behavior both reverberate back upon themselves.
If it were a program, it would never be released since it would often hang or crash and generate no work. This would prevent the application from ever being published.
Consequently, the mentality of a narcissist might be compared to an application that is so badly designed that it should never be made available to the public. Vaporware is what it is.
Dishonest developers only show consumers the front end menus while they are exhibiting their work at conferences and demonstrations.
On the other hand, there is nothing hidden behind those nice choices and that sophisticated UI. The menu and the interface are nothing more than empty shells that conceal no actual programming that is really functioning behind them. There is nothing that is really functioning within, other than menus that give the idea that it is operating (due to the fact that the code has never been created).
Exactly that is the impression I am trying to convey.
Every every menu and interface, with no code.
There are a number of significant effects and signals that a hollow core or a lack of actual self might be found.
The arguments have no purpose throughout the arguments, they argue for nothing, they dispute over nothing, they keep moving goal posts during the arguments, and they defend gibberish while the arguments are going on.
redefines, rewrites, and reinterprets the whole argument in order to create nightmares about gaslighting
When it comes to debates, the primary objective is to achieve meaningless victories, rather than to defend ideology or resolve disputes. In fact, it is not uncommon to encounter narcissists fighting against their own ideology in order to achieve victory, without acknowledging that they are doing so.
A study of inconsistencies, actions that contradict words, and promises that are not maintained since there was no strong character supporting such promises character does not have a set character, and it readily behaves like a chameleon under changing conditions merely to achieve gains.
suddenly abandons agreed upon plans that took weeks to mutually agree upon, can’t offer any justifications they wax lyrical about being in love with you, you enrage them, they hit you there is no point explaining anything to the narcissist, there is no point agreeing with anything, there is no point believing any of their promises because having no fixed character (agent), you will not be dealing with the same agent whom you previously dealt with, you are effectively dealing with a new agent who did not make you those promises, everything previously agreed upon or ‘understood’ gets rescinded by the next agent
thinking and feeling has no fixed ideas, swaps ideas easily (not in an open minded way), imitates easily, steal ideas easily, abandons ideas easily, projects their unwanted ideas onto you, steals your desirable ideas and claims they thought of it first nice one moment, toxic the next ruins occasions without any justification, no previous fight, not sulking, no grudges, just gratuitous toxic feelings suddenly appearing gets strange and idiotic ideas out of nowhere, no justification suddenly abandons good ideas, no justification
They will always come back on the spur of the moment, bringing you the opposite of what you both agreed on or what you carefully explained to them. They will never be able to explain why they think or feel anything; they simply think or feel something, and you are required to comply with them. Then, all of a sudden, they abandon the idea or feeling despite the fact that you have carefully explained it to them.
knowledge, wisdom, truth narcissist minds are filled with the opposite of knowledge, wisdom, and truth they’re filled with the intellectual equivalent of fake news this is a consequence of a lifetime of faking it to make it of admitting to knowing things they don’t out of bluster and bravado such that the spot in a healthy person where true knowledge, wisdom, and truth reside, a narcissist’s equivalent is fake news, fake memories, faking it to make it principles
no principles, no self-monitoring system of right or wrong, do or not do, no accountability, the narcissist does anything, or refuses to do things without sound justification has no intrinsic values, their values are unexamined, senseless brainwashing type values instead of common sense they can’t handle being told they are wrong, yet they will never exert themselves to correct themselves or learn, there is no agent that desires to permanently resolve anything no empathy with future self, just senseless living by the minutes no investment for the future, just consume the present All these harmful behaviors are due to emptiness, hollowness, soullessness, fragmentation.
The internal structure does not include a single cohesive governing agent that is responsible for its own actions. It is thus possible to make promises and then break them in an instant. Suddenly, one might make plans and then abandon them at any time. There is no significance to values and ideals. Words may not always correspond to actions. There is a contradiction between acts and values.
Everything is a theatrical performance, a sham. When it comes to matters of belief, the narcissist never actually believes in anything and never truly takes anything seriously.
There is a demonstration that Agent A is executing Plan A. After a short period of time, Agent A is replaced by Agent B, who ultimately decides to forsake Plan A. This continues to take place, agents continue to replace the narcissist, and plans continue to be changed throughout the process. When you dispute with a narcissist, you are also experiencing the consequences of the same thing. This is the reason why they are unable to adhere to a single topic and cannot discuss in a fair manner.
Rather than only being dishonest or lacking integrity, the issue is far more widespread. It is such a fantastic example of self-contradiction that it is both chaotic and insane.
In exchange for thirty pieces of money, Judas betrayed Jesus. After Jesus was executed, Judas was struck with guilt and made an effort to return the thirty pieces of silver to the priests. However, the priests refused to take them, so Judas flung them on the ground and then departed. After that, he took his own life by hanging himself for his own punishment.
It is not possible to see what Judas did as solely a trait of treachery. A betrayer who is able to maintain their composure would retain the thirty pieces of silver, spend them, and continue living. When taken into account in its whole, what Judas did is incomprehensible due to the fact that it is so contrary to itself. This is due to the fact that there is not a single agent in Judas that is consistent and coherent in making judgments; rather, there are agents in Judas who are mutually contradictory and who are in opposition to each other.
It is for this reason why narcissists seem to despise themselves, in addition to being so self-contradictory, chaotic, and arbitrary. This is one of the reasons why they come across as such. A lovely automobile is purchased by Agent A, but it is quickly replaced by Agent B, who despises the vehicle and sells it for half of its original price. Agent A later arrives and discovers that the vehicle has been sold. If someone were to do this to oneself, they would quickly come to despise themselves.
Social psychologists have learned that humility is associated with other valuable character traits: People who score higher on intellectual humility questionnaires are more open to hearing opposing views. They more readily seek out information that conflicts with their worldview. They pay more attention to evidence and have a stronger self-awareness when they answer a question incorrectly.
When you ask the intellectually arrogant if they’ve heard of bogus historical events like “Hamrick’s Rebellion,” they’ll say, “Sure.” The intellectually humble are less likely to do so. Studies have found that cognitive reflection — i.e., analytic thinking — is correlated with being better able to discern fake news stories from real ones. These studies haven’t looked at intellectual humility per se, but it’s plausible there’s an overlap.
Most important of all, the intellectually humble are more likely to admit it when they are wrong. When we admit we’re wrong, we can grow closer to the truth.
Intellectual humility: the importance of knowing you might be wrong
The internal fragmentation of a narcissist leads to the presence of several semi-autonomous agents inside them, all of which are oblivious of one another and seize control in an unpredictable manner.
Those who are narcissistic are functionally affected by a modest form of multiple personality disorder.
This not only leads to a never-ending stream of perplexing inconsistencies, but it also brings about an additional intriguing characteristics.
The plight of the commons to be exact.
Nobody is responsible for maintaining anything that is considered to be common property, such as the shared laundry in an apartment or the communal front yard. Individuals arrive, they take, and they depart without leaving anything behind. The lifetime of a shared washing machine is much less than that of a washing machine that is owned by an individual. It is in this manner that the many agents that inhabit them interact with the narcissist.
It is the narcissist themselves, their life, their things, their friends, and the people they care about (you) who serve as the community washing machine for the many agents that unexpectedly take control of the narcissist. Neither of the agents is concerned with the well-being of the host, who is a narcissist; instead, each agency arrives, takes, and enjoys themselves before being dethroned by the subsequent agent, who also acts according to its own instincts.
When seen from the outside, the narcissist’s self-contradictory character causes them to betray you without any apparent reason.
On the other hand, inside the organization, the many agents are actively exploiting, using, and betraying their host, who is a narcissist. You might say that they are doing the same thing.
What’s on the inside is reflected on the outer.
The group of people who are able to identify narcissists has provided a simplified term for this complicated and drawn-out process, which they have referred to as crazy making.
To put it simply, it is beyond ridiculous. For all the chaos, there is a pattern and a rationale behind it.