Understanding Narcissism Through the Lens of Evil

in narcissism •  2 days ago 


It is highly dependent on the personal life philosophy that you have.

Regardless of whether you believe in evil as an archetypal idea that has inherent existence and validity, or if you feel that evil is nothing more than a means by which those who are intellectually lazy and simple-minded may shut down their thinking.

In the event that you adhere to the idea that evil is real and is waiting for us out there, then being connected with a narcissist is both a lesson in life and an inevitability in human existence. There will be a rainbow in your life if you live long enough. As a result of the diffraction of sunlight, rainbows are a natural phenomena that are waiting for each and every one of us. When you combine the correct conditions, you will always end up with a rainbow (which may or may not include a garden hose and a sunny day).

It is possible to draw parallels between interactions with narcissists and experiences with rainbows. No matter whether you believe they exist or not, and regardless of whether you feel the urge to see one or not, they are real.

However, if you adhere to the notion that any one of them is bad, then you are wrong.

Subjective view, everyone has various opinions, and as a result, evil means different things to different people. As a result, evil does not exist objectively since it is all simply subjectivity. Everyone has different perspectives.

Evil is defined as any conduct that goes against the norms of society; as cultural values change throughout time, the definition of evil also shifts, which means that there is no such thing as evil.

Due to the fact that evil is ignorance, it is not real.

In such case, you would be unable to provide a response to the question. Allow me to demonstrate

What would I say in response to the question if there were no such thing as evil?

Does having a relationship with a narcissist become a lesson in life?

Narcissists are basically regular individuals, just like yourself and me. People come in a wide variety of forms and characteristics. All kinds of things are required to create the planet. It is not necessary for everyone to agree with you, and it is not necessary for everyone to have the same ideas as you, you know. Every aspect is relative. The things that you learn as you go through life are simply referred to as life lessons. What exactly is the point that you are attempting to make with your question?

Would it have been possible for you to have avoided the encounter with the narcissist?

There are a number of things that I could do without, such as losing my wallet or becoming irritated from mosquito bites. In what ways did the narcissist teach me something? That I ought to stay away from them? To give you an example, how can I prevent myself from losing my wallet and from being attacked by insects? Don’t you know that you can’t go through life trying to escape everything? Simply acquire the ability to accept everything; doing so will make your journey through life much more manageable.

It is inevitable that we would minimize or explain away narcissism if we were to reject the notion of evil or if we failed to establish a clear functioning definition of evil.

If one does not have a solid understanding of the notion of evil serving as the background, then narcissism cannot be fully and properly comprehended.

Narcissists are certainly a problem, but there are a lot of things in life that are problematic, including parking tickets.

However, if we reject evil, we will not be able to fully comprehend narcissists. This is because the difference between the badness of narcissists and the badness of bug stings is purpose.

Malice is the goal of narcissists. Not so with insects.

To show how much more productive it would be to answer the question if we had the proper definition of evil, let’s start with the question itself.

Intentionally causing damage to innocent people is the essence of evil.

Does having a relationship with a narcissist become a lesson in life?

Indeed. Every person who lives long enough will eventually learn this lesson, which is both necessary and inescapable throughout the course of their life. There are those out there that are waiting for you with the intention of harming you. There is also the possibility that you may allow them to enter your life if you do not have the appropriate mentality.

Would it have been possible for you to have avoided the encounter with the narcissist?

No. Predators make up a share of the human population in each and every generation. In addition to having corrupt objectives, they have crooked personalities. Eventually, the only thing they have to give everyone is nothing but devastation. In spite of the fact that narcissists seem to be nominally human, they are superficially indistinguishable from everyone else. This lesson cannot be avoided since everyone, with the exception of hermits, will ultimately come into contact with a narcissist. People who are so innocent are unable to recognize narcissists. However, on the inside, they are identical to us in every way, just as a serial victimizer or serial predator is.

It is imperative that we refrain from treating them as if they were actually human, since doing so would be analogous to allowing your children to spend the night with questionable individuals. You are able to put your faith in people who are actually human to hitchhike with them, and you are also able to put your faith in such people to let your children stay at their residence. If you had a genuine understanding of what a narcissist is supposed to be like, you would never allow them to act as an authorized agent for your account. To what degree can you put your faith in a narcissist, given the extensive list that follows? If you are unable to trust somebody with even the most basic of things, then would you consider that person to be genuinely human?

The only way to approach narcissists in an appropriate manner is to first filter them through the lens of appropriate biases against them.

It sounds like this is rather severe.

But let’s take a slightly different approach to this matter.

What is the distinction between biases and boundaries?

In the absence of biases against granting access, what are limits known as?

while you are dealing with a narcissist, you set limits that you would not make use of while dealing with a more trustworthy individual. This is full with bias.

In the event that you do not take evil seriously, all that I have said here is nonsensical.

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