Hi Dan,The following email was sent from my mom to me:
"Eric, I want to make one last attempt to set the record straight. I hope you are able to accept it and hear it. Hopefully all of your hate and anger won’t stop you from understanding what I am saying. I have NEVER lied to you and I am not going to start now.Group Health did NOT look at any of your medical records! Let me repeat that so hopefully it will sink in. NO ONE AT GROUP HEALTH LOOKED AT ANY OF YOUR MEDICAL RECORDS! THEY DID NOT AND STILL DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THEM. They don’t have access to any records outside of Group Health. NO ACCESS TO RECORDS OUTSIDE OF GROUP HEALTH. Got that? They don’t give a shit about your medical record. They have better things to do.So you are furious at us for “ignoring, lying, and sabotaging” you? Are you kidding me? YOU are the one lying and ignoring us. YOU have ignored all the kindness, and good wishes. Look back for those in your email. They are there but YOU choose to ignore them. YOU also choose to ignore the fact that we have told you we would only answer nice emails. There haven’t been any nice ones for the last six weeks!Sue all you want. It won’t get you the resolution and peace you think you will get. There is no basis for a lawsuit. It will be a waste of your time and money,I am sure you will answer back with a very mean email totally changing the facts and accusing me of being a liar—again. If that makes you feel better, go for it. I won’t look at it or read it
I could sense someone had my medical records and medication list. It was Dan Carmichael from Narconon Fresh Start, who badgered my mom to get my medication list, them my mom badgered me and suspected I lied, because Dan told her that drug addicts lie. I discovered this after posing as a concerned parent.I apologize for my mom Dan. She really believes that it is perfectly ok to lie, as long as the results end up hern favor. They haven't. She lost a son. She caused her entire family great pain and suffering and I certainly can understand why she no longer works at Group Health.
It is so strange to me that she spent 20 years handing out prescriptions to adolescents, then sent her child (me) to a place owned by Scientology that is completely against psychiatry.If she would have been honest with me from the start, I would have known who had my private medical information. It was Dan from Narconon Fresh who claims Narconon is only 1 percent Scientology. This blog run by Scientologists, shows what a dishonest hustle these Scientologists have going.
In Scientology are there drills where you ask about the means of transportation a fish uses, a bird uses, or read from Alice in Wonder like I did at Narconon Fresh Start?(r/scientology) submitted 5 days ago by CryptroppelNarconon Fresh Start to r/scientology 24 commentssharesavehidedeletensfwspoilercrosspost close
https://www.reddit.com/r/scientology/comments/9st4gs/in_scientology_are_there_drills_where_you_ask/PretendedClickEx-Sea Org, Class IV • 1 point • submitted 3 days ago
Yes they do
CryptroppelNarconon Fresh Start • 0 points • submitted 2 days ago They read from Alice in Wonderland?
PretendedClickEx-Sea Org, Class IV • 3 points • submitted 2 days ago Fuck off
CryptroppelNarconon Fresh Start • 1 point • submitted 5 hours ago What are you mad about?You know if you spent time in a real church they would have taught you about using proper language and how to treat others like you want to be treated...do you think it is too late?
CryptroppelNarconon Fresh Start • 1 point • submitted 5 hours ago I was told by Dan Carmichael that Narconon Fresh Start is only 1% Scientology. It is very strange because the following seems to be the exact same:
1.The Sauna / Purif Treatment
2.The TR's (Skill Building)
3.And we read from the same exact book-Alice in Wonderland (to practice lying)
TheFBOMod - Chaotic Neutral, Ex-Sea Org, Ex-Staff • 5 points • submitted 5 days ago Yes. They are called TRs (training routines)
CryptroppelNarconon Fresh Start • 1 point • submitted 5 days ago I was told that Narconon is only 1% Scientology but we did TR and the sauna which Scientologists call Purifs or something similar.
Echo1883Mod, ex-HCO Staffer • 5 points • submitted 5 days ago Of course they told you that. That claim is part of them being a "front group" of Scientology. If they walked around admitting they were in fact Scientology then they wouldn't be a very effective front group at all. Not that they are a very effective front group as it stands...But one thing to understand here is that Narconon IS funded by Scientology and does operate off the same base teachings. One of the characteristics of Scientology is that it refuses to adapt or change anything and that they believe they have the best and only answers to everything. So they call it "not Scientology" but because its based on the same concepts that the equivalent practice in Scientology is based on they have to do it exactly the same way. They can't change how TRs or the Purif are done. They can't alter the texts that they make you read. They have to do these things exactly as Hubbard told them to, just like the CofS does. As a result any practice done in Narconon that is based on Hubbard's work will be identical in all but name to the same practice done in Scientology.Understanding Scientology and how it operates is important to understanding both why they claim Narconon is not Scientology as well as the fact that the practices are identical. I think you would be better off taking a step back and learning about Scientology specifically rather than always trying to tie it back into Narconon. You would learn a great deal more much faster and end up with a much better understanding. For example even a very cursory examination of the practices of Scientology (something that can be found via Wikipedia, our own sidebar, or numerous books or other media from ex-members) would tell you all about TRs, the Dynamics, the Purif, and other things you have asked about here on this sub.If you want to speak out against Narconon then great. If you want to participate in discussions here on this sub that's awesome. But you owe it to yourself and us to at least do a little research yourself rather than using us as your personal google search...
CryptroppelNarconon Fresh Start • 2 points • submitted 4 days ago I still want to know if Scientologists read from Alice in Wonderland.
Echo1883Mod, ex-HCO Staffer • 4 points • submitted 4 days ago Read the wikipedia article on TRs (Training Routines). I'll let you answer your own question like a real adult.
CryptroppelNarconon Fresh Start • 1 point • submitted 4 days ago I will read it later. Can you tell me yes or no please?
Echo1883Mod, ex-HCO Staffer • 3 points • submitted 4 days ago No I don't agree with rewarding laziness. If you want to learn the answer to your question go spend 10 minutes reading about TRs in Scienotlogy to see how similar they are to the TRs you did at Narconon. Your refusal to actually do any research yourself is obnoxious.
CryptroppelNarconon Fresh Start • 0 points • submitted 2 days ago You are my research Echo. You are my research.
Echo1883Mod, ex-HCO Staffer • 2 points • submitted 5 days ago That's not really how it works. Its one thing to show up at least somewhat informed asking questions to fill in gaps in your knowledge. But the way you ask questions seems like you haven't even attempted to learn anything at all on the subject. While most of us here enjoy talking about this subject (which is why we participate here) it becomes tiresome to answer extremely simple questions which could easily be googled.Imagine being a mod of /r/movies and having someone start posting questions like "does Netflix have an instant streaming service like Hulu or Amazon Prime?" or they ask "are most movies about an hour and a half long like ____ movie I just watched?"Really we do understand your fixation on Narconon. I'm not saying you shouldn't be interested in and focused on Narconon as your primary concern related to Scientology. It only makes sense that one's personal experience with an aspect of Scientology would become the thing they are most interested in while discussing the topic of Scientology. But your questions don't add anything to the conversation. They could easily be answered by googling then you could come with some understanding of the topic at hand and actually participate in the discussion.
CryptroppelNarconon Fresh Start • 1 point • submitted 5 days ago I don't think you give yourself enough credit. You also have no idea what my intentions are Mr Echo.
As you can see Narconon Fresh Start is the almost the exact same as Scientology.
You can ask him if you want his email: [email protected] or go on the Narconon Website to Learn more: https://www.narconon.org/
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